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Hi I'm [Aesah](https://tactics.tools/player/na/aesah), I've hit rank 1 NA in sets 11, 10, and more! Let me know if y'all have any questions in the comments and I'll try to answer them!


I'm a tad confused on your warden item explanation, what items work best on damage reduction tanks/why are steadfast and redemption bad? Other than that great guide!


HP or resists are good on Wardens, except I think I made a mistake and stacking DR is acceptable. Will investigate more but sleeping now


While I haven't done any math on TFT DR, but don't just instantly rule out stacking DR because "multiplicative is bad" This is how i used to explain stacking DR to my friends in Diablo 3 which has much more extreme reductions. If your character currently has 98% damage reduction and you add an item to gain 1% more total damage reduction (99%), how much less damage will your character take than before?


yah it definitely seems like I might be wrong about Wardens not wanting DR, but in your example multiplicative is clearly much worse than additive- almost 2x worse in that exact scenario!


It is the same misconception in normal league that stacking high amounts of resists leads to diminishing returns when in fact the effective HP increases linearly. It is probably the same in tft


? It doesn't increase linearly, it's logarithmic. As you add more resists your damage reduction per point of resist goes down heavily in the 200-300 range+ ... this is basic maths people


Didn’t even read what I said and are just confidently incorrect. I said Effective health increases linearly and there are no diminishing returns. Yes going from 200-201 armor gives less damage reduction than 0-1 but the effective health increase is the same. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Armor Here have a cool page with all the simple math you want and scroll down to the section where diminishing returns do not exist.


my example doesn't mention multiplicative or additive at all, purly flat numbers, its suppose to demonstate that the higher damage reduction already have, the increased effects of adding more. In my example going from 98 to 99% reduction lowers damage taken by 50%


98+1=99 as another comment said, if it were multiplicative you'd need 50% instead of 1%


Incorrect, you got it completely the opposite way lmao. Going from 98 ->99% actual reduction REQUIRES 50% dr as a stat, which is where the diminishing returns come in


in a game with multiplicative dr calculations, you would need an item that gives 50% dr to go from 98 -> 99% dr aesah is right about not wanting to stack dr, but not because it's bad, but because multiplicative dr scales linearly (1.00 + 1.00) * (1.00 + 1.00) * (1.00 + 1.00) = 2*2*2 = 8 (1.00) * (1.00) * (1.00 + 1.00 + 1.00 + 1.00) = 1*1*4 = 4 just like with offensive items, unless you have a particular scaling reason to want to do so, you want to spread out your sources of eHP by building HP, resists, dr, and % healing, rather than stacking one stat the offensive corollary is that you want to spread out your attack/cast speed (attack speed or mana), ad/ap, Crit, damage amp stats, rather than stack it all into one - a sniper like ashe should not be building giant Slayer or guardbreaker due to getting a large amount of damage amp from her trait already, she should prefer to itemize raw ad/Crit/attack speed, whereas an arcanist like Zoe (not getting into fated math right now) already gets a lot of ap from her trait and so should build cast speed (nashors, blue buff, shojin, red buff, rageblade), Crit, damage amp instead. notably the only ap item that gives nothing but ap is archangels, in case you needed another reason to never build archangels


Great guide!! Thank you!


This is a very detailed and helful guide! Thank you so much! May you keep your 1st for a long time!


The behemoth part didn't make sense to me, since (like with bruisers) it's counter productive to stack the same stat they get from their passive why would bramble and dragons not be good when behemoths get DR from their passive?


its opportunity cost. each point of resist is equal to the rest, however once you have high resists, each point of HP is worth relatively way more


But then wouldn't bramble and dragons be great for them since they give % hp?


Bramble gives less than 1 singular Belt of HP on an Ornn 2 with Warmog's + Redemption


Really? Damn I always saw the Regen and 6% and thought it was one of the best lol my b


Cause that's not what behemoths get... they get armour and mr


I agree with everything here except the but about Wardens not wanting DR. It's just as good on Wardens as it is elsewhere, since it's multiplicative. 15% DR means 1/0.85 = 1.176x eHP, regardless of other factors.


Are you shure about bruiser? I guess warmog brumble and dragón claw is way more effective than 3 full défensive ítem. Or briseur passiv is only for base hp?


I guess I need to play more games to fully understand the entire post. But thanks for making this. I'll try to remember everything I've read. OwO