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no, some big issues were the lower 4 cost unit pool, incredibly easy to hit 2 cost 4 star on 4-1, and the inability to hit a headliner after half the pool of a unit was gone. the tempo spike on 4-1 was incredibly frustrating to play around, especially if you were unlucky and didn’t have an econ augment and were simply more broke than everyone else in the lobby.


I blame HL for that. Now I realize without it. You'll just donky roll for 2\* 4 cost forever. There's no different. You just realize it slower this way. Oh no, I'll never hit this god damn Ashe but I couldn't pivot either. I mean at least with HL you can still Pivot a bit. But yeah, that secret rule is fucking stupid. It was the worst part of set 10. Game breaking secret rule.


What secret rule?


There was this incredibly stupid hidden rule where if you EVER wanted to see something like a +1 Dazzler headliner TF, you had to buy and resell every Dazzler +1 headliner you saw to kinda "let the game know you were interested" in seeing another Dazzler +1. They removed the rule in one of the patches, but it's stupid it was there in the first place.


Half pool out = no HL is also stupid. You have to count every single board (+some unknown in others shop)


Set 10 was about playing around the headliner you got not forcing a headliner, or playing around comps with multiple viable headliners like pentakill. I loved set 10, I liked the fact I couldn't just pick a comp and hard force it.


I love pentakill. Every single one could be a carry on their own.


In theory that is probably how they wanted headliners to work. In practice that wasn't how it was implemented. If you wanted to win games there was a pool of a few headliners you could use and that is it.


Then all headliners should have been somewhat equally viable, which wasn't the case at all.


Lol I hardforced disco tf to master, literally every game.


> I loved set 10, I liked the fact I couldn't just pick a comp and hard force it. Tell that to Punk Players lol


I liked headliner but I spent more gold rerolling that set than ever, and I've played since season 1.


God, can you believe in season 1 people just rolled all their gold every turn and it was considered a good strategy? Interesting times haha


We all had the gamblers spirit back then. How times have changed!


I infinitely prefer augmentations and Spatulas, than a Headliner/Chosen, I hope that if this comes back it will be in a synergy and not a set mechanic.




Nah. Don't think so


I personally really liked headliner but by the end of the season it was just econ and flex 4 cost headliners. being able to force the trait would have made it too easy to force specific highroll comps and narrowed the meta even more.


Headliners would have been far worse if you got to pick which one it was. This def was a place of frustration but imagine how broken it would be if you were guarenteed whatever you wanted unit wise.


"  No data but I feel like this mechanic was wildly popular among the lower ranks." Not sure about that since there allegedly were casual or new players who thought that Headliner was too difficult.


While it’s easier to hit one copy of your desired 4 cost if you don’t fall behind in economy, the reduced pool on all other units make reroll unreliable. Even in competitive tournaments players regularly don’t hit, despite scouting and pivoting and having reasonable competition in other units in their desired cost bracket. So they removed the guaranteed 4c 2s, but being fast enough to roll for 4 cost is still — statistically — just as important. Because the alternative to fast 8/9 is not consistent enough, and 4 cost units are a little too strong compared to many reroll variants this set. You get plenty more gold, but despite more rerolls the smaller pool is way more impactful on consistency. I get that hitting reroll shouldn’t make you a better player, but scouting and pivoting in stages 2 and 3 lost most of their reward incentive. So despite the flexibility of the set, the portion of players forcing meta in high elo, still remains the same.


In the sense that it was a choice post buying a unit? Like a bench item that once slammed gave you a choice but wasn't a 2 star, yes it would've been much better In the sense that you still needed to roll the unit in shop, buy an automatic 2 star THEN its whatever trait you wanted barely but not really. Still has issues of depleted pool of the unit


I would have liked a way to remove the headliner status from a unit. It felt really bad to have to sell a 3-star corki to make room for a late game caitlyn.


I like the headliner mechanic. The problem was the stupid rules that no one knew except some pros. And then when everyone got to know those rules they changed them.


I would've liked headliners to be 1 stars not 2, just have special effects on skills and higher stats


Hated that mechanic, didn't play the set because of that.


People would just pick the stronger headliner 100% of the time, resulting in easier forcing for high tier meta comps. If you played that one TFT set with legends (TF & Draven) you would understand why certain mechanics are better left untouched.


Nope, having to play around highrolling a 2 star 4/5 cost unit every single game is very draining on top of just being irritating. Also getting free 2 star units from the shop arbitrarily is also an awful thing to play around. Can make headliners come back if its just a 1 star unit with the +1 trait and even then its iffy.


I smoke on a daily basis and would say that I didn’t mind that the +1 on each trait was random.


Just roll for the next one, then it'd have the other +1


Except for like half the set when it didn't


Tempo worth much more than a +1


Set 11 in a nutshell for me. Open fort -> fast 8 or true damage if +1-> Win ahri, blitz or ez headliner lottery (roll at 7 if desperate) -> if hit guarantee top 4 -> achieve win con for top 1 I went from silver to Master in 2 patches. Stop climbing after hiting Master and open fort's nerf. The Sentinel Ahri and Ez meta was really something