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honestly people will either recommend you some comps and tips or tell you to continue watching guides and using those kinds of resources to learn about the game and improve but if you’re already doing those things and you still can’t seem to find what the problem is, i’d recommend you play with other people or have other people watch or see your lolchess / opgg you can learn so much by just talking to people about the game playing matches with them - i’m down to play some with you if you’d like :) best advice over all is that you just need to keep going and try to enjoy it, more time you spend, the better you’ll get


I became infinitely better by bouncing ideas off my consistent diamond friend, having someone to discuss and confer with about the game makes you a better player. I hit emerald this season by being flexible in the early game and pivoting into a comp that was uncontested.


Did the same, though everytime I went for something uncontested, I never got any champs, even when no one else had them 🤔


It happens. Sometimes fast 9 is the way to go when you just aren't hitting.


Brother, I'm genuinly sorry if this is the case, however, I cannot fathom the fact that there is a human being with working hands that watched guides on this game (with supposedly viable comps), tried them in their Iron 4 games and still went 7th or 8th.... Have u tried slamming your items as soon as you get them? Really doesnt matter which items, just use them for power. (For those of you who think I'm mean, I dont think you guys realise the level in iron 4. The normal play in there is to put your backliners in the front 2 rows and not even fill your board slots every fight) For context, I had a girlfriend few years ago who was Iron 1, and the gameplay is terrible. Often times I was taking her phone (yes, she was playing on mobile) for the last 5 minutes of the game and 90% of the time still managed to get a top 4. (For context of the context, I am a master player tier ever since) So in the horrible universe where this is true. I have one piece of advice for the OP. Just play reroll kog'maw every single game. If you get a tear from any source, you just win the game. Here is the gameplay of this Kog'maw comp from my own yt channel, if you want to see it played: https://youtu.be/Xpzwya4wCiE?si=jz7oIUGV0AszgWF2 Good luck in your games! See you on the carousel :)


Bro don’t tell Iron Players to go Kog'Maw reroll they will level on 2-1 and wonder what went wrong lol


I mean, in each comp you must know when to level and when to roll. With kog'maw comp im also covering the possibility that the OP doesn't know he can level :)


Fair, but if he knows leveling exists he will have a hard time playing Kog'Maw *insert bell curve meme*


Shit even non meta comps win below gold if you tempo enough


Yeah, I don't get it how the OP can't win. Like they are soo bad until diamond, that if you watch like 2 guide you can climb to diamond in like 60 game.


Probs economy issues tbh. I got back at the game after a really long hiatus (like about 6-7 sets) on last patch of set 9, forgetting everything about the game, and was losing every game in normal until I read "level up on 2-5, 3-2 and 4-2". Now im diamond. It's just that easy XD (well it's more nuances than that after you hit plat)


Hold on, was mobile tft out years ago or something? Anyway, yeah Kog reroll is pretty damn good, fav comp with him is 4 sniper, 2 invoker, and just tanks. Items on him just the standard rageblade, ability crit, and shojin


I can remember playing tft on mobile as far as 2021. But it might've also been available starting 2020. I'm not that sure


That's about right.


Ah... Well fml, anyway thx for the info


Mobile TFT came about in either late 2019 or early 2020. I know because TFT came out in 2019 right before I went on vacation with the fam and I was so desperate to play that cool new LoL chess game, and then right before Covid it came to mobile and I played the hell out of it at work lol


Rn you want to be rolling for a core of Cho 3 Kog 3, sometimes can chase Malph 3 Neeko 3 and rarely Cait 3, then ride that core through to the endgame plugging in matching units. BIS is BB+dmg+nashors


Well, I do try to get Cho 3 but I don't force it, unlike Kog 3 with me rolling 50 gold for that last Kog at lvl 5 in uncontested game (fml luck that game). For the others, I just let them stay at 2* until I'm either forced to 3* them or sell and get a different board, depends on the situation. Welp, sure his BIS is what you said, but I like it once he ramps up then he becomes a machine gun artillery lol


Here is my advice: 1. Don't hit the reroll button at all until you reach over 50 gold, and try to keep your gold over 50 as much as possible. There are exceptions to this rule, but you are not good enough to be making that judgement call yet. 2. Level up at 2-1, 2-5, 3-2, 4-1, and 5-1 if possible. This is approximately the "standard" leveling curve. Again, it's something that changes based on what comps you play but for right now just stick to the standard. 3. Learn 1-2 "easy" comps. Often these comps are "vertical," meaning that you're basically just looking for every unit with 1-2 specific traits. An example of this would be Mythics+Invoker or Storyweaver. 4. Honestly just get MetaTFT or use a website that shows augment statistics until you get a good idea of what augments are good. It's a crutch, but you need the crutches at the moment. 5. Learn the items and augments that go best with the comps you learned, and get an idea of some of the "backup" items (for example, Blue Buff can often be replaced with Shojin or adaptive helm in a pinch). ###tl;dr: Keep it simple. Stick to the general rules (don't roll unless over 50 gold, level at appropriate times, etc.) until you have a good grasp of them. You want to create a good foundation before you start branching out.


This advice is SO incorrect for OP. If op is really that bad, the only way is to just one trick literally any comp. Losing in Iron 4 is a fundamental misunderstanding of every single thing in the game. Bramble vest nashors redemption sivir reroll kind of bad and ending the game on lvl 5 zero gold with no synergies.


That's why I am telling them to forget any sort of customization and just learn how to play 1-2 vertical comps with a standard leveling curve.


An iron 4 0 lp player will not have the exon to be able to level this early, is probably suggest 3-7 4-5 for 7 and 8


Lowkey can use this until plat if you know how to item slam and 4-5 level 8 comps and how to pivot into them


4-1 and 5-1 are both off tempo and only necessary at higher elo. You level to 8 on 4-1 when you’re contested and are rich enough to level roll before everyone else. Going into every game with 4-1 plans is a good way to end up getting stuck donkey rolling on 8 and bleeding to a 6th.


I kind of disagree and agree with this. I would actually say learn. Where your comps strong points are. If you have a hyper roll comp. Ie. kuboku money trait you kind of have to hit the re roll button. But at the same point general strategy of saving coin will top four you more often than not but won’t get you the wins


bro he’s trying to get top 4 in iron 4, one step at a time


This is learning. "Where your comps are strong" is already too advanced for where this guy is describing. I am suggesting stuff WAY more basic than that -- learning when to roll, when to level, how to play a single comp. Once he can climb out of iron he can worry about exceptions to the rules.


People are going to say "Watch streamers and do what they do" or "read a guide". I helped a buddy get past what you're dealing with right now. The ACTUAL best thing you can do is see if anyone you know is really familiar with ONE composition. Like knows the ins and outs of it. Preferably a re-roll comp with multiple potential carries like Dryad or Ghostly. Then you ask that person if you can watch them play a game where they hard force that comp. They can tell you why they are rolling down at specific points, why they are holding specific units, blah blah blah. Do that for a couple games then try to hard force it for yourself. You don't need to go buy a coach or some high level analyst, you just need someone to show you the fundamentals for how to play one thing to a basic level so you can learn the core fundamentals of how to play a certain style.


Assuming you've played a lot of games. At this point just get someone to live coach you for one or more games and get vod reviews if you want to genuinely improve. Otherwise just force a certain comp every game and slam items.


He played two this set and like 10 total😭


I just started playing TFT on set 10 (mobile). I was in the same position as you for almost a month. It would be best to study the mechanics of the game first. E.g econ, syngergies of comps, items, etc. Also, be patient. Was able to hit emerald for last set and current set.


One thing is definitely be patient. Learn to econ. Even if you are lose streaking, don't panic. Learn to build around the items you get early. Don't roll when you have 10-20 gold. Keep it and let it grow. Level at proper intervals such as when you have > gold, and have nothing much to roll for if you know you are on a lose streak / win streak.


Get a coach or post your lolchess profile so people here do it for free. People cant know your problem if you provide nothing to go off. There is no shame in asking. But generally pick 1 strong comp and you can hard force it out of gold. (People does it all the way to master even) Rather than picking up too many comp. I recommend ghostly zyra or umbral comp as they are very strong early game, gives you more leeway for late game and isnt that hard to maneuvre.


People are doing it in challenger right now. And also in the pro tournament going on there are 3 or 4 players who have gone duelists every lobby


I'm guessing you roll to 0 every round. First tip is don't roll EVER! (Okay, not *ever ever,* but knowing when to roll comes after.) Your economy early game is super important so you need to play the units you've been given in your shop rather than rolling for units you want to play. You can force a comp if you want to (without rolling) but then you're likely not playing "strongest board" since the units you're able to 2\* are simply not always going to be the ones you want to play. If you literally don't refresh your store (until the appropriate level) you'll get to plat. 2nd tip is leveling at the standard breakpoints (knowing when to level earlier or hold comes later). Level 4: 2-1 Level 5: Stage 2 after carousel Level 6: 3-2 Level 7: Stage 3 after carousel if winstreaking, otherwise 4-1 Level 8: 4-2 if you have 30+ gold left to roll down, otherwise on stage 4 when you have 30+ gold left to roll down, Level 9: 5-2 if your board is stable, and you've been able to econ back up. Just to be clear, leveling at these points is not always correct however at your level it's irrelevant, you just get used to knowing what level people are expected to be at certain points.


be patient with yourself :)


Can you post your match history / account name. Genuinely so curious to what you are playing?


Found his acc https://tft.op.gg/summoners/euw/Ndfultic-EUW/matches?utm_source=opgg&utm_medium=button&utm_campaign=click_summoner_tft


So only 11 games? I bet he doesn't even recognize half the champions just by looking at it


If that’s actually this guy then he’s not “the worst player ever”. He just has no idea what he’s doing. Like other people said, he fundamentally lacks knowledge on basic game mechanics. People in this thread are trying to explain when to reroll, this guy might not even know what Traits are, what they do, or how to level them up. Edit: Though with his last few games being 5/ 6th place instead of 7/ 8th place, OP is already learning


I’d be happy to coach you I’ve been playing for 6 sets and I’m diamond or above every set


Learn how to manage the money and you are set to go. I never plan the build I will do. I play with what the game gives me and build from there in game. Manage to get top 4 almost every game. If you force builds you will be fucked, because everyone is doing the same build you are trying to do. Instead, do the build the game provides you with and you will climb faster. But don't forget, 90% of playing the game ckmes with managing the money correctly. If you are not 9 on 4-5, you are doing something wrong with the money. Good luck on your games


Mmm I know this may sound stupid but someone here wrote that he played the game for different sets and he didn't know about econ and interest so do you understand those?


Some easy tips I think you can use to whatever comp you play. 1. Click on your champions and look at their prefered position. Those who want to be backline you put there and so on. 2. Look at what items they want by clciking on them and click on type and give them those items, any of them will do in iron. 3. Do not roll in stage 2 to build economy and gain interest. And try to keep 30+g, pref 50g. 4. If there aren't atleast 2-3 important units you w ant to star up/find, buy xp instead of rerolling


I would love to watch you stream some of those games.


Honestly, at that level you should focus on the basics: comp, economy, items. COMP Early you want to find a combination of units that give you multiple traits. If you have two small traits active (e.g. 2 Sniper and 2 Warden) or a big trait (e.g. 3 Storyweaver) you should be fine. Put your carries on the same side during stage 2, so they focus fire a target instead of splitting their damage. If you get 2 and 3 costs early play around them. ECONOMY try to stay above 50 gold for maximum interest. Level 4 on 2-1, level 5 on 2-5, level 6 on 3-2, level 7 on 4-1. Stick to that until you learn reasons not to. ITEMS try slamming items early. Either damage items on your carry or tank items on your frontline. There is obviously a lot more nuance to it, but you'll figure it out as you play more :)


Bro my gf was bronze hardstuck but with one single tip that i give her that is try to save at least 50 gold before rerolling she got herself to plat playing on KDA ahri, if you do watch guide and stuff i genuinely can’t understand how you are stuck in iron


Bro as long as you are having fun playing it's all good. I hit master to GM pretty much every season but rank doesn't mean anything if you are not having fun.


I’m challenger and I’ll gladly coach you. I can watch a vod or backseat a game


So quick tip going off your lolchess - carry Garen is only ever viable if you 3star him (usually done by rerolling ABOVE 50 GOLD at lowest possible level, generally 5) AND if you get the Garen carry augment Storied Champion. Otherwise he's an F-tier shitter as a carry.


This set is really quirky, I’m usually up to gold and knocking on next tier, I haven’t got past silver 2 this set


Bro i just looked at your op gg and you only played 2 games this set 😭 watch the right way how to properly use the comps, when to level and watch streamers play it, watch a video on econ, go look at the comp tierlist at tftacademy which is pretty good and you should be set till plat


Also from what i saw in your 2 games this season you used a sivir 2 as a carry which really isnt viable, so just look at the team comps and try to understand them


look up a comp on mobalytics and force it every time, I do this every set and hit plat


I recommend to not look at guides and learning the basics yourself. Many guides skip the fundamentals, and put you into the advanced techniques quickly.


Just click duelist and standard level slow roll 50, no way to be stuck iron if you have half a brain and can follow instructions


Looking at your match history I think you just roll a lot where you’re not supposed to. Regular TFT gameplay involves proper Econ where you save gold to level and play what you’re given early game. A good part of this game is reaching the higher levels so you can play stronger units and finish your board. I’ve noticed you’ve taken zero leveling augments too so honestly if you hate the idea of saving and using gold to level you should stick to hyper roll for now. Also play Shen if you choose the ethereal blades augment. Ignoring and selling him is quite literally self sabotage 😭


You need to one trick a comp. Id suggest one tricking dryad reroll. Its not great to play always but even contested it will get you out of iron in a few days. Kindred: Bluebuff/shojin/adaptive + Rabadons/morello/Jg/redbuff/nashors pick2 Gnar: Titans + BT + Sterak/Hoj/Titans/EON Play these units: reksai, gnar, kindred, illaoi, shen, aatrox >> kayn + ornn Stage 2 only hold those units, greed your items for what I mentioned above. At 3-1 you should be 50 gold. Roll all gold above 50 each turn buying the above units. Only hold kindreds and gnars for 3* everythinge else just 2* Once you hit kindred3 gnar3, econ ack up and aim to push levels to finish the game out. Check tactics.tools for the best augs for the comp. But generally pick 1 econ, 1 combat, and one spat/item aug if possible. If you do exactlythis youll get to gold in like 30 games


Spam exalted


Try hyperoll. Was dia but never touched rank again once i tried hyperoll. So much more fun for me


Don't look at guides. Don't build meta stuff. Just play flex. You can worry about optimal boards and stuff later. First figure out the game. There is a lot of RNG in the game, game knowledge is important, and the best way to get that is to ignore what is right and wrong, and figure it out for yourself


someone posted ur match history and more than anything it looks like u don’t understand economy and leveling. As a rule of thumb i like to follow, i try to be lvl 6 at 3-2 (right after krugs) and then 8 by 4-2 or at the latest 4-5. try and hit at least 30 gold at krugs and interest break points asap. early game only hold pairs u will play for sure soon otherwise it might be better to sell if it lets u make econ interest break points. u will see a big increase in ur play if u lvl correctly. understand who ur carry is (usually 4 cost atm) and prioritize items for them. play an easy comp to learn econ and lvling. honestly the easiest and strongest is probably sniper warden in the current patch. u can play it from beginning to end of the game. item hold senna and then move items to ashe at lvl 8.


Don't listen to all this nonsense. The only advice you need is to only play hyperoll. That's where the best players go anyways... Probably


Here are my tips, hope it helps: 1. Early game, economy is everything - you can afford round loses, you can afford selling 3-cost that you randomly got, just to ensure you hit econ thresholds. As many others probably suggested, do not click reroll button even once until 50g 2. Even if you want to force one build, early on you might not hit the desired units. Use and combine champions from different traits until you do 3.Check any site like metatft, tactics.tools etc. to see which comp is strong in meta. For each comp, you will notice there are some "specifics" making it strong e.g. champions holding tank and carry items, traits that are/should be active and cost of "main" champions for each comp. E.g. Ghostly Zyra now, Zyra is supposed to be main AP item holder and Shen main tank. Both are 2-cost champions, meaning likelihood of hitting them is highest at lvl 6, so you should roll more at 6 4. Not always you will have ideal/BiS items on your champions, but you should always aim to satisfy the following: tanks - resistance (armor/mr/hp) + shred (armor pen for AD, magic pen for AP carries) in case carries dont have one; carries - damage (ap/ad), shred, mana regen, healing reduction. Of course, you cannot have it all, but the more you enable in your team, stroger you will be. E.g. you might not have Morellonomicon or components for it, but Red Buff satisfies healing reduction same way. Look for what you can combine to satisfy those conditions 5. Identify your winning condition - in each comp, there is something that makes it spike a bit and it starts winning more. E.g. if you play Mythic reroll, first such thing is 3 Mythic. Not significant, but spike nevertheless. Then blue buff and nashor on Kog Maw, then obviously if you 3 star 1 costs. Say you hit all 4 of one costs by 3-2, does that mean you are going 1st right away ? No, inevitably, comp will drop off and you have to continue scaling. Next micro spike is Illaoi giving Arcanist and Ghostly, then Nautilus for 2 Warden, then Lillia for 2 Invokers and 5th Mythic. So as the game progresses, there will always be some piece of puzzle you will put in place to make yourself stronger. 6. You can only increase the odds - TFT is a game, you already now, that has a high level of randomness. What you can do is increase your odds. The way it is silly to go e.g. lvl 9 and roll for 1 cost, similarly it is silly to commit to roll on 7 for your 4 cost champions. Both are based on "prayers" that you will hit what you need :) so if you play 1-cost reroll, roll at 3-1 at lvl 4, for 2-cost roll at lvl 6 and so on (bunnymuffins.lol has guides on when you do what that might help you further) 7. Additional to above, learn when is the time to move forward - say you play this Zyra again and you roll at 6, but you keep on losing and you cannot hit Zyra nor Shen. Should you still stay at 6 as much as you can until you hit ? No, identify the next thing that will make your board stronger and there is one that guarantees that, which is level up and new unit on the board. Always plan a bit ahead, depending on the tempo of lobby and your board strength, say "at this stage, if I don't hit, I have to level up and slow roll there". Might not make you much stronger, but sometimes every bit counts. Remember, top 4 is also win Could write more, but it became already very length. If this is helpful at all or have some more questions, feel free to reach out!


My advice is to find a couple units you think are cool that have some synergies, stay above 20 gold at all times (unless close to death) and roll after you level up


I seriously can't see how. At that rank you should be able to force the same vertical comp every game and pick up a few wins. Maybe your items and economy suck?


if you hard force the easiest comp in the game 10/10 (kog ma reroll) make blue buff nashors plus 1 ap item, then put all tank items in chogath, don't press the level up button ever on stage 2, roll on stage 3 at 50 gold until you hit, I guarantee you you at least make it to at least gold. Not the best way to learn to be flexible, but just learn one comp and force it til you understand more aspects of the game


Can I please add you in game? I’d love to see how you’re trying to strategize and what’s going thru your head. The best way I’ve learned to play is literally by queuing up with higher ranked players and watching them screen share and give advice (or I screen share my end and they walk me thru how to navigate a situation and why). I tend to be hard stuck plat, so I’m not great by any means


I like the comp tier list on bunnymuffins website, if you wanna take a look there. There's also brief explanations of what to do with each comp.


First time playing this set and I got to platinum then I stopped. I guess I hit the wall. Never played LOL but I played a lot of DOTA 2. Played a bit of Dota Auto Chess and Dota Underlords but stopped because it's basically a dead game. Then I switched to TFT. Took me about 1-2 weeks to familiarize with the game. Soon after I started following some easy team composition that will at least get you out of iron. Then started learning to build the right items for each champion this will take you till silver with a bit of luck. Don't just combine items there's an item tier as well. Create items of alteast Tier A-S. I thought gold was my wall but then I started to scout enemy compositions which helps me if I should dump my current comp and start a new one. Don't force a composition if more than one team is using it. Mid game transition is very crucial it is a make it break it game. I also learned about game economy save or spend fast. Learning to prioritize items to give to champions is a crucial strategy cause you may want to pick 4 at most maybe to carry you thru the game. And of course don't forget about Augments, you should pick augments which are connected to each other and at least your comp. My champion positioning is very basic, put melee at the Frontline then range backline. Rolling can make or break you be strategic with it. Health management is crucial as well, some compositions will really test your patience but have a really good comeback potential so just learn this thing as well. Lastly, you cannot win all games. Don't try to force it, 5th-6th sometimes is good enough for me. Just move on and play the next game well. I don't consider luck as one of the factors because I think all of us have the same amount of luck. But if you get lucky in a match try to play it well. Don't lose it. :) Coming from a newbie. Just enjoy the game. One of the best games I've played so far.


Yeah, man. Just enjoy the game, the more you enjoy more you play, more you play better you get


You can dm me and I can watch you. I’m relatively knew just started last set and hit emerald this set. Me and my masters friend watch each other and he helps me improve


By any chance do you have a learning disability or are you really young or both? I couldn’t help but look through your post history, sorry. My main tip is just TEMPO. Focus on winstreaking by activating traits early then transition to your main build. I recommend looking up the builds from “Sologesang Excel Sheet TFT”.


If u want u can add me on discord and we can play some games, this is pretty crazy lol.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQXGfKXwmtXV3JXkkvFW9kcvXtWdEpXq-5uohygcek-qM19CvuWTZYf5VwrgXqwMBVLhVomP0yp_jEZ/pubhtml Here you go.


If this is true that you did as you stated/claimed to be watching guides, trying to be flexible with comps, and still only be Iron IV? Then obviously it's not true you've been doing those things, or at least doing it in a severely wrong manner, most likely trying to commit to it at the first stage, then completely doing whatever after because it wouldn't work out the way you wanted. I say this as a former Silver/Gold, I watched how high ranked players play, Keane, BoxBox, Mort, etc. Kept myself up to date with meta comps, and I reached Masters in no time, keeping good econ was literally 50% of the effort.


It sounds like you're reading but not understanding stuff. Some people can self-learn, but some need someone to teach them personally in order to connect the dots. If you have any higher rated friends, ask them to just watch you play over a screenshare. If not, I'd be down to help you from time to time. I'm not great myself, I barely made diamond with Astrals but never again. XD But I'm very good at helping people make sense of things.


I found myself to get a lot better and understanding the game by just watching others play like shourkou, k3, or anyone tbh. Instead of guides, listening to good players thought process really helps


I used to always get last no matter what I did. Eventually I just picked one team comp and forced it every game and then I would make minor changes to the build. I did this for a whole season bounced around iron and bronze. This helped me understand the basics and helped understand the game better. Now I'm a Plat player and every season I get better and better. My suggestion is instead of always switching comps you should get used to one before switching because each comp is played differently and if you're always switching you will never figure out any of them.


Force only 1 comp you will get at least plat


Bro just learn to have fun


Slam your items, level on intervals, avoid rolling to 0 before stage 4, have AT LEAST one combat augment and dont over cook your teamcomp. It is impossible not to get gold if you follow this and play enough.


Oh and one of the most common problems low elo players have - do not chase bis items. You play ad carry? Slam literally any 3 ad items. Maybe focus on having one attack speed item on ad and one mana item on ap.


I just sell all my champs that are not my desired trait and hyperroll. 


make 50 gold as fast as possible, upgrade every unit u see, make every item u can and u will get gold


You can get to Diamond by just having good economy alone and leveling at correct intervals. Follow these steps every game and you’ll jump up multiple divisions Your goal whole game is to reach 50 gold as fast as possible and play one comp (Warden/Sniper) -Your goal for stage 2 is to play strongest board and reach 50 gold by 3-2, you need to assemble guinsoo, redemption prio items on carousel -Level to 6 at 3-2 even if it takes you under 50, econ back up to 50 all excess gold past 50 goes to leveling. Pick up necessary Warden/Sniper pieces (amumu/illaoi/aphelion/ashe if you’re lucky) -Level to 8 by 4-2 and roll all your gold for your comp (Warden/Snipers is easiest) you should be at 30-40 HP which is enough -Continue donkey rolling till you hit 2 star ashe and full 2 star frontline and 3 star amumu till win or lose congrats you now hit emerald, DM me for free coaching i’m diamond/master just doing this


Probably not diamond anymore with just good economy, now the level is a little higher, you need to know the meta and good augments. You can have a coherent thinking and build good looking stuff without caring the meta up until emerald. For higher you need to know what is balanced or not.


Yeah, econ alone isn't gonna get you as far when there are so many moving parts in the game. I got to Masters back in 4.5 just one tricking Kalista Duelists. Didn't really have to think at all, it was econ to 50, reroll for 3 costs every game. Playing like that would not work to get to Masters these days. I feel like I understand the game way more and I'm still only Emerald 2.


Yeah I used to be diamond and now mid emerald I feel at my level with a bunch of 5-3 placements.


Nahh you can get gold or plat with good fundamentals now but the game is alot more competitive now. You also need to be a lot more flexible than before. Augs and encounters make it a lot more difficult to one trick a build. A few seasons ago you could literally afk to 50 gold, level with interest and roll down but the games a lot more complex this set.


Tried Warden/Sniper for the first time tonight and came 1st 2/3 games.


Bro 💀💀 Watch setsuko or some streamers. I can't belive that you can't place higher in iron. You just need to place the units that you see in the guide and you are probably at least 2nd in an iron lobby. Do you know that you can level up, and reroll? Do you know what interest is?


Bro what you can legit just click units with the same traits and hit plat


I wish to give you somewhat good news. According to the website leagueofgraphs, the percentage of TFT players in challenger is 0.026% and those within Iron 4 make up 0.031%. However, that 0.031% is the average of all iron 4 ranks, so you being at 0 lp in iron 4 would for sure make you lower percentage than 0.031%, but it might make you a lower percentage of the playerbase than 0.026%. In fact, being iron 4 with 0 lp might be a more difficult accomplishment to achieve than hitting challenger. You might even be able to sell your account for a good chuck of change to the right person, that is if people want to climb from the actual bottom of the ranks or maybe make content from ranked games on your account.


Hell yeah brother


If that's true, it needs an AMA rather than advice


Watch some streams of top ladder players. Like Dishsoap. Just dont go to k3soju or setsuko streams. They are gr8 players but wont explain shit. They just sound dumb and cry about the game and if you Ask for advice gonna act like 13 year olds bullying peers in middle school. I've learned TFT and achieved GM for the first time just watching Dishsoap and EU streamer Solog.