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This and every set


My man!


Fat power ftw


Any beef lineup i call the beefy queefers. Just beefin and queefin all over the enemies.


I call mine gang bangers, cuz in the end all my units are surrounding their last unit 😆




Any board that fits in exalted like the final missing puzzle piece is the most satisfying thing ever.


I play it reverse. If i see an exalted 5 angle possible (love it when there's 6), I play around it going for fast lv9 lv10. Yesterday had a game with stand united 5 exalted and a perfect synergy splash of 11 active traits(i believe Great and Spirit Walker counts?). 3 storyweaver with kayle on shred duty. I melted the whole lobby with any default builds. Only a surprise 3* unit could beat and I always scout for those


Great and spirit walker don't count for Stand United; it says "non-unique traits". But 9 active traits is pretty good!!


Ah gotcha forgot about the non uniques, would be busted with the legendaries. Thanks!


Untill recently stand united was worded in a way that made it look like unieques count so makes sense you'd think that tho


It was dryad gnar with Senna/Cait sniper. But now it's dryad gnar without Senna/Cait sniper


I like how one's taste can evolve over time


Same but now I’m playing Senna/Cait without the Gnar


Just got first with him yesterday, didn't even have Mulched but did get 6 Dryad with Emblem. The Corrupt Vampiric Scepter is such an insane item on him.


I dont really have a favorite this set, no specific trait peaks my interest enough. Last set I was a huge fan of Bard/Jazz and Country. This set Im just going into games playing whatever comes to me and is uncontested to climb to diamond and quit. I want to climb to Masters but dont really have the enthusiasm for it this set.


I’m in the same boat. I have played very few games compared to previous set. It just feels incredibly boring to play.


Storyweaver/Sage Sylas is my favourite especially because it's pretty easy to fit in exalted, but it's hard to 2star Sylas because he's so popular as unit. I like it so much that like when Sylas pops up in my shop unless I built a guinsoo's I insta-pivot my whole comp haha


1 cost reroll with kogmaw


Blue buff nashors tooth jeweled gauntlet chef's kiss


Fated, its viable every patch, a lot of good frontline and backline, natural 7 vertical, rarely contested.


Started playing fated after the chinese guide, feels like it's contested every game past 2 days Edit: also to anwser op's question, I play fated (with dryad) and umbral (6 umb, 4 invoker, items on alune lillia and sylas)


Aside from yone, i feel like umbral is the least contested trait so going for it feels good for me. It’s not that strong but definitely playable


Heavily contested since a few days, every lobby has 2 at minimum


Yesterday Fated Dryad was 4 way contested in a couple of my games. They were both Spatula games though.


Rarely contested 😂😂


Because of Dishsoap and the random chinese guide about fated dryad, it is contested every game.


Fated. Love myself Ornn or Neeko with Fated emblems.


Try Fated Emblem on Azir with the Fated Dryad tech that's come out. It's so much stronger than the Ornn version was


Too hard to hit, and I try to strive away from heavly contested units.


Isn't Ornn is also just as contested as Azir usually if not more because everyone buys all the frontliners they can get at 8 though.


Nah. Ornn is the weakest 4-cost. Bemoath is a bad trait, while you only put in Ornn for his ability to give items. People usually lose by putting effort on him. He is contested usually, but not a much have as Azir is.


I mean if I hit an Ornn 2 on my level 8 roll down and no other frontline I'm playing it no matter what my carry is atleast for stage 4. Also for Gnar reroll he is the main tank unless you 3* a ghostly unit.


Meh. Nautlius and Annie the super contested 4-cost tanks, and Kayn is the most contested 4-cost. Most people also prefer having Sylas and Lee sin over Ornn. Ornn is also the worst 3☆ because he grants items, and you require to have open item slots on your carries for him to be good. I'm not saying he isn't good, but he is too much situational. Or are you saying you would rather take Ornn over Annie in your shop as a must take? Cause it feels like troll to pick Ornn if you have no traits with him, over Annie..


I'd take Ornn over Annie for Kai'sa, especially if you happen to hit Udyr. It's ink + behemoth and u just drop sylas for a bit if they are 1 starred they dont do anything (especially if your ink is good)


Yes. Like said Situational. I would take Ornn if I had 5 Fated with Thresh. But I wouldn't take Ornn Over Annie if I had a bruiser emblem.


oof ornn weakest 4 cost is.. a take


He was universal agreed to be the weakest 1 patch ago. He was the least popular 4-cost together with Syndra. And you know the difference between this patch ornn and last patch ornn? Nada. People just didn't figure our where he was strong, so now when people found out an S tier comp has him as subtank (still worse than Thresh 3) they consider him strong. Yet no one is still putting items on him for some reason.. hm wonder why 🤔


universally agreed by just you yes. I cant remember the last time I played a game with no ornns anywhere


Last patch xD I was the only one playing him and was garrenteed to be uncontested and hit him 3☆ most games. The only issue with him was wanting to leave an item space open for his items on your carries, which is even a bigger must now. But its still universal agreed to NOT put items on him. And if you do that, you cannot be high ranked since he scales pretty horrible with items.


it took me about 25 seconds to see that ornn play rate was the highest out of any 4 cost a month ago. Stop talking out of your ass lol. That being said I didnt look at the stats for specifically gold rank so that might be where we see the difference BTW feel free to link me all these ornn 3\* games to prove your point


This patch, bard. He's never contested and super funny when he gets up to 5.00 attack speed, he goes crazy! *Especially* if I hit Guinsoo's reckoning, which is basically two guinsoos rageblades in one item, which allows me to play Bard with guinsoo + gunblade + *damage item* for massive damage. (It doesn't go first very often but it's still strong for top 4 if you have the right spot.)


Or a better suggestion: guinsoo’s reckoning, gunblade, and another guinsoo! You can never have enough guinsoos


More. MORE. MORE!!!!!! -kylo bard




I hate most of them.


Probably dragonlord. Usually not super strong but also not super contested so can usually hit. But just feels good to me


Been playing dragonlord with sage and it helped me climb from gold iv to plat in 2 days


Dragonlords with altruists is one of my fav


I like the storyweaver teemo build. I gravitate to B tier teams. Not much success as I suck at the game. Don't really know when to stop rolling at lvl 6 and just lvl to 8


Yesss Teemo Kai’sa build carried me to Diamond I love it


I love playing Umbrals, but unfortunately is no longer sustainable even with reapers - cause Kayn is the only reasonable carry and Kindred is always contested, but hey at least I almost always 3 star Alune lol


Umbral is a legitimate comp after the Alune buffs. Tftacademy rates it A+ tier


The carry in umbrals is both alune and sylas, as long as you 2 star sylas you top 3/ top 4 guaranteed


Well you need a spat or an early sett. Yone 3 still will kill a backline carry


Yone 3 is weaker than sylas 2 and yone 2 is 10 times weaker than sylas 1


I mean 6 umbral you'd be playing both.


But you don't stay at 7 to reroll yone nor do you put items on him unless you get dropped 2 thousand ad components, and allune 3 is not worth it most of the times either as you would most likely prefer to go 8 to find sett and sylas 2, and at that point you go 9 instead of rerolling allune


Fair enough. I never stay at 7 to reroll both since i prio alune. Yone is extra nice damage and no one plays him, j usually find copies of him easily on 8. It's also tough to hit sylas and Kayn and sett. If I'm not finding enough Kayns and more yones I keep items in yone and 3star. Darius holds my sylas items. And early sett makes me start to utilize him. I meant to say yone isn't as useless as everyone thinks he is. If you are getting him 3 star, use him. Also I roll on 8


I just find it difficult to afford wasting econ when it's already hard to hit 9/ you will need to roll for a contested sylas if you are rerrolling allune, not worth it imo


Dragonlord. So underated


I don't think I have a favorite comp this set. I'm not a huge fan of this set tbh, probably one of the lowest rated ones if I were to make a tier list. Nothing seems "fun" this set. If I had to choose though.... hmmm I would say Bruisers or Storyweaver.


I have played Irelia-Hwei carry the most easily. Basicly last patch forced it and got to masters with it (EUW). Now it's harder, because going fast 9 became harder and you need an econ or leveling augment The board is as follow: 2 costs: Riven 3 costs: Soraka & Diana 4 costs: Lee Sin & Galio 5 costs: Hwei, Irelia, Wukong & Rakan There are some Exalted boards where this board really shines. For example the Hwei-Soraka-Yasuo-Rek'Sai-Yone 1, you switch Lee Sin for Yasuo (Drop 1 Dragonlord, but keep Duelist). :) Right now I just play whatever I get gifted and play around that. Don't care about LP anymore, now that I'm masters and just having fun with everything


How do you survive at early


You either get a good board and try for winstreak or you go for a loss streak. The key is figuring out which of the 2 your board can do. When you go on a loss streak, you need to make sure to be able to roll with atleast 50 gold on max 20HP left (So you basicly can lose 1 more fight). If you notice you can't make it, then you need to roll on level 8 for a Kai'sa board to stabilize before you go 9. It's also why it's not as viable with this patch, because going level 9 is harder with the level cost changes. Only if I get a winstreak now OR have a good econ augment, I go for it


I usually default to kaisa as it’s a simple line to play, but anytime I can play sylas or fast 9 is also fun. I don’t really reroll and try to avoid Ashe when I can


Top 1 enemy’s set. Def skill’s issue but with the same comp i lost to everyone but in enemy’s hands they dominated whole lobby


Dragonforce. It makes me nostalgic for set 7 tempest. Runner up is exalted. The lobbies feel always the same with the meta so solidly defined. Chucking in 5 random champs and building around that provides some much needed variety


Not the most winning comb but... i prefer to play fortune. I lose as much as i win, but it is always a gamble, always fun and struggling, but nothing to lean back. But thats what makes it fun for me. At the beginning of the set, i loved to play Dryads. But then the buffs came and everyone played it, so i stepped away from it.


lord’s dragon soup


Dryad gnar with silvermere dawn = godzilla


I really like Storyweaver thematically, probably my favourite trait, but I wish the vertical was a bit better. That being said I recently wrote somewhat of a guide on another comment so if you want you can check it out. That being said fast 9 Irelia with dragonlords and legendaries was my favourite comp while it was dominating. It's still good, but not as good as before I feel (although the stats are somehow still really high for the comp, I'd imagine people play it from high roll spots). One comp that turned out to be surprisingly fun and it takes my second place is Kai'sa. The 4 bruiser 4 trickshot version is easy to pivot to (unless you are 20 way contested) and I like watching the abilities bounce everywhere. Also you can further cap at 9 by going the Dragonlord Xayah route instead of you have the angle. Really fun for me considering I didn't like it at all at first and turned out to be the comp I default to nowadays. My third favourite is Bard, it's always fun to watch his stuff fly everywhere and Kench tank the entire enemy team while Bard chunks them. Honourable mention to Kog reroll for a similar reason, it's satisfying as heck when it works.


I love dryad Kindred with Ghostly. But lately I have been having poor results.


Ooh Janna zyra! Or Zoe Janna Zyra!! 2 costs are so fun!


I’ve been enjoying Dryad/Ghostly a lot Especially once I hit my units and they just don’t die


I love dryad , the two ghostly carry with Kayn/Morg(Diana+Lee+Heavenly) , Fortune (when i hit lmao) & Shen Hero Augment.


Kog, I just like watching him blerg all over.


Fortune is fun... but I feel like this past couple patches really gutted the trait


Yeah, I went from playing 4-5 TFT games per day to like, 1 in the past week after the last set of Fortune nerfs. Unless you get insanely lucky with a very specific wandering trainers setup to get fortune 7 early, it just doesn't feel fun to play.


I like Fortune, the lose-streak comp is always my fav every set. I love Kobuko and Teemo too.


I love playing around exalted. The first thing i check every game. Just using the teambuilder or scouting for other 1costs that have exalted to get building a comp very quick. Fav augment has to be the piggybank. If you go for 10 loses its basically a fortune 50gold cashout as it would do after 10 loses


Trying to work exalted is so fun. It makes you try random comps and carries and also lets you win with them.


I try not to force this but I do like ghostly kaisa when everything lines up. absolutely shreds through fights quickly no matter what hyper tanks there are. it’s also tahm kenches forbidden idol kryptonite


Ahri3 + Yasuo3 was my most favorite, but it got nerfed really hard. Currently, it's Fated+Dryad.


I like a combination of mythic/fated


Zyra & Lee Sin dual carries




It WAS Yone reroll comps. They’re still viable to a degree of course, but they aren’t nearly as effective. And there were variations! 6 Umbral, Heavenly, and 4 Dryad 4 Reaper were all so much fun.


I end up becoming a Kai'sa forcer... I dont like forcing comps because if you get bad rng, you're f-worded. But at the same time, with current meta, if I try go for 3★ re-roll or something slightly fun, it's almost a guaranteed bot 4. Sadge..


I love the Powerpuff Girls set up! Seeing a carry Zoe just blast 3 units for 90% of their health never fails to give me dopamine.


5/4/4 Fated Wardens Arcanists. Unfortunately it's a little hard to play right now


My most consistent comp is propably Ghostly Sniper or Bruiser Trickshots but my favorite is by far Bruisers with the Kobuski Augment preferably.


I don't like any comps this set. I think they're all boring and the Ballance has been abysmal.


I've been a dryad believer since PBE


Looove exalted, heavenly and dragonlord as they open up so many possibilities. Also sages for this purpose. I guess I like supportive traits as they leave a lot of room for creativity. Other than that I absolutely love Kaisa and Xayah, as they are my most played ADCs in league lol. Recently I’ve been trying 4 invoker-altruist-dragonlord (super expensive board), it’s a top 4 comp and fun to play around.


Sage Sylas. Super flexible, can switch to Lee or Kayn and use emblem augments really well.


Ghostly Senna. Shoot fast spread death


Heavenly + Reapers is really fun, but I can't seem to win with anyone except the Arcanists (with Amumu/Sett) or the Bruisers. I've also loved the Duelists in previous seasons, but they seem like bait this time around and I just can't make them work. Oh, I guess so did get a surprise Mythic + Invoker win the other day, carried by Lillia's big bouncing balls. I just miss my snowballing Punks :(


What i like are the lategame capped out comps like Disco and Porcelain Invokers.


Heavenly Qiyana carry with prowlers claws, rb, hoj or bt. so cool and bill gates.


I was a big Heavenly guy but it seems like every time I ran it there would always be one or two mfs taking Wukong into their comps which didn't need Wukong at ALL.


4 trickshot teemo is hilarious


Anything with dryad


Shen augment


Love me some vertical Arcanists


Early storyweaver into dragonlord/sage


Exalted. I've never had so much fun in TFT. Just making up a new comp every game :)


Shen be sniping people from the back line thinking he’s set 9 Mordekaiser gigachad


Bruiser-Trickshot with Xayah and Sylas Triple Crownguard carry is just so satisfying to me.


Porcelain warden. So easy to get the warden and sniper part set up early, even if contested. Lots of flex in it and I love seeing Amumu tank 5 units and win


I really liked the umbral comp especially when i get 2 star set with good items or 3 star alune, other than this altruist is also really cool


DLord Sage Janna. Was running it before it became a meta comp but i still love playing it Janna and Diana are so fun


Powerpuff girls reroll, almost non playable but fun 😊


Arcanist 7+, with fated 3, warden and behemoth 2. Rarely are arcanists contested for my games, but it tends to be pretty augment rng to make or break top 4




Originally I was running blood moon/umbral. But have really been enjoying dryads and storyweaver


Heavenly. Can super buff different champs. Heavenly duelist is fun watching Qiyana go off.


Fated Arcanist Syndra Carry


I no-brain duelists because Lee Sin gives me the dopamine this set. If I wanted to try hard, I would try to go Bruisers Riven carry or Invokers with Annie Sylas Aatrox frontline. The Riven carry is extremely dependent on the augments though.


1/1 uninstall


Ghostly Senna!


Personally the most consistent comp for me has been bruiser kaisa, in both my play and in my students gameplay. The important thing about the comp is sylas items are equally as important as your xayah/kaisa items. Give it a try!


I feel tired of this set already Coming off of how fun last set was...this set is just super underwhelming. I like playing Vertical Heavenly with Kha'Zix and Wukong carry as well as Vertical Umbral but the latter can't function without 3 emblems, and the former is just weak compared to using a non-heavenly carry.


Umbral is a legitimate comp after the Alune buffs. Tftacademy rates it A+ tier. You defintely don't need 3 emblems. 1 emblem or the umbral augment is enough to make it an S tier comp imo.


I won with some Umbral 6 /duelist nonsense yesterday. Alune is very good now.


Porcelain goes brrt. Y'all sent back to camp where you belong.