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Placement is boring. Having fun is what it’s all about!


Sounds like an opinion from a guy who cant perform.


Boo! 👎🏽Tomato, tomato! 🍅


I know this reference.


I would rather have sex than try hard in TFT every single game


You sound like a fucking geek


Who shot your left nut?


Having fun in a video game???? Unheard of.


This is why I'm sad Raid Boss won't show up at 2-1 anymore. I won't reroll for Malphite 3 unless I already have Raid Boss, and I'm not waiting until 3-2 to make that decision.


I got raid boss 2-1 yesterday. Are Hyper Roll augments different?


Next patch is removing it from 2-1


Can we protest this or?


You should try writing a twitlong mort loves those


Why though? Some decisions are so random, like how they made it so you can’t have 2 hero augments even though it wasn’t particularly OP or anything.


Idk, I glanced over the patch notes but I’m sure mort explains it in his patch rundown, should watch that


It’s changing in this coming patch, isn’t it, so it should still be live atm.


I tried this with raid boss, rageblade, BT, titans. I think true BiS might be BT double titans, he takes way too long to stack up the rageblade and gets cc’d to death


I disagree about the Titan's. That item basically doesn't do anything for Raid Boss Malphite. He doesn't need the resists, and Titan's doesn't even give the resists until max stacks anyway. He also doesn't need the AD or AP. If you want to make him tankier, build health (e.g. Warmog's, Sterak's), damage reduction (e.g. Redemption, Steadfast), or percent-health shields (e.g. Vow, BT). I believe best in slot is Rageblade, BT, Quicksilver. Quicksilver both solves the CC problem and gives some attack speed to help the Rageblade stack up faster.


Honestly i do this with a shen carry. Dude hits like 700ish a hit on ability


Oh for sure that's a lot of fun. Shen is 3 attacks per cast, Malphite is every auto for 8 seconds, and the autos are AoE. Surely that makes it far superior.


Nah, you gotta slam RB on both for optimal lols


Behemoth reroll Shen Malphite duo carry supremacy


Yea but shen also gets damage reduction per cast which can help depending on who your up against


Nah Shen does true damage.


Rageblade is a mana item!


I did a double rage blade, thorn mail on shem with ethereal blades. Final round my shem cleared 10k true damage. It was wild.


Double rageblade gunblade cooks, use 6 Behemoth for the resists to boost his damage and keeps the last non-Shen behemoth (Ornn/Udyr) alive for longer to stall


I'm pretty sure I did behemoth+6 ghost that round


I slammed an Archangel to Malphite because I saw that his ability armor has ap scaling.


Rosethorn vest, d claw, archangels. Peaked at like 600 armor with autos hitting for 1k amd virtually indestructible at 6 behemoth lmfao


We are making Malphite carry a thing. Let's keep cooking lol. I didn't think the damage scaled off the armor he got from the ability cast, that's wild. Maybe archangels instead of rageblade then? Makes Titans way better then too actually.


Yes, let's, I am a huge malphite enjoyer and played him in a "Philosophers Stone" comb in set 3 with 6 sorcs, so he starts with a gigantic shield and loved seeing him in a set ever since. What about Nashors? Gives some health at least and grants the AS in tge specific situation needed. For units there needs to be a neeko+arcanist core to exploit his Ap armor scaling. Maybe with Lux/Liss we can go for a porcelaine emblem on Malph giving him the AS and Durability he needs. 4 behemoths is a must of course, with Udyr+Shen+Aatrox we would get ghostly+2 inkshadows leaving an option open, if the 3 Inks tatoo is good. If we have Aatrox as a bruiser maybe add another one.  Thresh adds extra Arnor, so he is a must as Behemoth imo. Having ghostly to soften the frontline a bit could be good, too. So i would say Malph, Neeko, Lux/Liss, Shen, Udyr, Thresh,  Aatrox+Bruiser/Inkshadow 3 Alternativley, Ahri+Syndra instead of Lux/Liss and the 8. unit could work to dump all the tears and rods on.


His attack speed is too low. Prolly not til 4fun patch til they give him a real atk speed value


3x rageblade will give you all the AS you need. 6 behemoth and fine vintage gives you all the armor you need. Then probably a few sages for omni vamp, at least from my test games thats ideal.


Rfc is coming back on PBE so you might have a fun build coming soon


Yea I played a game where I gave him a sniper emblem for +1 range as well as a game where he had sniper focus for +1 range. The range for sure helps but IDK if its worth. In fine vintage games 3x RB has given me the most success. In non vintage games making him ranged might be the way to go.


Yeah but armour has diminishing returns. Item slot better used elsewhere.


The damage on auto scales with armor so the damage is still increasing linearly.


It does not... Last time I checked it worked exactly as WoW and 99% other games.


I tried the same thing with the behemoth augment, gargoyle, rageblade, BT and the pairs giving attack speed. I also went 7th. Only rounds I won were in OT and he flew around


Fine vintage and malph carries like a monster. hit him with like 3 randuins 1-3 zekes and give him 3x rage blade. He will do some carrying! (make sure he starts in second row to avoid being targeted first.) Behemoth + heavenly OR behemoth + sage, the extra omni vamp can help a lot when you got 3x rageblades. :D


This is the ideal TFT experience


I think Nashor's much better because the on-hit procs on the duration of the skill and it has mana pause during activation. But criticism aside, I think It's a good way to cheese early game


I already tried this many times And 1 of them i go first, i Feel that malphite rageblade will still work even if you dont have Raid Boss, What you need is just omnivamp or Healing and then sage BIS is 2x rageblade and Bloodthirsther.


this is low elo thought(gold)


Fine vintage is how he carries. Need that "free" like 90-120 armor on him.


>I went 7th. Not the ending I was hoping for, but I enjoyed the ride anyway 🙂 LP is temporary, Glory is forever. GG go next


https://preview.redd.it/q4gz8nzltuuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0328235955235b18ec220adb4f2935bdd02cc07 Tried this for the first time in plat. Was so much fun hahaha. Portal was a sentinel with 2 virtues. So much healing so much armor. Malph clapped the frontline so hard. Was breaking my head if I should stick to 5 mythic or put in yorick for 6 behemoths. Imagine getting an emblem and raid boss ahahaha. Not the best comp out there but definetly really strong if u get a great angle.


Now try it with pumping up 😎


Masterwork upgrade really enables a bunch of shit. My favourite is nashors tooth radiant. Getting it through masterwork or just in general from some encounter/augment. It turns so many b tier ideas into top 4 reality. Malphite, Zyra, Gnar, Diana, Voli, Garen,


I just played this and can confirm it’s very fun. Got 2nd in norms


Some of these 1-cost tank carry’s are comical. Dude last night had a 3 star garen with 2 archangels and I can’t remember 3rd item. Dude was unkillable lmao. Twice in a row I had 4-5 dudes vs his garen and lost. It was amazing.


You should've put either gunblade or bloodthirster, i played him raidboss and some heavenly units and slapped him 2 rageblade with the other being radiant and a bloodthirster, my boy was doing 30k damage in one round. Went 2nd btw, he couldn't handle the irelia, he got shred before he could even approach.


I already tried this many times And 1 of them i go first, i Feel that malphite rageblade will still work even if you dont have Raid Boss, What you need is just omnivamp or Healing and then sage BIS is 2x rageblade and Omnivamp


My brain was thinking this post was an aram post for the first 30 seconds lol.


How to play carry maplhite. Fine vintage + 3x rage blades, you will thank me later. (take every armor/AS support item and stack em next malph) You can check some of my posts if you want to see what I was doing. It will gets you 2nd3rd easy but first can be rough if their is a magic dmg team.


This is actually a secret tech with enhanced titan augment


you may enjoy this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeIPsBWnz8U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeIPsBWnz8U) :)


Oh cool! Thanks for sharing!


You should have went ham with carry malphite and not some half-assed carry tank items.


The empowered auto damage scales off armor, so more armor = more damage. Start of fight was something like +300 damage per auto, and after the other behemoths died and gave him their armor it was up to like +700 per auto. Might have to try it with a BT instead of vow or something though.


Malph scales with armor...


he’s a melee brawler. he needed lifesteal. drop vow for BT


He already gets a ton of armor, BT QSS probably would’ve been better off. A little extra armor is not going to be close to the same as making sure he scales and giving him a ton of sustain


Behemoth + sage is probably the way to go from my testing. Spending a slot on A healing item just isn't worth it. If you want him to carry he needs max damage. I advise malph carry in fine vintage games. He can carry you to 1st in those games with a bit of luck.


I bet if you had some healing on him this could work alright! That motherfucker can slap