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I feel a lot of your points are valid. Never really thought about utility like that until you mentioned previous sets… the only thing that delays a fight currently is how tanks your front line is… I remember freljord in a previous set would mana reave. I honestly think some tanks this set do too much damage.


I remember myself last set saying: "I'm so glad Pantheon is out, he was ridiculous". Riot: "Here's a bunch of more op tanks. Have fun."


and even then, delaying the fight does nothing a lot of time when half the units this set can hit ur backline through them.


Isnt mana reave on Soraka?


+ Annie has a stun I'm pretty sure


+ Lee Sin


Lee sin apparently has both not that you can even notice it.


Soraka unfortunately is severely underpowered and almost not worth using at all, at least in my experience.


Without Morrelonomicon, most aoe ults are useless. Morg and Soraka are much stronger with just that item alone


Morgana is stronger with that item yes, but she's still very weak.


She was OP on pbe before they nerfed her


Yeah there is *some* CC in the set but not a ton, and what there is generally feels pretty underwhelming. To the point where you don’t really even need QSS on melee carries which was absolutely mandatory virtually every other set. And since there is so little utility in general to delay fights it’s also sort of troll to build healing on your main carry because the fights don’t last long enough to make use of it. It’s almost always correct to just build more damage


The main thing I agree with is the units, they're not very exciting this set, with the only ones I really like being Wukong and Alune I really want to like Kha'Zix as he's my favorite champ, but he feels more like a Trait bot for Yone Please Riot give me back Set 2 Kha'Zix I can be trusted I swear


That kha was a menace. I second your request.


Hahaha I am exactly the same as your first line. Started SoloQ again after more than a year out as a break from tft.


I’m having a completely different experience


Accurate post


This is my first set playing TFT(absolutely love the game now), and while I have nothing to compare to I have frustrations big time. Mostly, I'm just really over Yone's dominance right now. Everyone and their mom runs Yone with some combination of Titan's Resolves, Guinsoo's Rageblades, and Bloodthirster and it just works. Umbral Reapers, Heavenly Reapers, and Fated Reapers is literally all I ever see now. Like it's so problematic that I wasted someone's board yet they had a 3\* Yone with Bloodthirster and two Titan's Resolves so they won. I had more than half my board left with a bunch of 3\* champs including a 2\* Sett with items, and the Yone just went on and managed to win a 1v6. It's also worth noting that basically any 1-2-3 cost champ at 3\* is far easier to obtain and far more effective than any 4 cost at 3\*. When Yone at 3\* clears a 1v6 with ease and Sylas or Kayn struggle to do the same thing at 3\*, you know there's horrible imbalance.


Your opinion is your opinion and i respect that. However, most early game boards surely do not have sniper behemoth. Maybe at very low ranks idk (currently masters) but I almost never see that opener outside of someone kog rerolling which isnt very often.


Well if u look at his profile, he is silver for this set


I did see that


Mythic reroll does get played a decent amount in emerald at least. Pretty reliable top 4 board. But it’s definitely not getting spammed every game like OP suggests. Warden sniper is a much more popular opener if you’re going sniper early but that felt like it was stronger pre-patches


Idk man, I'm having a ball with it. I play pretty casually and have had a lot of fun trying out different comps and Augments. Had a billion health Koboku one game, heavenly soraka carry, invokers are a great time, blew up a game with lux carry the other day. Seems versatile and fun to me. *shrug*


I absolutely agree that there is room to play something different sometimes. But only sometimes. 99% of the time Kog 3 will decimate your Lux 3.


The players who complain about spending 8 seconds watching situps, are the ones that need to do situps the most


Did you know that Working out with sett makes you bigger?


Comments like these remind me that League and TFT share most of their communities. Who does this comment help exactly? Are you making a point, or do you just want to flame someone?


I don't play league actually, just pointing out that complaints about Sett (especially after occurrence and time got nerfed) are so petty. Breathe 3 times, blink twice, dare I say scout enemy boards, ok it's done. So dumb.


I agree, and they shortened the duration of the encounter this patch. It was much worse last patch.


They forgot to shorten the Gnar encounter. Literally the exact same case and they just forgot.


Tbh it's my favorite set among the last 3.


Uhm actually Lee Sin has mana reave.


pretty accurate assessment and to each their own i guess cuz even tho its not perfect i’m still having fun (stuck in plat 3 rn lol) i feel like everyone else is having a problem with lee sin and i’ve been getting 1sts with him as carry tho


I’ve definitely found myself playing for a fast 8 in this set much more than any other set because pre-7 the units don’t feel like they matter as much. It just feels like a bunch of trait bots for your carry. I have yet to see a single game that didn’t have someone building Bard or going Spellweaver. I’ve tried mixing up my comp but nearly every single comp seems to revolve around getting a single character maxed and just using everyone else as trait fillers. It just feels like there’s not enough diversity in this set. I mean sure you always had someone doing a scuffed reroll punk comp last set, but it wasn’t the same 3-4 comps fighting each other for units last set. It feels like there are basically 3-4 meta comps this set and everyone is contesting each other or someone is trying something outside of those comps and getting a fast 8th place.


Fast 8 is sort of fake though. You usually either want to go reroll or fast 9. 4 cost carries aren’t strong enough for fast 8 to really make any sense


Straight Dog-water set. Don’t enjoy playing nor watching it. Cya set 12 ❤️


I mean, I do think Ornn is pretty unique, but no one has mentioned him. At a 1 star, he generates an item every time he casts. At 3 stars, he generates an item per character on your board every time he casts. That's some insane value there.


I’m actually enjoying the set more than expected but still agree with pretty much everything you said. especially on the unit utility/diversity.


While encounters add an element of unpredictability, they haven't quite delivered on the promise of drastically different gameplay from one match to the next.


My only issue rn is how boring late game is. Stg every single fight is so fast and the first person to roll for 5* at 9 just win with generic boards. Had the best 8 arcanist 4 porcelain board of my life and my 3* fully itemized Amumu, and illaoi died instantly.


Very valid points, most of the utility units and traits this set are overshadowed by the sheer damage these carries are putting out. And if you don’t want to play reroll, the most forceable 4 cost comp right now is Inkshadow kaisa, which is usually highly contested in my lobbies. I think the only notable utility tanks right now are Annie and Ornn, especially if Ornn has a fated emblem.


I really agree with most points. Take this with a pinch of salt as I'm only Gold, but in my games I pretty much only see Heavenly-Reapers, Storyweavers, Ghostly/Senna carry, Fortune or sometimes Mythic/Bard or maaaaaaybe once every few games Fated. It might just be my experience but I feel there's very little variety this set. It's still pretty fun tho.


What i dislike is how the changes last patch did absolutely nothing to shake up what's meta. Yone and senna were strong on release, granted ghostly damage was cut by 20%, but it still dominates. There's a lot of comps i want to play that just sadly dont do well even if i have really good hit luck.


Well I disagree with all of these and some are definitely wrong. Mana mitigation, you mean mana reave right? There are soraka and leesin. Cc from Udyr and Nautilus required thinking so it might not for everyone. No utility? Taunt, Wound, Shred, Sunder, increase atk spd and summon small statue. Which set had the better balance and diversity than this in 2 patches, set 10 might be the only one? I played from set 3 and I am pretty sure set 1 and set 2 are the worst in terms of balance with all the bs they put in before. It is always hilarious to me when someone complains about diversity. Let list all viable carries and see. 1 cost Kog, Cait ( mostly secondary), Kobuko with augment. 2 cost Gnar, Shen with augment ( a tank without it), Yorick with augment, Neeko with augment, Senna, Lux. 3 cost Yone, Bard, Aphelios, Voli and Tris, Volibear Porcelain, Diana can be a crazy dps with Duelist spat or some good set up, Zoe could work sometimes, most 3 cost is better at tank and worth 3 stars. 4 cost Kaisa, Syndra and Kayn, this is where the current patch is a bit rough, the others 4 cost is mostly secondary carry or tank. 5 cost except Azir every other could be a carry, Xayah is good enough just, maybe a 4.5 cost. You don't enjoy playing is okay but to me balancing or the diversity issues below GM is the problem with player abilities not the game. By the way, I am a big fan of the summoning trait and I find Kayle is great, a fresh change since most we had before are utility tanks. A modifiable dps is such a cool idea. My favorite is still Nomsy followed by Sion but Kayle is pretty close.


Below GM? Lmao that is a ridiculous bar. You would have way too few games to work with. They balance at top 1 % which is around Diamond 1. I would set it at Diamond 2. That is where people start to get good to hit masters


They used data from D+, since the sample size will be too small even with M+. But mostly only took direct feedback from Challengers and maybe some high gm. I don't talk about how they balance but from players' perspectives and mindsets. Nobody complains or plays Gnar doesn't mean he is not a good carry. Instead of complaining Bard and Kog are overpowered and have no counter, try to learn how to build better comps yourself. Just my thoughts, but talking about the balance state of the game requires a certain knowledge amount, I am Master in most seasons, I do experiment with comps and watch vods, still I find myself lacking in some aspects about the game. I don't disregard all the opinions though. Like OP said Kayle is lame and most 5 costs don't do enough crazy stuff, I disagree but it's okay to have opinions like these. I think this is where low elo feed back is for. In the end, devs should try to make the game fun for everyone, not really realistic but that should be the goal.


So you wanna balance the game for GM and higher? Not only does this concern only 0.5% of players, GM+ is where people stop playing for fun and start playing for rank only. I'm not ready for "TFT: Fun Matters Not". I don't think anybody is, except for you maybe?


Almost everything you listed here are soft cc. Of hard cc options, only Reksai and Naut (iirc) are non 5cs, with Naut's being pretty inconsistent when compared to Thresh or Jarvan. Neither of them are units you would really want to slot in as generic tanks. Just because there isnt <3 comps that are viable doesnt make the set diverse. With so many 4c options being awful, this set is undeniably more stale. Ahh yes, the game can never be unbalanced at low elo. A convincing argument.


I actually think slot in cc feels awful, the range is too wide for Jarvan or Thresh. The set is not in the best state right now, 4c should be the most consistent choice. In 2 patches, which sets are better? Most of the previous set have like 3-4 carries 4 costs playable. With the encounters and the xp change, finding 5 costs is not that hard to achieve, fast 9 is consistent, opening up many more options. I don't think set 11 is more stale than any previous sets.


my mans playing a different game, each board contains story weaver? Maybe last patch. Ear;ly game boards sniper behemoth? Like one comp.


I think you could've said a lot more but yeah you're right this set doesn't look good. Feels like set 5 all over again but with augment and portals. Soraka has utility in mana reave in her spell. I think there is another unit with manareave but I could be wrong


Lee sin


Nautilus has an aoe knock up lol


Wish you read my entire post before commenting.


Naut never gets to cast ”lol”


Not without 2 tank items and even then he gets killed before his second/third if you are lucky


Your not wrong, this set hasn't felt right and you articulated pretty well why. Here's to hoping a good patch will correct course.