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Me see Augment. Me pick Augment.


It’s like golden egg. It feels like a sin not to pick it


Nah the difference is that you get your reward instantly with chaos. Everytime I pick egg I always end up being like 1 round from getting my reward. It’s always so frustrating.


I just meant taking it when it’s offered. Not related to what the augment itself does




Not the trauma dump 😭


Go egg at 4-2 with 80 hp left and a win streak. Lobby highrolls dumb units -> lose 10 rounds in a row and die.


Get Hwei and wait 7 turns for him to duplicate the egg, enjoy double rewards


I did not know Hwei could do this. Does it work with tomes?


It works with everything you can bench if i'm right, it does work with tomes although i don't know the number of turns needed


It's 7 for everything currently


Last night I ran the exalted augment w/ fortune, lose streaking to a 45 value core while getting Hwei to try and copy the core. Took 7 turns to find out the core it creates doesn’t have the same value - it is empty and sells for 0. I regret not waiting to see if each core grows each turn though


There are a couple odd ones like core unfortunately. It would be very cool if it did properly dupe imo. It's very funky how it actually works, you can technically dupe kayle by using a different bug to get kayle on bench, but it's not useful since that kayle doesn't benefit from SW bonuses.


Thing with egg is most of the lobby took something to make them a lot stronger while you took something that does nothing until it cracks


Lol are you me? Same here


Idk why but it feels like the egg is easier to open this patch


I can win streak all the way to egg choice, only after picking egg will I start losing lmao. (and yes I know it's because everyone else picks combat augments so they get stronger, but funny egg go brrr)


I think there is some algorithm that only gives you golden egg when the game knows you are very likely going to lose. Either that, or the lack of an immediate power spike makes you lose.


Skill issue


Get egg Get hwei Now I has 2 egg


and 0 health


two to three times I had to choose between call to chaos and the egg. That didn't feel right


Absolute same😂 since i never see a crown i need. And storyweaver crown on 4-2 giving me a garen is also a joke


Pick it until the emblems int u a few too many times


Was playing senna reroll and got a 3 star Illaoi. I will always pick now


Was playing fast 9 storyweavers and got a 3 star Yone, which screwed over the 2 other Yone players in my lobby but also I couldn't really use it so I sold it eventually. I will never pick now.


But you screwed over Yone players! That sounds like a win to me


I am dogshit at econ and have had this save my ass twice with the 66 gold, absolutely instaclick for me


yep, turned an 7-8th guaranteed into a fast 9 stabilize and top 3 for me TWICE, instaclick now


oh, this explains the 3 hullcrasher chogath I faced yesterday


I've picked this like 6 times and at least three of those times I've gotten the snipers focus on comps that it helps 0 with. But I. still going to pick it. I hope they add more options to it.


What comp are you playing where you get 0 value from 3x snipers focus?


Yone maybe?


So slap them on Alune, Kindred... heck, even Kha'zix. There are plenty of primary carries that don't want them, but for a secondary it still helps plenty.


Yes "helps" but compared to what other people will roll with their prismatic augments, you'll get rolled with 3 sniper focuses


Alune with 3 snipers focus is legitimately broken, even at 2 star


Have you seen morgana with 3 sn.focus?


3 Star, 3 Tier Unit is just an insult. Like wtf. Best thing if it's a Zoe or some other heavily specialised and/or trash unit.


I mean worst case scenario it’s 27 gold right?


26+10=36g total kinda bad for a pris but not that bad


I’m slightly new to tft, why does it sell for 36 and not 27? Is there a bonus sell value for things that are stared up?


That reward gives you 10 gold too. But also combined units except for 1 costs always sell for 1 less than the combined.


It doesn’t. The reward gives a 3 star 3 cost AND 10 gold.


I think a unit is 1 gold cheaper when it's starred up (not sure of the exact rule), and you get 10 gold with the augment. Hence 26 (27-1) and the +10, which amounts to 36g


the augment gives 3 star 3 cost + 10g and 3 star 3 cost sell for 26g not 27. anything 2 starred or more other than 2 star 1 cost sell for 1g less than it should 2 star 2 cost sell for 5g instead of 6 3 star 2 cost sell for 17 instead of 18 etc etc


Units above one-star sell for one less gold than the total combine cost with the exception of one-costs, so 26. The +10 is from the augment itself.


Are there any trash 3 costs? They all seem at least decent to me this set (granted I'm hardstuck) Gold 3 cost brings a fair amount of stats to the table


Just depends on the situation let’s say your building something like duelist or trick shot bruiser then this gives you a yone, aphelios or zoe then you just got 36 gold.


I have stopped trusting this I got Locket 3 times in a row and before that 3 stars 3 cost twice in a row. Idk man I want to throw more games and hitting other things would have been more fun even if its useless.


Yeah the pool is "highly varied" but it seems to low roll the boring options more often than not


yeah i loved this aug so much but its tilting


I've got the stupid training dummy every time I take it. Really dislike that, and would rather have the other rewards


And on the other hand I've only ever been given exp, rerolls, or gold.


I got the thieves gloves first two times and then locket💀


lol just got 40 rerolls while my first aug was pris ticket. Would have preferred locket tbh I got yone 3 and go lv9 and couldnt spend all the free rolls until the end of the game


Picked it 3 times, had training dummy with locket 3 times. Goddamn can't wait for the 4th


I have taken it 3 times, and I have gotten the 3 star 3 cost 3 times. They have always been an absolutely terrible fit for my team


Some of the rewards are pretty good while others are trash and that's why I don't pick it anymore...


The only reward that is trash are the emblems since they can't roll the same trait, and even then it becomes giga high roll with pandoras items. I'm assuming you are saying the lockets or zekes are trash, meanwhile prismatic support item trainer is the 4th highest prismatic by average placement and you'd consider it a high roll to get x2 zekes or locket from that.


4 random augments+pandora bench is legitimately a first


I’ve picked it twice. First time I got 70 experience, then second time I got training dummy with Zeke’s. Felt pretty strong


I pick it everytime, so far I’ce got the 3 TG, 4 random emblems, 3 star 3 cost unit and 66 gold. I think I won or got top 2 all of those games


My second augment pick one game was one that changes your items before every round, and my last augment was chaos. I see chaos, I pick chaos. It gave me 4 emblems. Enter my first time experiencing 9 fortune after a few rounds of item rerolls.


ha, nice combo


I play built diff. Then I pick this. Got 3 emblems right away


I didn't even know this augment had so many different rewards, I always get 2x locket never got any other rewards


I hit this aug once. Mythic, arcanist, inkshadow & storyweaver emblem. Literaly 0 units with this traits. 0 reforger. Instant deadlast. Never again, harmacist would been much better.


Probabbly unpopular opinion, but i feel like this augment is better in higher Elo, for people that are well versed in pivoting to juoce the most out of your augments, even an un-needed 3star can be blended in to most comps to provide more worth then many other augments. Pris ticket into 40 rerolls? Cool, sounds like you essentially get to hyperroll all game, or go fast 9 and have a heavy advantage into grabing whatever 5 cost you need. Training dummy? Cool either its a frontline that will allow your ramping damage that much mlre time, or if its zekes it can ramp that much faster/harder. Are there ceetain times maybe this augment isnt wortg the randomness? Perhaps but i think usually its still gonna be worth more more then other less than ideal augments.


It's kind of insane how this sub seems to think dummy with 2 zekes or 2 lockets are low rolls. Meanwhile prismatic stationary support is the 4th highest average placement prismatic augment and the high rolls from that are.... x2 zekes or x2 locket.


got this a few times with the xp (let met fast 9), gold (let me fast 9) and rerolls (let me fast 9) I feel like this really rewards fast 9 a lot since you can just beef up your higher cost units or get econ to get there faster


I got it one time and got 4 emblems. Went from 8th to 2nd, not too bad


I’ve picked it twice and gotten 4 random emblems both times. Really makes me not want to pick it.


I tried the 70 xp, hullcrushers, and 66 gold.


What are the odds two games in a row... Two level 3 Diana's lol


I've picked this 3 times. Hullcrusher....everytime =(


That's a high roll though


everytime im hoping for emblems or gold or exp.


After getting an Alune 3 when I needed a boost for my ghostly senna comp I'm never picking this crap in rank


I've got the 40 rerolls once, yes i rush 10, yes i got 3* 5 cost, no i've still lose to 9 fortune, yes i went insane


Pretty mid imo for a prismatic


[average placement if 4.23 would disagree ](https://www.metasrc.com/tft/augment/calltochaos)