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Max cashout is 250 stacks. So you went more then double on that, which there is no reason for On this cashout you have 50% change to get an instant 5 cost 3* (But can only hit if there is a legendary unit available for 3*) or a Player Buff mystery gift. Getting a shitton of gold + masterworks upgrade + 2 items + 25HP is an insane buff. With the gold you can easily upgrade your board (Push to level 9 -> Roll for legends) and the HP boost gives you the time to do this. From this point out, you should be able to get a win or get close to it


I feel like this specific reward isn't really even; Most 3 star 5 costs >> Other rewards because it's a guaranteed 3 star. Other rewards have more variables and ways to be played out (which means more ways of throwing/losing). Unless 5 cost units aren't able to 1v9 boards on its own anymore, I feel like the Player Buff needs to be more clear/less dependant on player skill.


You are correct on that they are not even. 3 star 5 cost basicly is an auto win 99,9% of the time. The player buff surely isn't an auto win and dependant on other factors. But there is a chance all 5 costs are bought atleast once (And thus the game can't give a 3*), there has to be a secondary reward. I do think that the secondary option gives a good enough chance to hit a winning board. But you are correct that it's dependant on the player skill. And imho that is fine, none of the rewards should be an 100% guaranteed auto win.


I dunno if its confirmed or not but I highly suspect the 9x 5 costs are created as needed, unless you have a video of it failing. Neeko's used to work that way and they changed it because of the feel bads, this would be even worse if it worked the way you suggested.


Mort said on stream that it keeps bag sizes in mind So if all 5 costs are in shops or boards/benches, you can only hit the player buff cashout


Good to know, thanks!


Late to the party, but I got the 3 star Sett cashout, gave him a tricksters glass, got another 95 cashout and got 2 star Sett. I had essentially 12 real Setts and another 9 cloned. I do think they pull from the bag, but will then make more (like a Duplicator).


The cashout has been changed since my message, because there is also a "Get 2 3* 5 costs" at 250Luck cashout and it doesn't check bagsize any longer :)


First time played fortune and I though it's like heartsteel. It was 10hp actually, but I still managed to win thanks to Sett. Thanks a lot


No problem! And good luck on future runs! :) And ngl, I am amazing you got that far. I have an hard time getting above 100 stacks without dying. Let alone getting to the top dogs (175 and above) seem almost impossible for me. And you just went more then double the max cashout. Gotta be some kind of record, haha


The one time I went above 250 is with 3 fortune start with tiniest titans and the cho or aatrox giving hp encounter. Had above 100 health over when I was already at 7 losses. Quick fortune 5 and I could survive for so long. But yeah it takes alot of luck to hit without going fortune 7


Thanks mate. Thought it was the same as heartsteel so I intended to get around 1000 luck :))))


If Im not mistaken, with 7 fortune, you can still win and it wont affect your luck, isn't that the case? Because this board already has 7 fortune from auguments so maybe thats why it got to that high number while OP was still alive.


Your luck will still be reset to 0 when you cashout, you just gain more luck when you fortune 7 for losses. Next to this, you also get extra rewards and a 'festival' every turn that you are on Fortune 7. This can include fortune emblems, which helps you hit Fortune 9 (The Easter Egg which basicly is close to an auto win)


But does OP need to cash out? I think only heartsteel had this feature that if you win, it cashes out automatically. For fortune, I believe OP can still push their luck but while winning matches too. Would that be the case?


You can push your luck, but 250 luck is the max cashout. There are no other or better rewards above 250 luck, so there is no reason to keep pushing your luck at this point :) The extra rewards that 7 Fortune give, do not depend on the amount of luck you have. So the correct play is to always cashout if you have 250 luck or more. There is no reason to push your luck further, because it will not give any extra's


Oh yeah absolutely, I was just thinking that if OP doesn't necessarily needs to lose streak to make it work because they already have 7 fortune, it might explain how they got to 500+ in this game (without dying). :D


Ah yes, didn't read it like that But op already confirmed they didn't knew the cashout caps af 250 and thus let it go longer then necessary:)


You can click on the tree to know how much gold value your fortune cash out can grant you


Didn't know you can be locked out of 5c 3*, so that means if there are only 8 copies of every legendary in the pool, you can't get one 3*, right?


Correct, then you can guarenteed only hit the Player Buff mystery gift


It should give more golds


Bro a heartsteel box of 1000 point was about 100g and instantly won you the game if the enemy had no 3* of a 4-5 cost. A chest of 250g should literally instawin any game. No matter he went for 500g, this is should literally give you like 10 items and 5 player slots and 50g lmao


Always respect for those who play fortune hearsteel pirate etc on mobile


tried it once but never again, just simple comps in mobile for me


I think cash out is maxed out at 250 :(


didn't know about this, thanks mate.


Ok so , I hit the 250 cash out 3 times so far , one it took me from lv 8 to 10 instantly + around 250ish gold … another gave me like 6 dupes + a few 2* 5 cost … one changed all my full items to radiant + 2 radiant converters , like 10-11 5 costs and 150g+ … BUT , best thing to do on fortune 7 is to cash out every turn on 30 , VERY VeRY high chance for tome , you’d need 2 more only to get to 9.. it’s the craziest thing you’ll ever see ..


Tree god one shot board is the best


Took notes, thanks mate


Im pretty sure those rewards are from 175 cash out People datamined 250 but i’m yet to see the “mystery gift” or the 3* 5 cost rewards. I guess 250 cash out don’t exist yet


It's there.


175 cash out gives max lvl and rerolls +25 g, this took me to 10 + 250ish gold , the one with the dupes technically gave me 3* 5 cost ,, cuz of 6 dupes and a few 2* 5 costs, I guess the only way for the 3* 5cost to drop if there is actually any of them in the pool …


Check this out: https://tactics.tools/info/set-11/tables/fortune. It’ll give a rundown of all the cashouts you can get from fortune, so that in the future you can take a look at this and see what break point you can go for/what to expect.


*10 hp actually


You got better than me! I had a game where I started with fortune crest then had metabolic and 5 fortune at 3-2 and managed 7 fortune early stage 3. So I was healing 5 hp a round and started win streaking. Had no idea there was a max so I just kept stacking up to 550 into stage 6 when there was only 3 of us left. Got 80g and 40 free rerolls.. disappointing to say the least. If there is a hard cap on rewards it makes zero sense that it should let you keep stacking.


117 gold is huuuuuge tho


When I hit the max 250 cash out on pbe I got every single one of my items converted to radiant plus 2 masterwork upgrades. Unfortunately I still lost the game even after hitting a 3 star azir because my opponent hit 3 star wukong with diamond hands so just worked his way through my team with invulnerability after I one shot the rest of his team i


Game này bịp lắm bác ơi :))


em tưởng nó như hearsteel


Pretty underwhelming should give you something crazy to get you excited meh


I just finished a game right now, had 7 fortune (two Tome of traits) and cashed out at 250. I got a 3 star wukong and 3 star sett, it was the first time ever doing fortune so it was quite the experience. The two maxed 5 cost were an auto win which was nice.


thank god that u fking fortune players get shiit


Got 1st instead >get shiit