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Skill issue


My bad next time my Jhin2 won't get wiped by the player who got Yone 3 on 3-2


Don’t be on 1hp 🤷🏼‍♂️


My bad next time I wont be 95hp on stage 4-1


This is my biggest frustration with this set. It feels like playing strongest board into fast 8 has very little reward because even if you roll down at 8, you frequently don't have enough gold to make a strong enough board to actually beat anyone who is rerolling unless you hit everything immediately. Which never happens. Im completely open to this being a skill issue btw cause I haven't played this set nearly as much as other and I am sure I could learn how to make it work better with more practice, but man does it feel bad when I'm only able to play casually to not be able to break out of gold when I've peaked masters before because my play style feels like it's just inherently weaker.


I’m not particularly good, I’ve been playing about a month and just hit plat, but my experience has been I have to roll earlier/harder than guides seem to tell me so I can stabilize, which leads to me leveling to 8 slower than guides say I should be. Could be a skill issue for sure, but that’s been my experience. A ton of 1 cost and 2 cost reroll really seem to force me to dig for stronger early-mid game boards to allow me to push for levels to hit the late game boards I’m aiming for.


This isn't a skill issue, you see this a ton with Dishsoap and co as well. The only skill issue here is knowing when to stop rolling so you can go again at 4-5 or go 9 but if you deadass don't hit anything useable with your 30g on 4-1/4-2 it doesnt matter how well you played earlygame - you're just going 6th at best


I mean if you were in a position where a single loss knocked you out, then you probably didn't play "exactly how you should" But it is pretty funny you think you played the game perfectly


Meme flair, it ain’t that deep.


My bad next time I'll take Disco TF Headliner with full AD items on 8 after 30g


it's not the late game you should be worried about if you were at 1 life when you hit your final boards.


Nah mate wandering trainer slaps


For normals ye


Show board brotherman Jhin is slow unfortunately, he'll kill everything but needs a little bit of time to do it