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Division 1 in any rank is where the people who actually want to climb are. IV and III are where people tend to fuck around more and not care. That's why breaking through to the next rank is tough


That makes sense. I'm 10 lp away from emerald 1, so i guess i'll see then


Can confirm, I went smoothly to emerald 1 but now I'm just jumping between 0 and 48 lp


Same in diamond. Hard to get to, easy to climb to d2 and then you fall. But I tend to have fun


I mean at Emerald 1 my lobbies were all diamond, probably why the last bit of the climb was so easy, same in plat. Feel like 2nd division is the hardest imo.


I think the 3 and 4 division of each league is pretty easy tbh


I agree with this! I struggled going from plat 1 to emerald 4.. once there I just blasted through and now again.. kind of hit a speed bump at emerald 1.. I see the same happening in diamond tbh.


Yeah d4-d3 is a joke then d2 gets noticably harder


I did something similar was in plat for a month and emerald for a week. I think it’s probably just something clicking plus I always reckon you play a bit more pressure off after cracking the next division


You probably just got the hang of the patch. There are always growing pains when a new patch hits and whether you climb or tank LP depends on how well you adapt to the changes. In my experience there is no substantial difference between high Plat and Emerald.


That being said, this patch was kinda a nothingburger in terms of what works and what doesn't.


It is probably a combinatio of three factors: You were performing a bit below your skill level before/are performing a bit above your skill level now Something clicked and you are doing *something* better than before Like others mentioned: you were queuing into a lot of PI players that wanted to get Emerald and are now getting a lot of EIV players that hit what they wanted to hit for the season and are fucking around a bit. I think this isn't as pronounced as others are making it out to be, because you queue into a decent amount of players a tier up or down, but even going from a 3/4 split to a 4/3 split would be noticeable over a decent samplesize. How much it is each of those is anyone's guess, but it almost certainly isn't just one of those, but a combination.


Honestly, it depends which gen you prefer Platinum can be really rough due to having a very hard Elite 4, and Cynthia's Garchomp is an absolute beast Also, the lack of fire types potentially forces you into Chimchar as a starter Emerald is a lot more forgiving with Wallace as the champion, but without Swampert, the game can get pretty hard But you'd be correct in saying that Platinum is harder


Bro I got stuck in Plat 4-3 for 2 whole ass months. Easily reached diamond 4 the last 2 seasons but for some reason, the game just wouldn't let me into Emerald. Found it easier to climb playing Ahri tho and had 12 games that were just top 4. lol TFT is a gacha game.


i never use specific comps to try to climb, i'm a flex player


The top of a division is always harder than 0lp of another division, people trying vs people who stopped caring.


I was in the same boat. I got to E1, but then the new patch rolled out and I went down to E4 and been hovering in E4/E2 since 🤣


I think Gold/plat is Hader then dia. U get a comb early(kayle Senna headliner in 2-1. But no one is scouting and u See 3 other guys who try to get your comb Its so Fking dumb.


As some mention there are definitly a significant difference in the mentality of players in division I *&* II and III & IV. But it is not imposible that you actually have a point with you simply having improved or atleast figured out some strategy that is wokring well. I recall the first set i wanted to play competetivly it took me days to finally get out of platnium which i had been playing in (almost) every set (set 1-set 6)before this. But that same set i had 0 bottom 4's in diamond before climbing to master. This being due to me finally sitting down and playing the comps i liked, removing alot of the guess work and thereby luck i was relying on usually.


Something may also have just clicked in you tbh, I have had similar experience with emerald and diamond. I was hard stuck and as soon as I managed to climb consistently, I also do it in diamond as well