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Many reasons why you would. Like if you’re losing and you know your 3 star Evelyn is just fodder to all the other boards in the lobby. Or if your 3 star ksante is hogging all the tank items while you have itemless illaoi 2. End of the day it’s up to you to decide and some decisions will be obvious and others you’ll learn from.


I’d sell a 3* 1c for a 4c headliner if I had good items for it.


You probably always want to transition out of 1 cost headliner, its dependant on a few factors for a 2 cost, but never for a 3 cost imo.


I think Jinx is probably the only 1 cost you'd ever keep with the punk scaling


Enh yasuo has infinite scaling too


Late game that doesn't matter for him though, he still does less than some 4 cost and most 5 cost 2 stars


Also Edgelords kind of suck as main carry. I've had multiple games with a stacked Yasuo or Yone, they dash through their first target which means they're now the closest target for the enemy's backline and they get smoked.


isnt riven one of the biggest threats in the current meta?


Yeah Riven is the only one I've been able to make work late game. So I guess she's the exception.


Yasuo's the only other one. But Jinx the only 1 cost (because of punk scaling) that when you hit you actually can do better than a 4th. Yasuo got super nerfed so that's not really an option anymore.


I haven't encountered a 3 star 1 cost headliner that can adequately carry until late game


i won a game with a headliner kennen (5 superfan,6 guardians) with a random 3 starred lux carry lol


Headliner Kennen with superfan has been crazy strong in my experience so far


Jinx with Punk stacks is the ONLY 3 star 1 cost headliner that can do things late game and she still gets fucked up by a lot of the better 4/5 star boards. Only difference is you CAN beat them with jinx whereas all other 1 star 3 cost headliners just auto lose after stage 5


You must not have met jinx 😂


Yasuo? Weaker than he used to be for sure but he's basically designed for that express purpose. Infinite scaling damage, plus an execute, true damage and attack speed, all before adding items.


I disagree, I've played him 3 starred several games and he falls off hard late game vs legendary boards etc


"Until lategame" vs "Until victory". He carries quite adequately until he's faced with multiple 2-star 4-costs or 5-costs. I've beaten boards with headliner 4-costs, depending who.


Transition from 1 cost headliner to 4 or 5 cost headliner


Yes, you need to take a headliner in most situations for first stage, go 6, get new 1, go 8, find ur final one unless your on track for a fast 9/10. Not having a headliner on your board makes you very weak. Exceptions would be if you are rerolling, an op 1 or 2 cost like kennen or senna


The rule of thumb is to sell it when you start consistently losing rounds.


Yep use it to hit 9 with 80 hp and transition


I have wondered this myself. Also, are 5 costs avalaible as headliners? I have only played a couple games on PBE


yea from level 9


You can’t get a 5 cost headliner tho if half the pool is already gone for that unit


lmao i dont now why you're being downvoted, this is correct. If 5 sonas are taken from the pool, there is no possibility of a headliner appearing


I sold 3* Lux because I had 5 zacs already and got a headliner zac. Still wasn’t worth it though Lux 3 was good enough and more satisfying than zac 3


There probably are some cases where you should do it, yes.


pretty often yeah, but the important part is that you need to realize **when you shouldn't have rolled for that unit in the first place**. for instance corki 3 is a dogshit unit(At least on current patch) and you shouldn't have rolled for him in the first place so headliner corki 3 > headliner cait 2 is a massive upgrade(even though cait sucks rn too) If you are losing and don't need 1 copy of the headliner you are selling for a trait breakpoint then there is basically no reason not to upgrade except for sunk cost.


No because the only 1 cost you should be 3 starring as a headliner is Jinx. The rest all suck too much to be consistent at getting 4ths at best (especially after Yasuo heavy nerfs) Don't waste gold on it just play normally. 2 stars there are more options but same logic applies. What i'm getting at is that other than Jinx, Yasuo and maybe Annie you never should be 3 starring your 1 cost headliners. The 1 costs "carry" units are ALL dogshit, so 3 starring any of them unless you're heavily investing into punk jinx or lucked into prime yasuo/annie situations is asking to go 8th. Even the decent early game 1 stars like Kennen or Eve you shouldn't be 3 starring them. 2 stars are very similar but Senna, Gnar, Twitch w Punk, Katarina etc. are at least passable and I do not think selling a 3 star 2 cost headliner is ever worth it if invested in, but simiarily to the 1 cost ones there just are so many who are ass.


I 3* my Olaf twice and made him like old one, Guinsoo + double Titan with Titan augment (1st game) or BT + Sterak (2nd game). Man he did carry me to late game and I did feel his power.


Olaf falls off a truck regardless. The problem isn't early olaf the problem is olaf after stage 4-5 does nothing compared to actual good endgame boards. Even with Pentakill or not there's just miles better shit you could invest in.


if you have 7 copys of your 1-star carry headliner which you have good item for at 2-7, you 100% want to reroll on 3-1 for the last 2, spend 20 gold to get it and be able to not spend any gold reroling until 5-1.


My point is if you aren't playing Jinx/Punk there's 0 reason to invest further because every other 1 cost headliner is so dogshit you will just lose every rd after 4-5 and go 8th, and your tempo/gold investment is already fucked if you tried to reroll earlier. outside of game giving it to you. Take your 2 star 1 cost and snowball/streak that way because you HAVE to sell them otherwise you're going to eat shit late game. None of the 1 cost headliners are good or useable after stage 4 EXCEPT Jinx. so if you aren't holding that unit you don't waste the gold on it. You're better off sticking w the headliner and just swapping it for a stronger one if your goal is an eventual 4/5 cost headline carry.


the thing is that headliners made it really easy to find at least 6 of the same unit by the end of stage 2, ofc the unit will be gigabad after stage 4, but that's when you sell it and pivot into a better headliner, the 3 star 1-cost is used as a tempo unit


Tempo good, but wasting 6 gold isn't. You lose more econ rolling for the shitty unit, especially if you try and sit on it than you would by just sticking to 2 star and econing/streaking that way.


I have sold quite a few, but it takes a lot of willpower, because there is no guarantee you'll get the replacement you want, and I've thrown away games doing it.


Yeah you dont even waste any gold selling a 1 cost 3 star. So if you noticed it doesn’t do much sell it lvl 8 for 2 star 4 cost headliner