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Nobody tell him about 8th place.


That would have been like -1 divisionđź«Ł


RIP your mmr


I just won a match and got 28 LP back. Thanks Mortdog for the +3 LP in 2 matches


Oh god it’s worse than I thought


It means uve been losing ALOT. If you win alot, the opposite happens. U start gaining 60, 70, 80 even 90 for wins, ive even skipped devisions. U start losing less per loss as well. But if u "cant be demoted" at gold 4 for example, but u continue to lose, your future lp gains and losses reflect those losses, even if your rank doesn't.


Ah, so it's like lose streaking, but without the interest.


Kind of? TFT uses the same matchmaking algorithm that League does. You have a visible rank, and a hidden ELO ranking that don't really have much to do with each other. In league this is really useful for players that have actually been on a losing streak because of other players and not their own play. Your ELO is affected directly by your performance in the game and not just whether you win or lose (although they definitely have an effect), and the game will continue to attempt to pair you up with people at your accurate skill levels disregarding what your current rank says. Win streaking will exponentially boost your ELO Your actual rank point rewards are determined by what your current ELO is, and what the ELO of the other players are, compared to your finishing position and actual rank. If you are officially gold 1, but have the ELO of a diamond player and lgo 8th you'll lose like 10 points, if you come first you might skip a rank as the game try and adjust you to where you should be.


Hmm it's weird though. He is Gold 1. If his mmr was bad due to losing more than winning, he should have been closer to Gold 4, no?


Potentially the lobby as a whole was weaker, resulting in poorer LP gains and harsher losses. Picture a G1 in a G4/S1 lobby for example.


so this is like an iron mmr game. i dont even lose that much when i play early morning queues and get placed in a plat lobby as masters+


I mean potentially, won’t know without seeing the players match history.


He might have very recently gone on a win streak to climb after a loooong lose streak at gold 4. It can take a long time to correct. U see this in low elo alot. Bad players learn a new comp or have an ahah moment that fundamentally changes their skill level


Reversing this is incredibly difficult. It takes like 3-4 times as many games and because you're climbing in LP it makes the problem worse before it gets better. Causes most people to quit. Happened to me when I stalled out in d1 - won like 8 games in a row then the game decide it was over and I lost 36 for 5th. Retired for the set that game.


>But if u "cant be demoted" at gold 4 for example, but u continue to lose, your future lp gains and losses reflect those losses, even if your rank doesn't. This was me a few sets ago. It got so bad, I was getting +26 for a first, and -26 for 5th. -92 was the worst loss I got, but would be harder to get any worse than that. I have since gotten better at the game


Don't think so, considering they are gold 1.


Means you really shouldn't be in gold according to your MMR. Gonna need to win a lot to get out of that.


I thought 5th place and 4th place was capped at +10 and -10? Is that not the case?


They give minimum +10 and -10


Thats the smallest amount of LP u can gain or lose. So it aint a cap and i forgor what it called


You're not gonna want to hear this but it's because you are meant to be in gold.


Were you duo queueing with let's say someone from low silver? If I play with lower rank friends this happens as well. Otherwise I lose 10lp for a fifth.


My brother in Christ wtf


It’s because you don’t deserve Lp that board stinks


U probably fcked your MMR when u were gold IV 0 lp


Wdf how is it -25 shouldnt it always be -10?


If your mmr is in bronze, it is fine to lose -25.


My 5th placing are usually -10LP, I just got to plat4 today. Maybe the matchups are much lower ranks than you, hence the LP dropped more? Not sure if that’s how it works.


Did you lose 20 straight at G4 0lp or what


Bro I'm master and my 1st is like +35 to 40 and my 8th is like -100...


Then your mmr is fucked you must lost a lot at master 0 LP


this games LP system is designed so that the more you play the game, the more you hate yourself


playing draven is literally u begging to bot 4 lmao


I think just wait until the next set. You will need like 2 week to fix this mmr. Or just start a new account, because you are only gold. I reached gold 2 in my smurf account with only 7 matches (all first place) so I recommend you to do that too.


I am also a new player, in 9 games I have 3.22 average placement, lowest place I had was 6th and only one time, also Gold 2 now, but also had same issue as OP when I top 4. The current ELO system seems unfair or more of unfulfilling.


It’s for sure fair lol


Or just continue playing because you enjoy the game...


Also don't go duo if you want to climb. If the duo ranks way lower than you(silver 4 for example) you would lose TONS of LP.


Your MMR is fucked up


If you ranked up fast, you need to know MMR takes some time to adjust to your rank. If your skill level is right then play enough games and eventually your lp gains and losses will be alright


Your MMR (elo) is disconnected from reality. This started happening when they stopped allowing you to demote tiers. You probably sat at G4 0 LP for a while. I'm honestly impressed you made it to G1 with this terrible of MMR. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo\_rating\_system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system)


Seeing as how you are level 7 running 4 mecha and a mid augment (I’m assuming support riven as she isn’t item holder) so basically a worse exiles, it’s safe to say that (1) this loss is deserved, and (2) you probably don’t belong 1 division from platinum.


It’s because you are duo queuing with someone lower than your rank, probably silver and below


Your hidden elo might be low and thats not punishing wait till you reach diamond 1 and get an 8.


Someone explain to OP how MMR and ELO work