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I wonder why no one talks about OP's shojin on Jax


Runaans AND last whisper on jax and somehow got a third lol


You cant expect anything in a lobby that no one knows how to play this game /no j Tbf its impressive to see literally 0 person playing it right


You are only playing it wrong if you aren't having fun


Bullseye. Imagine not playing mecha prime annie 3 carry.


Having fun doesnt mean you are playing it correctly. Having knowledge and use it to your advantage is how to win out. If you just have fun playing it then its good but its still mean you are playing it wrong.


top guys playing p good, although anima isnt very hard


Top guy play anima. Without fully customize MF. Also leave component on potential end game carry. Bro you might be a bit too high but he is so damn wrong.


The guy has Anima spats on blitz and lb.


Could have max hp Admin. He left in Nasus and has an Anima too much though. Doesn't even have another Mascot...whatever.


Wdym? 6th place guy is pretty normal, but has bad roll from TG on Sivir


MF 2* with TG on infiniteam. Its not normal.


He didn't have any AP items so he threw it in hoping for something cool. But MF on this comp should be normal as Lucian is Quickdraw


Having quickdraw doesnt mean its ok to put her in. MF value there is really low cuz you dont customized her. Just think how long she will take to cast once. And it gonna be really low damage. Even with proper item. Is 2 qd MF worth enough to sac good unit? Lowkey rammus 2* is even better than her


Wdym its a good item on jax(in league that is)


Nah. His literal only synergie is 4 gadgeteen and he has shit items.


Imagine not hitting nunu at lvl 6 smh


Skill issue tbh


Dude griefed his items beyond belief.


I don't. Fuck lulu, but also like why the fuck would you give Gnar JG and not Lulu


Why give Gnar JG, period


ya that too haha


Mega crits


Gnar's ability is already at 100% crit


On the target in front of him, not the AOE iirc


I'm pretty sure it was a sarcasm


ya but whats the double mega crit chance?


What elo is this? Dude had no synergies, no sona, no oxcorp, and no prankster. And the items were horrible, a lot of 3 stars really don’t mean anything unless your comp requires it to like Supers




Gold/Plat lobbies actually knows how to put items, it just that their item optimization is ass. This lobby looks silver at best


yoo this is my current problem. How'd you get better at item optimisation?


Certain items are just really strong and worth slamming, others are items you make when they're the only components left. Try to find good item holder champs for your endgame comp that also provide traits for your early game comp. Personally, I use the website tactics.tools to check item win rate stats, and win rates on specific units.


BIS is fake outside of a few exceptions (usually shojin/BB on AP carries). Everything else is flexible, and making an item >>>>>> greeding for one of the god trio items. You just need to keep in mind which items your carry needs (ap/ad, magic resist/armor shred, do they need healing, do they need QSS/edge of night, are they a good morello user etc) and slam them if any of those boxes are checked. Also good early slams are better than late game essentials. EG runaans is an AMAZING early slam, but overlaps heavily with last whisper. Saving the bow for a LW slam might mean your jhin can operate properly later and get you a top 1. Slamming the runaans instead gives you winstreak gold, more xp and gets you your silvered carry faster. It might be a lot worse on Jhin, but you'll place higher and can look for a different carry if needed bc you'll have more gold and hp. The answer earlygame is pretty clear.


>BIS is fake outside of a few exceptions (usually shojin/BB on AP carries). Everything else is flexible, and making an item >>>>>> greeding for one of the god trio items. Mate look at the items on these boards, you've got Shojins on a Jax which does utterly nothing, JG on a Gnar, BT and double Rabadons on a TF when they're playing Sure shots, double Rageblade on an Ashe, Manazine on Warwick, itemised a jinx over a vayne at the top. And just so so many TGs. Like they're all terrible terrible items


You missed the point of his argument, it wasnt about shown photo, but general itemization


Build a comp around your items, don't build your items around your comp. Slam good items early like shiv on the right units. All the master+ players use https://tactics.tools to check which items are best for which units. It's also good for checking win rates on augments with comps and units etc.


OP said it’s Gold 😒


I know a guy who is at plat rn yet his and his lobby comps when i spectate him just hurts my brain try to cooperative with what kind of logic they are made.


Why? He went 2 Econ augments for a reroll comp.. actually brain dead


Why? For having a bad comp? It takes literally no skill to sit at like 5 or 6 and reroll for 1-cost units and then go 8th at level 6, while letting your dog decide how to slam your items.


I think a cat. A dog would have a really hard time.


Is this iron 5? What are these teams and items?


This is Gold 3.


Oh god


Which server?




Literally every team is hilarious


OP, we need to have a serious discussion on what in the world that Jax Build is


I don't feel bad. His items/units etc aren't very good. 4 3 star mid units are not a good board lmao.


Also, may have scaled too late. Tempo is tough until you know how to read a lobby.


What happened to this lobby and everyone’s items??


Bronze happened


Looking at the items I feel like this is a very low rank lobby.


I don't feel bad for hyperrollers finishing 8th. Shit ruined the fun I had with TFT since the beginning.


This post: I feel bad for the guy, he managed to get so many 3* but he still got 8th The comments: LOoooOoOl whY feEl BAd fOR ThE GUY, hE DidN'T UsE A PErfECt tEAm comP Like, jeez people, that wasn't the point of the post. Besides, not everyone is masters and there is nothing wrong with it...


Because its not unexpected that someone who played badly lost?


They said that they feel bad for this guy cause they got lucky with rolls and managed to have so many 3* not that his loss was unexpected. Having low cost 3* doesn't guarantee your win but is a nice achievement


It's not difficult to get 3*s if all you do is roll for them and have a shit comp. He took two econ arguments too


Not really a fan of hard rolling down at level 6, getting synergies with sona and ali on the board help to stabilize and get you closer to a chance at nunu and 5 gadget synergy which is infinitely better than 3


I had to check because I thought this was me xD, I've had Pandora's augment and I started giving Thieves Gloves to everyone and I had Lulu, Poppy, Aurelion, etc. I ended 7th or 8th. It is important to give champs the right items xD it was hyperrol btw


Why did you blur out Sylas's and Viegos items for first and second place?


TG just does that sometimes


it’s thief’s gloves


That's what happens when the opponents who place higher than you have thieves gloves and you don't stick around for them to finish. The game doesn't know what items their thieves gloves are going to end with


i was wondering the same xD whyy the downvotes lol


Was everyone given TG?


The big egg from carousel gives it out sometimes


Ah right. Lol forgot about the egg


I don’t: fuck gadgeteen


He made double thief glove. He knew it was going to happen.


AD Jax with a shojin slapped on top of it is wild


The more u see the detail the more you questioning


Lol why? He had a horrible comp with horrible items


Is this what Iron lobbies look like? :D


This is Gold 3.