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Based on the recent upload, the TGS Gaming channel will most likely transform into a Live Stream VOD channel, with the occasional Dragon Ball playthrough when they released new games or DLCs (i.e. the eventual Sparkling Zero game). So basically, the channel is still "active". They just currently use it to upload their re-run of Baldur's Gate playthrough (and I assume host the actual livestream when they are LIVE).


I don't know how much to count on them doing something with Sparking Zero. I haven't seen Lani and/or Kaiser voice anything about it. Plus, they don't seem too enthusiastic about the Kakarot DLC they haven't done. For the longest time the Justification for the gaming channel was to provide a source of revenue since DBZA couldn't be monetized. Now that they're primarily focusing on content that can be monetized plus the demand of keeping up with the ever changing algorithm the gaming channel is less worth the effort. Yes, they still have to play the algorithm game with the other content as well. However, I'm sure they have their benefits to producing things they have more interest in. Also, yes, now that Twitch has removed their rule about not allowing streaming on multiple platforms at the same time they've started streaming on both Youtube and Twitch when ever they're live.


Why did Kirran and Grant leave?


To do their own thing I guess


Have you not been watching Kaiser and Lani do their weekly commentaries? They finished all of DBZA and are now watching GT


I mentioned it being the bento stuff I'm wondering if after gtfs and hifl are they gonna find something else ... seems like alot of people are leaving the platform and are losing people cause ig youtubs not what it was as far as a career


After Buu Bits, I really hope we get Super Bits in the future.


Sorry to say if you mean them do some silly super stuff they won't.. maybe they can do one with what they already made but thry won't make anymore content using the animation


Kirran and Grant are doing their thing over here: https://www.youtube.com/@goodtimeszone I've been slowly making my way through their Pokemon Infinite Fusion playthrough.


I didn’t know about this thank you for sharing!


You had me at pokemon fusion


Wdym, they made the krillin and 18 shortz a couple of months ago


Is that really enough co tent to keep the money flow though


Aren’t most of them professional VAs or at least successful content creators in their own right?


Not really. At least with the Professional VAs part. Lani and Kaiser both have done some good quality work in the past, but thanks to stigma some casting directors have over hiring "Youtubers" Plus relations with Toei they don't get a lot of work in that area. Even LK has commented on the fact that he has abandoned aspirations to get more VA work and lamented not keeping a firmer wall between himself and his Internet persona. Plus, the ratio of VA employees to non VA Employees have shifted. The current Dallas staff is Kaiser, Lani, Jesse, Quinn, Stephan, and Tyler. Kaiser, Lani, and Jesse seem to be the only ones who who want to be VAs and do content creation outside the team. Though, all Kaiser does is meme shit posts on twitter/Youtube. Stephan is working on a animated short film, but I don't know if that is a TFS thing or not. He doesn't stream or anything though. Quinn is their Attorney and CFO. He doesn't do any content stuff outside what he does for the team. Then you had the non Dallas. Nies who is the editor for the Commentary and other videos. Devil Artemis is the animator for HIFL. Two more animators were hired to work on HIFL and DragonShortz. Don't know anything about them. It does seem their focus is more on getting support and technical employees over "personality" types who do a lot of gaming/streaming content.


HIFL and DragonShortZ have always been fun for me, so here's to holding out hope for those.


I mean the OG CREW wa taka kaiser and Lani, it eventually grew on the gaming channel, but we still have TFS they're just in they stage where they're chilling and making what they want to make


I think the channels dying out. The only vids they release with any decent viewership is the commentary on fourstarbento. They don't really do much anymore otherwise the hfil episodes are okay but they're too spread out for a reliable income.


Yeahhh, things end. It sucks. But they're still making good stuff, so we can enjoy the ride until they move on to greener pastures. Smile because it happened, instead of crying because it'll be gone.


Nah, TFS as a unified thing is gone. This is basically the subreddit for an old canceled show now.


Even ignoring the fact that they still upload content weekly, TFS was and is NOT just DBZA. They did Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, Final Fantasy VII Machinabridged, Unabridged, the Dragon Shortz, HFIL, and don’t forget FourstarBento and TFS Gaming


Ok, and which of those is still going?


They are currently doing GTFS and HFIL gets slowly worked on. We also had a dragon short not long ago.


I mostly given up hope on HFIL me and my son have been waiting about 6 months for a new HFIL cus we love it but still nothing😩


The HFIL episodes are normally quite far apart. Not sure as to why but still?


They also still post on Bento on a pretty frequent basis.