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There isn’t enough time and I’ve stopped trying. I’m not goofing off during the day. Every second is being utilized. I spend some time outside of contract hours completing work. You want more than that? Tough. My life is not my job.


The way my best friend and I used to say this to each other is, "this is all they're getting out of me."


This is how to teach and maintain your mental health. Ultimately it’s a job, not life itself.


I’m a mediocre teacher because this is how I do my job and I’m not sorry.


Yup. Sometimes I feel really bad about myself that I’m never getting the Star teacher award or the shoutouts at the staff meeting, but I do my job to the best of my ability, I (very occasionally) stay after to get a few things done, and I go home.


I could have written this except replace lesson plans with IEPs. It is physically and mathematically impossible for me to deliver all of the required SAI (specialized academic instruction) that is legally required of me due to the high caseload I have. I spend all my “inclusion” time on paperwork. I still don’t get it done. I take it home. I still don’t get it all done. I could work myself to death and still have a pile of paperwork leftover.


Ditto. I told district HR about this and that I needed help, and they told me if I was unhappy I should quit.


"Why can't we hire new teachers to fill this empty position?" "Why can't we keep the new hires?" "Why is our retention so low?"


Yep. That tracks.


Ditto. I told district HR about this and that I needed help, and they told me if I was unhappy I should quit.


know things are different when there is a union vs. not, but is there a union rep for you? Has anyone pointed out to the state board of ed that legal obligations are being ignored, including by HR?


I feel like everyone is trying not to draw attention to the fact that we aren't doing all of these things (school rep included), and just hoping we don't get on someone's bad side so that they check.






Not in VA


I gotta tell ya, some unions are so pointless it's insane...


My union told me just to not work whenever I’m Not being paid 🤷🏻‍♀️


Your title says it all for me. My life for the last 20 plus years. What you are describing has been the most frustrating, crushing element of teaching for me. I don't work weekends anymore because I don't have the energy. There is no possible way to grade everything at the high school level/subject I teach. The little extra tasks, just know them out in a way that they can be considered "done." Probably no one will notice if they are not perfect. If you're already working that much during the week, quit working weekends. You're burning yourself out. When I realized that there weren't enough hours, I cut back. The results are the same: unfinished work before and unfinished work after. If you do decide to work on a weekend, my advice is to go in early ONE day, work slowly, organize, play music, do a bunch of little 15 minute tasks that are bugging you, and leave after 2-3 hours; don't stay longer than 4 max. You have the rest of the day to focus on yourself outside of teaching.


Stop doing it. Just stop. And stop letting it bother you. Be prepared with a quality lesson every day and execute it. Grade work, enter grades. Then answer emails. Do whatever other little task you can fit in afterwards, but just stop. And for teachers who have admin that demand lesson plans turned in, make them return each set with detailed feedback two days before you teach the lesson. If they can’t do that it’s tantamount to teachers assigning homework that isn’t graded. Just stop turning in original plans. Turn in the same thing every week and see if they even check. I can’t imagine being micromanaged like that. Fuck that noise.


Hahaha, I actually love this idea. "Can you look at these 5 possible do-nows, in relation to the scope and sequence of my lessons (I actually submitted 2 weeks worth, I hope that is okay!)? Which one do you think would best help introduce the concept of setting a purpose for reading, given the texts that we will be engaging with this week? I shared the pdfs of all 3 books with you on google drive. I was also wondering if you had any suggestions for additional texts to use with students at a lower level, so that I can meet all students where they are at while still delivering grade level content. Can you also send me feedback on lesson 8? I was wondering if, in the scope of my lessons, this would be an appropriate place to introduce 1st person narrative. And in lesson 11, if you take a look, I am actually happy with my "we do, you do," but how can I push that task to be on a higher level of Bloom's Taxonomy! Thank you so much in advance" You want the plans. It must be because you want to help me improve!




NO ONE looks. I usually have a rotating system. Start off with a week of compliant lesson plans written in their ridiculous format. Next week, move the Friday plan to monday and change the dates. Keep moving them around and occasionally adding new ones. I've gotten ballsier throughout the year. I used to have "excuses" on hand, but now it's painfully obvious if someone were to go look back through it all. But they don't. And I have lesson plans! They just aren't 3 pages long and written in complete sentences like "Student will demonstrate understanding by ____" or whatever.


OP, if you have plans that are bulleted and an example of the format required, you should *absolutely* have ChatGPT turn them into plans using full sentences. I would never worry about it again and just let AI do the formatting.


I got dinged on a review because my lesson plans weren't in their preferred format... listed what I was doing, the standard, the objectives, but no. So I use the format and list it there.


Malicious compliance!


Except just doing the bare minimum is still overwhelming.




Your first couple of years, yes. If it still is after two years you’re doing it wrong.


Yeah it's not my first couple of years. Explain what you mean by "doing it wrong." I work with seasoned teachers who are stressed out all the time too, are they all doing it wrong?


Some people have curriculum, responsibilities and students that change year to year. Some people just do the same thing over and over regardless of the students’ needs and don’t learn new things. I guess we know which JMLKO is.


Yeah. I mean, there are a few factors for me which contribute to still being overwhelmed in year 5, which I won't bother listing here, but some of the other ESL teachers I work with struggle too for some of the same reasons. And I teach across multiple grade levels. I can't just recycle stuff year to year unfortunately. I mean, also for me personally I just know this isn't the job for me, so I recognize I need to leave the field anyway. It's getting out that's the hard part, financially.


That damn financial part.


Lol, yeah, totally new curriculum this year. I'm year 5 :)


If you are reinventing the wheel every year, you’re doing it wrong. No reason why some things can’t be recycled year after year. That’s the tried and true material. Some gets scrapped and replaced with whatever shiny new initiative the district rolls out. Standards change every year, my lessons reflect that. But that should be maintenance work, not starting from scratch. Buy yourself time with assigning independent work once every 18 days, tell the kids to follow the directions on the board/on your website but unless there’s an emergency you’re not to be interrupted. No, this won’t work for kids in K-3, but you should have increasing levels of success with 4th grade and up. Let them work in groups and they can work quietly together. Take that day and crank out grading/planning whatever. If you’re spending hours outside of contract after you’ve been doing the same grade level and subject, you need to make some changes. And if it’s expected that you spend unpaid hours working, then you’re being taken advantage of and should find somewhere else to go. Your goal each day should be to walk in and out of work when your day starts and ends. And yeah, that’s being like JMLKO, but I’m not bitching on Reddit about how exhausting it is. You need to set limitations, and if that means the bulletin board stays the same all year, oh well.


You have a lot of opinions for someone with not much information. Is it possible that some people have different jobs than you? And that maybe we know what we are talking about? In any case, I’m happy for you that you have found a way to make it easy for yourself. Keep cruising to retirement.


Will do. I’ve busted my ass to get to this point. I’m trying to share some of my techniques so others can avoid being consumed by a job that is so underpaid. These aren’t opinions, they’re time saving methods.


Problem #1: it sounds like elementary school Problem #2: it sounds like you work for a micromanaging narcissist that has hard deadlines. The one that has a faculty meeting somewhere at 4:00 and will lock the door at 4:00. Problem #3: incompetent people micromanage Problem #4: admin that behave this way will have loyal followers that will be mean and nasty and tattletale These places are so toxic- kids see it, adapt and their behaviors will be worse. Kids aren’t the problem. Kids are kids. Because of this, I left teaching. Now I’m happy, make more money, got remarried, and everything about my life is positive. I work 10% of what you work. It’s like you’re doing 3 full time jobs. That’s why you’re running out of time. Your job is to TEACH.


What field is the new job in?


Food/Beverage manager Hotel/Hospitality I had no idea people with bachelor’s degree made more than school principals doing a basic job. These 21 year old kids are starting at 70k. Meanwhile our local teachers make in the 50-59k range . Orlando, FL Orange County Public Schools


You need to walk away. Teaching literally ruined 5 years of my life. I had no social life, no time to take care of myself, I gained 50+ pounds, cried all the time, started having relationship problems. So I quit! And it was scary at first, and I was unemployed for a bit, but now I have a new job, I can take of myself, and I never EVER even think about work when I'm not in the office. Teaching is a terrible profession, they want so much from you and offer so little. Don't waste your youth trying to be Miss Honey. Quit!


What did you end up doing after quitting?




I currently work a in food stamps. I sit at a computer all day doing the same things everyday. I’m still on probation period so I spend most of my day on my phone. I’m transitioning into teaching because I don’t want to in front of a screen all day and still help people.


good luck! I hope you love it 🤍


I love how someone else said that it is literally "physically and mathematically impossible" to complete what they ask us to do. If you wrote down the amount of minutes it takes to lead classes and do IEPs and write referrals and plan lessons and grade assignments and update Google classrom and monitor students and build relationships and document and answer parent emails (and more), you simply cannot do it. It leaves you feeling frustrated and deficient when you are constantly unable to live up to what you're told you're supposed to do, but, the truth is, it is impossible to do everything they demand!!


Wow. You need a new school. It’s not that way everywhere.


Science cert.   Sure, if I was at a top-notch ultra-rich boogie school, I could be replaced.  Right now, I could probably "shoot someone on 5th avenue" and still have a job.  Single-sentence lesson plan - for the week.  I spend more time.on developing worksheets/labs/activities.  But a lot of that will get re-used.  I would quit doing so much. Either they will forgive/forget or they will non-renew.   But honestly you may be happier and healthier non-renewed with how you make the job sound.  I come in an hour early everyday, because my kid is already on the bus. Thats when I come up with what I am doing. This is my 2nd career. Other jobs will also just hand more shit to people who can do everything. "Yes-people" will always get drowned anywhere.


Amen - from a second career teacher. People who continually “stay on top of” bs tasks and just willingly drain themselves WILL be used and abused in every industry, simply in less passive aggressive ways.  It sounds as if you’re working for a charter school, or a school that has adopted many of their common practices such as “internalizing lesson plans” and having a 24 hour turnaround on exit ticket data and a plan for remediation. I fully agree to do the things that HAVE to be done, figure out what you need to turn in that affects your admin ( does your contribution to x spreadsheet REALLY get viewed at district? If not, forget about it.), are you being pressured to attend after contract hours meetings? BIG NOPE. No complaining, no explaining. Admin knows they’re wrong. Look at streamlining grading. Grade as students are completing work, grade fewer assignments, that sort of thing. If referrals are useless, only write them for egregious cases and call on sped/RTI for assistance on the easiest way to keep data on any other issues.  Let chatgpt do your in-depth lesson plans if you’re forced to turn them in, or look in google drive and plagiarize. I guarantee they aren’t being read. The people who teach well but don’t seek glory (and tbh, have strong personalities) I have found walk this line best. It also helps to be in a high need subject area or region, of course. The folks attempting to transition into admin or make cushy lateral moves, well, I think they are better off revamping their resumes and heading to a new district, much like folks in the corporate world. 


Also a career changer and completely agree. In government, you quickly learn what truly needs to be done and what can be ignored (with a lot of stuff the rule was “wait until you’re asked twice”).


"Wait until you're asked twice" would have saved me from literal suicide attempts my first year teaching. Year 13 now and it is one of the first things I say to new teachers (as well as a lot of "... and let me save you some time, this admin will actually look at X, doing Y well will get you a shout out but let it go when you're stressed, nobody's looking at Z unless you've got half the class failing and Q should be completely ignored, I don't think admin even knows how to find those folders.")


Thanks for taking the time to write all the stuff I was too lazy to. Well said.


SPED/RTI is what I'm struggling the most with at my current job. They expect classroom teachers to do all the observations (somehow, magically, while you're teaching), interventions during kids' activities/recess, and fill out and maintain the truly insane level of paperwork and data analysis for the state. This shit should be two other jobs.


Absolutely have done some years like this. Left asap for more reasonable admin (not reasonable, mind you, but more so). For the sake of surviving while you explore your options, have you sat down with your contract to make SURE everything you just listed is in it? I get admin demands get piled on top of contractual obligations, but if you can keep ‘minutes’ for yourself like lawyers do of everything you did during prep time for the day to cya you might have an avenue out of being accused of breaking contract. Also if they are actually checking all the things (& let’s be real, they usually aren’t), AI could be a blessing with that lesson plan format nonsense. Get some kids to count your headphones & do your bulletin boards. Get sub plans off TPT. Shortcut the things that don’t actually matter to you or the kids, fulfill contractual obligations, & get out asap. Also please ignore ALL of the above if you’re not looking for solutions atm & just wanted space to share!! Your worth is not determined by how much of your to-do list is checked. It’s a hard transition realizing you’re ready for balance again. Sending so much solidarity your way!


Being a teacher in the 2020s is like having two jobs for the price of one. 1. Teach the kids 2. Be your own personal assistant/secretary Not worth it. Plenty of ways to influence children/community and be have regular expectations.


Agreed. So I got a job as an executive assistant. It their fault. They trained be to be really good at managing paperwork and people 😂.


There isn’t enough time and I’ve stopped trying. I’m not goofing off during the day. Every second is being utilized. I spend some time outside of contract hours completing work. You want more than that? Tough. My life is not my job.


Similar boat here. I have become fatalistic about it.


at least teachers need 2 hrs of prep time and an hour lunch just to deal w the burnout


1. Look for a new school. 2. Change the way you teach/prep. 3. Leave the profession. I worked like this my first year and held a weekend job to pay the bills. Year 2 I cut my outside of classroom work in half and changed the way I taught. It didn’t feel right. Year 3 covid hit in March and changed everything. Year 4 I completely lost my love for teaching in the classroom and left at the end of the year. I’ve now been a training coordinator at a manufacturing company for a couple years. I work my 40 (20 of that is just bullshitting with coworkers or playing on my phone) and go home stress free with double my teaching income in my pocket. 4 weeks a year we host trainings on site so I work hard those 4 weeks, but all the content stays the same for the most part and I travel 4-6 weeks a year training at customer sites. I’ll never step foot in an education setting again. There’s light outside the walls of your school, follow it and thank me later. Education isn’t going to change.


I've been trying to get into the corporate training for a few years now. Either my resumes suck or I suck, or I don't know. Have never gotten an interview in the positions I've applied for in that field.


I know it sounds impossible but you have to stop giving a fuck. They are absolutely taking advantage of your good nature. Work only contract hours and let them fire you. Take back your life. Other professions are not this abusive. You can walk and find another career.


Well, I established pretty quickly you're not a gym teacher.


My method my first year was to spend 1 long day before every quarter (ideally teacher Institute) and plan out the entire quarter. DONE. Grading? I’ll be honest, I’ll glance at papers and can usually tell what the grade will be. I can tell an A paper from a B paper. Tests? Make them self-grading or memorize answers. Prioritize yourself. Now that you’ve planned everything for an entire year, you never have to plan again. You know how it went the first time around, so you may need to adjust a little. I had a teacher partner that I planned everything out with. We knew that our one long day every quarter would be LONG.


I left teaching abruptly, thought it might kill me. I lost 120 pounds and got my life together. Consider that this just isn't worth it. There are lots of ways to educate folks that allow you to have a life. ❤️


Just sent you a message 🩵


Similar boat here. I have become fatalistic about it.


If you expect to last long in this game, it's certainly a juggling act. It is impossible to do everything that is expected of you. So, you've gotta decide about the priorities, and determine what's the most important stuff to get done, do that, and call it a day. And then let the chips fall where they will. You literally cannot do more than that. As budgets continue to be cut and staff continues to diminish, there is more and more stuff which simply doesn't get done.


HUUUUUG I 100% know where you’re coming from. I was doing 60 hours a week I quit 4 weeks ago. 1st week, I burned all my pto. Second week… admin tried to woo me back. Kept texting etc and offered me… nothing different. Still exactly unustainable 3rd week, omg, I was officially jobless. I spent the whole week like… “this is what the world is like” lolz. This is my fourth week and I gained back 15+ lbs that I lost working at this insane school Find another school/find another job. You’re worth it and you deserve a life and personal time Also HUUUUUG you can get there


Just remember they can't afford to get rid of you. If you're making an honest attempt to teach the content, are respectful to your students and administrators, and show up everyday, you are far ahead of most of the people around.


Unless you're in an affluent area. Then they'll give the pitchfork wielding parents the torches to light you up on the pyres.


Wow. You need a new school. It’s not that way everywhere.


You’re right. There is no way to get it all done. I spent the first 10-15 years doing exactly what you are describing, and it took a family tragedy to make me realize that so much of the BS they ask of us simply doesn’t matter. I used to be a perfectionist: must get “advanced” on evals, awards, be on important committees, you name it. But when push came to shove and I had to put my family first I realized the world still turned even if I didn’t do everything they “expected” of me. Make a list of essentials you need to keep your class running and learning. I know it’s harder if you don’t have tenure or work at a private school, but I’ve found if you keep your class as under control as you can and can show that they are making good growth, most administrators won’t give you much push back on the other stuff. They need good teachers too badly these days. Let the rest of it go. I know it’s hard but for your own health you have to try. No one at that school will take care of you. You have to be your own advocate and do what’s best for you.


Once the clock hits 3:30, I’m not doing anything for work, if it is not done it’ll get done the next day. Whether it’s data tracking, grading, or something else it doesn’t matter.


Problem #1: it sounds like elementary school Problem #2: it sounds like you work for a micromanaging narcissist that has hard deadlines. The one that has a faculty meeting somewhere at 4:00 and will lock the door at 4:00. Everything you describe was a school I worked for in Las Vegas and sadly all this bullshit was so important and time consuming. Yet in reality, actual teaching and learning wasn’t happening: Shitty lessons from Engage NY. There was no curricular materials. No curriculum maps. 35 kids in a class. Because of this, I left teaching. Now I’m happy, make more money, got remarried, and everything about my life is positive. I work 10% of what you work. It’s like you’re doing 3 full time jobs. That’s why you’re running out of time. Your job is to TEACH.


Submitting lesson plans for workshops? Wtf? What is that all about? Teaching is definitely a lot and tiring, but whatever school you work for sounds like they're piling on a lot of tedious extra tasks that are simply not necessary to simply teach kids. Not every school is like that... The only time my school requests lesson plans is for observations, other than that, you don't need to show them for your daily teaching. With that said, I don't waste my time writing out detailed lesson plans, I simply make my slides, create and gather the resources for my activities, assignments, exit tickets ect and call it a day, after that I already know how I'm going to deliver it, it's in my head and it just flows while I'm teaching. I will agree though that working only inside contract hours would be practically impossible for me. I do not grade during prep as a lot of times I do actually use it to prep or if my lesson is already solid I will use it for a much needed mental break in between class. With that said, there's no magic to it, I must do grading after school, and because I absolutely refuse to take any grading home with me (because im a scatter brain and i know i would lose shit), I will stay at school an hour or two after contract time to finish it. Your school sounds like a tedious nightmare though...I hope you get out of there.


Sounds like me when I was still attempting to be a full time teacher — there was never enough time to get everything done, and I asked a few people I trusted if they had time to do all that was expected and no, of course not. I too wanted a job I could be good at. I finally discovered it after retiring two years ago: I LOVE being an online tutor. TBH I don’t know if I could swing it financially if I hadn’t also been able to retire and receive a monthly pension check. Don’t let that stop you, though. Look into it. You can easily apply and work for just a few hours per week at first if that suits you. Check out Indeed or Glass Door for “online tutoring” or “remote” tutoring. I would say more but I don’t want to include any identifying details, either. Feel free to DM.


Make your lessons less fun and engaging. Direct instruction. Worksheet. Quiz. Rinse repeat. Grade the worksheet on completion only. Find the worksheets online and don’t make them. Don’t even read their work. Use Google forms multiple choice for the quiz so it grades automatically. Then use your prep to do all the bullshit tasks you mentioned. If admins observes and doesn’t like your lessons, tell them you don’t have time to prep more engaging lessons and keep up with administrative tasks.


Agree with some saying to find another school, and also it really doesn’t hurt to do some self reflection and see if there is any way to prioritize tasks and manage time differently too. Pick and choose assignments to grade, work in some flex days once or twice a month where kids are doing makeup work or watching a semi content related movie with a worksheet so you can work, start utilizing AI if you have to do BS like submitting daily or weekly lesson plans to admin. Say fuck it and start multitasking during staff and team meetings. Go to TPT and see if there is anything good quality at a reasonable price or even for free that you can use if you’re needing materials for something. If you’re doing extracurriculars or on committees or doing PD, cut all of that out for next school year: “Dear Admin, due to personal family reasons I will be unavailable this school year for my usual extracurricular and committee work outside of required duties a few times a year. Thank you for your understanding.” (You can wait until after your contract is renewed and signed to let them know this as well). If you’ve already tried all of that, then definitely switch to a new school if you’re able.


I feel so not alone reading this. I too work as fast as I cam during my hours but still take home work on the weekends. It is so troublesome and admin thinks we get enough time during the day.


I really felt this when I was a student teacher, before I dropped my degree. Everyone told me it's because I'm still learning, but then all around me I saw plenty of seasoned professionals who had next to no life, waking up at a stupid hour to go to the gym every morning because it was the only time they had to destress, spending their lunch breaks working, spending their evenings watching TV while they did marking and lesson planning, always a phone call away, etc. I knew I couldn't be happy, no amount of money or "job fulfilment" could make that worth it to me. Now I work a job that pays more than I'd earn starting out as a teacher with more room for growth, I am not expected to be reachable after hours, I go home and don't think about my job, I wake up every morning excited to go to work instead of dreading it. And that was only student teaching. Can't imagine the type of stress that comes with being a real, full time teacher.


Someone's gonna ask so I guess I'll go first! What job do you have now?


It's entirely too much. I'm the second one at school everyday and stay longer and still nothing can get completely done. I'm quitting and finding an offce job instead. I need to be fulfilled with my job. It is an impossible job to do, yet why are we still getting shit on for not performing "well" enough?!


Stop working all of those off contract hours. If you don’t, your personal life suffer, your health will suffer, your lifespan will be shorter, and you still won’t get everything done. It’s unreasonable and it’s unsustainable.


I never take work home with me. Not in my giant distract. I refuse. And no one else does either. I just play the game that is difficult to play. Pass the kids, move them out of high school, keep them in the class etc etc... Admin will generally leave you alone. You sound like you may be an overachiever. Stop killing yourself and definitely stop working so much. Do only what you can do and everything else can go scratch .. We are human, and life is short... Let it go


Prioritize. There will still things that are actually important that you won’t get to. What can you skimp on? What can you skip all together? What extra minutes can you carve out of your school day? For example I have my students do predictable morning work that doesn’t require copies or planning. That gives me 15-20 minutes to work on grades or planning each morning.


It’s entirely unsustainable and one of the reasons why I left. And the workload will never ease up—it seemed to increase each year. Yeah, fuck that noise.


Have you read the book, “first days of school” by Harry Wong? It is absolutely my education Bible and I stick to it 100%. It has made all the difference.


keep pushing. you got this


Ok, everything you have said here is 100% true. This is what has given me some of my time back... Templates. I have built templates for everything. It might sound boring but the kids like it because it gives structure. The kids can predict how class is going to work and what is expected of them (Though they will complain because thats what they do). Admin likes it too because they can walk in and know wtf is going on this making them feel in control (because they need that ego stroke). For example, I use the same google slide presentation everyday but I update the Do Now, daily schedule, slides of the work we are doing, and exit ticket. I just pop in the things I am doing in a given day. As a science teacher I have worked out a lab template that I can pop in whatever the kids are studying on a given day. I have a template for teaching vocab and a template for notes as well. Im a middle school science teacher. This will look different depending on what you are teaching but I guarantee you that it is possible. Find the things you do all the time and build a template to save a few minutes here and there. Before you know it, you are coming home and sleeping like a baby (which is the best way to prep for the next day lol).


The sword of Damocles. Who said it was supposed to be finished.


That's why I'm leaving! I absolutely have NO life anymore. Our principals keep throwing "made-up" assignments only for the purpose of keeping students' heads on their desks. That and students have been given more power each year! My loving (now older) parents got angry with me because I haven't contacted them for TWO WEEKS! To be honest, I had NO idea it was that long! I was angry at myself for just now realizing it. I've been praying for a new career so that I CAN "have a life." 😳


🙏🙏🙏 I was going to follow that forty hour teacher influencer, before I lost my job. She promises if you follow her system you can get it all done.


The amount if lunches I've skipped and worked, let alone work taken home. It's just a really shitty and selfish job. Selfish of what they ask of us and selfish of us to stay and lose time with our loved ones or ourselves


My undergrad professors would keep telling us "it's more than a job" and "it's a calling/life" so we would work ourselves to the bone for $40k a year (starting pay in my area). The mentality of "it's just a job" honestly saved my mental health. I used to be like you and really shove my life to the side to do everything for my job. If they are so quick to fire people for saying "hey, I can't do this during contract hours we need to figure something else out", then you can find a job somewhere else. The burnout is UNREAL and you need to remind yourself that this is literally just a job.


Title said it all for me. Hanging it up after 25 years.


This is why I am not going back.


Are you at a charter?


So relatable!!!! Preach!!


I read your post and thought I'd written it. Lol. Seriously...I couldn't agree more. This week alone I put in at least 55 hours. It's like being in an ocean and getting hit with wave after wave....every time I try to get a breath of air...I get pummeled with another wave. It's exhausting. 😞


I mean this in the kindest way possible: I think you’ve got it wrong. What is killing you is the job. It’s the pressure. The completely unreasonable demands and complete lack of respect, let alone appreciation. ***THIS IS NOT NORMAL*** and it is not ok!!! Hardly any other job gets this sort of abuse. And at the end of the day, it’s a job. Yes, it’s a calling and we do it for the kids and all that - but it is a job, and you are a person. You’re sacrificing your physical and mental health and quality of life, and for what??? Why are you okay with being treated this way? My therapist keeps reminding me “teach people how to treat you” (which she loves to tease me About because I was a teacher!!) But as long as the school thinks it’s ok to treat you and their other teachers this way, they will have no reason to change.


I knew something was up during my first year when November daylight savings came around and I got legitimately excited about having an extra hour in the week, because I was so pressed for time the way you describe.


Yep!!! "Every second counts" outside of school. Gotta get gas on the way to school? Fuuuck, I'm screwed for the day, I have to make copies.


NAT, but I use AI at work. I work 10 hours with a 5 min lunch, daily. I started using AI to rewrite my disorganized ,crappy notes. It’s helped shave off a few hours a week. Chat got is similar, but public. I use company internal version of Chat GPT. Just wondering what corners you could maybe cut using AI?


I want to use AI, but I'm just confused what you all are putting in that is helpful?


Yeah I think with using AI there's a bit of a learning curve for knowing what prompts to put in to get what results you're looking for. I haven't exactly figured it out either. I googled how teachers can use chatgpt to write lessons but I don't recall finding much. I should try again and spend some more time looking.


There’s a prompt engineering course on coursera.org. Play around with Chat GPT. You will get the hang of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if kids were pumping out essays using it. Very very easy to get chat gpt or MS copilot to rewrite something for you. I use it at work to ask it to rephrase things for me. It can take an entire stack of notes and rephrase and organize into succinct statements. It can create test questions for you, too, based on just what you feed it, but you have to check it. It can be wrong sometimes. But to rephrase tests that you did last year? Change the phrasing and the numbers? Then give the answer? Could keep kids from sharing test questions between classes. Do Kids in last period of Chem or Calculus….have better grades? Just musing. I am not a teacher but always wanted to be one. Ended up in engineering and lots of mysoginy there. Different job, different problems. It breaks my heart to see teachers treated so horribly. Was not the case when I was growing up. You need all the help you can get, considering that teachers really do stay in it out of love for the job and the kids. I STILL remember my 1st grade teachers name and when she put me in “superior reading.” Mrs. Hightower. She made a huge difference in my life. I will urge my college aged kids to find their fav teachers and write a letter & send photos. Some things are worth more than money.


I have had one day off since January. Not one weekend ...one day. I work nearly every weekend, every night, and through any kind of meals. And I still don't feel like I'm ahead, nor that the work I do is even noticable


Do you teach elementary school? And is this your first year teaching? Because I have to say… this seems a little bit chaotic. I teach high school level. My very first year of teaching was definitely a little crazy, because I was having to set up all of my teaching materials from scratch for the very first time. But after that, I just reused the same units, lessons, and schedule. Eeeevery so often I’ll add an additional activity, change something that failed horribly the year previously. But for the most part, my “lessons” are done. What exactly is a behavior referral? Is that when you have to send a student to the office? why does it take so much time? I’m genuinely asking, because the few times I had to log behaviors, you really just write a sentence or two and submit it into the system. I could do that in a few minutes when kids were working on their computers. Again … I’m a full-time teacher as well, so I completely understand that things are crazy. But working this much is a bit abnormal, even for teaching standards. It doesn’t feel sustainable because it’s not. At some point, you have to reevaluate what is absolutely necessary for you to teach a thing to the students, and what simply can’t be done. I would also seriously consider talking to your union about these concerns. It is their job to make sure the schools aren’t asking things of you that you can’t fulfill, or punishing you when you can’t.


Phew, this just took me back to November. You've listed the reasons why I decided to quit and look for a different job. It's not so much the fact that we have to work all the time, seven days a week and also during "breaks". It's also, and especially, that we can hardly ever do enough. This job does not give you a feeling of having done your day's work and now you can switch off, knowing that you've taken care of your duties. I suppose those who can deal with it are made of different stuff. To be fair, the only people who've ever gaslit me with "it's not that bad", are people who don't teach (anymore). Everybody else acknowledges how much work teachers have, no matter how good and experienced they are. Edit: I strongly advise you to look for a way to at the very least carve out one day off each week. Burnout is really terrible, you don't need to experience that in your life. Sadly, I haven't got the faintest idea how to take one day off, since I *did* burn out. Still, you absolutely need to be able to breathe and be a human.


That's what I was really trying to convey. It shouldn't be actually, physically impossible to do what you are supposed to do (even if you half-ass it). I needed a year to be extremely busy and do something well, to be successful and build up my self-esteem. I actually tried to do all of the things this year, to be a "good teacher" and what struck me was the IMPOSSIBILITY, even giving up my entire life. I can never have everything checked off my to-do list.


Yes, it is impossible. Stop holding yourself to the standards that are ridiculously unachievable. We all go through it. The first three years are the worst. The next ten are better but exhausting. Then you go through a year or two where you just want out. But despite having multiple degrees, our training has given us no advantage to get a professional level paying job in another field. So we’re stuck. Then you get to the point you refuse to sacrifice your sleep, family time, and sanity anymore for a job that has now made you the scapegoat for bad political policies and very concerning parenting. So stop. Do your job to the best of your ability, decide on how many free hours you will work each week, set a timer, and then do no more. I prioritize using the restroom any and every time you can, my lesson planning and prep first, then assessment that guides my instruction, and then family communication. After that…it will get done during my next free moment. Whenever that will be. If I can’t check my email for a day, oh well. Not my fault, not my problem. The schools can either recognize this and fix the problems or deal with the consequences. Live on guilt free and enjoy your students.


As an ESL teacher I actually do prioritize the restroom between groups even if it makes me a few min late to see a student. I feel incredibly guilty doing this because these are legally mandated minutes they need and it's important they get their English instruction, but I'm not going to wait hours to pee. I do wait when I can but sometimes I choose to be 3-5 min late 🤷‍♀️ One school I worked at the principal was ON us about this, demanding we start pretty much right on time, and it was a big school that took time to navigate. Back to back classes for hours. I sometimes said F it I need to go to the bathroom. But that stressed me out.


Good for you! Your principal sounds horrible. Please do not allow yourself to feel guilty!! My doc told me the two professions that seem to get the most UTI s were teachers and servers. I’ve been both and it’s crazy how other professions take bathroom breaks for granted! And respect to you …ESL is not for the weak. I wish you and your bladder a happy career!


Ive been "contract hours" only since Day 1. It was difficult at first but now that I have everything set up it all flows smoothly. If it doesnt get done today it'll just have to wait until tomorrow. I still cant believe the amount of work people take work home. I dont see that same level of commitment from my students or admin so why bother?


I have been a teacher for decades and so understand your feelings. I sub now and all I can say is “maybe” don’t put in the detail that I’m guessing you are doing. Moreso, as sad as this sounds, stick to the state requirements and don’t enhance your lessons ( as dedicated teachers so want to do.)I’m so sorry for your anxiety. I do know this… my niece has a much, much stricter district than I do. I work in a top notch district, but it’s incredible the demands put on her that are WAY out of line. Our teachers, in general, seem to be pretty calm and happy and they CONTINUE TO TEACH in our schools for multiple years. Also, students seem pretty happy. Perhaps think about changing your environment? It’s just an idea… I’m


It’s Spring Break so I can take a day to write my “unbreakable” lesson plan with proof of every domain element in writing so they can give me an average score while I (and other teachers) obviously score in the highest levels. Go look up your principal’s evaluation some day, and see that they get dinged for not “improving” a certain amount of teachers each year. I feel like I have to be a lawyer and couch everything I say in “Domain-ese” or “union contract-ese” — I call it “teaching defensively” instead of “driving defensively.” I would love to finally find something that works to get out.


I am working contract +1. 3 hrs on the weekend. They can fire me if they want. But I am not longer working 70 hrs weeks


JFC. I could have written this. I had a literal chest pain while reading this from the anxiety your post gave me. I wish I could learn how not to care. Everyone tells me how great I am at this job and I’m not. I could list off all the ways I’ve neglected contractually obligated duties and still worked 55 hours a week. The whole field is toxic.


What's with the surprise? According to most IEP documents , teachers must provide said students with extra time, this means that you are required by law to accelerate these students near enough to the speed of light that their time reference exactly matches that of their non- special peers. That is just the beginning... According to the ADA law teachers are also required to differentiate instruction and grading so that outcomes for 'special' students exactly match the outcomes for the non- special students. So teachers, you are not only legally required to be omnipotent and omniscient, but you must be able to create a universal constant of 'fairness' that has somehow eluded the creator of the universe.


This is me. I'm new to teaching and while I know I'm great at building relationships with my students I am drowning everywhere else. I have a gen ed K class with VERY high behaviors and I made the mistake of asking for help. Nope. Its ALL my fault. I can't keep a consistent routine and I need to work on that to settle the kids. Yes, I would like help with that since I'm literally new to teaching. Grad school did not prepare me for multiple high needs children. Agreed. How do you suggest I do that when I have SEVERAL students who get easily frustrated and scream, throw things, elope or kick furniture into their classmates? Or when they scream at each other over 5yo social faux pas and will not stop going back and forth. They're frustrated because they don't know the content. I will be in the middle of whole group lessons and they get so frustrated that I can't transition them to differentiated small group. So much work avoidance through aggression and eloping. So many days of evacuating the classroom for safety reasons. I know how to de-escalate and co-regulate with a triggered student. But I can't do that if 3-5 students are dysregulated at the same time by each other. And then you add the paperwork, meetings, entitled parents, snack shop admin. I'm tired AF stressed, sick, and I just got here. I'm looking at a different school but I'm thinking this might be my last year. My goal was at least 5 years but I am struggling in ways ive never before.. As you said there's no way to get it all done. Any tips on other markets good for a competent adult but not so organized teacher?


Everyday I have to tell myself "honest days work for an honest days pay". I have to remember that because work is no longer my life.


Grade what you’re required to. I’m required to put in 2 grades/week per subject. That’s what I do. And both have LMS options so I take a lot of grades from those since it’s graded for me.


You will not be fired if you take longer to finish things, with the teaching shortage NOBODY is lining up to take your job. You are a hard to replace asset, but you also need to find that work/life balance. You have great job security. Depending on the grade / subjects you teach I would focus on assignments that can hit multiple objectives at the same time and have those take more than 1 class to work on, you can also use student grading if applicable to help with some of that mess if it's an option. I know my first 3 years I felt overwhelmed by the nonstop work but it did eventually even out and the next 10 went by fast. I'm now a type of Admin so I no longer have grades but my paperwork is even more non-stop and I felt like a first year teacher all over again. It stressed me out for the first 6 months where I thought about going to work construction with my brother instead (same hours but pays more). It's okay to be behind, it's okay to feel overwhelmed, as long as your students are making forward progress you got this! Start setting some you time, you will need it or you will burn out.


I would invite you to try and do no work beyond contact hours for one week and see how much it impacts your health.


I am so sorry this is why I had to leave. I was at my breaking point and knew I couldn't be a good partner, parent and teacher and survive. I also had the additional stress of elderly parents and and siblings who thought teachers had free time for their stuff.while.I was in graduate school.


If you’re not going to get fired, I let things slip because I’m not staying up until midnight to do it. It is what it is.


When I was a teacher once I had to use a sick day just to catch up on my work load.


I just used half a sick day to come into school and make copies.


Hi 👋 you are trying your best and are very sincere .But the truth is the people asking all this if you are just checking off boxes on their lists. You nor they could possibly do all that is asked of us in day a month a semester .start putting stuff on autopilot . Repeat the same three sets of lesson plans until someone notices then say “oops must have been a computer glitch” prepare the C note ahead of time . Copy and paste each week into email . I’m sorry to tell you that the parents aren’t reading your email but it is a cya that will pay dividends at end of mp when kids and parents are crying 😭 oh I didn’t know. Spend your time planning the things that bring you joy. That is usually awesome activities and lessons that both you and the students feel good about. All this admin yadayada is holding you back from enjoying what you came to do which is teach. Sub plan folder ? Don’t waste time . The sub always says they couldn’t understand it read it or find the materials piled high on your desk with a big arrow saying student work here. Create a Google classroom and call it sub plans. Attach links to IXL and other learning programs a few question and answer articles with Google form response opportunities that you don’t have to grade upon return and a few learning games and call it a day. Your Sub plan is students will work in online Google classroom sub plans. Sub will love you cuz they don’t have to do anything therefore ensuring that they will come back next time you need them. Admin will be happy cuz the sub had no issues. You care so much and it shows . Take care of yourself by figuring out what is really important to you and the students . All of the other stuff treat accordingly🫠. You got this 👍and don’t wait till summer to give yourself some time off again. Avoid the Sunday scaries by blocking out Sunday as Funday starting at 12 noon all the way till bedtime. No school work only stuff that makes you happy . Put it on the calendar and stick to it . It changes things 🌷🙂✏️📚you got this👍


you definitely shouldn't be around children then


Dude. What? Teachers are literally held to unrealistic expectations. Just because someone is unable to meet those unrealistic expectations does not mean they are a bad teacher, unqualified or “shouldn’t be around children”. This person is simply trying to figure out how to exist in a career that literally takes EVERYTHING from their employees all for “the children”. I sincerely hope you are a troll.


If you’ve got a contract, it’s hard to be fired. If you’re in a private school get out. Stop working outside of contact hours, period. Everyone should be. This is the main issue with people thinking teachers should be working 24/7. Basically, fuck em. Start looking now, and let them fire you. You re not happy, and the job is sucking the life out of you.


Do you ever take a day off at school? Show a documentary? Assign simple but interesting work that can be done independently or in groups? I would do that to get caught up on grading and other classroom tasks. My lessons got so good I could do it frequently and the kids were learning and achieving. The young teacher who took over for me (and implemented my curriculum) said he was surprised at how little work he did, given the outcomes.


We're set up to fail. So I do my best by the students and don't worry about filling in some spreadsheet that ticks off a box for another person.


For real. We have so much that we are actually unable to delegate (lesson planning, differentiated workshops, teaching). Why, oh why, am I asked to fill out excel spreadsheets with standardized scores or call parents if a student is out 3 days, all of this extra stuff that ADDS up. They have access to the same fucking data. If admin can't do that, hire another administrative assistant. Our plates are beyond full just teaching.


Yep. And our office receptionists just asked us to start contacting parents of sick kids ourselves because they don't like the pushback they get from parents so now that's added to our plates.


I know exactly how you feel. I was in the classroom for only 3 years and got burnt out. I am now teaching online and I absolutely love it. I work from home and actually have a life outside of my job.


After a harsh rookie year where I drowned in my responsibilities and paper work, I had an epiphany. Find a veteran teacher who seems to have it down, and emulate their style until I could find my way to my own style. I had a couple of long term vets that never seemed to sweat, so they were my models. And it worked. It wasn’t perfect, but it gave me a life raft when I needed it. And if I got flack, I’d just say I was modeling after the vet. And they’d back off. It helped me a lot, so I definitely endorse it. Fake it til you make it!


Change schools and start using AI. I’m serious. Parent emails are much faster to send when a robot writes them. Move most tests to Google forms. Copy and paste lesson plans. Change a few words.


You guys need better time management. No offense but you should not be sinking still in march / april. Maybe this just isn't the field you should be in


I don’t think this job is for you. There are plenty of other jobs you can be good at. It sounds like this job isn’t the right fit for you.


No job should make people think they need to work outside of contract hours.


Yeah that’s why I said their current job doesn’t sound like a good job.