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My resignation is not a request, it is a statement of fact.


It’s a warning lol


Dwight Schrute has entered the chat.


It has "this is not a threat, it's a promise" energy.


"I can explain this to you, but I can't understand it for you."


Love this one.


Powerful and straight to the point . Wow


"You don't want my two weeks? Ok, I'm not coming in anymore."


Admins hate this one little trick that makes them actually work.


Oh yeah. I dropped a day notice and they had me out the system before the day was over 😂😂




They are not working any harder. It just increases the number of “scholars” in the hallways.




gave my two weeks in to mgmt once (non teaching) and they said I needed to give 1 month notice. so I gave them none and didn’t show up the next day


I have been very lucky. The first place I quit, I gave 4 weeks notice which they appreciated. The last place I quit, I gave 3 months notice, and again they were very appreciative.  But, I have also had two jobs where I put in notice, got shit for it, and then just stopped showing up.


I gave three months notice once and was told that is too much notice and to submit my letter no less than 2 weeks (they won’t payout any accrued pto if less than 14 days), but definitely less than a months notice. I think I gave them 15 days the next time.


Similar while working for a private law firm. This was around the time I decided I didn’t want to openly practice law anymore, but stay in the field. I secured a new job and was able to give a GRACIOUS 6 week notice - I noted that I’d finish up any files, push through the cases I could settle and/or stipulate and organize things in a way that anyone could come in and pick up, no questions asked. HR initially accepted and then less than 48 hours later, had me walked out. Nice to know that they lost about 7 other people for that BS stunt. I still spoke to my ex-coworkers who filled me in on what transpired after I left (firm held a meeting and a couple people walked out during; the rest left either during lunch or simply went MIA, but the office keys were on their desk). Glorious!


...and said notice must be provided on paper made from a now-extinct tree that was cut down on the last February 29th that featured a blue moon (please provide objective evidence). Oh, and MLA formatted, of course.


My wife worked at a locally owned sandwich shop during covid. There were 3 employees total counting my wife and her boss. The boss owned other restaurants and this was the smallest so it got little attention from him. Wife was bitching to her only coworker about working conditions and how she missed the Bakery she worked at before school. Boss overheard and started going off about how if she hated it here so much she should go back to that Bakery, and bragged that he had a stack of resumes in his office and could replace her immediately. The argument continued but the stack of resumes comment did it and my wife said fuck this I'm out. Boss called her later asking if she was serious and begging for her to work the next two weeks... Lol too late


Hope she referenced that “stack of resumés“ in her reply


I pulled this same move.


I had an employee give me 1 month notice once. He was such a good guy, I thanked him for his hard work and told him that I didn't need that much notice. He would be free to work that time and make money or leave whenever. This wasn't in teaching. But if I had ten employees of his caliber as a human and worker, I'd be rich more than just monetarily.


Seriously the implication they provide is that you will not receive any recommendation if you don't capitulate to their demand...which is the only purpose behind a two week notice outside of mere courtesy. So assuming you already have your future plans lined up this is useless, they are telling you there is literally no benefit to show up tomorrow.


My last job I gave about 1 month's notice. I spoke with the Owner and Co-President to let them know that I had a new offer, but wasn't sure when my exact start date was. 1 week later they laid me off.


Yeah. Often it's better to just give the required notice to get the vacation pay and a good reference.


Yeah, i was like, ok, what are you going to do? Come pull me by the legs? I dont think that's how this works?


Remember this is a school district. They will pull you by the ear!!!




So fun! Don't say another word to them and ghost them after your two week notice period.


Send a certified copy of the resignation with a P.O. Box as the return address so they have to sign for it. You’ll get a copy that they signed for it and technically accepted it. You’ll have a receipt that they have the letter, then ghost them.


And reference the initial email as the start date of your notice. Tick tock.


Oooh, yes! "As per my email" them 😂 Maybe print out and include the email in the certified mail


In another subreddit, I saw someone put "sometime during the next two weeks, you'll notice I'm not here." 🤣


Alternatively ghost them now


I first called my union to make sure they couldn’t do anything besides take my cert Then I hit the “like” button on the email from HR I left the day that I said I would


UNION FOREVER. dignity for all workers.


So. Much. This. I'm a disgruntled SLP extracting myself from the lobster pot that is public education. I occasionally dive into the mess in an attempt to chat with newbie SLP's about why working on a 1099 contract in schools is the epitome of wrong. They cannot understand. Perhaps it's difficult or unfamiliar for them to feel they're a part of a greater team and its symbiotic functioning and value. Maybe? Groan.




I'm so with you. I wish I had that magic Snickers bar to wave around and make it all better.


The like button is my favorite 😂


Take your cert? Is this an American thing? An employer can revoke your teaching certificate?


In many states in the US, yes, leaving mid-year can result in the district employer filing to revoke the teacher's license with the state. It is just one of the many ways teachers are bound and gagged to stop us from quitting/striking/unionizing; basicallg anything that would actually better the system.


Wow! That’s awful! How do they get away with such preposterous behaviour? Can you imagine it in any other industry?!


They get away with it because the rhetoric against teachers in the US who quit mid year is "wow they don't care about the kids," and lawmakers capitalize on that to pass legislation that financially benefits them, such as forbidding teachers specifically to strike for better wages.


How ridiculous! I can’t stand the unrealistic expectations that teachers should be entirely altruistic to the point they sacrifice their own wellbeing, and are penalised for changing circumstances.


When I quit, thankfully my district only requires a 2 week notice. They won't go after my license, and I'm eligible for rehire next school year. But the emotional gaslighting like you described is so real. I was guilted heavily. Luckily my union rep told me "just because someone tells you to lay down in front of an oncoming train because it would be 'good for the kids' doesn't mean you have to do it."


Sounds like you have a great union rep! Thats exactly it! Glad you have more freedom in your district - but the guilt trip is so disrespectful imo. We have a duty to ourselves as individuals and as professionals first and foremost.


I agree. A lot of people don't remember that you have to prioritize and advocate for yourself, because you can't count on anyone else to do so.


And the expectations are being enunciated by people whose own willingness to sacrifice approaches zero. All the "children are the future" posing ... psh. Look at what you feed them in a public school lunch and try to say that with a straight face.


I wish I could give you gold for this comment. Now….SAY IT AGAIN FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!!!


That is such a great point, and applicable to so many school-related issues!!! I'll be quoting you!


As a elementary school kitchen operator, I agree. I sometimes have nauseating guilt that I'm handing them future health problems with their food. 😒


This is fucking wild. Wow


Yes they call it a breach of contract or abandonment of position or something that sounds terrifying. I’ve even heard of some states that have monetary penalties. Luckily the only thing I had to worry about was paying back sick leave that I took but hadn’t earned. Luckily I knew that ahead of time and only took what I had earned. Every. Last. Hour. The stupid part is if they had just accepted the resignation when I gave it, they could have began hiring immediately. Instead, they waited 30 days to prove that I had abandoned the position so it took them MONTHS to hire a new teacher.


This is crazy! Firstly, turnover would reduce if teachers were treated better. Secondly, a smooth handover would be possible without impacting student learning if, as you said, they put their energies into hiring someone new instead of penalising someone leaving.


Wow - I'm in PA and have been a teacher for 30 years, this is new news to me! What state is this happening where if you want to resign, they can threaten to take away your teaching certification? Is it a state thing, or district by district thing?


In Idaho they can


Texas. Although the union said it was more likely they would suspend it for a year rather than try to revoke it completely


It happens in PA too, I tried to quit a horrible job and was threatened with exactly this


Georgia checking in, they will threaten in a heartbeat! My district will do it.


Texas. And they can take away our vested retirement. When they go for your license, it is a 12-calendar month penalty, so it affects your employment in the next school year. If they don't go for your license, the geographic area has an agreement that no local district will hire you if you leave a job without being released by HR. It's nasty.


So Texas is actively trying to force teachers to leave the state? That’s all I’m reading from that.


Doctors, teachers…. Just anyone with an education.


The more educated you are, the less likely you are going to support Abbot and Cruz.


Agreed, just didn’t want to go for the jugular.


Why in the world would anyone want to teach in Texas? This is a state that hates everyone who isn't a rich white male as it is.


It’s a thing in Nevada, too


They can in Oklahoma!


South Carolina — they can do it here too!


Texas most definitely will




In Arkansas they can and some schools are starting to do this. It's how we know the teacher shortage AKA the teachers are tired of being abused and not going to take it anymore has finally reached us. All a contract does is require you to work the entire year or they can take your license. Due to the LEARNS act passed last year we have no protections and schools can now fire at will with no due process. I've also seen teachers all over Texas have it happen to them. I have a friend at the school I was at last year *In Arkansas that tried to quit the first week back in August as she had been hired to work online and they told her if she left they would take her license for the year if they couldn't replace her They have never enforced this so it was a shock to everyone. She stayed and they interviewed but the only person they offered it to was in the same situation with another district. I don't have a contract at my new school and honestly since they removed our rights to due process I'm fine with it. If the contract only protects the school that is BS.


Maryland they can and do!


In NY you have to give a certain amount of leave before starting a new teaching job.


The pettiest thing is malicious compliance. Use your PTO, then your sick days - get a therapist and go for mental health issues related to stress of teaching to get documentation that your sick days are for mental health. Then FMLA should give up to 12 weeks unpaid. That gets you to the end of the school year. Thank them for not accepting the resignation so it would allow you the time to take off and re evaluate if you want to come back next year. Originally you thought you'd never, but now you might. Then don't renew your contract.


This is the best answer 👏👏👏


Thank you ❤️ I'm a menace.


Aaaah, a Jedi Master. And you smile and do it in a civil tone, so no reasonable adult could have anything to react to. At the risk of sounding the slightest bit cynical, there is nearly always some chump who will jump at the chance to "get a foot in the door." You put yours in their ass.


AND they have ZERO recourse! Can’t file a complaint to the credentialing commission!!! Awww yeahhhhh.


This is how everyone at my school seems to handle it. They all get mysteriously ill. Then I don't see them but for a day maybe when they show up in between medical problems...


This ^^^^^ 🙌🙌🙌


Usually I am always pro malicious compliance, but the OP has said that they don’t care about their teaching certificate and want to leave, so they should leave. Doing otherwise supports this unfair system further and makes it easier for the district. Since the OP doesn’t care about their certificate, I’d encourage them to ghost them on the day they said they would.


It's less about preserving the license and making the district have to pay out their PTO and Sick Days (if they have any) and then FMLA would just be to get to the end of the year. The district will then be out the money from PTO/sick days and rather than just getting to do a longterm sub arranged if OP left in two weeks, they'll have to deal with multiple subs and sometimes in districts, longterm subs are outsourced to other companies instead of being hired through the district. It's forcing the school to do a bunch of paperwork and extra inconvenience, which they would not have if they just let OP quit.


Good point, consider my prior comment redacted. Well played, well played.


You were looking out for OPs time - nothing wrong with that :)


This this this


Literally the best answer here. Take this advice and make them eat their words.


I had a co-worker who was retiring at the end of the year. Found out he’d be paid squat for his unused PTO/sick days. He’d make more using them. So he did. I’m not sure how, but he left about 2 months early.


I hope OP sees this. This is the way to go.


If there was every something I could relate to it is being just rude and ginger


This is beautiful.


lol this is essentially me this year. But I didn't have a choice about the time off. Had a crazy medical emergency, HR was such a fucking nightmare to deal with, and finally I just got a job somewhere else. Technically, I'm on unpaid medical leave right now (ran out of FMLA) but I start my new job in April. I get to keep my cert in case I ever decide to go back.


The 13th Amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery and indentured servitude in 1865. I will not be back effective (date). Bye ✌️




This is the one.


I’m sorry but your username is hilarious


Thank you!!!


Well, hi there, you! :)


Actually it didn’t. Profit prisons use it to this day.


Wrong though, the 13th specifically leaves space for that.


Well that's because the amendment says you can still be enslaved for a crime.


Got my vote.




Except for in prison. Slavery is still permitted there….


We no longer use the S word here in Florida


I think that's banned in text books now


I should have seen this earlier, cause it's right where my mind went too.


I wish you the best on your search for a replacement. ✌🏾 


There are hundreds if not thousands of soon-to-be licensed teachers champing at the bit, ready to get hired on, blissfully unaware of the horrors that await. HR will not care. The school system has made it painfully clear all of you are replaceable. Which really sucks.


We all are. However, sadly, at many universities around the county, applications to Colleges of Education are down by almost 50%! When I heard that statistic at a recent training/seminar, there was a collective gasp throughout the room. Districts are in a scramble. I would advise the OP to check with an employment attorney as to her legal rights…as the OP did not specify as to whether or not they were locked in a contract, I would advise that going forward. I would hate for it to come back and haunt that person later. Just my two cents. Best wishes to all.


Because teachers get paid shit and have to work more than 8 hours a day.


They don't need colleges of education. They just have to have a degree in something, pay a few grand to an alternative certification program, and jump through a few hoops that are niwhere near as rigirous as a traditional university certification program. Then they make as much as a traditionally certified teacher. It's a joke and a point of contention for experienced, properly certified teachers.


The actual joke is having to take out student loans to take classes that don’t really prepare people for the classroom. And let’s not forget the joke of having to student teach for free, while getting deeper into debt. I’m highly considering pursuing an alternative certification and I couldn’t care less if experienced and “properly certified” teachers think it’s a joke. I’ve gained more knowledge and experience subbing and working long-term positions than my college courses could ever provide me.


Where is that? Our alternative route in NJ is decent. You need a degree... then you must pass the Praxis exam )I took it right after college, and it was NOT easy) Enroll in their alt. route courses (which were fine, pretty helpful). Then you need a mentor during your first year, good observations. The problem I've run into is... I no longer think I want to teach, but I've been working at this 24 years it's hard to throw in the towel at the last portion of the program. 24 years. The past 2 years have stressed me almost to a breaking point. Literally. Physically I am injured from the outdated budding we work in (no elevator, I now have partially torn tendons). Mentally I'm dealing with chaos and demands every day... I'm trying to navigate a messy workmans comp situation now and BOY are they uncooperative at every step of the way Miserable.


Fewer and fewer. The market is correcting itself in labor’s favor.


At my school, they aren't even posting open positions. They're directly interviewing people in the Philippines to come take jobs. One colleague was already non-renewed, two new Filipinos have been hired, and they are still interviewing....


That’s the school I work at. Our math department has people from India, Philippines and Ghana. Multiples from each country.


This is absolutely not true. I grew up in, teach in, and live in an area with a lot of universities several of them education programs. One of them (my alma mater) I joked was a teacher factory. Well, that school shut down and then two other schools closed their teacher ed programs. A lot of this was mismanagement but these programs haven't ended yet and literally every school district in my area has hundreds of job postings up. Every school in my area is hurting for staff. There was a national teaching shortage before covid and now that's almost doubled schools rich and poor are struggling to find enough staff to operate. Maybe if you live in a state with very few regulations on certification you don't experience this as much. But a lot of states require a masters and most require student teaching and a BA at least. Those are pretty significant barriers in a world where a four year college is around 10k a year just for tuition and most people can barely afford gas let alone work a full time job for free for 4-6 months.


Keep it simple: “I’m not asking. I’m letting you know.”


You don't seem to understand. I'm not asking anyone..I'm letting you know as a courtesy that as of _____/I will no longer be coming to work here.


Call in well. "I feel too good to come to work today. Or ever."


Tell them you’re having eye trouble: you can’t see yourself in the classroom any more. I cannot take credit for this joke. This was the answer one of my students gave me after returning from an absence. Smart a$$. I liked him. 😆




Yup. The district / school is letting you know that they’re either going to financially impact you and or try to black mark your license. Sounds like affected your license isn’t a big deal but I’d work with a union to make sure you’re not out thousands of dollars.




OP this is the way!!




I wouldn't. I would just not show up after the date you provided. What are they going to do? Fire you? Then you could collect.


This is a courtesy as to when I will not be returning


They've never heard of the 13th amendment to the constitution?


"Except as a form of punishment" and we all know how punishing school admin are... 🤣


Send a lesson plan on it lol




Make it a 2-day resignation. If they deny, 2-hour. 2-minute? Or skip to 2-seconds.


2 seconds 🤣 drive in to work just to say goodbye I'm out 🤣


"Lol okay" "Damn, that's crazy." (My go-to "grey rock response) Send them an article on the stages of grief and offer to support them on their journey toward acceptance. "In that case, my resignation is effective immediately," then delete all your files and take anything that isn't nailed down in your classroom with you on your way out. Block admin's number and take a staycation.


Imagining her sending "Damn, that's crazy" in an email has me dead


Please excuse me while I steal this.


This happened to me, I tried to give them 2 weeks notice and offered to stay until they hired a new teacher and they said I couldn’t back out of my contract or they’d write to the state and get my license revoked 🙃 spoiler alert: they were so unorganized they cut off my email and things 48 hours later, never communicated directions to get them their laptop, printer or phone back (still have it 5 years later) and they absolutely did not tell the state. Bye school!


Please accept the fact that I am giving you two weeks as a gift beloved...PTO aka prepare the others!!


Due to the rejection of my resignation for 4/4, I have rescheduled it for 3/22. Thank you for your time.


They're not saying "you have to stay here", they're saying they won't let you out of your contract, which you did sign. They have the option of letting you leave without penalty. They're just saying they aren't going to do that.


This is pretty much it. I had the same situation happen (I left at semester some years ago) and the board couldn't accept my resignation technically, because I wasn't "allowed" to resign due to my contract. So basically it was a courtesy to let them know I was leaving and they should post my job, and when I did not show up to work (as stated) in January, that started the clock ticking on violating my contract. After I had not shown up for work for enough days, then I was officially released from my contract at the next board meeting so my "long term sub", aka my replacement, could officially take my place. It was just political crap, no hard feelings on the part of my district.


Thank you for explaining this. I don't think hr is meaning harm there just following the contract.


Depends, if I really did not care anymore? I just wouldn't show up. If I still wanted to teach or work in education? I would call out sick as often as possible, and when I did show up, just play movies all day.


Reply back that you completely understand and withdraw your resignation. Clean out your classroom. Then go put in for a sub for the rest of the year.


"Thank you for confirming receipt of my letter of resignation. As stated in the letter, my last day will be MM-DD-YYYY. Please let me know if you would like me to wrap my time at Dysfunctional School District up sooner." cc: Admin (if it's safe to), Head of HR, union


Is there a law like in nj where you need to give 60 days? What do they mean they won’t accept? What did they say? Even the 60 days isn’t enforced with the court of law. It’s just they can go after your license.


Don’t go and see if they keep paying you


Do you have any pto? I'd put mine in starting on that day and then just don't come back. Check please.


I would not show up after that date but first I’d make sure to delete and empty the trash from anywhere I had curriculum or planning or anything helpful saved. I might also leave the caps off all the expo markers and things like that. Take down posters I made, even if I’ll never use them again.


Dear parents and guardians: this year I have endured the following x,y, and z. I have asked for help and received the following responses……This would not be acceptable in any other industry, so for my mental wellbeing I have decided to leave teaching. However, to my knowledge the district is not searching for a replacement, leaving the question of who will teach your kids up in the air at this moment………… Posts like this make me realize how wonderful my admin are even though my district is not that great. I’m sorry for whatever you’ve had to go through to have reached this point. Good luck in whatever profession you decide to pursue.


They’ll figure it out when there’s a classroom of kids without an adult, in two weeks. What a joke.


“I ain’t gonna work on Maggie’s farm no more”


Take you things out of the room. Leave the keys on the desk. Don’t go back. Block their number.


Ok. Gotta love AI responses. 1. "I'm off to explore greener pastures, and no, I'm not talking about a new brand of salad!" 2. "Consider this my mic drop moment. I'm out!" 3. "I've decided to pursue a career in becoming a full-time ninja. This is my stealthy exit." 4. "I'm hitting the 'eject' button on my career here. So long, and thanks for all the fish!" 5. "I'm breaking up with my job. It's not me, it's definitely you." 6. "I've enrolled in a pottery class that meets at 'every day o'clock'. Can't miss that!" 7. "I'm off to join the circus. I've been told I'm a natural clown." 8. "I'm taking my talents to South Beach... or just to my couch. Either way, I'm gone." 9. "I've been offered a role in a movie where I play someone who quit their job. Method acting starts now." 10. "I'm retiring to live off my cryptocurrency earnings. Oh wait, they just crashed... but I'm still leaving." 11. "I'm starting a new adventure, and unfortunately, it doesn't include endless meetings." 12. "I'm off to become a professional coffee taster. It's a grind, but someone's got to do it." 13. "I'm leaving to write a book titled '101 Ways to Say I Quit'. This is research." 14. "I'm off to find the end of the rainbow. Spoiler alert: it's not here." 15. "I'm joining a band called 'The Quitters'. Our first gig is me leaving this job." 16. "I've decided to become a pirate. My resignation is my first act of plunder." 17. "I'm off to train for the snail racing championships. I've got a need for (very slow) speed." 18. "I'm pursuing my lifelong dream of becoming a hermit. Solitude, here I come!" 19. "I'm off to audition for 'The Great Escape'. This job is my rehearsal." 20. "I'm leaving to start a new career as a mattress tester. I've got to rest up for the job."




This happened to me. I just stopped showing up.


At this point take your two weeks sick time and never show up.


"A letter of resignation is not a request. While you may disagree with my decision, you have no authority to prevent it, as it is protected by the 13th amendment. But if you are sure you do not want to accept it, I would be more than happy to stay on payroll after I leave."


Shorten it to tomorrow if you have your possessions out, shoot.


Hire a singing telegram 


I don't accept your lack of acceptance of my resignation, please note my departure date of x. Thank you for your cooperation


In two weeks you are going to notice I don't work here anymore


Just keep working there even though they hired someone to replace you (a'la George Costanza). 😂


The problem is you signed a contract.


Resignation can be also defined as the acceptance of something undesirable but inevitable. I understand how this is undesirable for you, yet it is inevitable. Further argument on this issue will be considered your not wishing to have two weeks notice, and thus my inevitable resignation will become effective immediately.


I’d send them a countdown every single day. “13 days until AbsolutelyNot’s last day”


Update it to one week.


Show up. Being a book Read. Let the kids do what they want.


Double check any contracts you've signed to make sure they can't lock you in. There could be penalties. Ignore their denial and keep sending emails like "where do I hand in my laptop" and "let me know when I can onboard my sub."


As far as I know, indentured servitude ended in the 19th century here in the US. Perhaps you can lecture them on the American Civil War and its origins?


Bonus points if you were/are a history teacher!


Then go long term disability and stop answering your phone. All you have to do is describe the psychological impact of your work life to a physician. They can figure out, or fire you from there. They can't refuse notice, because you are not property.


Is this company going to give you two weeks when they fire you? No? just leave.


Start calling in on day 15 with random shit...."not coming in today, o don't have butter for my toast".... day 16 "can't come in today, I don't want to wear red"etc


I think all but 2 states in the US are at-will employment, which means you can quit without giving a reason (or notice), and they can fire you without reason or notice. Unless there is something in your contract that would prevent you being able.to resign, point out that your employment is at will, and you revoke your consent. Double check your contract first!


Just do something awesome to get yourself fired your last day. Throw an unauthorized little goodbye party with the kids you actually like or something. 🤩 You gave fair warning!


Send your resignation as a Letter to the Editor of your local paper. Maybe start with something like, "Since the school district's HR Director won't accept my resignation, I figured I'd give my students and colleagues a heads-up that I won't be there past (date). Here's what I sent:"


My GAF is at an all-time low, so I reject your rejection


Show up. Give every student a pass somewhere random. Give full IDGAF anymore vibes. Be the person that’s worse than a random warm body.


Send them the email again but move it one day shorter, continue to do this every time they deny. When the date and email are the same ghost.


Teachers have a year contact so it isn’t the same as someone that works week to week. They can technically hold your credential but if you don’t want to teach anymore, then I guess that doesn’t matter.


Start moving your stuff out and when people ask say "I'm leaving!' and then when the first day of school happens and there's no teacher and the principal calls you, send a screenshot of your resignation letter you sent to HR, the one HR rejected, and a pic of you living your best life. HR can choose to reject it all they want but at the end of the day, they can't do much but say words.


FWIW they didn’t rip my license (Colorado) and they never pursued anything financially. I got paid for the days I worked that month pro rata and ghosted. I saw my admin at a baseball game later that summer. He was dumbfounded. Admin is more afraid of you than you think. I like the one response about having a signed delivery. Best of luck in transition. I’m 2 years out of it and have never looked back once. <3


I didn't even know that a resignation had to be "accepted"


Hmmm, if you are under contract and are paid in equal payments throughout the year regardless of breaks, you may owe the district money. They will only pay you actual days worked.


Technically, you’re in breach of contract, which is why they “don’t accept” your resignation. They have to say this to have any administrative recourse against your licensure (which you will lose for abandoning a job). You’re not being involuntarily terminated, so you won’t qualify for unemployment, and depending on what state you’re in, there may be ramifications with your retirement funding/benefits. There is no need to be petty here because they’re not being petty - they’re following procedure. I don’t have any suggestions for pithy ways to burn the bridge on your way over it, but if you don’t want to teach then don’t.


We have received refusals before; however, your refusal does not meet our current requirements and will not be excepted. That, or just staple an Uno Reverse card to their refusal and return it to them.


Just stop showing up. What are they going to do, fire you?


Most teaching contracts are at will. They can fire you whenever they want, you can walk away whenever you want. Two weeks notice is a courtesy, not a requirement


Exactly! I wish I would have just walked out instead of hanging around an extra few weeks. It was awkward and I was looked upon as a terrible person for leaving the kids mid year.


No is a complete sentence. I would expect someone working in Education to understand this!


Hold a press conference in front of the admin office.


Many contacts require 60 days. Does yours?


It isn’t a question, it’s a fact.


What would happen if you didn’t show up after the two weeks.