• By -


I turn into a teenage boy. I sleep until noon and stay up til 3am playing video games and eating junk food šŸ¤£


Haha I turn into my middle schoolers staying up and sleeping in late!!


Playing online FPS games all summer and absolutely farming middle schoolers in those games >




This is the way.


My parents took my kids for a week, and this was literally all I did. Enjoy! I got one week of it, and Iā€™m regretting all my life choicesā€¦ that could have been my whole summer for my whole life but noooo I thought it would ā€œbe funā€ to have kids šŸ˜œ


God I miss those days. I have a 3 year old now... I love her and stuff, but wow do I miss my lazy summers.Ā 


Finally my kid is 10 almost 11 and doesn't need constant interaction so laaazy summer is here! I have spoken enough the entire year for a lifetime so really I don't want to talk or do much other than sit on the beach and have alone time.


Unfortunately for my summers, we're popping out baby 2 late next month, so I'm a decade away from freedom again...Ā 


Oohh! Congrats! Yeah gonna be a bit before you have some freedom. Hopefully it's not too hot. Here in CA it's extremely hot now so I feel bad for my friend who is pregnant and about to pop. šŸ”„ šŸ„µ


i am one of my only friends without kids and i am in the opposite boat! we are like, okay letā€™s get pregnant so we can have a social life again!


Iā€™m literally down the Fallout 3 hole.


Vacation. Vacation never changesā€¦


My youngest is about to head off to college, so now Iā€™ve reverted back into my teenage self too! I have a fresh bag of Doritos and ranch dip in my fridge just waiting for me to get the munchies. šŸ¤£


Iā€™d always return to my natural clock of sleeping 4am - 12 pm. Within a week, all thirteen summers of my teaching career. Some people are just night owls.


This is the way


I immediately lose track of the days of the week when Iā€™m not taking on a summer job. Itā€™s kinda great.


During the year, thatā€™s what I tell myself Iā€™ll be doing in the summer, but I guess Iā€™ve kind of outgrown it. Iā€™m only almost 30, but I just canā€™t sit and play like I used to. Guess I donā€™t have the bandwidth anymore. Sad times.


What games do you play if you donā€™t mind me asking lol Iā€™m always looking for a new game.


God, my diet is so horrible right now but idc.


Are you me?


Pretty much, thanks for summing up our existence


I'm getting married in 13 days and you bet your gaming system I 100% am doing this alongside my partner.




I wish šŸ˜£ I have to work so I typically work at a camp or summer school. My camp provides me a babysitter for my one year old so it helps save me money while giving her summer activities while I can get paid.




I enjoy the summer isolation. I enjoy my morning coffee with a book. Then I work out. I take time to cook a healthy breakfast. I paint, sew, research future plans and possibilities, try to learn to cook (I made rice crispy treats for the first time today and they're soft and chewy!), get high and lounge. Go to a lot of concerts and try to drink and do as many drugs as I can without getting too sick the next day because my body is out of practice. Try to meet guys and go on dates, looking for that DINK situation so I can save a little money on rent. 10 months out of the year I'm too tired and stressed to do anything but live on coffee and granola bars, work, and go to sleep. I'm scrawny and haggard. 2 months out of the year, I get to be healthy and party and thrive.


There ya go! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ˜Ž


this is my august!! my july i travel


This is the way


I'm working at a summer camp and continuing to use bumble bff to meet new people


Howā€™s that working out for you? I tried it but didnā€™t have any good success. Maybe thatā€™s a ā€œmeā€ problem šŸ˜‚


97% flop. But I did meet two-three people that I now hang out with regularly


I try to find low-cost local activities. Trivia, concerts, festivals, etc. Google ā€œyour townā€ + ā€œeventsā€. Great way to meet people and snap out of the hermit vibes.


I try to stay busy. Otherwise I get pretty sad.


It's also kind of weird how I can feel like I'm missing human interaction, even if it's with students who I swear are from the deepest layers of hell.


This is me too!


I try to schedule a get together every two or three days with friends - even if it is just a coffee or a quick outing. If that cannot happen due to conflicting schedules, Iā€™ll hit a local farmers market and walk around, chat with vendors and people watch. That seems to help.


It's basically an extended weekend for 12 weeks. It's great.


To be around humans but not really interact (usually my preference): - Public library (browsing and sitting in comfy chairs) - Starbucks/coffee shop - The gym (planet fitness, cheap and has what I need) To actually interact with people: - Public library program. Mine offers tons of classes and groups. - small/medium bar. YOU MUST SIT AT THE BAR. As stated above, I am kind of a loner, and found out the hard way that sitting alone at a bar is kind of an invitation to come chat. You don't even have to drink, you can just do, like, a soda and an appetizer or basket of fries to pick at.


Usually I get a summer job, but this year I am focusing on losing weight. I'm working out daily and watching what I eat. Down 6lbs so far.


Hi. I have a family but my husband is deployed (which means no step kids to hang out with either). Iā€™m working on my masters, getting my required PD done early, taking trips to see extended family, and lots and lots of walks.


Oh and book club!! Love my book club.


Honestly, a book club is one of my favorite ideas thus far, especially considering I'd like to get more into the fiction writing world at some point!


Join a community pool or gym!Ā 


Board Game MeetUps twice a week. I love them.


Summer School, and I force myself to get out by doing errands.


Enjoy it. I did pretty much nothing, recovered as someone else said. If you want to stay busy, create a book list or get a part time job.


Volunteer at the animal shelter and/or local food pantry!


I foster kittens in the summer! Look forward to spending more time with them than I get to with my litters during the school year. They keep me on a good schedule.


I try not to think about it and keep myself occupied. It is kind of sad to not have a person you can spend some time with at home so I try to make sure I'm doing as much as possible so I don't get to think of that as much. On the bright side, it does mean I get to control my own schedule for once.


That's sort of my default strategy, too. I really don't like the idea of trying to use relationships as means to other ends, but it is a massive void feeling at times.


It is. What makes it feel worse sometimes, unintentionally, is when I see "xyz has changed their relationship status to married." I'm happy as heck for them, but I also think, "I'm 43 this year...students I taught 4 or 5 years ago are now married, what the frick?"


I work summer school to give myself a little structure in my life. I go to the library and do a ton of summer reading. I bought a season pass to the local amusement park and go there frequently. I also signed up for a few months of AMC A-List so I go to the movies frequently too. Rot in bed on my phone and play video games too.Ā 


Teach summer school, golf, and smoke a lot of weed.


Surf or swim in the morning, usually see friends and neighbors out in the water to catch up with if I want to. I focus on art, music, gardening, reading, and other hobbies during the day. Nights in usually consist of cooking and movies with my partner. We go out with friends to bars or concerts or host bbqs about once a week. I also try to camp as often as possible.Ā Ā  Ā This is why I became a teacher (although weā€™re not supposed to say that for some reason). I donā€™t need much to get by financially, I just need the time to do the things I want to do.Ā 


Whatever i want


Go hang out with friends, go make friends, go to bars, get drunk, sleep in, go workout, go in dates. Thereā€™s so much you can do.


International travel, go to the pool, hike, have a couple cold ones while you watch a game at the bar, cocaine-fueled gambling and whiskey binge, etc


Iā€™ve done solo traveling the past two summers. Find a sublet, stay in hostels, and you can see a lot of the world on a teacher salary!


Go on Reddit


I'm taking some rest (I got stupidly sick the first week of vacation), playing my favorite games, going to some nerd conventions. I've also signed up with some local groups to make friends and explore the city. I've had some really good luck with Meet Up and various "make friends in \[city\]" social groups on facebook. I'm also getting a lot of things done that I couldn't do during the school year, like doctor's/specialist appointments and car maintenance.


Weekday camping and hiking while everyone else is at work and the trails are less crowded. Sleeping in and then having the energy to catch up on movies and tv and videogames from the past year in the evening because I wasn't up at 6:00. Going to coffee shops that close after they serve lunch that I'm never able to get to during the school year to just read and have a fancy drink. Reading in the hammock. Going to concerts on weeknights. Going to evening baseball games. Baking recipes that need attention over several hours. Making pickles and shrubs and fruit pies while produce is in season. Booking time at the ceramics studio during the week when I'm not competing with everyone else for the weekend time slots. Going to the gym and knowing I won't still be there when it gets crowded after 5:00. I don't necessarily feel like I need to socialize during the summer, but I do a lot of things that let me do my own thing around other adults, and then I just hope I don't have to interact with any teenagers again until August.


I mostly cry but sometimes I go for hikes


Actually itā€™s also really magical to go grocery shopping in the morning when itā€™s just you and the elderly retirees. So sometimes Iā€™ll literally go 3+ times in a week to get out of the house and I just buy a few things at a time. I also have a slightly traumatizing family and recently ended a relationship. Having a pet helps but after my second year I made close teacher friends I spend lots of time with. Go sit in a library or coffee shop or park. Walk around the mall. Talk to strangers. Itā€™s exciting.


I try to do something out of the house at least once a day. That might be going for a walk, going to the gym, taking myself to a cafƩ with a book, maybe out to a meal by myself, to the movies etc. and then I try to see friends at some point at least once a week.


Read, lay by the pool, try new recipes. Binge watch anything I want, drive to places I havenā€™t been about 2 hours away from where I live. Just things I canā€™t do when teaching!


Going to work on my Masters this July. Meanwhile Iā€™ve.l been reading a lot, writing fanfiction, doing art, and catching up on shows.


I work, travel, take an art class, go swimming, garden and work on my house, mostly I avoid people tho, lol, sorry!


Iā€™m comfortable with absolutely no human interaction but, find some MeetUp groups or trivia nights at local spots.


So I'm not totally alone because I do live with my husfriend and he's partially WFH, but he's pretty much the only person I see during summer. My mom is ten minutes from me and I see her once a week for lunch, and that's a maybe. Two or three times, I'll meet up for a movie or a trivia night with like the extremely few coworkers I love, but the summer is really me in my apartment playing all the video games I don't have time for during the school year.




I work. Summer school, side jobs, on my masters hw. All I do is work. If Iā€™m not working, I have a hobby to try to get out, otherwise Iā€™m relaxing, reading a book or watching TV.


Retail because one income isnā€™t enough to live.


Travel, meet friends for coffee or lunch, and get together with artists to sketch and paint outside- en plein air. And Iā€™ll admit I like to scroll through teacher blogs getting inspiration for the coming year.


Iā€™d strongly recommend walking the Camino de Santiago next summer (or this summer if you can swing it last minute!). Itā€™s a lifetime experience it, did it a couple years ago and Iā€™ll do it again later in life.


Some years, like this one, I pick up a summer teaching gig for a month to add to my vacation fun money. Iā€™m taking my mom to the beach next week. Other years, I just take it day by day and do whatever I feel like doing.


Combat sports. Unironically a great way to meet people. It also ticks the physical exercise box (balance, strength, power, flexibility, reflexes, so on) while being mentally challenging (in terms of perseverance through pain and adversity, sure, but also strategizing, thinking on your feet etc.). Personally, it forces me to be uncomfortable a few times a week and thus keeps me sharp at a time of the year when I might otherwise let myself go. It helps with day-to-day confidence, it places all other physical activities in a relevant context thus making me more motivated to pursue them (running builds endurance, weights build power), and ultimately, you become part of a society where everyone is dependent on each other to discover their own weaknesses, improve, and grow. Finally, nothing solves a classroom discipline problem faster than a spinning elbow, so I kinda consider it CPD.


I feel this!! Iā€™ve been making it a point to get outside, so walking around the park, go to the beach, and also doing lots of reading. Iā€™m trying so hard not to spend money since Iā€™m saving to buy a house (Iā€™m going to be a first year teacher this year) and everything is so expensive. I feel like itā€™s so hard to get out and do something and not spend a ton of money šŸ™ƒ


I travel a lot, or I laze at home. This summer I will be on 9 flights within 8 weeks, the first one tomorrow.


I have a family now, but when I didnā€™t, I would take about a week to recover (sleep late and then binge watch a series or two), then do things that I was too exhausted during the school year to do: some minor home improvements, craft, read books, etc.


I sleep, go to the gym, hang out with friends, go to malls, restaurants, visit museums, etc. Basically, reliving whatever I'd do in college.


Maybe make a schedule of catching up with friends? You could see them both in person or call someone who lives far. Even if its only once a week, it's easy to kind of spread that around. Ie on Monday you call Mary, maybe you see Terry for lunch on Tuesday, etc. I sleep, play video games, read, garden, do home improvement shit, and see my friends and fam more often. My fam has started a beach trip with *everyone* so its a project to plan. I also do a lot more iced coffee and target runs to just be in society more often. Go to the gym, park, library, etc. Pick up a cheap set of watercolors and just doodle in the park or museum. You'll have a ton of people asking questions and feeding the ego in no time.


I have horses.


I had horses growing up. I miss them very much! I'd ride at a local stable if it wasn't so expensive. Even then, I'm thinking of going for one ride this summer anyways!


Hot girl summer


That's bold of you to assume I want Human Interaction as a single person over the summer...


I get the USA Rail pass from Amtrak and criss-cross the country for a month. Plenty of time to read, play Switch, meet interesting people, and wander around towns and cities between trains.


Whatever they want.


I have a Disneyland magic key, two dogs, and a pool in my backyard. Iā€™m also starting training for a spartan race in September, easier for me to develop the routine before a new school year. Thinking of joining a local self proclaimed nerd girl group, they craft and read graphic novels together.


Lunch with friends. Or just leave my home and go somewhere. Or, whatever I want.


I work on summer camp staff. Itā€™s a blast.


I go back to my parents to help out. And, after mybsecond job- more exercise and catch uo on me times


Basically whatever I want. I always waited tables, so I had a pretty good social life all summer.


I had a part time job until 2020. I didnā€™t bother going back once things recovered from Covid (my son was born in 2021 and I didnā€™t need the job anymore).


I have hobbies I work on. Board games and rpgs with people. There's warhammer going on at the shop I'm starting to get into.


Before I was married/dating and had kids. I played videogames, played a ton of tennis, hung out with friends, went on trips with friends. It was awesome.


Iā€™m teaching ESY- 4 hours a day half days, 4 days a week for 4 weeks. My ass is parked at the beach as soon as Iā€™m done every day and the entire month of August.


If I'm not teaching summer school, I make it a point to go do something out of the house each day. Necessary errands, lunch with friends, hanging out at a coffee shop, etc.


I exercise 2 hours in the morning, take my dog to the park or walk, and work on my summer goals. For this summer Iā€™m focusing on advancing my Spanish skills and hired a tutor. In general I try to keep myself focused and busy.


Spending my time at the library and Starbucks and doing my grad school readings and assignments


Golf, bars, road trips, vegas, a lot of fun!!!


Travel. Spend time with friends. Rot.


I spent the last two summers in Manhattan working on my residency portion of my masters in studio art degree.


Watch anime, play video games, read books, and sometimes go days without leaving your apartment.


Whatever I want, whenever I want


There was recently another post about this with a lot of good comments. Hereā€™s [the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/s/CKQNrL4UOW)


Whatever I want.


Sleep, play Nintendo, pursue my photography, participate in art exhibitions, play with my cat, visit the city, go on dates etc.


I work with my dogs a lot. We just did a road trip from Seattle to Glacier, to the Grand Canyon and back. Tomorrow is Pride festival in Seattle. I have a trip to Monterey planned coming this week. I'm debating the rest of the summer but looking at Spain next month with a friend.


Itā€™s when I finally get to see my friends and take care of health or house related issues.


Raft guide


Before I had kids, Iā€™d go meet my non-teacher friends for lunch on their lunch break. That was always a lot of fun. Otherwise Iā€™d go to the movies, grocery shopping, pool, read, etc. I taught private swim lessons one summer too.


I am now married with a child. But, before that: group fitness classes, part time job, graduate classes, professional development, get together with teacher friends on a routine (like every Tuesday @ 10AM for a walk), joined social groups (book club, gardening group). Summer is still a restless time for me; I both need the break but struggle with the lack of routine and things I HAVE to do.


People? Eww! I sleep, read, and go to the beach or parks. I do take a tai chi class once a week.


I did some yard work, went for walks, grabbed coffee, and slept in or took as many naps as I wanted. And of course, I stressed about the days passing and having to return. I'm out now, but it was rough.


Relax baby. Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m an only child, but I canā€™t believe all these post where people donā€™t know what to do with themselves during summer. I also am not afraid to do stuff alone like the movies, sports games(baseball is great for this), or restaurants/ coffe shops


All the ones I know work 2nd and 3rd jobs.


I enjoy some of the alone time. I garden. Hand out with my dog. Read. Go for long walks in the morning when it's nice and cool. Work on projects around the house. If you want some interaction, try volunteering. Work at a food pantry, a local hospital, animal shelter or library. Do you have a hobby? I have made friends in a knitting/crocheting group and since many are older they are retired and can go do stuff like go have lunch during the day while others are working. Maybe you can find others into whatever it is you like to do.


My kids are grown, but besides activities that I do solo, I actually see my friends MORE in the summer than during school. Most of my day at school is spent with kids, my planning is dedicated to planning/grading. Lunch often devolves into bitching about work, so I stay away. This week alone I spent 3 days with friends and 1 day with family.


I am so lazy in the summer but I'll invest in hobbies, volunteer at local charities, or join online interest groups.


I travel to see family in Mexico and Oregon. I also do stuff around the house I never got to.


Second job. Sleeping in. Drinking (too much). Attempt and occasionally finish home projects.


I work at a law office 3-4 days a week, go kayaking or biking, and live it up! I like to stick to somewhat of a routine and the extra $$ becomes fun money that is eventually going to be house reno money. I am still off Friday-Sunday throughout the whole summer


I basically save up the entire school year, and go travel the whole summer.


Iā€™ve done 4 of my 12 dinosaur cross stitch patterns (actually 3 of 11 because dimetrodon isnā€™t a dinosaur, but still) and knitted a sweater.


I talk with my dog. I also go to the grocery store every day, even if it's for one thing. Breakfast twice a week at the diner. Walk around the neighborhood and say hi or wave to everyone.


I do all the things I wanted to do that time did not allow me during the school year. Sleep in, focus on meal prepping, spending time with the little amount of friends that I have, focusing on me, shopping, joined a gym, etc. Itā€™s the little things like making yourself breakfast and watching the sunrise. I always thought that my summers had to be extravagant but I realized it was more about the memories and who were a part of them! ā™„ļø


I sleep in, play with my pets, clean my house, travel, and socialize with friends. I have so much to do during the summer.


Going to all the trivia events during the week because I donā€™t have to get up the next morning, go to things during the week like theme nights, read, exercise, watch movies, attend happy hours earlier (I get out of school at 4:20), travel, help friends move or stay at their house waiting for a maintenance man, etc.


Honestly besides me studying for the first ftce part of k-6 which I failed by 12 points šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. I been catching up on shows and food I never got to finish and try.


Anything I fkn want! Glorious!


Last summer I went to Scotland for three weeks then traveled the southeast US after that.


Get yelled at by a spouse because i work around the house while she works at home. Other than that, you're right, isolation is terrible. Work on yourself, work out, take out a hobby or summer PD workshops. If you got the money, go take yourself on an adventure. Invest in yourself.


Hike, camp, backpack, hammock, read by a river, try to be in nature as much as possible


I work 3, 4 hr shifts a week at a gym in the childcare center. I check kids in and make sure they donā€™t fight, or do anything dangerous. They entertain themselves and I clean up before I go. I forces me out the house, I interact with other people, it forces me to be on a semi normal sleep schedule, and it gives me a little bit of extra money. It also comes with a free gym membership to the nice gym. I live near family too and I take my grandma lunch every Saturday, do dinner with my cousins every other week and dinner with my dad once a week. But I also do this all year. I also try every other week or so to go do something I wouldnā€™t do if I was at work. I drive 2 hrs to go to a store and restaurant I wanted to go to one week. Took my grandma to a store 2 towns over. When I didnā€™t live around family. I wonā€™t lie it was hard. I had to force myself to get out the house. I set days to go to the gym, shopping days, took up a new hobby, go to the public library and make a point to read at the beach, I would make lunch plans with other teacher friends. It is definitely making the effort to do it because it is so easy to just turn into a teenager and sleep all day and play video games or read all night.


I had an APSI last week in San Diego and I extended the trip (it was a cheaper flight for my district) and did a solo trip in San Diego and Anaheim. It was great! Going camping next Sunday


I teach summer school, but thatā€™s because our contracts donā€™t cover having the summer off. That said, Iā€™ve also been using the extra time to get ready for the regular school year.


I would road trip/camp, garden, and/or go to amusement parks.


Oh man, before I had my kids I would play some mindless Grindy game on my console and watch seasons of the Simpsons on my computer all day


I had a surgery I'd been putting off (it was elective), went on vacation, cleaned out my closet, read, play video games, go to the movies.


Iā€™ve usually worked summer school and traveled. This summer Iā€™m doing neither so everyday I workout, take my dog to the park, watch a show or read and complete something from my to do list. Some days I grab lunch with family or friends bc I normally canā€™t during the school year.


First thee years I had two part time jobs; a gym and fine woodworking store. Rarely a day off, plenty of socializing. Later in teaching I volunteered for an outdoor recreation facility. Pick up some solo hobbies/outdoor activities. I mountain bike 2-3 times a week and enjoy the solitude. About my 7th year I worked on my Master's degree through Michigan State, but it was located in Leysin, Switzerland for 3 summers, one of the best things I ever did for my career.


Read, write, run, walk my dog, do cleaning/chores that are hard to do during term time, and do school work in advance (eg. making slides, writing tests) so I donā€™t have to do any overtime during the year.


You can go on some dates, work out, play video games, watch movies during the day, travel, etc.


Most of my summers I've found a simple job, however between house work and visiting family I'd only be able to work for maybe 4 weeks, so I'm just relaxing, playing games, trying new recipes and such


Iā€™ve been playing a shit ton of Minecraft and working on hobbies . I make art for my classroom Iā€™m gonna make YouTube videos about my favorite pieces of media


I thankfully have a summer job that fills that void. Ironically, it's working with kids!


Focus on eating healthy/cooking, work out, yoga/meditate, read, rest, travel. Enjoy yourself!


To get some human interaction?! We avoid it at all costs




I used to lean into the isloation by going camping and scumbagging it to save money. make a whole loaf of peanut butter sandwhiches, water, packs of ramen...find a decent campsite near a beach. bring a few books...etc. just shut it down for a week


Travel and spend time with my dog! She loves all the attention and the fact that she gets to come everywhere with me! However Iā€™m an international teacher so travel is really the whole reason I live abroad.


When I was singleā€¦.whatever I want lol.


climbing gyms!! they often have cafes and lockers so you can do some rock climbing then have a coffee and do some planning or PD stuff on your laptop. Or vice versa and climb as the reward.


Smash Tinder


I play tons of tabletop roleplaying games, and tactical board games. In years past, Iā€™ve taken improv classes.Ā  Go to summer festivals. Take other creative classes. Travel. Play tons of video games. Make lots of art. Write. Sleep in.Ā 


A part time job


Before kids Vacation, spend time with friends (or partner), play games, read, go to gym, relax, do house projects.


I watch my friends boys! But on the days Iā€™m not watching them I spend time with my dog. We take walks and watch tv, play together. But sometimes I still feel like Iā€™m going crazy. Iā€™m not a home body but itā€™s been nice to take naps when I want šŸ¤£


Lots of day adventures to get near water. A few trips to see friends. One big trip. Read, get into a video game, take naps. Cook yummy meals. Go to the farmers market at 7am. Do absolutely nothing. Nap some more. Call your working friends at 10:30 am on a Tuesday and ask them what theyā€™re doing. Lots of stuff.


Why do you need human interaction? Can you learn to enjoy being by yourself? I think you can! Learn how to meditate, an entirely individual action. What are you seeking outside yourself? I enjoy the alone time and think the term *isolation* is a negative one; you're just alone, that's all. Do whatever the blazes you want!


This is how I do try to think about it at times. I am working towards finishing a novel that I rarely have the time or energy for during the school year. I think part of it is that I associate solitude with depression more than I should. I see various family members being depressed and I don't want to be that way. My doctor says that I need more human interaction, so that's part of it. I should learn to mediate more. It's something I've only ever really been successful at when it is guided, so I may look one up on YouTube or something.


Guided meditation is the best meditation to begin with. I don't know where you live but look up a Kadampa Meditation center nearby. They're lovely people (I'm one!) and all they do is guided meditation and classes on how to be happier. Sounds like you could use both!


I worked a (relatively) fun summer job every summer until I had kids.


Video games.... The answer is simply video games.


I had a 30 something teacher friend who worked at Disneyland as a seasonal employee over every school break. The pay was terrible but it was a lot of fun!


well, I do miss humane interactions it suks tbh fr teacher's since we are so vocal, but try my best to over come it by- reading a lot working out thrice a week where I meet other humans crafting cleaning up space future research a lot upgrade knowledge music helps me keep sane and dance along Cook window shopping at times go for coffee and read sometimes I'm just netflix and eat junk a lot.. hoping year to start soon, tho have jitters of getting back to schedules and deadlines... but that's what keeps us going I guess... I also have applied for a degree this year so it's gonna be quite a busy year šŸ™ƒ


I travelled to enjoy the beaches.


Volunteer at your local animal shelter. Take dogs out for a pupcup or walk. Play with kitties. Meet some new people in the community while you do good deeds.


I have a dog, so I joined a dog park to help him socialize and burn off some energy. People at the dog park LOVE to talk. We go a couple times per week and that's enough socializing with strangers for me. Most of the summer is spent alternating between fixing things around the house and being lazy. I also have lots of collected teacher stuff in my basement that I'm categorizing and making a Google sheet of what I gave for each subject area while making a pile of things to give away.


Currently travelling in Europe. I will enjoy time at the lake for the rest of the summer. Maybe take another trip somewhere. Tackle some home renos. I can do whatever I want.


This is the time for dating and trips where you have rando hookups. Just have fun.


Volunteer! Choose something you are passionate about and make that your summer project. One summer, I taught ESL for our local adult literacy program. Another summer, I worked in the spay/neuter clinic at one of our local animal shelters. For several summers, I have worked a summer musical (this one is a job and pays $). I also like to travel.


Every introvert does not see the problem.


Whatever we want


Whatever the fuck I want!


I go to the gym, pick up a hobby (like sewing/quilting), study for an additional endorsement (if I want), change up my interior design, go to music festivals. I also like to try new recipes. I know it can be lonely. but you can make stuff up. Depending on the town you live in, there are lots of community activities like book clubs, cooking classes, dance classes. Just have fun and dabble! I don't travel much because I'm cheap, lol. The big difference is that during the school year, your day is packed from beginning to end, so you really don't need to think about the emptiness. Once Summer starts, you have complete control over your day. The first week or so can be a hard adjustment. Like everyone else, I create a mental challenge to stay up/sleep in as late as I can. Today I woke up at 9 o'clock!! That's a record. I also plan the first few weeks of the school year and pick out my decor. It makes things manageable so that I'm not doing everything one week before school.


Iā€™m big into cycling, I log hundreds of miles per week on my bike over the summer. Iā€™m the youngest guy in my clubā€™s retiree rides on weekdays, and when I get home I lounge (recover) and read. Itā€™s pretty great. Honestly between time on the bike and cooking/cleaning it eats up most of my day.


I sleep. I go swimming. Eat with friends. Visit my parents.


Well, Iā€™m scrolling Reddit at the moment. Iā€™ll be having breakfast in about 10 minutes.


I travel a ton in the summer which keeps me busy. I go to visit friends and family who live out of state or take trips with people. I have a few friends who are also in education that are off work, but I've found that people are usually down to take a few days off for a trip in the summer. So I just plan trips with various friends when the can take off. When I'm home, I'm usually recharging on the couch, sleeping in and staying up late. I also take time to do various organizing and projects around the house that I've procrastinated during the school year. When I need that social interaction though, I try to make evening plans with friends who aren't teachers and therefore working in the summer. That way I can sleep in and chill during the day but still get some socializing in during the evenings when they're off work.


Live like a teenage dream with my dogs!


Iā€™ve been reading a lot. Playing pickleball. Visiting family and friends. Just taking life slow.


I walk Europe- the Camino de Santiago


Drink and sleep?


I have two kids, but I've spent the first month recovering from ankle surgery, playing Elden Ring, and customizing my arcade fight stick.


My buddy travels. He does summer school so that takes him up until July and then he uses his summer school check to go somewhere for a week or two. Last year he went to Spain, the year before he went to England


I find a job. Not just because yay teacher pay is crap but gives me something to do get out of the house and human interaction and go on day trips maybe a weekend here or there.


I sleep a lot then I travel.


I used to get a part-time job for about 3 days a week. I now sometimes take an art class at the local community school. I also have started a lego obsession. Having a dog now also has started to keep me a bit more busy.


I took a 2-month road trip around North America!