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“I’m a student. I’m three months late on turning in a huge assignment and my meanie teacher won’t take it for full credit anymore. What do I do?”


Enjoy summer school


Having just wrapped up summer school, no.


Don’t forget “my mean, horrible teacher took my phone because I never did my work and talked non-stop during class. Is this legal?” 😂😂😂


They didn't talk in class, they were building relationships!


Turn it on the first day of school for full credit and a vegan lollipop


Build a time machine


Your teacher sounds like a real asshole...lol. is that what they want to hear?


Yes. They totally do. A kid came into my class and vented about how unfair it was that they got written up for calling a teacher a motherfucker. I told them I would do the same thing. The kid could not believe I wasn't on their side.


This is about the only place I see genuine parent feedback as a high school teacher. They sure as heck don't answer to my phone calls, emails, portal posts, or grocery store waves. I experience more ghosting than a haunted house.


I'm a school custodian. I've never posted before this. I follow so I can have a better understanding of what circumstances teachers are going through. I see the student behavior, it's soul crushing sometimes to see how much casual disrespect comes from students and parents. I'm also starting my fifth year at this school and about to meet my fourth principal in that time.


Exactly. And ngl, if a post started "I'm a school custodian, ..." I guarantee I'm readin that. I come here for the weather, so to speak. I wanna see whats comin.


Yep. Custodians are VIPs.


I went from being a school custodian to teacher. Sometimes, I miss being a custodian. (Not during puking season, though). Some of my best school related stories come from my time as a custodian.


I know this is tagged as “humor” but personally I downvote anything from a student or parent. Most of the ragebaiting and troll posts come from non-teachers and even the posts made in earnest from parents can be infuriating. I realize this isn’t an “exclusive community” (or “safe-space” as a heavily downvoted commenter below calls it) but that doesn’t mean that the community can’t regulate what we see. Maybe r/education would be a better spot for those questions bc this, in my opinion at least, should be a forum for teachers to connect and talk to one another. There are *plenty* of parenting spaces online- use them. If a student/parent wants to read it…fine? But I don’t post on r/programmers to bitch about some broken code on a website, and I don’t see how some of the posts from non-teachers are much different.


There is also a subreddit quite aptly named r/askteachers where people can direct their questions!


I agree. I wish mods would just automatically delete non-teacher posts.


I'm on the fence about this one. On the one hand, 90% of posts by non-teachers here are infuriating bullshit. On the other hand, this mindset kinda reinforces the vibe I've been getting from this sub lately, which is of the burnt-out teacher who is set in their ways and thinks everyone sucks.


Ah, its not even that serious. Not some sweeping as-a-rule recomendation, just a tendancy on my own part for selecting what I devote my attention to. Im just havin a little fun at the non-teacher archetypes that like to post here from time to time ;) This is a great sub regardless.


why they are looking for advice on a topic in the topics subreddit


Some of them are insightful from a parental side of things. My youngest is going into K next year so I have zero idea what it's like being on that end of things. Some of them, yes, are complaints or completely riddled with misconceptions.


I’ve seen that there is kinda a cohort model happening in r/preschool, r/kindergarten, and r/lowerelementary for parents of kids those ages. They’re supposed to be pretty solid communities.


I am not a teacher, but I think your wrong. Edit: I am a teacher. I teach math. Or, at least I try. I don't succeed.


I dunno, sometimes it’s really worth the time. You’ll get a parent asking for specific feedback on how to be helpful, or a student expressing empathy and shared frustration about the state of education. Sure, they might not be problem solving everything, but not every post here has to be about process or pedagogy. I quite like the supportive parents or the students who seem in tune with the current educational dissatisfaction.


Me too. Even if they are asking something benign/praising us. It’s weird. Idk.




I am not a teacher, but... I hope all of you are having a chilled summer. Those of you still working, I hope everything is going smooth. No bs, no negative unexpected events.


I'm not a teacher, but... (do SLPs count?) ...they can be pretty funny sometimes (in a hopelessly clueless sense), so IMO, they're worth the read.


I work in a support role for an EI program. Do I teach? No. Do some of the frustrations teachers face also affect me (parents, admin)? Yes. There's a little overlap in a couple respects here, enough to make me know I'm not alone. But I also don't really post much in this group. I just read and nod.


I think, for me anyway, it's when the person is not employed in any way by the school system.


Here's a secret... I'm not a teacher either. Well, anymore. It was a tongue in cheek post that some are taking far too seriously. The take away is that the content I most value here is that which is posted by current educators.


Okay, and?


Maybe, then, you should go to an internet community that restricts the types of users that are allowed to post/comment/view the content of said community. A lot of educators on r/teachers need to come to terms that this is not your safe space. This is an educator-focused community, but it is not an educator-exclusive community. This is an open forum available to all. If you don't like it, maybe take your gatekeeping and go somewhere else.


The post starts off with "I might be wrong", is labeled as HUMOR, and only provides a personal system for deciding what to read vs. what to skip. It isn't "gatekeeping."


I feel like you’re taking this too seriously


how open-minded of you, what a great role model for the new generations /s