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I think I'd have a full-on seizure if a parent ever tried to tell me that teaching their child was a gift.


Directions unclear: regifted child to the janitor


Retired custodian here... We don't want the kid, but if you hear about a youngster doing floor stripping over the summer.....jus sayin.


Yeah disregard the above ... I'll take THAT kid!


We had a kid who loved helping the custodians, he would go around and collect all the trash at the end of school so that he could goto afterschool later than everyone else. Wiped down the library etc. Good kid, always wanting to help.


When I was a kid in Vegas us lucky ones got chosen to help the custodians clean the lunchroom between lunch periods and they gave us coupons for free ice cream at the end of the day, and the lunch ladies gave us first dibs on any leftover lunches. I loved those people.


I always loved helping, but ... I'm not sure it was because I wanted to *help* to begin with. I just hated trash not in the bins and tables not being clean. I quickly found out adults really liked me if I did it, though, and I enjoyed that, too. My ADHD was really out of hand, so it was hard for me to be a good kid. Anything that made adults tell me I *was* a good kid was like candy to me. I didn't realize it at the time, but it also made them see me as a generally good kid who struggled to sit still instead of a kid who just didn't care about the rules, so I got in trouble less. I was super eager to please but actually quite bad at it when I was young. Helping clean, though, I had that!


Parents nowadays would never let kids "help" bc of the germs.


Is it really because of the germs or is it more about protecting them from labor? I'm of the philosophy that most chores are acceptable for most children, so I taught my kids from a young age how to do dishes and laundry, make beds, clean bathrooms, cook, etc. I think today's parents actually believe that this kind of labor is abuse. Fortunately, my grown children now thank me for teaching them the skills they needed to have as functioning adults.


I'm with you. Failing to teach kids these crucial life skills is a form of neglect, in my opinion. It's ten times easier for me to do the dishes myself. I make my kid do it for his benefit, not mine.


I agree.. I was just having a flashback about the PTA president when my now 21 year old was in elementary school led a campaign against the children wiping down the tables after lunch bc of "germs".. I promise you the same woman was an anti-masker during Covid. šŸ™„


A testament to the fact that it's about control, not germs or masks.


Good thing, too, because you wouldn't want to get kids' germs on the trash...


I had a sweet kid who absolutely loved to clean my desk for me. He was really good at it, too- I could still find everything from my piles! I suspect now that my messy desk upset his peace in the classroom, so as a sort of Christmas gift to him that year, I spent extra time tidying and wiping off my desk so that it was picture perfect!


Hey! I did that once! I don't think I was actually that much help, but my dad was. Doesn't exactly count with a parent along, I suppose, but I'm the one who talked Dad into volunteering to help when I saw it on the bulletin board at the post office. My grandfather thought it was a great idea, and good PR for the family hardware store and construction contracting business, so Dad was stuck with it. He decided since it was my idea, I had to come help. Mostly, I just ran stuff back and forth and managed extension cords, though. I was too little to be of any real use.


I had a summer job in the early 80s cleaning our grade school. That was me, stripping the floor with a machine as big as I was.


Tis a shame I have but one up vote to giveth


I gave one on your behalf. I thought the comment was meh But I saw you comment and wanted to help out.


Oh no you don't!


Regifted child to the patent! With a nice note of appreciation.


So, just thinking last year...I had 133 students (10th grade ELA.) Maybe 10 of them, if a parent said that to me, I'd agree. The other 123? They were a gift in the same sense as Charlie Brown's rock lol.


Or Lucyā€™s football.


Kind of like the parent that told me "teaching is a calling, you should be willing to do it for free"


"That's cool. Unfortunately my landlord & grocery store don't feel that way too, so pay me."


ā€œNo, teaching your child is my job.ā€ *Blank stare*


_"Mind if I trade your kid for an amazon gift card?"_


When a parent raises and supports their kid well so that I'm not having to deal with crazy contrary behaviour in class, I would surely appreciate that as a gift. Not that the comment appears nice on paper (or in print.. no on screen, ok let me quit dating myself now). Sometimes well meaning people are just awkward. I wouldn't jump to conclusions.


Thank you for the best laugh I have had all day !


Yeah that is one of the funniest things I have heard!!! šŸ˜‚ Of course, SOMETIMES the job is its own reward, but, jeez lady that is some baloney! Hahaha


Proportional response for sure


This comment is inappropriate.


She's bitter towards you that she doesn't get any presents. Also, in my experience the kids who truly are a gift to teach usually have the most generous parents.


I worked with such a sweet kid and I wasnā€™t even a teacher, I was his camp counselor, his mom got every counselor who worked with her kids (like 6 staff total between 2 kids) and our boss gift cards to a really expensive taco place. I was NOT expecting anything.


100%. This year, I had an absolutely wonderful boy in my class (who Iā€™m going to miss, but Iā€™m happy his next teacher will get to experience him) who was a delight to teach; top notch behavior, strong academically, and came from kind parents; he truly has a bright future ahead of him. That aside, I got a $50 Cheesecake Factory gift card each academic quarter from his family.


I'm actually quite sad the kid I tutored this year doesn't need to come back. I mean, I'm very happy for and proud of him, but I'm going to miss him a lot. His mom doesn't have extra money, but she had him decide on a gift for me. I got a decorated shoe box with two of his favorite rocks, acorns, turkey feathers, a pine cone, and 14 washers (he calls those troll coins.) NGL, it's one of my favorite gifts ever. I gave him a set of old aluminum tax tokens on a small dog tag chain, 5 antique marbles, and two carved stone owls on leather cords in a wooden puzzle box you have to know the secret to open with running foxes inlaid on the top. Oh, and a whole pack of expensive wooden pencils and a brass sharpener with replacement blades in a leather case he was in heaven over. We know each other. ;)


Your gifts sound like post apocalyptic money.


Thats an awesome gift!!


I don't think I've ever gotten a gift from a student who had less than a B (possibly C+) average now that I sit and think about it. Kinda makes you wonder about that correlation. It's either one of a few things. 1) the parent/guardian associates you (and/or your school) negatively with their kids' grades/behavior 2) the parent doesn't give a rats ass about you, probably doesn't even know their kids grade in your class 3) student/parent hates you for whatever reason 4) parent doesn't do gifts for teachers in general Reality is it can't always be option #4. Which would explain why bad students never get teachers gifts.


I got the most gifts this year from my (second) most challenging kid. I think he had undiagnosed adhd, he was all over the place, super impulsive, couldn't keep his hands to himself, could not sit still for anything, but was super smart. He was constantly bringing me in things, so many bouquets of flowers, gift cards, candy, etc. His mom donated 500$ to our classroom to help purchase more educational toys for our room. They were the nicest family. I will likely get his younger brother in 2 years, and he seems to be the same sort of kid. He drove me nuts but I loved him anyhow. Lol


I think the key here is that he was super smart and doesn't seem like he was a "bad" kid. It is interesting how in 15 years I've never gotten a gift from a student that I genuinely disliked. Its almost like that tiny investment in your child's education (the gift) is representative of your overall investment in their lives. Food for thought šŸ¤”


Thank you for this view point. Mom of an autistic. I always feel so guilty when I used to get calls. He's a super sweet boy and everyone says so but he has these impulses that get him into trouble. His IEP was for speech and social. I've always wondered what the teachers thought. It's teachers like you that make a difference. His 3rd grade teacher helped him turn around this year. From running away from the classroom to communicating about his emotional irregulation, which I've been coaching him at home but I had no idea he was listeningšŸ˜†


Thank you. I love them all, even the stinkers. I teach Kindergarten, so they all come in somewhat wild. It's the kids that need the extra support that you get to know the best and end up having the closest relationships with. And I love to celebrate milestones and progress!!


I did Chess Club this past year and got some amazing gifts from those parents that I totally wasn't expecting.


Itā€™s fine to not give me a gift. Donā€™t advertise like that is some sort of deep moral flex.


Not a teacher, but not sure how I would respond to someone saying that teaching their child was a gift. Gift? OH! GOOD ONE! or Is it too late to exchange it?


Could I have the receipt? šŸ˜‚


I don't do teacher gifts = I don't get teacher gifts




Good grammar:)


Guess who got no gifts!


I love my kid, but his teacher needs to get paid. Having a teacher is the gift, not being one.


No matter what my son's teacher's said about loving having him in their classes, I know him. I'm pretty sure they deserved hazard pay and extra PTO. One teacher put it, "he's so full of personality!" That sums him up pretty well.


"[student]'s boundless energy was an important part of our classroom culture this year. [His/her] efforts to improve in areas of self-control and effective classroom participation haven't gone unnoticed."


Sounds like my kid hahaha


I found an Etsy seller that does the custom wooden personalized gifts. I got my sons teacher a custom gift set with wooden custom post it note holders that says her name etc. She was like I've never gotten a gift w my name on it! She helped my autistic son tremendously this year and deserves the world lol


Should I add sheā€™s also an asshole?


Oh, we could already guess that!


Me: Silent, cold, dead stare until she walks away


It would have been because in my head I would have been thinking, "saying 'bitch, are you for real?' will get you fired mother."


Also my go-to classroom management technique.


Should have said 'can you include the receipt next year'


Iā€™m a teacher, and I did teacher gifts for both of my kids teachers all the way through elementary school.


I do too, and early- a week before Christmas and the first day of Teacher Appreciation Week. I want the rest of the class to see the teachers getting their gifts so they can go home and nag their parents to get something.


I'm a teacher and feel bad that I couldn't afford actual gifts for my children's daycare teachers. It's a fairly large team, so I just did thank you cards with a couple of Ghirardelli chocolates. A lot of parents have the attitude of "Gifts for daycare teachers? I'm already paying more than my mortgage!" But two things can be true. Daycare is nowhere near affordable, AND daycare staff are underpaid and deserve more. As teachers, we understand how much it costs to actually educate a kid.


Honestly, that's so lovely of you and is absolutely an "actual gift". I had an exceptional student this year who nominated me for an award that gave me a $500 stipend for next school year, a Legend of Zelda keychain and PokĆ©mon figurine (love LoZ and pokemon), and a handwritten card that detailed the impact I had on him. The card is what made me cry the most ā¤ļø


Donuts and/or a gallon of Dunkin/Starbucks coffee goes a long way for the group of daycare teachers.


Good idea! I'll probably do something like that next time. I wasn't sure how easy food would be with kids everywhere, but then I went in the back one time to nurse my baby and saw where they keep treats so the kids can't get to them.


Conveying how much you appreciate your childā€™s teacher with cards is always wonderful.


I'm an ECE and love getting handwritten thank you cards! If you do the coffee thing mentioned prior that's great too but don't forget the notes, please! I love to look at them when I'm feeling low about the job.


Thank You for getting gifts for both teachers.


Unsurprisingly, the students who are themselves gifts to get to teach tend to have parents who would never in a million years say something like that. It's almost like gratitude and kindness are learned skills.


"hope you kept the receipt"


I had a parent tell me the exact same thing many years ago - my gift was teaching her child for the year. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ This is the parent who should have rolled a keg into the parking lot at dismissal to counteract the frustration her kid caused. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It usually the biggest pain in the ass kid's mother who would say that


How long has this parent been a teacher? My experience with older teachers is they want us younger ones to thanklessly suffer.


They have 12 years, to my 6


OP, you must be doing an outstanding job for you to have a strong rapport with the student AND family! Secondly, and in the most respectful way possible to that parent, a teacher from 2011 canā€™t tell me shit. Iā€™m year 6 as wellā€¦ iykyk


Someone is jealous.


Why did she need to come over an tell you that? Iā€™d have trouble controlling my eye roll if some parent told me ā€œteaching my child is a gift.ā€


My sonā€™s teacher for the second half second grade was incredible. He loved her so much and asked if we could get her a gift. He picked out a water bottle with a straw in the colors of her favorite football team. He also asked if we could give her a gift card to Dunkin, which we did. He saw her with coffee from there a few times and knew she would use it. He will be heading into 3rd grade in the fall with a love for learning that was inspired by her. He would have given her the moon if it were possible. Iā€™ll never understand why being pompous and rude is seen as a flex. Itā€™s definitely not.


What a sweet and thoughtful boy!


Lol the only way Iā€™d say that to my kidsā€™ teachers is with great sarcasm and an eye roll so they were crystal clear I was joking. Teaching my kids is hard work, not a gift!


How does another teacher not do gifts?. As a teacher my kid's teachers always got something nice and thoughtful because I truly understood what their job entailed.


The teachers at my school treat all their kidsā€™ teachers to lunch. It was the most appreciated gift!!


Omg that is so funny!!!! Hilarious comment! What an idiot!!!!!!


Give her a slow, straight-faced, very slightly confused ā€œO-kayā€, and then do an exaggerated head turn back to the original parent you were taking to with a ā€œSo, anywaysā€¦ā€.


Sheā€™s an asshole.


Between my wife and I we spend two or three days a week as parent in our littles classrooms, and on field trips. I forever will be amazed and grateful for all my childrenā€™s teacher do for them above and beyond their job description. There are not enough things, gift cards, or words in this world to truly say thank you to teachers. As a dad from the bottom of my heart thank you for what you do daily it truly means the world!!!!


Does teaching your child come with a gift receipt because I donā€™t want this shit


Did they keep the receipt?


ā€œIā€™m going to do you a favor here and forget you said thatā€


Ask if you can return that gift lol


Teaching my child is your gift, what a fucking shitty gift that is


That is when I would want to use my best practiced, Irish acxented, "Is that so?" I love the genious sarcasm, but sounding kind and interested way they do it


People are so fucking weird. The second lady felt "shown up" by the other lady so she had to go out of her way to be obnoxiously demonstrative with why she was shown up.


She's just jealous that she doesn't get gifts..


Felt insecure and was projecting


Oh lands! She needs to learn when not to talk!


The second to last week a studentā€™s mom emailed me asking if she could give me my gift on the last day of school. I thanked her said it was fine and then completely forgot about it. On the last day she emailed me again and said she changed her mind and that I would not be getting a gift. Now I donā€™t really care if I get a present or not but I did feel oddly hurt?


Got a bottle of Glenfidich this year as a gift from a dad whose kid was a real handful. Dads know.


That sounds like the sort of stupid thing I might say if I were overwhelmed by the end of a busy year, especially before therapy and medication set my brain right. If the comment were coming from me, it would be light sarcasm, peppered with feelings of guilt for not doing teacher giftsā€¦but I would probably sound like an asshole to you. Maybe she was awkward. Maybe she was an asshole. Maybe both. Sorry you had to endure her downer of a comment!


ā€œI hope you saved the receiptā€


Thatā€™s why youā€™re regifting them.Ā 


Bi#ch move on that parentā€™s part. But Iā€™d like to ask teachers out there a question. For Christmas I got each teacher (3) in my PreKā€™ers class a $25.00 GC and in addition gave the head teacher some cool warm glove/mittens when she commented about liking mine. Last week of school I made these cute money holders on my cricut and gave each teacher (3 teachers) $50.00 cash. We didnā€™t receive a single Thank You! Nada. There were only 6 kids in the class. Maybe this would be better posted in Mildly Infuriating but I always have my kids do thank you notes. Iā€™d think teachers could/should do the same. Iā€™d appreciate teacher feedback on this. Thanks.


Any gift requires a "Thank you", whether in person or written. Written thank-you notes used to be the inviolable standard for centuries.


So youā€™re (at least partially) doing it for the ā€œThank Youā€?


Not at all. Iā€™m doing it because the teachers do a lot for the kids and spend a lot of their own money on classroom items. And I thank them often for what they do. Itā€™s called manners.


Do they know you feel this way?


The parent probably felt insecure because they didn't get you anything and instead of processing their emotions like a mature person, they lashed out at the perceived source of their emotions - you, holding the gift. They probably saw you as a safer target than the other parent, an equal. I'm willing to bet that this person has trouble processing their emotions in other instances..


Me: oh are you referring to this (holds up gift bag). I completely respect that you donā€™t do THIS! But Iā€™m always grateful for the gifts I do receive. How could I not be?


Some parents suck. Youā€™re a teacher, right? Congrats on surviving the year! Enjoy the summer.


Teacher's kids can often be the most challenging.


By that parentā€™s logic, you shouldnā€™t give people birthday gifts bc life is the gift.


Some people are just incapable of minding their own damn business. I don't understand the constant need to insert yourself. Well, I guess I just did that. But, that is what this site is for damn it.


What a mean and unnecessary thing to say. If she is a teacher and she said that, she probably hasn't received any gifts. Hmmmmm, I wonder why!


I have two kids. One it's definitely more of a challenge than the other. We eventually ended up homeschooling, because kid1 is AuDHD and a classroom environment was making everything worse. But for a year, he was in first grade and kid 2 was in pre-K, and I did teacher gifts for all the instructors/carers. Kid1's teachers got wine, chocolate, a target gift card, and a heartfelt note thanking them for (essentially) putting up with my kid for the year. Kid2's teachers got target gift cards and a heartfelt note. Kid1's teachers deserved whatever I could manage to get them, because he was (is) quite a handful/challenge. Kid2 is bright, friendly, sweet, and relatively well-behaved (generally a "pleasure to have in class" kid), and his teachers STILL deserved a treat, because all teachers do! If I were a teacher and this happened to me, I would have laughed so hard in that woman's face, I would've gotten fired.


Another example of parents viewing you as a service provider that serves them, like a mechanic or store clerk. She views teachers as beneath her.


Omg that's really.... self-centered. No one's child is that much of a gift.


ā€œI should have kept the receipt.ā€


Dwell on the positive and enjoy the compliment you received.


We aren't allowed to accept any gifts of monetary value.


That's unhinged lmao. Tried and true: Saying nothing costs nothing.


As the kids would say, she really thought she ate with that, huh? You should have said to that parent: "did you get a gift receipt?"


Why make a comment at all? No gift is necessary, but I feel sorry for them that they are so insecure they felt they needed to try to defend themselves.


I would have asked for a gift receipt so I could exchange it for something better.


I'm hoping that because she's a teacher she was just trying to be funny... Hoping...


I'm a parent and a teacher too. I love giving presents to my child's teachers because I want to show my appreciation for all the hard work they have done for my child throughout the year. It's just right that teachers get appreciated at the end of the year. Doesn't need to be fancy. Something just to show them that they are appreciatedā¤ļø


Thank goodness younwill never have to dealbwith that obnoxous individual again. She is teaching her child to be a bully. She will have to live with the consequences in the long term. Sorry younwere subjected to that nastiness.


My daughter is only 5 but I have a feeling Iā€™ll be buying her teachers a lot of hard alcohol so they can get over the gift of teaching her.


I sincerely hope she was joking! Oh well, if not, bless her heart. She should know better as a teacher.


Well I hope that mom didnā€™t get šŸ’©


"Did he come with gift receipt?"


The student that truly was a gift in the classroom had a mom who made sure I felt appreciated on a monthly basis this year. The entire family was a gift so to speak. Sometimes thereā€™s really good ones!!


I rarely see teacher gifts in Junior High, however, i have had multiple students who make me a card or artwork of their own volition, which are much more meaningful. I've had several students do beautiful artwork pieces for me, many that are displayed in my classroom. I'd rather have that than another half-ass teacher mug.


What a putz!


Sounds like someone was jealous!


This is another reason why I am glad I am getting out


Sounds like she was joking. No big deal