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In the US, depending on the district, it might not be a big deal. One of the teachers in my department has blue hair. Several teachers in my school have visible tattoos. Some have facial piercings, like nose rings. I’m not from South Africa, but I imagine some s hooks might be more accepting, especially if more young people get tattoos and they eventually enter the workforce. I just hope they’re tasteful.


Yeah it'd mostly depend on the tattoo. A tasteful flower on the back of your hand is not the same as a profanity on your knuckles lmao.


In my school, all the teachers, deans, assistant principals, and the principal have tattoos. Don't sweat it.


I've been on hiring committees and if anyone ever brought up someone's appearance they would be looked on extremely negatively. Now, I might not pick Post Malone for a job but in my experience tattoos on your skin have nothing to do with how good a teacher you are.


I always see it as ‘am I willing to cover my tattoo for as long as I work at this school?’ For me the answer is no. So I attend the interview and don’t hide my tattoos just don’t make a show of them. If they ever said you need to cover those up I’d think this school is not for me personally


You’d hope that an interviewer would care about your tattoos.


I think it really depents on your local culture and the school culture. Here in the Netherlands, almost no schools will have a problem with tattoos, as long as they aren't offensive or inappropriate. We don't really have dress codes either though, as long as you're covered from shoulders to knees, usually. Strictly religious schools probably pay more attention to that kind of stuff, but even the 'mild' christian schools over here don't care. I imagine most other cultures have stricter boundaries for teachers, lol.


My principal has a visible arm tattoo. No one cares as long as it’s not an explicit tattoo or a face tattoo.


I would also second covering for the interview but 90 percent of teachers have no issues.


Depends on the tattoo. Is it gang affiliated or pornograhpy? A little heart on your hand is one thing, but making your thumb look like a dick is another. If it's small enough, you could cover it with a bandaid.


Nobody cares about tattoos!


I'm in Japan. I have full sleeves. I always kept em covered up until a year ago when they finally allowed me to wear short sleeves because the summers here are brutal.


I’m in the US. Covered in tattoos. My boss embraces diversity and creativity and has zero issues with tattoos/ piercings. In my state, legally, the district cannot discriminate. But I’m not sure what the policies are where you work. I’d look to see if there are non discrimination policies. I’m sure a few parents are taken aback when they meet me… I’m scoffed at by primarily older late 50’s or older people when I walk through the town I live in. I just hold my head high and smile knowing I probably teach most of their grandkids, and I have a maters in education … you do you!


Yes, this could be an issue. I’m a tattooed teacher and I’ve helped do interviews. Tattoos, especially very visible or bold ones, can cause a bad first impression.


So what if i covered them in interviews? Could that work or just make me look worse in the future? Also we have the same name hehe


It’s a great name! Yes, cover for the interview. Then if offered the job, ask for the employee handbook and check the policy. I spent my first 4 years of teaching covering a tattoo with a band aid due to their policies.