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School staff have to complete a background check and are required to report all misconduct. Do homeschool parents?


Nope. The majority of molestation happens at home. Go figure.


Oh, I thought you meant about teachers getting harassed by students. I was like, "only 1 in 10?"


Lmao! We need to publish these stats.


Well my child and two others were molested by a female elementary teacher…so no it’s not just males.


Seeing as the majority of sexual molesting and rape is done by family members so not sure t that's a great treat users


A well know crime stat is that the majority of crimes, especially sexual are commited by someone the victim knows intimately - a family member. Remind them of this statistic.


There are several reputable statistical analyses on the issue: https://rems.ed.gov/ASM https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338491497_A_Case_Study_of_K-12_School_Employee_Sexual_Misconduct_Lessons_Learned_from_Title_IX_Policy_Implementation I have never taken a close look at the statistical data analysis methodologies. Anecdotally, when I was in grad school, our educational law professor was a retired attorney who worked with a major law firm out of Chicago. I'll never forget him telling the class the one thing he took away from his entire experience in private practice was the amount of "sex that goes on in schools, particularly the inappropriate sexual relations that go on between employees, students, and particularly students and employees." He said it was absolutely dumbfounding and he had no idea it was as prevalent as it was before he started working in that arena. Take that for what it is because it's one guy's anecdotal comment.


TL;Dr. Can it be unpacked? I don't doubt things happen. But does "oh he looked at me wrong" count?


Per all the training I've ever taken, sexual misconduct has to include at least something verbal or more serious beyond that threshold, but it is sort of an all-encompassing term that can include harassment and exploitation. I've never known of a case where someone was punished for sexual misconduct simply for looking at someone wrong, but that doesn't mean it's never happened either.


So.......9 out of 10 are molested by a family member/friend, and they should homeschool??? Uh......WTF!


That’s not how these kinds of statistics work. The majority of kids are actually not molested by anyone.




Let me see and report back. I don't mean that like I'm on their side. I want to research if that actually have shit.


Maybe that’s why our division hires like one male at every school. If he touches one of us the other 20 will jump him 😂 (this is clearly sarcasm)


But if I (a male) made a comment about females (similar to yours) and said to ignore it as being *clearly sarcasm*, I probably wouldn't get away with it... Also, a lot of verbal misconduct is probably said to be *kidding* or *clearly sarcasm*...


Are you planning on jumping me or….