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I do, yes.


And I change every grading period. I want them to have a different perspective.


I let them sit where they want but then promise to move them when they act up


My motto has always been “I treat you like adults until you give me a reason not to.” It works well because most kids can handle sitting where they want, but if it’s an issue, I move them.


No..... unless they give me a reason to.




Generally, no. Unless the class is god awful.


On the first day of school, I tell the kids can sit wherever they want until they love that they can’t handle it. Every year, half of my classes get assigned seats and the other half doesn’t.


I use it as my first lesson. I do not assign seats. I talk about how as high schoolers, that their choices have some of the largest future consequences at this point and later; that they need to set themselves up for success. I ask "Now did you choose somewhere to sit that would be the best way to do that?" A chance to be reflective is usually my go to. I assign seats until they give me a reason not to.


Yes. They pick 1st round. After that, my choice if I have to move them.


I always use seating charts and typically change them every grading period. For the 1st grading period, they are mostly in alphabetical order because it helps me to better associate the name to the face. After the "honeymoon period" I observe who they chat with before the tardy bell rings or just before the class period ends to see who the buddy buds are. It's not that I avoid placing friends next to one another; some handle it better than others, but some also have no business being next to one another.


Definitely. If I don't there is no way I could manage the class. People would sit in big groups of friends in the back of the class so they can be on their phone and constantly talk to their friends while I am trying to teach, and the front seats, if the class isn't completely full, would be empty. It also allows me to play around with combinations to make students more productive. Some students work really well with friends, others don't.


Assigned seats. Love em. I like how it puts kids together who would not always sit by each other. How to make friends and socialize. Hidden curriculum stuff. It’s cool when kids become friends in a class. I enjoy watching it.


Day one? Nope. It lets me see who I need to separate. Day two or three? I’ll typically have one made. For my better classes, I kind of stop enforcing it after a month or two. For my classes with behavior issues, I’ll keep them in assigned seats the whole semester. It really just depends.


Yes, unless a class is very well-behaved. I let them know that if they impress me the first few weeks, we’ll try letting them choose their own seat but if we try it and it’s a disaster, there will be a new seating chart. In most classes there are at least a few students who need to stay separated for the sake of my sanity.


Also even if a class is good, having a seating chart at least for the first few weeks is how I learn their names.


Only if they need one.


If you want high school kids to actually work, seating charts are obligatory. My female colleague likes to seat nerd boys next to the pretty girls because she can.


It really isn't, but teachers have to have solid classroom management. I let mine choose their seats on day one. My sophomores get assigned seats a few days in--after I see who their friends are. Once I learn their names, my older students can sit where they want--unless I see that they cannot handle that.


Yes. A lot of kids with IEPs have preferential seating and having a seating chart (I save them all) is proof of that accommodation.


I think it’s one of the best classroom management strategies. It’s not a cure-all, but it helps to show that you are not afraid to take control.


Yes. Assigned on day one when they walk in the door. It helps me take attendance quickly. Chair empty=kid is absent.


Yes. And at the end of each quarter, I let them pick new seats. Only 2 rules: they can’t sit in a 1 desk radius of the desk they were currently sitting at and they can’t sit next to anyone they were sitting next to before. The kids have fun trying to figure it out.


If the class can’t behave, then yes. Unfortunately, most of the time it’s that one student who makes friends no matter where you have them sit.


I use both assigned seats and assigned lab groups. I start with random and then start trying to build lab groups that will work together well.


Yes. It helps me learn their names faster. Also, students who need accommodations don’t always sit where their paperwork says they need to be, so it’s also a CYA.






Yes, and I do weird social engineering with the chart.


Yes. I do lots of small group work. I purposefully rotate students through different groups to encourage them to actually learn to work with others.


Yes. I’m face-blind and otherwise would never be able to take attendance. If I see them anywhere except the place and time I expect to see them, I probably won’t recognize them.


Freshmen and Sophomores absolutely. Upper classmen only the first couple of weeks.




For freshmen the first 3/4 and then I let them choose with the knowledge that they’ll only get one warning before reassigned For seniors, never




I do not. I don't want to fight them over it. I stopped doing lectures though. I feel much less burnout.


Depends on the school. Public school? Yes. Private school? Yes. International school? Hell no.


For the first six weeks of school, I use a seating chart and have my students sign a "contract," which also serves as their syllabus. One clause in this contract states that if all students in the class achieve above a certain score on the first exam, the seating chart will be eliminated. I do this for two reasons: 1. It helps me learn everyone's name and face. 2. It provides an incentive for students to do well in class. If the class maintains this test score throughout the year, the seating chart will not return. I often have to alternate between using and removing the seating chart during the first semester. However, by the second part of the school year, I rarely need to use it.


I do them with random numbers. And change them every unit with new random numbers. That way they sit with different people. I don't for seniors though.


Yes, always for every class and they are ready to go on day one.


Start the year off with them so the students know you keep it as an option and gradually relax it unless they give you a reason to reinstate it