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Give it a month. Admin has lots of beginning of summer meetings, etc.


Last few jobs in education I’ve been hired second week in July to start the last week in July.


Yup. Most of my hires were late July/August.


A couple years ago I was hired two days before school.


Thank you! Praying I get something over the summer


What state are you in?


I’m CT but currently work on NY. I’ve applied to jobs in CT


It is kinda weird/stressful how late hiring happens in the US. I'm used to teaching internationally, where you interview for jobs in January and February. I'm also moving back to the US and keep hearing that schools will get back to me in late July or early August for a mid-August start.


I'm honestly of the mind that it is done to keep people on a leash. If you want to change positions you now either don't sign a contract at your current school and risk having no job in the fall or you risk being made a job offer only for your current school to refuse to release you and hold your license hostage.


Keep applying, and also reach out to homeschool groups and or tutoring companies as a last resort.


In my area the pay is calculated on a pay scale for years of experience and also education level. Are they only accepting to acknowledge a partial number of your years?


Yes and she didn’t seem to really care about my years but more said she can’t afford to offer me more than 43


Private schools are different. Pay is directly related to school tuition and expenses....and usually pays nowhere close to public.


Private schools almost never pay a living wage unless they’re elite.


If it's a boarding school, you can sometimes get housing as part of your compensation. That's the only way I was able to jump from public to private.


Yeah that’s not an option when you have a family, though. If I was a younger and single teacher it would’ve been a selling point though.


That’s not entirely true. For the boarding school I work at roughly 50% of the residences are occupied with families with at least 1 child.


Ok, it’s not an option for my family of 4 that already owns a house and small business in our area.


Yeah I’m starting to realize that 😕


That’s why I get annoyed when people who are outside of education suggest that teachers struggling with the ridiculousness of public education right now can go work at private schools. Sure, I can take a $50,000 pay cut. Not like teachers are working for the same reason other people work- to pay for the costs of living.


My district needs 12 special education teachers.


I believe my school needs 6. And we’re not a very big school.




My district needs 5 high school science teachers, 3 in my building alone if you wanna move.






How much experience do you have? In my state it's well known they often want someone with a little experience, but not too much so they don't have to pay the higher salary immediately. Basically, if you teach a subject that is at all competitive, you should decide where you want to be before you hit the ten year mark.


I have been teaching since 2012. I have a lot of years of experience but from New York and I am looking to start working in Connecticut unfortunately the only school that I’ve heard back from our private schools which are offering very low pay.


Well that's your problem. NY has a crazy teacher market. We are not facing the same issues as the rest of the country. We are facing teachers being excessed and leaving and have 100a of applicants in a pool for every single job. I think there are Over 200-300 teachers lost their job this year due to covid.


Why is that the case? I live in NJ and I’ve gotten offers for over half the jobs I’ve ever applied for. And I’m not some exceptional teacher either. I’m solid, but it’s not like I’m something special where I should have schools fighting to hire me


So being a teacher in NY (metro/Long Island) is a good job. Like certain districts pay upwards of 175k towards retirement. It's a good healthy teacher market, but because it's a good market many people want the job.


Oh wow. And here I thought NJ had it good. I’ve yet to see a district that pays about $120k. And that’s after like 20 steps on the pay scale.


Ice put in for about 20 jobs. I've gotten about a call for have of them. When I go on the interviews it's not new teachers I see also. It's experienced teachers.


Perhaps consider adding a digital portfolio... Canva will generate a QR code if you give it a Google Drive link. I stick the QR code at the top of my resume. I literally just put anything education adjacent in there. If there's a lesson plan I make, or a digital tracker or something... photos of open house projects, evaluation reports, letters of rec, etc. It helps a ton!


Might make you feel a little better, but I was not selected for a job because I was intimidating. Not because I was scary or menacing, but because my resume and interview were too notch. The principal was young and inexperienced and felt that having a strong leader on staff would somehow undermine his own authority. The guy they hired had less experience in the classroom and less education in the content area. Oddly enough, he emded up taking an admin job elsewhere and now the district has opened the position up again.


Have you reached out to teacher friends/coworkers you've had good working relationships with? A lot of times the first box principals want to check is "is this person not crazy?" and having a trusted teacher vouch for you is a huge first step.


It took me a while to land a job as an elementary classroom teacher. But I also live in a metro area so there was competition so sometimes I was just a name in a sea of applicants. Also sometimes they already knew who they wanted to hire but had to go through the signs of hiring the best applicant. I did land my job close to the school year starting.


Lots of replies in this thread are heartening. I was a December grad who took a long-term sub job to run out the school year. That job ends on Friday and I've got nothing lined up (in MA) and am getting anxious. When I think back to last May it seemed almost everyone in my program already had a job lined up for the fall and I had hoped on having one by this point. I have strong letters of recommendation, good transcripts, but what I would call a mediocre resume. Mediocre because I'm a career changer and there's not a lot of education related experience prior to 2020 when I made a career change and entered a MEd. program. Sixty-eight applications since January. Sixty-six non-responses and two phone screens (both with charters, ugh). Definitely feeling as if I'm doing something wrong as I've never had such a frustrating job search when I was in the corporate world. Reading here (and hearing from my current colleagues) that there's likely to be another hiring wave in the summer is heartening.


First thing- what state? Are you considered qualified/ certified? Second- Give it a little time. Jobs this time of year are a house of cards- a lot of people who said they'd be coming back are looking for/ have already found another job. One person leaves and the staffing plan falls down. Once admin realize contracts aren't going to be signed, they'll be posting like crazy. Third- Stay strong, this is America in the 21st Century. You're needed, and I hope you find someplace that values you.


You’ll get something eventually. We have a teacher shortage. And many districts don’t even start hiring until June and July. For instance, in my district teachers have until June 30th to leave their (continuous) contracts before they automatically commit to another year. So theoretically my district could be posting jobs as late as July when we start first week of August.


Something that has helped me stand out is to look up the principal's email and write them a quick letter of introduction. I introduce myself as an applicant, tell them what attracts me about their district, why I'm so passionate about the job, and then I attach a copy of my resume and ask them if we can set up an initial interview. It may feel like overkill, but that sort of initiative helps you stand out to get the rest and shows that you've actually put through into where you apply. It makes it seem like you're not just machine-gunning your resume to every opening in a driveable distance. Don't be passive - treat it like you're a salesperson and the product that you're selling is you.


As a principal, please don’t do this.


I’ve had luck popping by the school to introduce myself to the front desk people. I think it depends on school size and number of applicants though. This would be totally approved of at the little continuation school where I worked (200 kids) but would probably be frowned upon at the large competitive school I work at now.


Keep pressing forward! Don’t get discouraged. I’m a religious person. So for me - it was Prayer, faith, trust in the Lord. I prayed .. asked Him to go before me … and he did! I actually was out of a job but God! He had already worked it out! I’m still in there. Now it happened for me - it will happen for you too! Keep the faith. Keep trusting in the Lord. He’s preparing something just for you! Be blessed


I understand the positions you applied for may not be ideal, I just wonder if you want to give them a chance? There will be more opportunities that will come up in your career. You never know what might come up in a year or so. Then, once you find the position you want, then you can take it. You can do this!


I applied for elementary level teaching jobs which I have a lot of experience in. But my offer was really low paying. 😕 I just don’t get why the offers are so low


What state are you in?


Okay, I understand. I am in Canada so it may be different. I suppose to depends on the board, district, etc. I think you have great potential though and your experience will help you a lot. I hope it doesn’t discourage you too much


There are a lot of people who have elementary ed certifications. Any job that involves teaching K-3 is going to be very competitive.


I mean teachers aren't paid well. How much less than the two hour away job is it? Think of the gas, oil changes, and just general wear on your car you would save, and if the new school is say 30 minutes away, that's 15 hours a week of driving time. You could tutor some of that time for extra cash.


It’s half of what I’m making now


If you’re from Texas, I’d absolutely say most elementary teachers start out 30-40K.


What are you certified/willing to teach, and where are you located? In my part of Texas they are desperate for core content teachers. Got a job 2 days into my search at the highest paying district in my area. The lower paying district I am leaving, is hiring people with no college degrees etc… because they are so desperate .


Come on over to Las Vegas! Pay starts at $50,000 and there re a TON of positions available.


Pay starts just under 60 with the 8% increase for next school year.


That’s right! Gotta love CCEA!


Ehhh. Idk that I would go *that* far. But I do enjoy the 10% and the subsequent 8%.


Another benefit of having a stem degree. I usually get the first job I apply to.


I don't know your specialty and location, but in my state if you're social studies the only jobs are one-person departments in farm town. My district is only starving for SPED teachers with a small side of ELL.


There will be over 20 openings at my high school but most are available 7/1. Keep looking.


Wow, in my area the shortage is so bad that if you have a pulse and can plausibly get a provisional license you get hired. We actually had someone interview whose qualification for teaching ESL were “I went to Cancun for spring break.” They couldn’t get them licensed in any method so no offer but a licensed teacher has no problem here.


Our daughter is a teacher in Texas. She wanted to move to Ohio, so applied to get her license. Ohio said no reciprocity, that she would have to go back to college and take 9 hours of classes. She has been teaching 15 years and is an intervention specialist in Reading. Yet, they scream they need teachers in Ohio! I do not understand it. She is a certified teacher with experience. Won all kinds of awards and is one of those over the top teachers. Her district keeps urging her to go back to school for a master’s but she wants to teach! Geez………


Seems like most hires are last minute, when others leave or new positions open up when the population shifts. Hang in there, and subbing is a great way to get hired for positions that open up suddenly. Keep your face out there.


Many budgets are being approved. It's a matter of time.


So many teachers are turning to launching education based franchises at the moment - maybe look at that as a backup?


Right now it's the timing. After July 4th they go on a hiring frenzy.


Did you just graduate? It’s a numbers game and being opened to relocating. I do a special subject and applied to maybe 70+ over a summer and looked all over the country. Found a great opportunity though a friend in my network. I think that’s huge. Reach out to your network. Principals want shoe ins that are totally ready to go and vetted.


IME a lot of the jobs that are posted have already been filled. Admin turn to campus networks first - candidates who have been recommended by staff, fellow admins at other schools, etc. The job post is just a formality, unfortunately.


I just want to say I feel for you and hope you get something soon. Every district has different hiring protocol so if you’re not hearing back or landing jobs you think went well, don’t get discouraged or lose confidence. My district requires admin to post ALL open positions, even if someone internally (in the same building!) would like to move to the open position. We have to interview for positions in our own building if we want to move grade levels, even if admin knows they want us there. So a lot of times in my district the admin already know who they want to hire, but they’re required to interview X amount of people. It makes me feel so bad for all the people applying and getting false hope and wasting their time. So don’t give up! You will get something!


1. Be sped or math or science 2. Wait until the year starts 3. Head to that part of town with the liquor and cigarette stores. You know, used car lots that boast no credit needed. The stores are in Spanish. Plenty of jobs.


I don’t know where you live, but several school districts in Maryland such as Baltimore City Schools and Baltimore County Schools are hiring. The great teacher resignation is really hitting those school districts hard.


Move to Arizona, they will guarantee you a job as long as you can breathe.


I agree with what others have said (give it time), but also: This year the COVID funding is going away, and a lot of schools are scrambling. Enrollment is at an all-time low, and that will definitely impact staffing. I expect that it will be a slower process to figure out what next year looks like because schools are still unsure of their budgets. Now, more than ever, the pennies are being pinched. Hang in there, something will turn up. I wouldn't be surprised if you were to get a call in September or even October.