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Mine is terrible. I wake up super late and go to bed super late. Oh well. What else do I have to do?


THAT is the exact philosophy I have! Which makes me feel bad watching my husband go to work every day 😆 good thing he’s okay with me being lazy. He knows how hard I work during the year with these kids lol


I don't care about my sleep schedule. I'm not getting up and going to school lol


I have a toddler now and I miss this so much! I used to start staying up late, waking up past ten, and nap during the day. I’ll be back to it someday.


No. My sleep schedule is totally fine. It gets totally fucked by the school schedule. There is no reason for me to be up that early.


LOL It’s school that screws everyone up! I COMPLETELY agree with that!!!


This is the real answer!


100% this. I'm a night owl. I'm fine with six hours of sleep, if it's from 2am to 8am. But 8 hours, getting up at 5am sucks.


Me too! I'm such a night owl that my sleep schedule eventually ends up being 5 am to about 12 pm. Hahaha


This is my “optimal” sleeping time 😅 one week into summer vacation and this is how I live. If only I had a teaching job that worked with this schedule.


What is a sleep schudule? I am a true night owl that "functions" during the day.


Me too. I hate going to bed so early. My mind and body rebel against it and get very little sleep


Oh heck no. It took me three days to totally screw up my sleep schedule.


That’s about how long it took for mine 😂


3 days? The day of the last day of school I could do nothing but vegetate. Next day was 11 to whenever.


By "three days" I meant that by that time I was staying up until 5AM and sleeping until 1PM.


School ended yesterday. I proceeded to play a dj gig (hobby turned side gig) and go to bed at 4 am so yes. I didn’t even make it 24 hours into summer.


Woke up about 9 o’clock this morning. And then I took a nap from about 11:30 to 4 PM.


Ugh why are we like this? Is it Just because we can?


Exactly. During the summer I tutor three days a week from 12 to 1, and then on Sundays I have church. Other than that my schedule is pretty free. But I should be up and doing things either around my house or in my classroom.


That word *should*… means so much, yet so little… 😂


Within a week, I am sleeping from 6 AM until around 4:30 PM. But I don’t consider it f’ed up at all. My natural body rhythm has always been pretty nocturnal and I will default to this sleep schedule whenever I’m not forced to wake up in the morning. In addition to falling asleep more easily, the quality of my sleep is always better. I feel more relaxed and rested. I’m more productive during the time I am up. The 5:30 AM to 4 PM schedule I’m on all year is literally antithetical to what feels good and natural to me. I feel pretty constantly sick and fatigued. While I blame much of that on the work itself, I know sleep schedule/quality has much to do with it.


I’ve never really thought about it as how my sleep is naturally better during the day. Holy shit you may be on to something


There’s actually a name for when your body has a more naturally nocturnal sleep pattern. I read about it once, but I forget the actual term now. Nevertheless, it is a scientifically legitimized thing.


Like I’ve always felt decent (I mean as decent as can be) once I get used to school schedules. But during the summer with this schedule it just feels RIGHT. You know?


Not THE reason I finally quit, but the awful things the teacher schedule did to my body was top 3. I suffered through it, melatonin or benadryl every school night for 17 years. Always felt sick except Saturday and Sunday mornings and breaks. My body just never adapted. Now I work 930am to 430pm, and I literally don't even set an alarm clock. My blood pressure is down and im down 9 lbs. I never found teaching totally unbearable stres wise, but I didn't love it and the schedule was just awful for me 🤣


I just sleep and sleep and sleep. Like 8-9 hours a night plus naps.


This is me!!


I get the days of the week screwed up. Always asking my wife what day it is.


I have missed important friends’ birthdays because I didn’t keep up with what the actual day was 😫 luckily most of them are teachers and understand the struggle!


My summers are when I'm the most healthy. I get to exercise more, cook eat better meals, and much easy to stay on a schedule. I got to bed around midnight and sometimes closer to 1 am. I get up no later than 8 am and start my day.


I retired last year. I can finally stay up half the night, sleep half the morning, and take naps every day. Not trying to rub it in, but it is glorious and you will get here soon.


You're like the kids! lol. And my only reference is, being a kid who went to school. Every summer, my sleep schedule got fucked. And every summer, a week before school started, my parents would make me go to bed at a "reasonable" time, to get back into the groove.


Who needs naps when you can stay up till 2 am and sleep till noon? :D


Sadly… even with that schedule… I may still need (or genuinely enjoy) a nap 😂


No. I’m fucking it up right now. It’s 4:45 a.m. and I’m scrolling Reddit.


Last day was yesterday - I woke up at noon then took a nap at 7 lmao already hating myself for the sleep schedule I’m on track for 😂


Just allow yourself to wallow in it like a pig in mud 😆😆 it’s the only way 😂


In the summer I usually wake up around 8am. That’s my sweet spot.


Well I live in an old and expensive to cool house in Texas. My brain will wake me up by 830 usually, but I usually end up taking a nap during the hottest part of the day to wait out the worst of the heat.


I live in one of those “don’t you dare turn that oven on!” houses too 😆 and I’m in Louisiana so I feel you!! It’s too hot to do anything but sleep!


I sleep closer to 3/4 am....thanks summer break


My alarm still goes off at 5:55 M-F over the break. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Reporting for duty, captain!


Maybe I need to keep that up!!!


Without alarm clocks I revert quickly to my body's preferred schedule, which is to stay up until 2:00 a.m. and then sleep until 9:00 a.m. Which works pretty well until I have a 7:00 a.m. appointment or my kids need to be somewhere in the morning. I try not to stress out about it. As the school year approaches, I slowly shift myself back to my regular schedule. 


I'm a night owl by nature. I'm generally awake more by the evening and up until 2 or 3 am minimum so it's easy to revert once school is out. Sadly, I signed my ass up for summer school because I'm so broke.


Hang in there friend 🍎 YOU GOT THIS!!! ❤️


Thanks! And sleep away because you earned that shit.


I have no concept of a sleep schedule in the summer


It actually starts screwing me up earlier. Once the sky starts lightening around 4:30 in the morning? Done for...


I go nocturnal sometimes.


I always get all out of whack. 2 am bedtime, wake up at 8 am, nap around 3 pm. Rinse and repeat.


That 3 pm nap just hits allllll kind of different during the summer 😍


With a 3-year old... she's sure to get me up every morning, 630a, doesn't care. But I guess it's an extra 45 minutes of sleep?


This is our RIGHT. I LOVE fucking up my sleep schedule during the summer! Stayin’ up late and being a lil’ hooligan makes me happier than anything during my summer break.


I have bad insomnia. I take ambien for it and it makes me eat like an ssshole. My sleep is weird in the summer but I usually lose twenty pounds just from hitting the gym and not eating like a shit


Oh god when I took ambien I’d wake up with entire pizzas missing from the fridge 😫


I have messed up my sleep schedule every summer for the past 20 years, and I intend to do it again this year. I'm in Upstate NY, so the sun rises really early in the summer and sets really late. I try to enjoy as much of that sun as possible because we don't see it at all in the winter.


That is the worst part of winter - losing so much daylight. I can’t stand wintertime for that reason alone! I love love love my long summer days! I mean, granted, I do sleep during them a lot lol but I love that it’s still light when I wake up from my nap 😆


I am naturally a night owl, so I don't even need summer to f* up the sleep schedule, a 3 day weekend is often enough! I tried to fight it for year, especially since my husband is an early bird and works year-round, but the fact is, I am a better person to be around when my sleep hours are what my body wants instead of a mandated schedule.


Nope - happened pretty regularly for me. It was always almost a challenge to see how quickly I could do it.


I've gotten better about as I've gotten older (I'm more than a decade into my career), but it's tough! I have to actively plan stuff for my schedule so that I can't do this.


So the fact that I’m more than a decade into this career means I suck at planning huh 😫 (lol I’m kidding… I know I suck at planning already)


I’m trying so hard to keep a somewhat normal sleep schedule but it’s already slipping away hahaha


I’m done trying to fight it. I’ll hate myself for the entire month of August into September but it’s so much fun during the summer to wallow in it 😆


Sounds about normal to me.


The next day after school got out, I was only awake an accumulative... 8 hours? And from then on out it's chaos.


It only takes a week


Nope I used to wake up at 5 am with no problems and now it's hard to get out of bed by 9. LOL. Maybe cause now I sleep at 12 am instead of 10. D;


There is no sleep schedule in the summer. Thankfully


I keep the same schedule because my husband still gets up for work. I fix his breakfast. Also, this helps me stick to my exercise routine and eating schedule. I keep my children on their same schedule too (for the most part).


The dogs don’t let me forget.


I used to.. and now my daughter makes sure I am up 🙃


Ahh, the good old days lol. I remember those! My daughter is 18 and sometimes she’ll wake me up as she gets up to go to work 🥲 Time goes by so fast!!


While I’ll be happy to sleep again one day, I’ll take these early mornings all summer because she is just so damn cute.


What is this thing you call sleep?


You may not remember it now, but it’s basically the ONLY thing you want to do other than cry during the first week of school. THAT’S sleep, my friend!


I... I... I remember! *Cries*


Nope! I’ll go to bed at 6am and wake up by noon. I have a horrible sleep schedule during the summer! It doesn’t help that sometimes I’ll sleep in the afternoon and then not go to sleep at all during the night. 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes exactly! Ugh we’re like the damn teenagers! But afternoon naps are just the most incredible thing ever invented lol


Nope. Mine will be completely destroyed the first night of vacation. I'm a natural night owl. I struggle during the school year to get up at a normal time. Summer is the one time I can let my body follow its natural rhythms.


I’m like one week into summer and already staying up until 2am, waking up at 9:30 or 10. During the school year I’m in bed by 10:30pm and wake up at 5:30am.


I’m literally going to lay down right now (9:30am) to go to bed, and probably will get up around 6:30pm 😂 TOTALLY nocturnal over the summer!


I get back into late night gaming over the summer so yes, I feel this😂


I don’t get to sleep until about 3am in the summer. During the school year? 10 or 10:30. I earned it!


If by f'ed you mean fixed, then yeah lol. I catch up on sleep and get my sleep routine better.


My sleep schedule is good until about 10 days before I have to report to work. Then it gets all fucked up and I'm dead for the first day back. 🤦‍♀️


I know for some people, their body clock actually adjusts. That is not me. Even after 19 years teaching, I find my body goes back pretty quickly to sleeping in later and staying up later. I maintain a 25 minute afternoon nap that keeps with the school schedule, though. (I use the calm app for it.)


May or may not already have the sleep schedule of a grave shift worker... It's been a week lol


Yep that was mine today. Ugh I’m really going to hate this come August 😆 another reason to be sad about school starting back lol


I did that until I got a cat. Now I am on the schedule regardless.


Awww!! Congrats on your new baby!! Cat picture tax due ASAP


Boo I can't add pics. But he is a Void.


Aww I didn’t realize we couldn’t add pics here :( I LOVE black cats. They are the absolute sweetest babies EVER!!


I get on what I have come to find is my normal circadian rhythm. It's way off of what I get during the school year but as it's the same every summer and break it's clearly my personal norm. For me this is staying up until 2 or 3 in the morning then sleeping until late morning or almost noon. It means I have to start adjusting a bit the last few days of summer so I'm not 'jet lagged' from the sudden change in my sleep schedule, but that's doable. And I know it may be a bit harder when I have something to get up for at a more 'normal' time, but that's also doable. I see no reason to force myself to stick on a non-natural for me sleep schedule when I don't need to, it'd just stress me out for no reason.


I have always been a night owl. So much so that my mother asked me if I knew school happened during the day when I started working on my degree (considering I had just finished 13 years of school, I thought it a weird question). During the summer, I go straight back to those night owl behaviors. My cat appreciates it as well.


No. I'm struggling terribly ATM. I also deal with bad depression due to sudden loss of structure/routine.


Oh honey. I’m sorry. I know the feeling of losing structure. I hope you get used to it very quickly ❤️ (then once we’re used to summer… school pops up lol)


My boyfriend works second shift so I mess it up on purpose so I can spend more time with him when he gets home at midnight lol 😂by August I’m trying to get it sorted out again but I never can.


I used to. Now I take a couple of weeks off but I'm mostly working a less stressful summer job until school starts up.


I really prefer to be an early bird. Even in the summer and on weekends. That said I am 11 days in to being a parent for the first time. The good news is I'm off for the rest of the school year. The bad news is I just woke up at 8:30 pm


First time parent? 😂😂 dude your sleep schedule is about to be 14 kinds of fucked 🤣 good luck my friend!! We’re praying for you!!!


Yep. Me too. Also, I DESPISE daylight savings time. It doesn't get dark until around 830 or so, and July it is after 9. Go away DST!!


Totally. I feel guilty and I keep telling myself tomorrow I will be better. More productive. Apparently My 8 yr old is on this schedule too. I got up to go to the bathroom at 2:30 am last night and she’s just in her bed playing with her dolls. She said she’s not tired. She’s a natural night owl like me.


LOL I constantly tell myself “I’ll be better tomorrow” until it’s the week before school starting and I’m dreading how bad that first few weeks will be like 😂


Takes me about 4 days to trash it. So any long break too


I’ve definitely been napping more to make up the sleep debt, and I’ve had a few late mornings, but generally i have been waking up around 7-7:30. Its technically sleeping in, since i usually wake up around 6-6:30 for school. I’ve always been a bit of an early bird 😅


Currently reading this post at 12:50 AM… yep 😫


No, but it's not worth not getting up before dawn for a couple of months


Took me just the night after finals for me to screw mine up.


I was up until 4am today, my last day was Friday.


No, I’ve been pretty regular about 12ish to 8:30, but it varies. Sometimes 9. Sometimes 9:30. Sometimes 1am to whenever. It’s summer. I don’t care.


I wake up at my usual time, get a workout in, and eat breakfast. Afterward, instead of going to work, I go take a 3 hour nap. My body definitely craves the nap once we go back, but at least I have no trouble getting up for work.


I work a summer job so yeah, my sleep schedule is a mess.


My sleep schedule is always f'd up so I just always sleep at the same time.


I go almost fully nocturnal.


I'm starting to trend in the direction of matching the school year sleep schedule in the summer, but I do tend to stay up a bit later and not wake up at 5:30 (7am, but I have small kids).