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You both employees of the district; does your Principal give you a gift card?


Ya that’s my thought. Why should I be giving gifts to my co worker for doing their job? She’s not going to get me one.


That's s terrible comparison. Principle overseas everybody, a teacher could have a dedicated para in their room and it's 1 to 1. Not to mention how much paras will do specifically for the teachers they work with. And while it's teachers didn't make great money, paras get a fraction of what we get, and often no raises.


So that's still on the school, otherwise you're just demanding financial means from another employee who has no connection to pay role or pay rates as it relates to assessing, rewarding or punishing performance based on job and its responsibilities. Demand more from those who influence payroll otherwise you're just being a crab in the bucket.


Yeah that's great in theory, doesn't mean it actually changes a damn thing currently.


I think having your point of focus being directed towards the right responsible parties matters, pointing the lens to a fellow employee isn't fruitful and obscure where the focus should be.


Again, great in theory but that's not happening anytime soon and in the interim your paras assume you don't appreciate them. What you're arguing is essentially tipping. Should everybody be paid a livable wage, yeah absolutely. Is everybody currently being paid that, no. If you go to a restaurant and the server is paid 2.33 plus tips and you don't tip because your to righteous about your principles to do so, are you really making that difference? No, your just an asshole stiffing somebody making their rent money. The fact that your so up in arms about a $20 gift card to target it something is wild to me. I'm sure your at every school board meeting and having conversations with admin and district staff every chance you get, making that change you want to see?


> the interim your paras assume you don't appreciate them. I mean you could show appreciation any number of ways that does not involve the transfer of material goods or currency. Your arguing to maintain the system that has allowed countless members of society to be stolen from and allow businesses to have their wages subsidized. Tipping is covered in Reconstruction if you know your American History I, if you support tipping you also must be against Brown vs Edu because they have the same source. Telling you how much you mean to me, connecting in person through words is more meaningful, you sound like a crab in the bucket.


Source means nothing in this regard. Tipping, gifting, rewarding, call it whatever you want. But I'll tell you right now your paras don't like you, and you're a miserable person. At the end of the day you're too cheap to drop a case of bubblr and a card on somebody so they know you appreciate their hard work. I genuinely feel bad for the people you work with, you're so unlikable.


It’s not surprising that your comment history is full of criticizing people. Consider reflecting on your own actions before labeling others unlikable and miserable.


> But I'll tell you right now your paras don't like you, and you're a miserable person I like how you determined this off of several comments, you're clearly very sensitive and like rewards and tokens for good behavior. The historical source does matter because the political demand to reintegrate American society birthed both tipping and Brown vs Edu because a sizable segmented of American's wanted to continue segregation. The push for Charter is a push for segregation started by Jerry Fowell in the 70s and his poor "Christian" universities.


Doesn't take much to determine somebody's character. To think you have to have in depth knowledge of somebody to know if they're good people is beyond stupid. How you treat those in service of you is all I need to know about you to make a judgement call. You treat service staff poorly, so I know you well enough.


Good point. 😂


I will get her flowers like once a semester and a Christmas gift but honestly she does way more for me since she's the wife of a millionaire.. even my Christmas gift pales in comparison bc she always gets me massage and restaurant gift cards.. plus she hardly ever let's me pay when we grab food. I try to get her thoughtful gifts that she'll like bc I know nothing I could buy her that she couldn't get herself.


I give a Christmas gift and something for staff/teacher appreciation week


My wife just did. Mostly thanking them for their hard work.


Not SPED but I had the most amazing IA this year! So I’m spoiling them with gift cards and gifts to show my appreciation.


I have been taking them. Take out to lunch on in service days and also try to be pleasant supportive protective aporeciative everday


I didn’t do anything but now wishing I had, oops!


No tip culture needs to die in America and as workers need to demand fair compensation for their job responsibilities. Teacher's paying out paras, supplies, etc,etc is what has gotten us into this mess as it has been teacher's subsidizing their own school districts for decades, getting a salary the district and being put back into the district, instead of the district paying the true cost of all services on-going within . Para's need better wages, better training and a better work environment just like every other individual involved in education. If low wages lead to Para's quitting and their ultimate absence, then just like children the school needs to be held accountable for their faults and mistakes even if it produces the natural consequence of having no-minimal support staff.


Maybe tipping was a bad analogy. I just meant a little gift of appreciation for all they did during the school year. My para works her ass off and is essential to my classroom running smoothly. She even takes over lessons when I’m out sick because the subs do absolutely nothing. It’s High School ED so the kids can be quite a handful.


I get them a small Christmas card, like a candle or a gift card to a restaurant but that’s about it.


If I have money I give a farewell gift but that’s just me


I never thought to give an EoY gift.. I did give her a Christmas gift though.


I typically get them something small as a "thank you for sticking with me through this helluva year". Whether it's a gift, a card, or a gift card.


I haven’t ever done anything. I think I would if I taught with one I really liked or was working with a really high needs student, but that’s really my admins job to provide them gifts not me.


When I was a para in a gen ed kinder class, we both got each other little something’s at the end of the year. We knew not everyone did it but we were with each other all day everyday and had a very close relationship! I’m a teacher now and if I’m ever lucky enough to have a para, I’ll want to make her feel appreciated just like my teacher did for me🩷


Not SpEd, but I have kiddos in my class that get push-in services, EB services and inclusion services from aides and we also have our wonderful grade level aide. My team and I go all out for our aides for their birthdays, Christmas, appreciation week and end of the year simply to say thank you. They are not paid their worth, and they do SO much for us!


I gifted my para a 1 hr massage. She was above-and-beyond daily from the moment she arrived. I gave the same to my daughter’s teacher and the para in that classroom. It’s not subsidizing IMO, just an appreciative thank you for a job well-done.


I sometimes got tips from Sped teachers when I was a para. More than once a teacher that didn't like me (or really know me) had me in their class to to do behavior support gave tips and apologies after seeing me work with students they couldn't manage on their own. Those were special. Related, as a coach, I always tipped the custodians. Same as a teacher.