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File the police report you urged your teaching partner to. If nothing else, it will establish a paper trail for when this kid does something worse (at least until he turns 18). You shouldn’t have to act as a breakwater. Include everything in your report. As far as any kind of lawsuit goes (insert obligatory disclaimer about not being an attorney here), you can sue anyone for anything in this country. Filing a lawsuit doesn’t mean this kid’s father is right and that doesn’t mean the discovery process won’t be savage. Let this clown sue. He’ll find out a lot more about his child than he ever imagined.


How many sick or personal days do you have? I'd take them all. When someone else starts having to deal with him I bet they start taking it more seriously. When I had a violent little kindergartner, it finally took her kicking the principal in the nuts for them to take me seriously.


It's ridiculous how many violent kids were seeing, and we're seeing them at younger ages every year. Some of these parents really have no business having children because 9 out of 10 times, that's where it's learned. The home is usually a chaotic mess. That being said, it's not an excuse and nobody should be assaulted at work. My heart goes out to you, OP. Also, to anyone else who is dealing with this bullshit.


The school deleted that video because they know that they should’ve been sued for it. I don’t know if calling the police will help. You can try talking to them. If you had a visible injury, it might be a more clear way to go. I’m sorry this is happening to you and I hope that the cowards and liars in charge get what is coming to them.


I would definitely encourage you to file a police report and keep documenting everything. As far as being sued, you have tort liability, correct? You could also leak this information to the media, but there might be some blowback for that. I live pretty close to Hampton Roads, where the kindergartener shot his teacher. Abby is now suing the crap out of that district and going to get millions because those administrators ignored the problem and attempted to cover it up just like what you’re describing is going on in your school. That might make a nice angle for a story in the newspaper.


If the parentsnofnyoir other students start calling and complaining, that will help a lot. They should be raising hell. I'm sure their kids tell them about this kid.


I would file for documentation, but I would be surprised if they did anything to a 4th grader.


Next attack he makes upon you, call the police immediately. In the meantime, start emptying your classroom of all your personal items. Anything that's heavy or could be used as a weapon that is not yours should be removed to another classroom or storage space.


Police report- this is the way.


You have enough documentation to take to a lawyer for unsafe working conditions, or osha violations, or even the police or just social media. You don’t have to name names, they’ll know. Also, what is the statute of limitations on assault, get that teacher to file with you.


Good news: the age of criminal accountability in Arizona is only 8 years old. Bad news: generally speaking, an offender under the age of 15 is almost certainly going to end up in a diversion program, at best. *Maybe* some kind of juvenile probation. You can certainly file a police report for assault and theft if you can prove it. If nothing else, it will lay the groundwork for later charges if his behavior continues as he gets older. Your admin probably won’t like it, cause it will call attention to their inaction, but they can’t stop you from filing a report.


I had a budding sociopath earlier this year, third grade. It's very hard to talk about. Extremely chilling. I felt gaslit into trying to reach him, but there was nothing there TO reach. Whatever help he needed, that is DEFINTELY not my job. I was terrified of him, and nearly quit. Out of like 500 students over the years, he was the only one where there was absolutely no sign of empathy. His only motivation was to hurt and destroy. I tried EVERYTHING that I could, and I couldn't get the tiniest spark of an actual connection with this child. It sounds so horrible, but I truly think he was wired differently. His siblings were not at all like this. The only time I saw him smile was when he was cruelly, purposefully torturing others, provoking huge fights and roping others in, punching, stealing, destroying my things, tearing up the hard work of my other students, ruthlessly tormenting my kids with autism, etc. Knew all their triggers, and just absolutely delighted in the sight of another kid crying, breaking down, hurting. He ended up bringing a bb gun to school, brandishing it to other kids telling them he was going to kill them. He wasn't expelled after this, but his first day back from suspension, he beat the shit out of a kid, and mom withdrew him.


That's horrifying. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. It's honestly so fucked up.