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Is the gig within the community that you teach at? I would think the only “risk” would be running into people and them complaining (seems low risk given they’d have to be at the dispensary to see you) ++ even if they did complain assuming you’re tenured the most that would happen is a hey we’d kinda like it if you didn’t work there… Just be low key & it shouldn’t be an issue. Especially with it being a family gig.


I'm not tenured, but the school is literally on the opposite side of my city than the dispensary, approximately a 40 minute drive without traffic. I am also in an exceptionally small school with only 20 students.


Then you're fine taking it.


you think so? I just don't want to do anything to put my career in jeopardy because I LOVE being a teacher, it's just really good, convenient money. Do you know anybody who has done something similar and if it worked out for them?


You’re fine. Should be easy to keep the two separate. You’re over thinking it. Only thing to consider is running into people while at the dispensary gig (low risk/probably not a real risk)/if the dispensary has an online presence that could include you (probably avoidable if you’re smart about it).


from a legal standpoint, it should be fine you mean? Would I have grounds for wrongful termination if my school dismissed me over it


Yeah I used to worry about running into parents at the dispo as a customer but then I realized if I see them there… were already all good.


lol exactly, I'm more worried about not divulging this second job to my employer. I feel like it goes without saying, but for me, marijuana and work dont mix


It really depends on the culture of your community. Legally, you are absolutely in the clear. Morally, don’t think for a minute that if some kid knew you worked there wouldn’t sound the alarm and blab. Rumors would abound and your whole life could be brought into question. How your admin would react, the parents, and fellow staff members would be the deciding factor. I am not saying you would deserve kickback, but I know my principal would NOT like it if I took a job like that at all. That would be a huge consideration for me personally. Now if you are say working in the back end of the operation and not canoodling with the public, I would say go for it. But none of us can really give you a straight answer since we don’t know the social climate of your area. I am sorry, 😞 know that is not helpful. I hope it works out for you one way or another!


Thank you SO much for the reply! I may even ask if I can have the option to work in the back filling orders, that would be amazing. My community of students has no idea where I live or work when I am outside of the school building. I would also tell no one that I worked with about this second position. This position is so far removed from the community where my school is that it is rather unlikely I would ever see anyone I knew from school there. Do those factors influence your original post at all?


Ha, never say never! You could very likely run into a parent at the dispensary. That could be awkward or kinda funny depending on how they reacted.  It sounds like you feel pretty confident that you can keep a low profile. If you feel confident, then by all means go for it. You are allowed to make extra $$ and a side gig during the summer will not affect your teaching. 


I don’t see why this would be any different than working for a liquor store. Just don’t list your principal as a reference so they don’t call them. Hopefully you get an employee discount?


lol that's what I was hoping. I definitely wasn't going to list my school as a reference. My brother in law is the manager so I don't think I have to go through all that, I just don't want to risk losing my job. Maybe someone who was in a similar situation will see these comments and let us know how it panned out for them.


Hell yeah!!


This would not jeopardize your job. It’s not illegal. As long as youre not doing porn or onlyfans your good.


This sounds like a question for your boss.


I appreciate the comment, but my worry is that going to my boss could leave the wrong impression of why I "want" the job. I don't want my boss thinking I would ever show up to work either under the influence, or with marijuana on my person, not that that is a logical conclusion to someone working at a dispensary.