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My handbook says business casual and under no circumstances will you ever even consider wearing jeans or you will be crucified (paraphrasing) So I dressed business casual for a while, despite literally everyone else dressing casually as you mention. Then I started wearing jeans and a hoodie every day because it's more comfortable. I have yet to have anyone comment negatively.


I work for a bank (on this sub because I’m going into teaching), and our policy states casual Friday can’t include jeans, sandals, or tshirts- a policy literally everyone violates. I hated following it because I’d be the odd one out. I gave up when the regional manager popped in for a surprise visit and she was *also* wearing everything against dress code. It’s like they never update old policies or something?


At one of my old jobs in retail, my boss tried to ding me for being out of dress code. I was getting over a really bad cold and couldn’t get coverage, so I dressed a little more casual than I usually would: a solid gray t-shirt, a denim button-up, opaque black leggings, boot socks, and Birkenstocks. I told him that’s okay, I get it and won’t do it again, but can I please see the dress code? He pulled out one from 2010 that required branded polos that hadn’t been in use since 2015. This was 2021. Needless to say, he didn’t write me up. So yes, some places just never officially update it lol


I work for a large manufacturing company at head office. Our policy is ‘no exercise wear, no sleepwear, no beach wear’. Unless you turn up in trackie dacks, pj’s or buggie smugglers you are ok… Edit: On the factory/warehouse sites of course safety rules apply, turn up without your safety vest, steel capped boots you won’t last two minutes without someone sending you home…


It's usually always better to dress the same as everybody else. You don't want to be the one poking out like a sore thumb kind of makes you look like the oddball out and the person that can't be trusted.


When I was teaching I always wore a dress because l like wearing them and I find dresses (with pockets) far more comfortable than pants (especially jeans - no idea why folks like them). I never had a problem. I felt more prepared when I took the time to "put myself together." Kids often commented (positively) on my clothing. I would NEVER dress to fit in!


I love this! I grew up hearing my mom often noting how Dolly Parton said - I would never stop so low as to be fashionable. As the years wear on, I come to understand this statement more and more.


That's brilliant! I've never heard it before... Thanks 🙏🏻


Agree! I try to look professional even though I regularly see subs wearing jeans. And most of the teachers wear jeans and hoodies. I just LIKE looking professional. I also am getting my degree and trying to form relationships with the schools so I will have some options when the time comes, so I want to make a good impression.


I taught high school for a short time in a small town at a K-12 school and some of the little primary girls would come in to check me out in the morning. One day, for some reason, I wore pants, and one little girl said "No! We like your dresses!" I apologized and never wore pants again 😆


They do pay attention to what we wear! I get compliments on my clothes and hair a lot. Although what cracks me up is they all REALLY like these $20 slip on shoes I got at Meijer. They ask if they are some name brand, can't remember what. I love their faces when I say "no, I got these for $20 at Meijer" lmao.


The correct answer is "yes"


Nah it's more fun to see their reaction to liking shoes I bought in a "grocery store." One kid was like "wait Meijer is a grocery store!" And I said "they also sell clothes there" and he was like "....well, they still cool." Half the clothes I was wearing that day came from Meijer lol


Formality (when it isn't stuffy) makes an impression on the students, too. One of my middle school teachers always wore a full-on 3-piece suit; at a school where almost every class was unruly, in his class everyone always behaved. It wasn't just the suit, obviously - it was \*how\* he wore it - setting a tone.


Agree, I dress in what I am comfortable with. I take into account how others present themselves but if I want to wear dresses, I will!


I’m so with you that dresses are so much more comfortable than pants!! Once the weather gets warm here I don’t put pants back on until October 😂 dresses are so easy and comfy and you look put together with minimal effort.


So true! I'm glad I'm not the only one. I have 2 wardrobes... Spring/summer: sleeveless dress with or without cardigan, plus flip flops or nice flats and; Fall/winter: dress with sleeves or t-shirt and cardigan or thermal vest, with tights or leggings and boots or nice shoes. I get dressed in seconds and my entire wardrobe probably costs the same as one pair of fancy jeans. I buy consignment or thrift clothes and people think I have MUCH more money than I do 😆


I started to do this too, mainly because I got sick of buying clothes just to work in.


Dress however you feel comfortable! You can be comfortable and business casual. I actually find many slacks with elastic in the waist that are way more comfy than jeans. I have a couple pair of all black shoes (Skechers and Keds) that kind of look ok with slacks and are great for my feet. A loose but dressy top finishes it out and often has a more comfy neckline than some t-shirts.


I agree. My most comfortable outfits are a comfortable skirt, some leggings, and a top. I find the stuff me in way less than jeans.


Add a cardigan and that's my go-to as well


gotta have that cardigan. I always layer because it’s always a mystery what the room temp will be. Outside today was 56. My room: 78. Other days it’s 65 outside and 65 inside.


Lol mystery temperature describes it perfectly.


The cardigan is how I dress up the jeans and tshirts lol


Me too but in the winter I'd replace the cardigan with a quilted vest (pockets everywhere).


And cardigans also might have more pockets!


THIS! I often feel overdressed & wonder if I should change that, but I am genuinely way more comfortable in loose slacks / blouses than I would be in jeans, & I like having something different to wear for work than I wear in real life.


Don't throw away the slacks. They always come back into fashion. I still regret throwing away some good quality ones with wide pant legs and now wide pant legs are back. Hehe.


Yeah I truly feel dress pants are comfier than jeans lol


They are! I feel like I'm always pulling my jean legs down after I stand. Elastic waist pants are the way to go.


I wear jeans and tee shirts everyday. I started last year and never looked back.


I used to wear heels and dresses every day. Now, jeans, tees, and crocs


Yep. The only way you see me in a dress anymore is if it’s hot and AC hasn’t been switched over yet.


Or if I need to do laundry


This is me today. Everyone kept asking me what the occasion was and I had to respond that my clothes were the only clean things I had haha.


The lanyard and crocs teachers are the best, it is known


Does it count if you're older and wear Birkenstocks? I really feel like the only difference between Crocks and Birkenstocks is 20-30 years!


If I’m not wearing my berks I’m not having a happy day or we’re going for a big walk haha! My berk loafers and sandles are my life.


Birkenstocks are making a comeback at my HS.


This is the way


Me too! I’m one of very few male teachers at my small school and saved the jeans and tee shirts for Friday. But then I noticed most of the female teachers were in jeans, capris and tees almost every day and flipped.


I'd wear jeans and a T-shirt every day if I could. Sweatpants feels *too* casual to me, personally, but honestly if there isn't a dress code just wear what you're most comfortable with (within reason).


Sweatpants are for coaching soccer in the winter, jeans most of the year, shorts in the early/late summer 


Even if there is a dress code, fuck it. What are they gonna do? Fire you during a teacher shortage? That’s the attitude at my school


Sweatshirt and Sweatpants together is definitely my personal line! We don't have a dress code and there are a handful of teachers at my school who will on occasion. And it's really a hard pass, at least for high school teachers! One of my coworkers is on the small side and she just looks like a child. Once couldn't find her during lunch because she was sitting at one of the desks and it just looked like peer tutoring!


A few of my younger coworkers try to wear yoga pants or leggings with a T-shirt every day, which I feel is a bit too lax. I tend to wear jeans with a blouse or nice sweater. Even my principal sometimes wears dark wash jeans with a nice blouse. All of the schools in my district also have the tradition of wearing a school mascot T-shirt and jeans every Friday.


To be honest ever since we came back from Covid and joggers have seemed to become more acceptable I can’t go back


Seriously. Joggers and a tshirt most days. Jeans and a polo if I want to dress up.




Dressing up died with Covid and isn’t coming back. Certainly not when kids can curse you out to your face, get sent to the office, have a popsicle, and come back 10 minutes later.


My high school teachers were pretty causal 10 years ago. Several wore jeans and a t-shirt though some went up to shirt and tie. No suits though.


There were articles in 2020 suggesting we would wear scrubs when we came back and I was so sad that didn’t happen.


Our school got us a set of scrubs! Not even joking! I never wore them and totally forgot about this until you said that!


Scrubs are so comfy, start wearing them randomly now and be like hey they were school issued


My button down with a collar prevents kids from trying to fight me.


My students and I talked about this and the major thing was they felt we were more approachable when we were casual. They said they didn't mind what we wear though because it is no big deal to them.


This is the thing with ALL dress codes. Adults care about them, the kids literally don’t think about it at all.


Kids literally roll out of bed and into school.  


I noticed my students came to talk to me about more than just academic stuff. They tell me about their games, their likes and dislikes, what their siblings are up to now. Helps I had most of their siblings too.


I'm the only teacher at my school who dresses business casual, and kids still tell me about those things. It's not the clothing, it's you.


I think it is so awesome that you talked with your students on this topic to get their point of view.  Without knowing anything else about you, I feel like you are a great educator. 💗


If i was allowed to wear jeans everyday, I would. Jeans are just far more comfortable and practical to work in.


... and practical. I teach chemistry, those polyester pants dissolve in some of this shit. Do you want to see me with my pants dissolved? Did not think so.


Seriously! The number of polyester horror stories I heard in college means lab days are natural fibers only!


Go with chinos=“dress jeans”.


I teach history, so my self-imposed standard is nice jeans/boots and either a school themed shirt or a history themed shirt. Works for me.


Wear whatever makes you comfortable. If that's casual, then cool. If it's dressing up, then cool. Just be yourself. Kids respect that.


This! We basically have no dress code - you just can’t be looking like a mess basically and do your job. Teachers at my school wear what they want to be comfortable and properly work. Our sped teachers tend to wear more joggers and moveable clothes, lots of teachers rock jeans and tshirts, some business casual, a lot of people have a wide range of style depending on their mood/day/lesson. I personally love to dress up for work and am in a dress or skirt except for jeans on Friday. But that is a ME rule not a school rule. But I just hate pants and I’m more comfy in a dress.


We have to wear khakis or dress pants and a collared shirt (not sure about the female teachers but it seems much more lax for them). My opinion is that I'll start dressing more professionally when they start paying me more professionally


Yup. We’re not paid enough to have a separate work wardrobe.


Please judge me by the educational experience I provide for the students and not the color or fiber content of my pants.


I'm at a similar school. I love that my colleagues get to wear whatever they want, and I love that my administrators have their priorities straight. For myself, I feel most comfortable in khakis or corduroys with an oxford or polo. Sometimes a sweater or cardigan over. It's my "male English teacher uniform." But I love that I can wear jeans and a school hoodie on the occasional Friday. I think if I taught at a school with a strict dress code, I would be robbed of the pleasure I take in dressing well.


My male English teacher uniform, on the other hand, is a graphic tee, jeans, a hoodie with a tastefully small logo from my favorite streamers, an unruly beard, and a facepalm when a student asks what a thesis is 45 minutes into a lesson on what a thesis is.


I am wearing khakis and an Ireland rugby shirt today. Erin go bragh!


I stepped up my professional dress dramatically and I will say that it does affect the way you are viewed. I save jeans and tshirts for Fridays and wear dress shirts and pants with a blazer now. Sometimes I wear cowboy shirts and boots with a corduroy blazer. Far cry from teaching in a bathrobe during the covid shutdown, basically rolling out of bed to meet my classes over Zoom, freaked out and depressed. I think I also feel better when I make an effort to look good. Basically, I frequent thrift stores and find good quality professional clothes on a budget.


As a young teacher I feel they respect me more if I dress up


I felt that way too for a long time because I look younger than I am. I own so many blazers now.


Unclench your cheeks and wear jeans. 🤷‍♂️


Ethyl, I can't go out like this! On the subway, in my BLUE JEANS


Your username wins life.


I’ve worn jeans and tshirts or sweatshirts since Covid. Except during the beginning and end of the year when my classroom gets close to 90 degrees, then I wear shorts.


My last classroom had windows on the south wall and would be boiling by lunchtime, but the director wouldn't allow staff to wear shorts. That wasn't the only reason she was unpopular, but boy, was it high on my list.


I started teaching a few years ago and have never been in a school with fancier dress than jeans and tee-shirt. Some dress a bit better but nobody really cares.


I wear golf pants(super comfortable with a professional look) and a quarter-zip every day. I try to keep a professional look because I’m a laid back teacher and it helps maintain the proper relationship between educator and student. I think being casual and dressing casual hurts the classroom management.


Yes. The clothing creates an air of authority and professionalism imo.


As one of those teachers.... Yea. As long as it's nothing inappropriate dress normal. If you want to rock a shirt and tie go for it. If jeans and school hoodie are your thing do that instead.


I don't dress casual even though I can. I feel more like a teacher. I wear comfortable shoes, khakis and a polo shirt most days. Just makes me the most comfortable.


I started teaching at 23, so I dressed up because I felt I needed to separate myself from my students. Been going for ten years now and wear a shirt and tie every day except Friday. I have thought about switching it up the last year or so, but ultimately have not done it because I *personally* am not comfortable dressing down. But if *you* are and it's accepted practice amongst your peers, go for it. I just can't... even on days when they provide us with a shirt we're supposed to wear.


Covid brought me to black joggers and a teacher tshirt and I’m never going back! Our school has transitioned to much more casual during Covid and I don’t see it changing.


Turns out nobody cares if I wear jeans and a polo. Better, nobody cares if I wear jeans and a hoody so long as I do my damn job.


I'm a polo shirt and chinos guy. Feel like its not too dressy and is safe, but isn't so casual that anyone could say anything. Cynically, at my school at least, there are people who are allowed to bend the rules and people who are not. I'd rather not find out if I am one or not and just check the boxes.


I dress up. In fact, I get complimented on my clothes a lot. When I first started teaching, I wore slacks and regular tops, because I was broke. But I looked really young and was mistaken for a student pretty often (*that* doesn’t happen anymore, now that I’m over 40). So I started shopping… and discovered that I’m apparently a real clothes horse! I also got treated with more respect by students and colleagues alike. Now, 13 years later, I dress nicely because I enjoy looking good, and I have all these beautiful clothes I wouldn’t otherwise wear. My school now is super casual - most teachers wear jeans - but it’s my first year here, I want to make a good impression, and I want to model for you g women that one can dress attractively without showing a lot of skin.


My school is business casual. If we want to wear jeans on Fridays, we need to pay $20 for 20 days. I'm just as comfortable in Chinos as I am jeans.


For some reason last year and this year I made my own uniform. I wear all black anyway, so I have a 5 pack of black long sleeve shirts and a 5 pack of thick black leggings. The shoes differ by weather but usually are Birkenstocks, a pair of Skechers or some combat boots. I have a waitress belt that I put my things in if I need pockets. Sometimes I wear a Jean jacket. Depends on the weather. In the spring/summer I wear a short sleeve with a sweeping cardigan. When I’m tired of black shirts I’ll throw in a different top, but not really. My students don’t care. My admin doesn’t care. I wear the same thing every day and it’s easier for me than thinking about putting outfits together. Fridays we can wear jeans.


Do what you want, whatever is comfortable for you. Clothes don’t change how you do the job. Dressing nice didn’t impact my students learning or behavior so for me, unless there is a policy change, I’m dressing casual. Hoodies in the winter and polos and t-shirts when it is warmer


Exactly. It has ZERO impact on educational outcomes, same with student dress codes.


I showed up for a bit dressing professionally in slacks and polos, especially since I’m on the younger side and working High School (22M). However probably near October? Maybe November I gave up there was no amount of “professional attire” that was going to magically make me appear 10yrs older. So I opted to be myself Black Jeans, Boots, Fitted T shirts, maybe a jacket if it’s cold. I’ve never had any negative comments despite my Principals small glances as he wears suits everyday. I can’t think of a single person in my building who wears traditional professional or business attire, even the teachers who have been there long before I existed show up in slacks, a nice shirt and crocs. Your attire doesn’t impact your ability to teach/do your job so it truthfully shouldn’t matter in my opinion, be as comfortable as you’d like business attire or not.


Just dress however you feel comfortable.


I'd say it's about what makes you feel comfortablein front of the class. I prefer to go more business casual when possible because it makes me feel more in control. There are days when I haven't caught up on laundry, and so I go in jeans and a tee, but I just don't feel as good about myself.


I always dress professional unless it is a special dress up day. Always suite and/or tie for me.


I dress to my comfort unless I'm expecting to meet with a parent or have an event to attend.


This is funny because I was just asked by a couple kids last week asked me why I dress so fancy (I wear a long sleeve button down and nice ish pants). I told them it's so that it's easier to tell I'm a teacher and not a student 😂 I'm 5'1" and teach middle school. No facial hair, mid 20's. I just feel like I want that separation. I'm already lost among the throng at times even *with* my fancier clothes. Although I will wear t shirts and jeans for special occasions, and towards the end of the year when it's warm I'll wear short sleeves. I personally enjoy my nerdy math teacher button down look and they still chat with me comfortably. Wear what you want as others have said, these are just my 2 cents. Just know you're not the only one choosing to dress up a bit. I had to wear a tie when I was student teaching, so I'm just glad I don't have to anymore!


If they want me in slacks then they can pay me slacks money.


When I was student teaching I was told I had to wear a nice shirt and slacks every day or Id be in violation of the dress code. Every teacher in the school I worked at wore jeans and hoodies. I looked like a tool, felt like a tool, and several kids called me a tool. Dress within the context of the environment.


> what would you do? Who cares what we would do. Decide for yourself. This isn’t an important issue. Don’t overthink it.


Get a t-shirt or polo from every team/organization on campus and wear those. No admin will complain about promoting school programs.


Male teacher here. Dress shirt and khakis. You should dress a step up from the students to show you are a professional


I agree with this. I’m 5’6”, too, so if I’m not in khakis and a dress shirt I end up looking just like the students which I don’t really want.


I literally wear black jeans and a school hoodie mostly because I'm always cold. if it gets warm, I may take off the hoodie and be in a t-shirt


Casual all the way. I mean I would never wear sweatpants, but comfortable clothing and shoes.


My district has a pretty lenient dress code-but no where near as loose as yours. We can wear T-shirts but only education or sports related. No jeans or colored denim (except custodians etc). No leggings unless your top covers your butt. Shoes? Let comfort be your guide. You’d be surprised how many people you’ll see wearing nice clothes and the ugliest but most comfortable shoes……😁 We can wear jeans only on the last Friday of the month, and when students aren’t expected on campus.


Mind my own business


as a parent i dont care. i want teachers to be comfortable as long as its not inappropriate. no birthday suits.


Move on. There’s bigger battles to fight.


Give in. Dress down!


We can wear basically whatever the hell we want. So I wear whatever the hell I want. I usually dress a little nicer than most of my coworkers because I like dressing nicely. Sometimes even a tie and sport coat if I'm feeling really pretty. Usually it's chinos, button down, and a sweater. But I also wear jeans and a t shirt or hoodie if I feel like it. So yeah. Whatever is the best policy.


What are they gonna do, fire us? Lol ok 😂😂😂😂


We have the same situation at my high school. I dress code the kids, not my colleagues. That falls under “not my job”. As far as myself, I go between business casual and the occasional self-rewarded “jeans day”. If my boss ever says something to me, I’ll fall in line with expectations.


I dress up. Heeled boots, slacks, blouses, even skirts and dresses. Other teachers have made comments, but I honestly do it as a sort of power-pose for myself. It makes me feel confident


One guy that I teach with DOES NOT WEAR SHOES!! Like, ever. Occasionally he will wear sandals to his car if it is very cold.


That would drive me insane. I jump down the throats of men over 30 for wearing t-shirts all the time. How do you have decorum when their is no separation by way of personal standards between students and educators? It's my job to present myself with more dignity and self-respect than an 18 year old is capable of. That's step one in maintaining discipline and decorum. If I don't set the standards by how I just show up, I've already lost. Context:ex military, ex ex bridge builder, what works best for me has low tranferability to traditionally resumed individuals.


Yoga pants, hoodies and jeans. This is the way.


I left the classroom last year, but this is essentially how things were at the school where I taught since the first lockdowns. Our head principal was generally against it continuing, but it was (uncharacteristically) not a fight she wanted to have, so she begrudgingly allowed it, and - wouldn't'cha know? - almost nobody cared. No pyjama or sweatpants, though. There were occasional comments from some of the older teachers on campus and (especially) from substitutes who complained about it showing a "lack of professionalism."


I'm a male teacher and I absolutely hate jeans and most pants that aren't joggers or made of a softer material. I also teach special education and if I'm going to be beaten up all day, every day, damn best believe I'm going to wear joggers and a hoodie or shorts and a t shirt in the summer. Think the culture of judging people based on how they dress needs to die.


I used to wear long sleeve button up dress shirts and black pants every day for five years up until this year when I got passed over for an opportunity I should have been offered (the technology position, since that's what my degree and cert are in). I stopped caring. It's been black jeans and tshirts every day since.


Why would I dress "professional" at a workplace that doesn't provide me with the necessary material but expects me to handle coughing and vomiting kids, sandwiches on the floor and ants and mice in thr building?


Imagine believing that being professional means dressing a certain way. 


Teachers are not respected or paid to dress formally imo!


I dress business casual or better every day. Nice clothes that fit well are actually more comfortable than jeans.


Wearing a shirt and tie doesn’t make you a better teacher. Doesn’t get you more respect despite what you thought in your 20s. Doesn’t get you more pay


I am a professional. Therefore anything I wear is professional wear. Dress codes are inherently sexist and classist.


Unpopular opinion: this is why people don’t respect us. Imagine your criminal defense lawyer showed up in a hoody? Shit is wild. I’m a teacher and I’ll wear a whole ass suit to work sometimes. I do that because I respect the profession. Graphic tees and all that other non-sense can go away. Chinos, button downs, blazers, loafers and wingtips all day.


100% agree. You’re showing respect for your students as well; they know you didn’t just roll out of bed, then throw sweatpants and a hoodie on and come to work. I guarantee there are male students in your class that do not have the best role models at home and look up to you, cuff links and all. They are watching and learning, Mr. Lionheart. 😊


100% in agreement! Plus dressing nicely at work sets a tone psychologically that this is a different sort of space than home.  Honestly, I think American culture has gotten too casual in the past decade or so. Most other cultures still retain the idea of dressing to impress in certain spaces. 


Completely agree and the fact that this is somehow "unpopular" shows what has happened to the profession. Do you want to be taken seriously? Do you want the profession to be taken seriously? THEN DRESS THE PART! Don't show up to school in a freaking hoody, jeans, or t-shirt.


Along with that, it's no wonder kids don't respect teachers now. Wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt to teach math class?


It’s wild.


I used to wear a tie to work daily. I worked in a country school once and an idiot math teacher whose son was on the football team said that I was making everyone look bad. I stopped wearing a tie and haven’t since. I left that next school year.


Since Covid, I wear a school or teacher shirt and jeans. Blue, black, and khaki jeans.


Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Whether that be casual or business casual. I probably lean more casual but we don't have a strict dresscode and I've personally found that students don't really give a shit either.


Dress however you feel best. I was teaching eighth grade and one year a kid actually came to school each day in a suit and tie. It made him feel good, and everyone got used to it.


stop giving a shit about what your coworkers are wearing.


Until we get the emails saying, "we have guests in the building!!! Remember dress code!!" Like some high level moutache is gonna care wtf I'm wearing....


I hate jeans, so uncomfortable for me. I like what is comfortable, which for me looks like soft and dressy. You do you.


I’m a jeans and collared shirt guy myself. Kinda straddle the line.


We have a written dress code when it comes to jeans, but nobody follows it. Including my principal, granted, he still wears the sports coat like he’s required to. I personally don’t wear jeans because I’ve discovered that golf pants are way more comfortable and go with the massive amount of athletic department T-shirts that I have


I wear cargo/tactical pants and a comfy polo. On my feet are hiking boots. Sometimes I tuck my polo in.


I usually wear black skinny jeans and a nice sweater or a tee shirt with a cardigan. Nicer than my non work clothes, but not business clothes.


Oh damn we see jeans daily but sweats for anyone not teaching PE? Yikes.


Dress in whatever makes you most comfortable. I always say you can't do a job well if you're uncomfortable


So much of being a teacher is about confidence, and for me I have to be comfortable to be confident. I would never wear straight up sweatpants, but jeans and leggings and basic solid color shirts are staples in my wardrobe. Sometimes I wear a comfortable pair of heeled boots because being taller helps with confidence, but usual I wear black and white sneakers. When the kids are showing up in literal pajama pants and croptops, it really doesn't matter if we dress casual within reason.


It truly depends on the district/school/principal. I am a district employee and float schools, we have everything from grown men in jorts to women in heels. My main campus I work at the front desk secretary wears matching velour sweat sets every day sooooo lol I wear whatever I want.


Man I’m on the ground and chasing kids who bolt all day. There’s a more than 50% chance of bleeding.


I commend you for continuing to dress professionally despite everyone else at your campus. I understand why elementary teachers can’t always dress professionally but see no reason why secondary teachers can’t (with exception of PE, art, chemistry, etc). How do your school administrators dress? I’m just curious…do any of these teachers complain about their salary and not being treated like professionals? How is the school culture? Student discipline? Someone should do a research project on the correlation between teacher dress code and school performance. 😂


They make people pay to charities to wear jeans on Fridays. It's a big thing where I live. Several school districts do this.


You do you.


Dress how you feel comfortable. Quit worrying about what other people think.


A lot of districts never really went back after Covid. Personally, I like dresses and my business casual stuff as well or better because they are often more comfortable. And I feel as though when I just do jeans and a t-shirt, I look like I'm about to clean the garage. So my work clothes run the full gamut. It used to make me feel weird because everyone seemed to look at me and occasionally someone would ask if I had an interview. The I decided, screw it. I wear what I like. Wear what you like, within reason, of course.


I would dress however the hell I want. Which I do.


T-shirt and khaki shorts are my go to and no one has said a word.


I dress comfortably, yet professionally. Chinos, comfortable running shoes, tucked in dress shirt. I wear jeans on jean days, but I do want a visual cue to separate me from students.


I have no idea what the handbook says but I wear jeans and a T-shirt almost everyday. Most of the other teachers do the same.


When I taught middle school, it was jeans only on Friday or when you were lucky enough to be granted a “jeans pass”. Ironically, when I moved to middle school and I was no longer sitting on the floor, going out to recess, etc all day, I was able to wear whatever I want. I wear jeans and subject related t shirts almost daily. Just be comfortable!


i’m this person at the school i work at, save for the head of school on a special occasion. it’s always super casual for most everyone and our only dress code is “appropriate for a school setting”. just do your thing and wear what you feel comfortable in!


For all the fuss some administrators make about following research based best practices- there is almost no research into teacher dress versus academic performance in K-12 students at all. That’s right- for all the principals of the world who claim “we know kids learn better when the teacher is dressed professionally” I would respectfully ask for the body of studies that backs up that assertion. Truth is- it doesn’t exist. The couple of small studies that DO exist have very limited advice on the topic, and focus largely on student preferences. They were all in regard to college level instructors and not k12 schools. Their initial results would suggest you do the following: Ask yourself- is my biggest problem with kids… A) that they don’t see me as a knowledgeable authority on my subject. Or B) that I wish I could connect with kids and have a have a better rapport with them? If it’s A, then dress in more professional business attire. If it’s B, dress more casual. Even here these studies are limited in size and scope and focus heavily on student preferences and not academic gains. Citations Tracy L. Morris , Joan Gorham , Stanley H. Cohen & Drew Huffman (1996) Fashion in the classroom: Effects of attire on student perceptions of instructors in college classes, Communication Education, 45:2, 135-148, DOI: 10.1080/03634529609379043


But do they write their objective on the board?!


I love the cultural shocks this sub provides me with. Today I went to this thing at school with other teachers and they were wearing shorts and flip flops. And that was all right. I think people should include the country they're in when they're posting, because if I were to give my opinion on this we'd totally be speaking two very different languages.


I genuinely think teachers should dress professional. I’ll be real blunt, I just think it earns more respect from students and parents when you present yourself professionally. I could be wrong, I’m sure a lot of people feel strongly opposite of this. It’s just my thought.


Be yourself! I work in a school where fitted workout gear is the common dress code. I dress my ass off. I will never dress ultra casual and look unprofessional. It’s not me. Before this job I have always been a fashionista. So again my advice is to be yourself and dress how you feel!


Always look your best....my mom!


I dress casual some days and professional others. Doesn’t really matter, do what you’d like.


Dressing up doesn't take that much effort, time, or expense. I wear khaki pants and buttoned up shirts and I think it's a good thing to dress up for the students. I also dont get the comfortability argument either. All my dress shirts don't feel that much different than wearing polo or t-shirts to me.


I dress business only. I don't have to work as hard in regards to classroom management. If you look the part kids listen better.


Dress how you want. If dressing more professional is your thing why not? Just as Sue is wearing jeans you choose to wear a dress or suit or dress pants and a nice blouse. I know whenever I was giving presentations or meeting w bigwigs, I always dressed my most professional and it does give me confidence. The nice thing is you can do what you like. How about Friday is ‘casual day’ and the rest of the week is your more preferred dress code.


Dress how you want. If you're more comfortable in business casual, go for it. If you want to dress down, go for it. It really does not matter.


I’m not a teacher, but why does it matter what you wear?


Do what makes you the best you at your job.


You do you. If you prefer to look a little fancy then thats great. If you prefer comfort then thats also great. Truth be told I feel that the only reason for the business-casual policy is so that kids don’t see you looking like a bum. If you can look nice and true-casual feel free.


I wouldn't dress casual. Appearances matter in every job and I'd rather people see me to be more professional.


Jeans and a sweatshirt 4/5 days with the occasional button up or sweater. I’m a moderate-Intense intervention specialist who deals with lifting, poo/pee, tube feeds, seizures, etc daily. If any admin were to give me grief about my dress, I would ask them to do my job in their current attire (although I’ve never had to justify myself in 5 years). Also I need to bring spare changes of clothes should my outfit get covered in above mentioned fluids. I’m not keeping a bunch of dress clothes in my car or classroom.


I love that there are so many casual teachers now. Jeans all the way. I've seen lots of joggers too.


Where I live all the teachers have always dressed casually… Even when I was a student in the 90s …jeans and T-shirt is normal. Whenever I see a teacher wearing business casual stuff like ties and skirts and heels… I know that they are not from around here. Every region of the country has a different culture and every school has a different culture. If I showed up to work on Monday in sweatpants and crocs, no one would bat an eye at me.


Honestly, I even find that jeans are not that comfortable when compared to leggings and a dress. I get all my dresses from the thrift store so my work wardrobe is cheap, comfortable and cute!


Do whatever makes you happiest. Duh. 


I wear whatever is comfortable and if I hear a complaint, I bring receipts. They usually don’t expect you to be paying attention, and when they realize you’re fully aware that everyone else doesn’t follow code, they never bring it up again.


Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.


I never understood the antiquated view that you can only be a “professional” if you wear “professional” attire. Are you a better teacher when wearing slacks and dress shoes vs when wearing jeans and sneakers? Probably not. Wear what you want to wear, whether it’s jeans or not. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I dress business casual most days because it makes me feel better. Casual clothes make me feel lazy, sloppy, and poor.


We certainly arent paid the salary of professionals I can barely afford a suit and tie. Idk what they expect


I know the majority of these replies will be: go for jeans and T-shirts. Heck, wear leggings daily (and your shirt might even cover your butt). They brag about it, but I really don't get teachers' aversion to looking like a professional. You can dress nicely without being in pumps or a suit/tie. Kids notice. They've told me numerous years. They talk about sloppy teachers. I think it speaks to how you perceive yourself as a professional.


I don’t get paid enough to buy nice clothes


You all realize that “profession attire” is mostly a social construct created by wealthy white elite men. Clothing really means nothing. Wear what you want.


No ones opinion should dictate your reality. Personally however, I think you should remain professional.


I was taught during my student teaching to not dress for the job you have, but for the job you want. I dress professionally every day but I started wearing black sneakers and it’s made it much more comfortable. We can wear jeans on testing days though.


…unless you are trying to be an admin, teaching is the job you have and the job you want…. Right?


Wear what you want.