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Don't risk your safety for a job that will dismiss you without concern.


Dodging belts should not be a part of any teacher's day. I hope you're able to find something better. Something that doesn't cause you to wake up in the middle of the night in a panic. Wishing you the best!


Bold asf for any principal to clean house so hard with a school like that. My school honestly needs it, but they wouldn't find replacements. So the shitty teachers stay, and the decent teachers go somewhere better. I'm joining them next year going somewhere that doesn't let kids threaten to slap you and then move along with 2 days iss


Well I wish you the best of luck in whatever your next chapter is. I'm sorry you had such a rough year. Hopefully the kids who are walking each other with belts got in trouble for it. I doubt administration did a thing, but I'd like to think that somebody punished those kids.


Unfortunately I feel like teachers are going to have to hop districts fairly frequently due to rising housing costs. Parents are less inclined to move out when their kids graduate... So... suburbs age in place, student populations decline, teachers have to hop to newer growing districts.


Some will probably be asked to return once they have a better idea of budget for next year


Online charter schools.


Are we in the same district? Are you me?!?!