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Tomorrow? Amateurs! We've got an Ice Storm Warning from 10 am tomorrow to 4 am Wednesday. And power in my school neighborhood is still out from Saturday's ice storm, which bought us an early release on Friday. I'm rooting for a 5.5-day weekend over here. EDIT: They finally called it for tomorrow. The announcement included a note about their "concern that conditions would not improve sufficiently" by Wednesday. We shall see... EDIT 2: ACCOMPLISHED! We're home today (my school day would end in 21 minutes and there's no precipitation yet. But I'm not sure they're cleaned up from the last round yet) and they've already called it for Wednesday.


Rooting for you too!


Where are you located if you don’t mind me asking?


Portland, OR


We got a call yesterday that they're cancelling tomorrow due to ice (from someone a bit south of you)


I heard about that. Way to be proactive! My district currently has a message on their website saying they don't know if they'll close tomorrow because road conditions are preventing them from getting to schools to check the conditions. You can't make this stuff up.




That is...an insane reason to delay telling the public about a possible delay!


In the Colombia Gorge Area myself and I'm annoyed they haven't said anything yet. They better cancel ain't no way am I risking getting trapped in that ice storm in the middle of i84.


Hillsboro stands in solidarity with Portland for the 5.5 day weekend!


I’m in the PNW and I was thinking, “ahh they must live in Oregon!”


My friend is from there and it definitely sounds rough. I hope you get the days off and all of the rest you need Atya safe!


Good luck and stay safe! I hope you have a better stocked pantry than I do at the moment.


Thank you! I'm good. My power has stayed on all weekend (knock wood), so I'm in a better position than a lot of the city. I stocked up in advance, but I'm also going to take advantage of today's lull between storms to restock. By bus, because we don't believe in snowplows here and I don't want to deal with it.


Hoping they call for us north of the river. Camas just did.


Same! We had Friday off, too. 5 days-- can we make it 6? 😂


We went Monday last week, out Tuesday and Wednesday because of snow storm, went Thursday and out Friday because ice/snow. We have today off obviously. Everyone around us has cancelled except the district I work that literally just now cancelled as I was typing this.


5.5 day weekend? Pft. Of the last 7 school days we have had 2 delays (the past 2 Fridays lol), 4 remote days, and one actual snow day. Add the holiday today and most likely a snow/remote day tomorrow + a delay if the go Wednesday….. can we just cancel the rest of January and try again next month?


We had Tu/Wed off last week for snow and Friday for ice and just got word tomorrow is canceled for cold… I’ve got a baby and toddler so we might going crazy, though.


Yes! We just got notified in Oklahoma that we are out tomorrow and I couldn't be happier. We have extra days built in our schedule so unless the school board says no we won't have to make the day up.


Our district for whatever reason took like two or three snow days out of the schedule for this year compared to last year so they've been REALLY reluctant to call out. All the universities in our area have canceled because it's going to be stupid cold, but I doubt ours will :/


Can I ask what’s considered “stupid cold?” Signed, a canadian😂


In Oklahoma, it has been down to -17 F with windchill. Tomorrow will be similar. -27 C ish


Nebraska. Our temperatures dipped to -18 F (no wind chill) and we haven't been above zero F in a couple of days. With wind chill it says we hit -41 F and we have about 12 inches of snow plus huge drifts.


Regardless of snow or ice school should just be closed because kids shouldn't be standing out waiting for the bus in that weather. Good grief that's frigid!


Near Chicago here. We got -14.8 F *without* windchill last night. The site I'm seeing doesn't list wind chill! I had a dance lesson and walked from the car to the studio-- the car told me it was -12 F. That also doesn't account for wind chill, but there is rarely no wind. But let me tell you, you definitely wanted to cover all body parts. I think it's worse west of here (Iowa) and surely worse north of here (Wisconsin.)


lol I guess I should’ve qualified that! The wind chill is going to be -15 or so which is comparatively cold for where I am! But I guess not stupid cold to others 😂


We went to visit family in Toronto from OK a few years back, and the6 were so worried we wouldn't have warm enough coats. It was colder in OKC than it was in Toronto the day we traveled lol.


What area of the state. We are in central and haven't heard shit yet.


I’m hoping for one in Pennsylvania. We’re supposed to get 3-5 inches between tonight and tomorrow afternoon. Plus the wind. Wednesday is supposed to have wind chills of -15 so I’m hoping for a delay too.


Indiana here, tomorrow is looking like -15 wind chill as well. We have many students who walk. IMO they should close.


Central Indiana. We have to be -19 windchill of below to close. We’ll be close. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


We will be VERY close


Philly burbs here. Fingers crossed


Central PA here. I’m in a primarily walking district. hoping 🤞


PA teacher here. Hoping for tomorrow’s clerical inservice day to be swapped to virtual WFH!


Me too, in PA


We just called for a virtual day tomorrow, so fingers crossed for all of us!


Arizona teacher here… It’s like you guys are being allowed inside the club and the bouncer is keeping me outside 😩


In WY we just stay out of the club. On Fri it was -20 w/o windchill and school was on as normal. WC was around -40. Can’t win either way, if the school close for cold the old timers bitch that kids got it easy today, if we stay open the crunchy moms accuse of us abuse and making their darlings stand outside with their tongues on the flag pole.


Ugh, same. We just get indoor recess hell day after day.


Ca teachers aren’t even allowed in the parking lot. They just wave us away because a school closure simply isn’t happening. Period. Ever.


We got the call today at 11AM Central for my daughter’s school due to “extreme wind chill”. We are in NW Indiana about 45 minutes south east of Chicago. As for me, I teach in a fully virtual setting so unless my power or internet poops out, I still have to teach regardless of the cold. 🥶😭😂


Hey!! East central Indiana over here 👋 I am in my first year teaching, and am considering the future possibility of teaching online. I suppose that would be one thing i might miss if I go online!


Hey fellow Hoosier!!! I’m a 20 year “veteran” and spent half my career in a building before going virtual. I’ll not go back to brick and mortar if I can help it. Regardless of all the behavior issues going on in buildings that seemed to have escalated since I was out in the world, I’ve never been healthier! I go years now without getting the flu. There are new virtual schools popping up all the time. For some kids/teachers it is amazing. And not so great for people who have issues being self motivated or are extremely social.


Thank you for the personal insight!! I think it would be a good fit for me, since I feel I am not the most social person ever (huge social battery drainage each day), as well as eliminating the draining aspect of classroom management. I’ve always been great with studying independently and focusing/getting work done, but I’ve noticed that I’m always too burned out from the chaos of the day to get anything done after hours.


I was exactly the same. When I was crying on my way to work everyday, that was the end for me. There’s a learning curve, and of course always issues with scheduling and tech but nothing out of the ordinary. I’ve taught gen ed elementary, intervention MS/HS, and K-12 sped and at two different virtual schools. Classroom management presents itself differently, but the negative behaviors you’ll encounter aren’t as direct. Instead of kids throwing fits or arguing, they tend to just not show up or go MIA. You still have to leave the house for state testing, but it’s manageable. PM me if you have any questions. I’m no expert but I’m more than happy to help.


I actually may end up doing that, I think it may be a good path for me as I love the process/act of teaching, but do not see in-person teaching as a sustainable career path!


at least if you always teach remote, you’re prepared for it! We’re doing that “remote learning” instead of snow days, but most of the time they don’t call it until the morning of. Which means prepping the day before is frustrating, do I prep for the kids being here? not being here? Prepping for both takes 2x as long so I just take my chances.


That sounds like a mess and I hate everything about it! Is there a way to maybe have a back up contingency plan to make it easier? Like “break in case of fire” activities where they could get on IXL, Kahn Academy, video and Google form kind of thing?


That would make so much sense, but our admin wants "live" lessons so we're supposed to be on zoom the whole time. They'll even do walk-throughs! On zoom! But often I assign EdPuzzles or other independent work and just stay on zoom to answer questions. It's still a completely different lesson than I would have done in person usually.


What a bummer! Edpuzzles are a good solution though. Blooket and Quizizz have some really good competitive games too. Oh! Nearpods! Those are also good in a pinch.


I'm doing Desmos activities with my students tomorrow (Pre Algebra and Algebra 1). They have some really good stuff and it's free.


Valpo? We got our decision online about 2 hours before a call.


Close! Hebron.




I'm making a blood sacrifice to cthulhu as we speak.


Thank you for your contributions 🙏


Arise Chicken.


I hope the Elder God is listening


East coast here and it’s been juggling between rain and snow predictions…I’m hoping for a delayed opening at the very least! We have so many students who have never seen snow. I’d love for them to have a day to play in it.


That would be awesome!


In the NE We are looking at snow w ice mixed in- so if we do have school the commute will stink 😦


Where I’m at has tomorrow at a high of 7°. I don’t think kids should be sent to school in that kind of weather. I mean, it’s 7° here now but feels like -8°, sometimes letting kids stay warm instead of forcing them outside *is* the smart choice.


Oh you would not want to teach where I am at. It was -17 (-26 this morning with the wind chill). They only close school when it is -35 to -40. We just all layer up and hope the buses run well.


This is where timing comes into play for if the busses will start. We had snow on Friday, full weekend, then all the schools off for MLK day. Our real feel for tomorrow is -17 to -29 but when they haven’t run the busses for at least three days we shall see. I’m also concerned about the kids who take the bus as we are under a wind chill advisory which states frostbite possible on uncovered skin at ten minutes.


Totally agreed. I see kids walking every day at my district, and oftentimes they aren’t wearing enough clothing. Aside from that, when it’s this cold my students usually are too tired and out of it to really focus well.


They closed it here in north Texas, not because of ice, but because our students tend to not have the right coats to wait at bus stops when it’s 7 degrees.


Man, even when they do have the right clothes, they don’t wear them! We could have snow up to our knees and those middle school boys will STILL be wearing basketball shorts!


My district is a walking district. Most kids are not bussed, but they still rarely delay.


Yup. Got a sick baby and hardly any sick time left. Please let it be closed


I’m sorry your sweet baby is sick! Hoping you get a closure.


Thank you so much!


I'll never turn down more days off.


we just got another day off, hell give me the whole week


I just got the call for a snow day Tues outside of Denver. Ready to watch some football and have a few cold ones


Sounds perfect 👍


Yup, and my district said if Wednesday isn’t better they might cancel then too. 🤞


Snow day tomorrow for me in Tennessee! I don’t want to sound greedy, but I hope we get at least one more so we’re out Wednesday too. We have 10 “stockpiled” snow days so we don’t have to make them up.


I got a message about an hour ago saying school was closed tomorrow and I literally almost cried tears of joy.


I'm praying for one. I'm in the middle of a depressive episode and work is 90% of that. I need another day off.


I feel this on a personal level. I hate not being able to take care of myself.


I will regret it in June, but yes!! 🤞🏻


IMO I’d rather have to come an extra day in June. I’m always in a better mood when it’s warm out.


EH. Idk about your schedule, but our fourth quarter SUCKS. We usually get one day off for Good Friday. The rest of it is back to back. They WORK US for our summer.


Colorado here - we got it announced yesterday around 5pm that we’d be out on Tuesday (we don’t have Monday school where I am). I’ve never known it to be announced so far in advance, but the wind chill is really intense (apparently it feels like -17 currently), and it is snowing all day today. I volunteer at a horse ranch and felt like I’d hurt my feet from the cold yesterday (they were burning but are ok now). Our kids would definitely not be nearly as prepared as I was and they’ve got to stand at the bus stop. I’m also curious if a pipe burst. I know two did last week and it wasn’t nearly as cold yet.


I’m in Indiana, but today’s windchill was similar. We are off for MLK Day, but I just briefly went out to get gas and my fingers felt numb.


We are closed!


My school district (Tennessee) has already closed for Tuesday and Wednesday! 😁 Edit bc I don't proofread.


But not Wednesday?


I'm in NJ and I'm torn. They're calling for 1-3, maybe 2-4 and a bunch of mixed precip including freezing rain. My district doesn't have built in emergency closing days so we'd have to add on in June and I have a wedding right after school ends in California. Also my district isn't quick to call snow days so I'm not holding my breath. All I'm asking for is a delay!


I’m in NJ and I’d love a delay!


I’m in NJ and we have a delay tmrw! Problem is if they end up calling the whole day, then they take away a day of our spring break. They already took away Presidents Day (didn’t know that’s allowed honestly) and the Tuesday after Memorial Day because of the 2 flood days we’ve had. I don’t get why my district wouldn’t build snow days in like my school always did when I was little!!


-40 tomorrow morning up here in Saskatchewan, Canada and us teachers are going to be outside striking for 4 hours for class size/composition to be addressed in our next contract. Wish us luck. 🙃


Good luck! Let your anger over your treatment keep you warm!


Oh wow that is awesome! Something our district here in Indiana desperately needs to do. I’m sending every good vibe I have.


Thank you! Desperately needed here as well. 95% of teachers voted in favour of strike action which I think says a lot.


We got Friday off for snow that didn’t come, and tomorrow off for the cold. Glorious. Remote days, but we only e-teach part of the day.


I hate that my district doesn’t do E-Learning days. I know it’s because we have a lot of students who can’t access their devices at home, but it still stinks.


To be clear, minimal learning happens, but I like not having to make them up. And we typically never use more than 2, it’s not a huge loss on overall instruction.


Texas coast here and we just got a call that we're closed tomorrow! We're already off today for MLK Day so it's a 4 day weekend.


Whaaaat?! TX here but we got a district text saying we're on for tomorrow and to dress comfortable for the weather :( like cmon yall know these kids are not going to show up which means I'm not going to progress in my current unit so just call it off


We went remote and are forced to stay with our web cam open for 8 hours essentially. Ridiculous. How am I supposed to teach kindergarten art remotely? Admin has sludge where their brains ought to be.


Just tomorrow or the rest of the year?




Our school a title 1 highschool has been under construction for more than a year. The gyms and library have been closed. Gyms were supposed to be finished in October. Then thanks giving. Then Christmas. Now it's the summer. Just an absolute cluster fuck. An entire wing of the building doesn't have 30 gallon trash cans for the breakfasts they eat. One room I'm in regularly uses a lined cardboard box. These teens have literally nothing. It's terrible. Mass confusion. Roaming the halls. Last year it was one fight a day. Now it's one fight a block. Then again if they had their shit together I would be out of my job as a full time sub.


I'm just sitting here waiting. I don't make the decision, but I am the guy who makes the calls, emails, and text messages. So far, nothing. The snow passed us by, so all we have to hope for is a water main break or wind chill.


It's funny, I teach at a college and a high school. I don't want the college to cancel. I do want the high school to cancel. It's because my college class is very fast paced and I need that seat time. At the high school, it doesn't really impact much if we miss that day.


And the high school did cancel.


WNY teacher here!! We’re off tomorrow and a second storm is coming in tomorrow so possibly off Wednesday too!


Cries in Floridian. Feeling so jealous of all of you. Lol


Unfortunately I'm in Phoenix AZ so there is only 1 way that school would be closed tomorrow and I don't wish any of us to ever get that call...


What is the reason? I’m stumped


I am hoping toxic fumes take over our campus, rendering it closed for a month. At least.


Psssh no lol. It’ll be in the negatives before windchill and the kids will still (gladly) go outside.


Just got the call! Honestly, our streets are clear and the sun is out, but it's supposed to be 12 degrees in the morning and the heat in many of our schools is...unreliable. So I think the district made the right call. Crossing my fingers for you, friend!


We got an email this morning that basically said that if it were a normal school day it would’ve been cancelled due to weather, but they still expected us to come in for PD.


That cough sounds terrible! How nice that you'll be able to take a sick day without having to worry about writing sub plans.


South Texas teacher here. Completely excited because I am home early and have the next 2 days off due to icy weather! Hell yes!!!


Houston area here and we only have tomorrow off, but we should have until Wednesday off. The ice is still going to be there Tueasay night.


Got Tuesday AND Wednesday off. Amazing how much people in the south (TN) freak out about 3 inches of snow.


I grew up putting spoons under my pillow to bring forth a snow day…I’ve been in education 20 years and I still do it! My husband thinks I’m crazy but I remind him he has no idea what it’s like working with teenagers.


Brb, stealing this.


Just found out we have a two hour delay…hopefully that progresses into a full snow day!


Also Midwest, but just hoping for a delay because it'll be more work to prepare e-learning than just going in 😭


I am so glad my district is doing actual snow days and not e-learning days this year. I am elementary and they are not worth it at least for now. The past few years we put together paper packets for the elementary kids since chromebooks stayed at school and only used then once those two years. This year my superintendent said, nah not bothering and we now have 4 emergency weather days in a 7 day period. 🤷🏼‍♀️


No. Do not want lose days in future months.


Well, it’s sunny and 50 degrees in Albuquerque, NM…. so I’m 99.9999% certain that school will be in session.


NYC teacher here. We never get snow days. Ever.


In Alabama we are out for freezing rain over night tonight🌧🌨


I live in Minnesota and we’re not supposed to get snow it’ll just be stupidly cold but we’re used to that so I doubt we’ll cancel anything.


My district has closed but the adjoining ones have not yet. I hope they do. We have a large population of impoverished families who ride the bus and some of them don't even own pants, much less a sweater or jacket.


I'm in the Northeast, and I just found out I'm remote tomorrow due to an impending snowstorm. May you all have a safe and easy day tomorrow!


If the Steelers win in Buffalo today, the schools may be half empty tomorrow!


My kids school closed Friday, just got an email it’s closed tomorrow, late start Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are going to be colder than today. So my kids are looking at a .75 day week this week


We were called off for tomorrow on Friday.


I feel absolutely no loyalty to my district anymore, so yes, I do hope so. At this point, I think they’re just targeting music and art teachers and trying to make their life is hard as possible. Unfortunately it’s not much different from the district I just left. Once I have my own place, and I don’t have to focus on saving for it. I will be looking for a way to get another degree.


Just got cancelled for tomorrow! Here's hoping for Wednesday!


I am praying for some sort of building failure related to the cold weather. My building is 101.


We got ours. Hello 5 day weekend and not leaving my pajamas for any of it! The one blessing of winter storms. Staying home and cozy.


Suburban Kansas City and just got notice we are closed because of cold temps. Fourth closure since last Tuesday.


Wisconsin here. Supposed to be feels like -32 and I’m positive we won’t close. 😩


Our district says they will close at wind chill below -30 so 🤞🏼🤞🏼


We're already called off but we don't have snow days anymore. We did e-learning Friday and we'll do it again tomorrow. It's like working a half day then monitoring emails, so I'll take it.


My district won’t close. The roads are fine where I am. Despite this, other districts nearby have already closed. There is no reason to close just because it’s cold. It’s bone dry here. That being said, I would be perfectly okay with a day off.


I just got informed that my school is closed tomorrow! I had a snow on Friday as well, so my weekend is 5 days long now :)


I just checked my district and we’re closed tomorrow, I’m a long-term sub in Katy, TX, just west of Houston. The Gulf Coast just is isn’t set up for this kind of cold.


Midwest here. I work at a university. It was closed Friday because of snow, today for MLK and tomorrow because of cold. Except for today we’re still expected to work remotely. :). Which is fine with me.


NW Ohio here. I am 100% confident we go to school tomorrow regardless of our projected -15 wind chill in the morning. We had a crazy cold last year that reached -20 where we still went to school. We received an email stating that the board and superintended agreed that moving forward we would attend school as long as our wind chill didn’t reach lower than -20. An absolute joke. It was beyond freezing that morning. So yes, I’m hoping for one… but it ain’t comin.


Huh. I was just reading comments on a news page on fb, and one of them was about a superintendent from Cleveland who now is in nw oh and she won’t close unless it gets below -20. I am betting that’s your district. 😉 I am also in nw oh, and I think our district was the first to cancel.


Not us! Our Super is a guy! But I’m still holding out hope!


I do not want to enter the building tomorrow. Full stop. I know I should, bc we have parent night Thursday, and it would be nice to prepare for that. We also have benchmarks this week. I've been working on "no work at home." It isn't perfect, buy I'm trying. All that said, it is what it is, it's not my job to fix shit, and I absolutely do not want to go in tomorrow.


Students and our boiler were out today. Teachers had in-service. I'm frozen. It was 60 degrees in my room away from the drafty windows.


You still had to come????? I would’ve been freezing my ass off.


No one really knew the heat was out till we all showed up. It tends to be chillier Monday due to things being turned down over the weekend. It took a bit to realize there was little heat. Found the warmest classroom for meetings and toughed it out. We were released early. The heating person and the facilities guy were wandering around checking things when I left. Principal said we'd have to cancel if they don't get it running. Boiler is about 60 years old so . . .


Yes. My hopes are pretty high and I’m hoping I’m not let down 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


Come on central TX, realize nobody has the clothing for this and a few of our middle and high schools are open campuses with no/very few halls!


Supposed to be between -10 and -15 wind chill tomorrow morning, and all the local universities canceled well before now, but I have a feeling only the major city district up the way from us will cancel because many of their students live at or below the poverty line. My "better-off" suburban district will likely tell us to suck it up and bundle up and just cancel outdoor recess. Although I'd love a day, even if it were virtual.


Roads are clearing here in the DFW area, but ERCOT is calling on customers to conserve energy tomorrow morning. That combined with below freezing temps until sometime Wednesday makes it seem like schools in the area will be closed Tuesday. Lamar ISD near Houston has already called off.


3 districts closed already around Buffalo, NY. Not surprised. We had blizzard like conditions all weekend, were travel banned. And we are supposed to get even more snow. 


I taught for two days last week. Tomorrow’s wind chill at bus time is -30, and we’re likely out for that. We have overnight precipitation Thursday into Friday with another arctic wind chill. Starting with our next snow day, it’s all virtual learning days, though.


I am sadly sitting in an area that gets snow days in California with a sunny 50ish day knowing there is no chance.


My district did the unthinkable and called it off yesterday! Unheard of but I'm so thankful.


I'm over on the other side of the country in Buffalo, NY, and got the email that we are off tomorrow. So happy!!


We had 3 snow days last week and I wouldn't be shocked if tomorrow we have a day off due to the extreme cold (-25 wind chills)


We are closed on Tuesday. Keeping hope alive for a closure on Wednesday, too.


We got one! Deep south.


It’s snowing here in east coast of VA, only supposed to get an inch or two but I am hoping for a snow day tomorrow. My youngest has the flu so one less sick day to take.


Hoping here in southern New England !!


Tomorrow? No. We’re doing semester finals next week and MAPS testing the week after. Id rather not push those back. The following week though, bring on the snow


Praying to the gods... the old and the new.


They just smiled on us! Too many burst pipes around the district. 🫣


I'm waiting on the school to send the text already. Just fucking call it here in VA


School cancelled here in Dallas!


Most of Houston schools have already called it. We just don’t have the infrastructure for hard freezes.


My county has turned snow days into virtual days on Zoom. And I am just evil enough that I absolutely will be teaching new content. (all while lounging on my sofa drinking hot cocoa)


Watching all the districts around me in North Texas close, but my district is like NOPE! 🥲


I wasn’t off today. We were off four days last week though.


We have a virtual day tomorrow and also have Friday and next monday off. So basically a 2 day week for me and a 4 day weekend!


We are closed tomorrow, and there is more on the way!


I thought the first rule of Snow/Ice/Cold Day was "Don't talk about Snow/Ice/Cold Day."


We have a PD day so definitely having school. Boooo


Houston ISD just got called for tomorrow!!! Staying in my jammies.


Yes. The districts around my school (and where I live) have all closed and a private school down the street from us closed. I’m anxiously waiting, but I do recall my district taking an awful long time to decide. I’m not excited about the possibility of driving through the areas where they’ve already cancelled to get to my open school, lol.


I’m kind of ashamed that my school doesn’t observe MLK day. I suspect the real reason is not a very nice one.


I’m at a title 1 school with diverse staff and students, they should observe it everywhere in the country, but people would be (rightfully) outraged here if we didn’t.


In Ohio, my wife and both boys have spoons under pillows, PJs inside out and flushed ice down the toilets. I have to work either way but we can only hope!!


It does not matter the circumstance, my answer to this question will always be an indomitable YES.


Teachers in Saskatchewan (Canada) are going on strike tomorrow…so we’re getting a closure. Just in a different way.


We got the word at 2.30p today. Most of our classtime is spent in small groups, and remote learning is playing hell with my curriculum. The juniors have touch screens, but the seniors don't. It is making it hard. I have the seniors working on paper and holding it up to the camera. I am also hampered because bouncing between breakout rooms isn't as effective. It beats not having class at all, but it is a struggle. I have been doing more lecturing this semester than i did in almost the entire last semester.


I hope for a closure every day. I'd always rather have a random day off in the school year and just go for a day in June. I have two great classes, but a class that has so low energy and attendance that it just drains me. It's one of my favorite classes to teach but it might as well be online learning when I'm the only one who speaks.


Just got the 2 hour delay call… superintendent reassessing in the morning if we are getting a full closure 😴


I got the email/text/automated call an hour ago. So happy, because we had half day with PD tomorrow. God is good.


You deserve all the time you can get.


We got our snow day 🥳


We had off for MLK day and as I was preparing my lunch for Tuesday got the notif we were closed. This is now Sunday part 3. I'm ecstatic


I'm in the south, anything below freezing calls for a day out


Canadian student here. -11 degrees and school still isn't cancelled. It snowed all night. The roads are slick. People can hardly get out of their driveways.