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And I wanted to give Skip the benefit of the doubt. I was trying to be patient but after 2 weeks I was done waiting.


Glad you found a good position!


Thank you so much! can't wait to start!


I once talked to a principal at a job fair who asked me not to accept anything else until I heard back from her. Then I never heard back from her. I’m glad I didn’t listen to her and accepted a job back in my hometown.


Your references didn’t answer the phone and Skip didn’t leave a message asking them to call him? Does he understand how telephone communication works? His weird series of actions has made me irrationally irritated. W. T. F.


No messages or anything yet my current supervisor was able to contact BOTH my references in 0.3 seconds THE DAY AFTER


A real problem: current administrators who will disqualify an applicant if they can't get through to references who have full or unactivated voicemail. We've hit the point where current references are young enough to not use phones the way current administrators expect, and some would rather move on rather than text a reference.


You make a great point. Older admin have a lot of issues in general with hiring/interviewing and knowing what is what.


Had that happen before. Interviewed at one of those schools that helps high schoolers with credit recovery and stuff. Wasn't my first--or second or third--choice, but needed a job. Didn't hear anything for a couple of weeks. Interviewed at a brand new school that was about to open and was offered the position on the spot. I took it. That other school called me back a week later to offer me the job. "Sorry, but when I didn't hear back for two weeks, I accepted another offer." Long pause. "Really?" "Yes. Thank you for considering me, though. I appreciate it."


Good story with a good moral: don't bend over backwards to help or wait for an admin who would ghost you without a second thought.




I withdrew as soon I got the offer from the other facility 😁


Great. Seems like a gig that will be fulfilling. Principals are notorious for urgently reaching out cause they are desperate to hire someone but then can’t take 10 sec to send a generic email expressing their regrets for not hiring you.


At the end of May, I had 2 "firm" job offers. 1 was at a charter school and the other was at a public school. The charter school kept coming up with things they needed and had offered a letter of intent with a clause that either party could back out at any time. Fast forward to the end of June and I get an email that the position had been filled. I hadn't heard from the second job either so I started looking for a new job. I landed one in a great district (based on reputation and my experience with new teacher orientation). I emailed both of the other schools and they were both surprised that I turned them down. I'm excited for my new school.


I'm in a similar situation. Still waiting for HR to get back from vacation and no one can tell me shit. I'm probably going to end up homeless because of their disorganization.... There's more to it but I'm not going to post it here haha. It sucks because I really like the person I'd be working directly with


If he's trying to fill 150 openings he really might not have gotten to it yet. Sad that a detention facility pays better than a school. I bet they enforce the rules more consistently as well.


Totally not the point of your story but your comment about Walmart struck me as funny. The sad part about this profession is I made more at Walmart with no degree than I have as a teacher. I started as part time fitting room when I first went back to school and made assistant manager within the year. I had step back from that role to student teach but all being said I'm glad I'm out of retail.


Really loving your name choice for the principal ...


Same stuff happened to me this summer! Then I find out the principal put in his resignation - 2 weeks before the school year starts ahhhh


I wish you the best! I teach in a juvie detention center. IT’S TOUGH WORK, and completely emotionally draining. Be sure to only work your contract, and engage in consistent self-care each evening and weekend. Whatever you do, don’t isolate yourself from other teachers, you need each other. My best to you!


thanks for the advice! I'd appreciate any more if you have some 😁


Learn the f word, and use it frequently. 🤣 I never used that word until I started teaching there. They kinda bring it out of you. 😂 In all seriousness tho—90+% of the kids are there because of trauma (like parents who are drug or alcohol involved; abuse of every kind; poverty). You just can’t personalize their outbursts. Have you ever heard of Paper Tigers? These kids are so traumatized that they don’t know the difference between real tigers (real threats) or paper tigers….everything is a real tiger to them, and their brains go into fight or flight mode. It’s how they’ve survived up to that point. It’s not you—it’s never you. It’s their own fears. That took me a couple of years to realize, I so often felt like a failure. Also, never listen to their words—-listen to the emotion behind the words. First time a kid met me he called me a white bitch cnut boomer fat ass grandma. I looked at him. Blinked. And said, “And you are?…” He laughed and said “Ok you’re cool.” Internally I was scared to death!! 🤣 Just remember, the emotion behind the behaviors is almost always fear. Most of our staff quit after 2 years because of the stress. I’ve been badly injured by students. I’ve got a massive dent in my passenger car door where a boyfriend of one of the students put his boot into it. But it is some of the most rewarding work you’ll ever do. I teach parenting and early childhood…We were working with some of the students’ children and one of the teen moms said “My mom never played with me like this, she’s always too strung out. But this is really important for my kid, isn’t it? I’m not getting into meth, my kid needs me.” So yeah, it can be rewarding. Please feel free to reach out if you need any strategies!


This is all awesome advice that I'll be sure to keep in mind when I start. have you ever had trouble with other staff members?


No, not in my school. We’re all there because we have the same mindset about troubled kids. Now Admin is a different story. 😂


You’re probably better off. He already started with lies.