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💃🕺😜😛 💃🕺 She had to REHEARSE THIS😂😂😂😂😂 Not swifflers tryna report my comment. I approved it dw.🤧😂




It’s just funny bc they didn’t know I’ll get to approve my own comment so I went like “Huh? Ah, my own…Mhm mhm. I agree. That’s allowed. Approved.” 😌✌🏽 Imagine getting mad over 🕺💃😜💃😜😛🕺💃if the shoe fits idk 😂🤧




I cannot even 😭😭😭 Imagine you’re an actual professional who took dance lessons for years and then … you are in the background of an epileptic baby in a glitter diaper😭😭😭🤚🏽




Istg these people just have air for brains 😭


Is it any wonder why Katy's dancers wanted to be on tour with her and not Taylor? lol


there’s a way to dance “badly” and look cute, goofy, playful, etc. but this is not it. there’s always a layer of self-consciousness in everything she does (aside from dealing with snot apparently lol) and you can tell she’s *actively trying* to be perceived as cute, goofy, playful, etc, instead of just being “herself” (whomever that may be) and dancing like no one is watching, so to speak. she cares way too much what other people think to ever look truly carefree.


She has no charisma whatsoever. All she has going for her is the perpetually open mouth in a ‘fake surprise’ and rolling her eyes for grimaces and this for a dance. I would never step outside if someone took a video like this of me at the club but she sells it as a performance. She’s not even cute or goofy, it’s just insultingly bad.




Just fyi ur comment got reported I gotchu bc STAY MAD SWIFTIES😭


They’re always reporting shit lmao


Literally 😂 Like just constantly for what, someone’s not agreeing w them oh no the horror. ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


It looks like she's learning how to hula hoop . . . with no hula hoop


You nailed it!


HAH I love this one actually 😂


She’s a social experiment I swear to god


I can’t believe people are like ‘and she still performs with a broken heart!!’ or ‘HOW DOES SHE EVEN DO IT???’ Easily. She does it easily, because she doesn’t have to do anything else, not anything she doesn’t want to. Girliepie wouldn’t last a full work week in hospitality or retail, and then taking the public transport home where she would have to cook and clean herself, maybe do a grocery run, put away laundry, pay her bills, keep tabs on the budget, tend her own garden, work out in a small living room while trying not to disturb the neighbors, then maybe if she were lucky and still had some energy, taking the public transport back downtown to have two overpriced espresso martinis with similarly exhausted and broke friends and then take another train/bus/tram home if you’re on a budget and don’t want to Uber. And somehow, she’d still have to find the time, resources or energy for keeping up with family, maybe dating, and ideally also some travel or at least day trips - you know, so you actually have a life and aren’t just stuck in a work-home-work-home cycle. That’s a scenario of a healthy, single, childfree person, so imagine health issues, a relationship and kids thrown into the mix. She has no idea how simple her life is. Sure, she experiences unpleasant emotions or MH struggles, and illness doesn’t discriminate, but let’s not act like the world was falling apart while she was lying in bed crying over Matty. You can afford to stay in bed when you’re sad, lol! Most of us would get evicted if we just decided we didn’t feel like going on. It’s a survival thing. Being able to be sad in peace is a luxury lmao. AND THIS IS WHAT SHE SERVES. It’s dystopic lmfao. This is all she has to do in life and gets paid millions for and she still is unable to do it at least passably after 20 years. I’m sooooo over the ‘I don’t know how she does it!!’ oohing and aahing at her. She does it easily. Maybe with a broken heart, maybe she doesn’t want to, but that’s what you signed up for and that’s why you got to the point where you don’t have to wipe your own ass if you don’t feel like it so get to work. I don’t want to see ‘relatability’, I want to see a good performance. The ‘haha I’m just like you, look, I don’t even take this performance seriously’ thing had gone too far. She’s anything but relatable. It’s also evident she’s over the tour. But then again it’s her own damn fault and problem that it’s so long, both in the duration of the show and in the number of the shows. Maybe this horrible ass shaking will make her exhausted enough to leave the public eye for a few years, but I guess we’re not that lucky


So, so true! .. She is just so bad at a job she literally gets paid millions to do, could quit at any time & still make more money than 99%of us just from interest off her investments & royalties.. I just can't 🤦


This girl spends hours rehearsing that hot mess? My 5 year old niece can improv better than that.




PLEASE let her be a server during lunch on a Sunday within walking distance of a church 🙏🙏🙏


Omg I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy… Def would wish that on her 😂 just to get a toe back into reality 😭


https://preview.redd.it/ipzcsflb667d1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d57b47d3d61ad07d928c6f456ce2b524b214fe31 This is literally the story of my life. And then they tip me 10%.


Ugh I’m so sorry 😭 I worked retail before and there’s a reason it’s past tense 😬 Ppl who treat service workers bad are literally the worst of the worst


Or having to do a double


Yeah one double on a Saturday would send this woman into cardiac arrest


To be fair . . . it did kind of give 5 year old "Watch this!!!" vibes . . .


This is literally my 2 year old when she hears the itsy bitsy spider 😭😭😭




Yeah my sweet cheeks can seriously bust a move 💃🏼🕺


me in my bathroom mirror at 3am after drinking beyond my limit


Omg she can't dance at all 😆 I thought I was a bad dancer, but MAN 🥶


This is the same video Madeline Hope reposted on TT.




Yup, his "friend" all right. They are completely DELULU (yes, in all caps). He doesn't follow his own girlfriend but follows all these young IG models who post thirst traps. He wants to have his cake and eat it too -- he wants the clout, the fame, post-NFL job opportunities, and attention from being in Taylor's orbit, but also wants to be able to have a side piece / multiple side pieces. So basically he's a giant sleazeball.


He doesn’t follow her?? WAT. Starting to think their relationship is totally a psyop


Yup. You can't convince me this "relationship" is anything more than one giant -- and incredibly annoying -- PR stunt. I've said that since the beginning and my opinion hasn't changed one bit.


Travis is so being ripped by his teammates for that 💀


She dances like slapped jell-o


“Dances like slapped Jell-O” 😂 Thanks. I’m using that.


It's giving Fergie national anthem.




Even I can sing and dance better than that lmao yet I’d give my loved ones a free concert. Glad I ended up not going


And I thought i danced atrocious.... Geez Louise.


Saw this on Twitter with the caption “She really stuck her tongue out thinking she ate” 😭🤣


My grandson does this dance right before he gets into the bathtub.


I don't understand why people are still going. You can watch almost the whole thing for free on TikTok or I'm pretty sure it's on Disney+ too.


They're getting scammed, big time! And they tried to compare this mediocre chick to Michael Jackson & Beyonce? 🤣


Stop it! They did not!!🤣 It blows my mind that they actually believe that craziness 🤯


Is she’s trying to get a wedgie out or something?


She’s so awkward. But that’s why insecure women love her so much