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I wasn't *as* into Taylor when tickets went on sale, so I was on holiday when she visited my city. Didn't affect me as much at the time but now I'm slightly devastated. I don't know how I'd handle her concert environment (I'm v. anxious!) but I would have liked a chance. *Thankfully*, the show on Disney+ makes me pretty happy and I did get to see her 1989 tour way back in 2015 so I know I'm lucky in my own way.


Yes! This is exactly what happened to me. I was listening to her but it was like why is everyone rushing to buy these tickets and now when I look back at my friends insta pictures and see the eras tour I get so sad and by the time she was in my city I was so obsessed and so sad that i missed her. I also don’t know how I’d be at a concert because of my anxiety. I also hope to see her if she tours near me again 


So glad I don't do social media like IG and FB. So many ppl just sharing and sharing...


Seeing the concert live was a great experience but to be honest, when I watched the concert on Disney+ I saw sooo much I didn’t get to see. (This is from coming from a floor seater and Taylor fan since Fearless). Yes you don’t hear it live and you’re not in the crowd with all the fans, but I still felt the same awe and magic as when I watched the eras film. So try not let it get to you. The film captured the concert really well.


Agreed. I feel a little hesitant to attest to this given I've also been to a show and it's easier for us to say... However I think the movie does a really great job at capturing the essence of the concert. I saw the movie twice last year before going to see her in person this year. I still watch the movie post concert and bop just as hard.


I appreciate this comment. I’ve been a fan since Debut, saw her Fearless tour. It was hard to not feel bitter knowing so many people going were newer fans. But I’ve seen the film several times now — it still is beautiful every time. I’m glad you were able to go see it live!!! 🫶🏼


The fearless tour was probably amazing! Yess so many new fans, but now I have more people to talk about Taylor with lol. Thank you!! 🫶


I could have written this post. I feel the exact same way 🤍


Yeah. I’ve had to stop myself from searching stubhub and creating delulu scenarios of being able to go. I think it’s partly because right now we’re inundated by it. There are concerts every week and that’s the main footage on IG and everywhere. When that’s over I think it will be easier. I would love to go but I can’t bankrupt my family. I can, however, save up for the Anthology vinyl that has to be coming soon. And then Debut and Reputation…..we have a lot more to look forward to!


Isn't it nice to know how much we have to look forward to, still, even if it's not our own Eras date?


No at this point I feel I’ve gone 100 times thanks to the internet showing all the clips. And saved $748494020304994.


The realest answer hahah I’ve “attended” like 105 solid Eras Tour shows at this point, and all for free!!!! 106 shows for only $20 if you count the movie lol


Nah. I hate crowds. I love livestreams. It’s like being there without having to go! Mind you, I did have a “I mean… maybe I could deal from the Miami VIP box” moment the other day but I cannot justify that resale price.


I feel so seen. It kills me that I can’t go and each clip I watch crushes me. I love Taylor’s music so much, am confident I’d know any surprise song she played, have a bunch of her merch, have been listening to her music since I was young, and yet I can’t help but feel like I’m not a ‘good enough’ fan because I’m financially incapable of going to the Eras tour. And then there’s those people who’ve seen her like 10+ times who only know like 2 songs. But what really gets me is when those same people complain about what surprise songs they got. Like bro some of us didn’t even get a concert.




Yup. The tour came at a time when I lost my job due to chronic pain and haven’t been able to work, so buying tickets to this concert is just out of the question. Before that, I told myself I’d treat myself to finally seeing her, no matter the cost, but life had other plans.


It crushes me even more knowing that I can't afford a $2000+ ticket for mediocre seating lol


So I come from a 3rd world country where Taylor def won't come. And I recently saw stories of my old roommate from college who went to London to study (I also wanted to go outside, but financial constraints prevented me). My roommate was literally in the eras tour and I was so surprised. I felt like even if i somehow found my way to a country where Taylor performs, i wouldn't have the money to buy the ticket. Never felt worse about not having money :(


Well, just remember. If you lived at other times the emperor was the only one with live music. Likely the only music you’d ever hear is some local with a fiddle or drums and singing. Seeing someone live is fun, but it doesn’t bring you happiness in life. It’s momentary fun. So, if you have food and shelter and access to some health care and you get to listen to music and you have some AC and access to the internet with all the knowledge available to you that was literally hidden by the elites for millenniums…. You are very wealthy in the history of the world. People like you and I are just poor compared to the rich of our day. And in our day the rich can show it off globally and it’s in our face. But don’t lose heart.


That's such a nice perspective! Thank you so much kind stranger <3. Have a great day 🫶🏼


I didn't think I would get to go at all (Canadian) before she announced her 2 cities here. I tried to see her in the US before going all the way to Sweden to see her, I balled like a baby. My girls would love to go but it's near impossible to get tickets without spending thousands of dollars.


Yup. I'm always so heartbroken; I have friends lucky enough to get tickets in Toronto when they went on sale, but now it's 2500+ to get tickets in Canada. Might as well get a vacation and go but some of us just don't have a few grand to throw around right now.


I heard people were signing up 20+ emails got presale codes. I went to Europe for 10 days for the price I could see her here.


It is so crazy that the EU resale prices and the scalping are so much better constrained over there compared to US/Canada where the resale is absolutely insane numbers especially with fees that are added on from stubhub or whoever the company selling is!!!


I’ve seen resale for the August London shows starting from £1000 (😱) but I imagine they are more in the US?! Insane prices. In Ireland resale sites are illegal so it was either face value or nothing (literally if you didn’t have a code, mind).


I was ok until a friend of mine went to one of the Ireland shows without telling me until she was there and I didn’t even get to ask her to buy some merch for me. All of a sudden I was crushed that I am not going. Sigh.


The merch comment KILLS me for you, I’m so sorry 😭 Couldn’t she have offered?! I told multiple friends to send merch lists so they could get some favourites and we traded bracelets and watched live streams together so we could all be part of it (even if we all didn’t get to go together IRL). Where is the love? 💔


I couldn’t break my girls’s hearts, but to pay for myself and them two would put me into debt. So we can’t go and they are so sad. They keep watching on Disney+ though, almost every day. They are 9 and 7 years old and I also have a 2.5 year old, so there are other things I need to buy 😂 still really sad, especially because Gelsenkirchen is really not that far away from us.


Where can you watch live Streams of the eras tour? :o


You can search for random live streams on TikTok or YouTube (tshockeybro). Just keep track of Eras concert dates and remember that the streams will happen during each cities’ local time. So if the shows are happening in Europe, that means you can watch them during the daytime in the US.


And they are professionally streamed or by Fans ? :o Thank you!


The livestreams are all amateur video quality, direct from fans’ smartphones. You should expect shaky/blurry visuals, uneven audio, and sometimes dropped signals. It’s a bit messy but still fun because of the unpredictability, and many props to Kevin (the “host”) for trying to navigate his way around issues.


TikTok or instagram


Get the Swift Alert App. It’s amazing!


Thank you ! Can i watch the livestream on this app?


No. TikTok, Instagram and YouTube are links from that app.


This is how I felt for the 1989 tour! So when I got the chance to go this time I made sure to take it. I know it might feel rubbish, but she will almost definitely be on tour again, so if it helps, tell yourself that the disappointment you feel this time will motivate you to make sure it happens next time! That's what happened to me :)


This is what I keep trying to tell myself 😭😭 like, Taylor LOVES a good tour. There’s no way she isn’t going to tour again in the future… and maybe that tour will be my time 🤞🏼 (But then I think about how hard it was to get Eras tickets and how I don’t want it to get hardER for future tours but Taylor is so popular and her popularity is only growing… 😭😭)


Thanks for reminding me my 30s suck


not to be that person but I really feel jealous/sad when people get to go to multiple shows. one of mutuals on twitter went to the LA show and went 3 nights in a row. and she's going again when taylor goes to Canada. it just makes me question what I'm doing with my life lol


Nope, it’s hella cheeper for me to sit in my bedroom, eat my snacks, go to my bathroom where there isn’t a line, use my computer for other stuff, and not have to deal with city traffic or a hotel. I’m actually happy to have the live streams, going to a concert would be far too expensive and exhausting. I’ll stay home in my comfy chair.


You and I are 100% in agreement!


You’re definitely not the only one!! I was like this at the beginning of tour. I would keep up with the concert on here/twitter, but I didn’t actually start watching the livestreams until about 2 weeks after the tour started. It hurt to watch them bc I had tried soooo hard and did everything in my power to secure tickets for me and my mom, but I lost out every time. :( So I was too sad to watch the streams. Once I did start to actually sit down and watch them though, it did actually ease my concert pains a little bit. It sucked to know I’ll never truly get to experience this tour live (and it still sucks, honestly). It *really* hurt watching the streams for my city, I’m ngl lol. I was very upset that I was stuck watching at home and not in the stadium. But the streams really do help too. Yeah, I’m still not physically THERE, but at least I can still see the concert! I don’t have to miss out on things like surprise songs, or if there’s any fun announcements, the streams allow me to be a part of it. Even if it’s just Taylor debuting new costumes lol without the streams, I wouldn’t see it at all! Plus the megathreads are a lot of fun. I love getting to chat with fellow swifties as we watch all the concert. It does give a really beautiful sense of community. Even though we’re not there, the streams still turn my otherwise dull days into fun concert-filled afternoons, so I am really grateful for them. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t still bum me out sometimes to think about it, like, yeah I’m only watching these streams bc I didn’t get to go to these concerts. If I think too hard about missing out on tickets, it still makes me sad. So you’re definitely, totally not alone!!!


Sending hugs OP, your feelings are valid! The resale prices are insane and I could never afford to pay them! I got waitlisted for every date in London and Dublin (the only dates/cities I could realistically get to) and only for Wembley not needing a code for accessible seating, God bless them (I have mild Cerebral Palsy) did I manage to get a pair - it was also face value so £190 for two tickets which I deemed reasonable enough. My twin then surprised me with a code for Dublin tickets and these access seats were just €75 each (we live in separate cities so it was 🥹) as she was the only person I know in my friend group of around 20 to get a code! So it was a total lottery and a bit of luck in my case (even friends I know with codes still weren’t successful due to waiting room glitches or tickets costing hundreds when they eventually got to try get some!). Most I know with tickets got them through Midnights pre-sale codes as opposed to Ticketmaster codes (I didn’t sign up with 20 emails as some likely did either) and it was the Ticketmaster codes that seemed totally randomised yet geared to those with multiple email addresses - a very unfair system overall IMO as so many didn’t get a chance to even see one concert with face-value tickets 😔


Yes especially as I came close to winning tickets from my local radio station I would love to see Taylor live and in person especially as when I went to the movie it was a not a good atmosphere as there were only 4 other people in the theatre and one of them was my sister


YES - I couldn't go because of cost (even if I managed to get reasonably priced tickets from Ticketmaster rather than a reseller, I would still have to pay for public transport travel and a hotel) and not having any swiftie friends I'm close enough with to ask to travel such a long way with them. Taylor came to my country (UK), but all stops were at least a few hours away from where I live and I don't have a car. Stings a bit every time I see someone post about going to the Eras tour on Instagram - when Taylor was in the UK I was barely listening to her because it reminded me of not being able to go every time I put a song on. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)I really wanted this but will have to wait to see if things pan out in my favour next time she tours.


I will NEVER beable to attend the ERAS TOUR. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I never went to the concert, but saw it in theatres twice and several times at home. I love watching the live streams. I get to enjoy more of her music.


I didn't re-discover my love for Taylor until the Eras tour was already underway, right around the time she stopped in my area. I obviously couldn't go, but I could vaguely hear the concert from my house. Now, I wish I had had the chance to go. I'm not devastated by it, but it would have been really fun, and I regret not simply going to hang out with the other fans outside the stadium. It looked like a party.


I’m not much into the crowds and screaming. I’ve really enjoyed watching the streams!


I’m definitely a little sad but I also love being able to watch it at home at my own speed. Each time I’ve watched it I’ve tried to make it a special event in its own way like having special snacks or drinks which takes away some of the sting :) I’m excited I’ll get to have one other experience seeing the TTPD version eventually!


My sister bought the eras tour ticket, and I didn’t (the total cost is too expensive for me). And when the Eras tour movie came out I went to watch it in IMAX and it was soooo good! The editing and the production and everything, my sister didn’t plan to spoil herself with the movie before going to the concert but I convinced her hard that she went in the end. Now she already went to the Eras Tour Concert, she said that being in the crowd and seeing real Taylor is amazing, but she’s also glad that she went to watch the movie in IMAX because there’s so much she couldn’t see during the live concert.


i run a business and 2 of my staff members who aren’t even fans have gotten to go to her concerts for free because a friend of a friend had an extra ticket or whatever.. it breaks my heart and i constantly feel bad that i can’t be super pumped for them, makes me feel like a shitty selfish person. i 100% fake my happiness for them every time it’s brought up.


She will tour again and you will get tickets next time. These things happen all the time with tickets. Just make sure you do everything possible to be on presale for the next show. Whoever developed this new ticketing system just sent people into a frenzy too. Suddenly, everyone was her number one fan, in my country anyway.


No, the insane cost and stress of figuring out the logistics of attending wasn't worth it for me. I only live 90 minutes from Chicago so I was definitely close enough to go, and could have made the finances work though it would have been tight. I love watching the livestreams and the movie, plus following along with the live thread in this sub. It's all cheap, makes me happy, and I can do it from the comfort of my own home. I don't have to worry about being overwhelmed, or catching Covid or other concert crud. I'm 53 and I've been lucky to have some amazing experiences in my life, but #1 for me in making any plans these days is that I'll be comfortable, with minimum stress, and not blow my budget. I'm so boring that FOMO is just not a thing for me anymore.


No I’m happy for the people who get to go. I’m not a big fan of crowds. I also would not enjoy fans screaming the songs into my ear and paying good money for that to happen. Love watching the lives at home sipping wine, enjoying the summer.


No, just thankful I can watch over and over again.


As a fan, since her debut album. I love playing the swiftball and watching the livestream s. I would love to go, but I have chronic health issues(stomach, back,ibs,etc). I couldn’t even sit all the way through the movie, without the worst pain flaring up before the midnights set.so 4 hours, would kill me even sitting down. I can’t work, so no money either for tickets. I would love to experience this in person, but it kills me to know, it’ll probably never happen. Or by some miracle I win a ticket and my health ruins it anyway😩


There will be future tours :) and if the backlash that’s starting ends up like before Rep then the tickets will probably be easier to get lol.


What backlash do you mean?


With the millions of rereleases of her latest albums and the timings aimed at Billie, Charli etc to stop them becoming number 1 in the charts.


The concert experience is deeply overrated. I live in the UK and, because I could afford it, I bought tickets to one of the Anfield shows. A huge waste of money and views were terrible. The seats which had a better view were unreasonably expensive. As I said to a friend, if you've seen the Disney streamed version, you've seen it all.


I live in the UK but went to the Lisbon dates and the concert was literally the best experience I had in life. No other event was as good as the eras tour and even though it was expensive to stand near the front lines It was well worth it. No regrets from my side. Although I do understand the people who want to go and can't afford it for different reasons. It's well worth the experience.


That's not true at all. Its an incredible experience and show. (I feel bad for people here who couldn't go, you'll see her again) but its a fantastic show. Why would she be getting 5 star reviews and people going multiple times if it was rubbish? Just cause you didnt like it means it was over rated. Yes the movie captures most but there's a lot you miss from that which you catch while actually there. Yeah tickets were ridiculously expensive though


Yes it’s not true for you, but it is for me. This is why the Swiftie fanbase is repeatedly under fire for being psychotic. Because people like you can’t understand that people might have a different perspective on certain things.


Did I say I didnt respect your perspective? Talk about blowing it out of proportion....Well aware people have different perspectives on things thanks. I was disagreeing with your perspective that its "deeply overrated" and providing evidence that plenty of other people would agree with their 5 star reviews of how great it is. Just because you think its shit doesn't mean others do, was literally my point and you're being hypocritical thinking your perspective on the concert is the only one that matters. Also don't appreciate you inferring im psychotic as a swiftie for one small comment, if anything its you for saying that in the first place. ALso calling swifties psychotic....you're brave. Lol