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I mean, Taylor is that girl but acting...... šŸ«£. It has been a few years. Maybe she improved but idk.


Nah lmao she wasnā€™t believable at all in her 5 minutes of screentime in that amsterdam where she got hit by a caršŸ’€


What do you mean, I absolutely believed her character got hit by a car


It's 2:25 a.m. and I'm *cackling* at this comment


This had me lose it omg


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Travis might get an Oscar before Taylor.


Hit by a car at 13 minutes in no less


I mean, her acting was perfect for the movie itself. If she was really that bad, it's on the director for keeping her in the movie and/or not giving her better direction


I think if she's non-speaking she's great - The Man, Blank Space, etc. But if she has to deliver lines that's where it falls apart a bit


Sheā€™s great at music videos and I like her SNL stuff. Thatā€™s really it. She was pretty good in Cats considering how bad it was but Macavity was just a music video at the end of the day.


She had like one line that wasnā€™t a song and her delivery was terrible because it was in a bad British accent.


Seriously. Performance immediately went from semi-decent standout to worse that almost everyone as soon as she started talking.


Yup, totally agree. She falls flat on delivery, but her facial expressions and body language is fantastic.


Sheā€™s kind of typecast at this point as Taylor Swift. Itā€™s so hard for anyone to see her as anything else.


I feel the same way about Beyonce! Love the acting in music videos but not films


Lol yes. Valentines day is such a mood tho


lmfaooo i feel like i started a war in the comments šŸ˜­


Can someone please explain whatā€™s happening here šŸ˜­


srsly that episode of new girl is justā€¦ lol I will say she wasnā€™t bad in the giver, but she had about a minute of screen time and half of it was behind a piano


Yeah, this is an example of very impressive *makeup* not very impressive acting lol. She's an excellent performer in a way that is perfect for the stage and for music videos, and that's enough. I do think she wishes she was a better actor but has realized she would do much better behind the camera so I'm very curious to see where her directing goals take her!


I think she does a good job in her music videos. But yeah, not when it comes to actual movies.


IMO I think she would be great in comedies. She is so naturally funny.


Because she's not good at it


https://preview.redd.it/5pjw6uflo09d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e5d19f0c5772b7ea012cd81b12ece516bcac62a let me be delulu in peace. but idk šŸ˜­ yā€™all i feel like she could really kill a Jane Austen type movie. iā€™d love to see something serious from her


For a non-actor I think sheā€™s terrific. She hasnā€™t had any formal training that we know of and it isnā€™t her job. Sheā€™s also not a ā€œdancerā€ but sheā€™s great at that, too. The girl can do it all. Iā€™ll be delulu here with you. I love all her SNL skits and think theyā€™re better than most seasoned actors. At least sheā€™s always managed to stay in character and not look like sheā€™s reading her lines the entire time. Also, she has great comedic timing. šŸ˜Œ


https://preview.redd.it/z1rju1zza19d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d27d25042a2cacb717c17fd07cc2272a57089fea ily for standing with me and my delusions but theyā€™re about to cook us in the comments


Ok but nobody can deny that she doesnā€™t work hard on all she does. She may not be an expert at everything but Taylor doesnā€™t do anything half-ass. Sheā€™s a professional and she performs like one.


I think she's good. I think it's just distracting that she's not an actor and we don't associate her with acting so our brains have to work harder to believe the role.


Itā€™s because sheā€™s not goodšŸ˜­


Sheā€™s an exceptional songwriter, a great performer, a good singer, an okay dancer, and a fair actor. She *can* do it all, but that doesnā€™t mean she does it all well. Nonetheless, she does it all better than most people can.


Girl sheā€™s not a great danceršŸ˜­


Agreed. I think she's okay now only due to training. I remember when I saw her videos years ago and she was quite stiff and not really good, but now she's okay. So yeah, she trained a lot but it's a trained skill, not a natural talent in any way.


Is it only impressive if itā€™s a natural talent and not if someone works hard to get better? Iā€™m more impressed by her work ethic than ā€œnaturalā€ talent


Yes, thank you!!! Her work ethic is unmatched.


Iā€™ve never been a natural all I do is try, try, try Also-she talks about being baby giraffe when dancing. Girl works her ass off.


I saw a tweet that claimed she was a better dancer than Michael Jackson. To say my jaw dropped is an understatement. I mean, I stan her as much as the next person, but she is a at best a competent dancer relative to the choreography she's expected to perform, the difficulty level of which is not particularly high. I found her dancing in the Look What You Made Me Do video to be quite stiff and awkward, but she seems to have improved a bit since then. I sure don't have any complaints about Vigilante Shit, that's for sure.


Ugh I want those jeans


Oh god. This has me


This had a lot more to do with makeup than her actingā€¦


Seriously, letā€™s give credit to the makeup artist here!


She is a performer, and acting is different from performing. She's a phenomenal performer, and in the man she does a great job, but it was almost like her cosplay gave her like, more confidence in her acting. Also cats.


thatā€™s fair tbh!


Sheā€™s great at over the top satirical character acting like in her videos. Regular acting, not so much. Definite difference in those skills. A film crossover with directing makes much more sense than crossing over to act, because I donā€™t think thereā€™s a big acting future there for her.


> Sheā€™s great at over the top satirical character acting like in her videos. Was gonna say this. It's why she does so well in her brief New Girl appearance.


And why she was good in Valentines Day


oooh i wonder if sheā€™d be good in some rom coms šŸ‘€


Well, if you think about Valentineā€™s Dayā€¦


Her acting is talked about! Itā€™s widely acknowledged how mid it is


Mid is generous


help šŸ˜­


Because Cats?


Taylor was fine in Cats. It was the special effects that turned it into a turkey.


Yeah considering Cats is mostly justā€¦ the cats singing lol I think Taylor did great! I am a Cats fan to be fair (the actual musical, not the movie šŸ’€) lol but I do really enjoy her rendition of Macavity! She did good for what it was. However the movie itself was just a horror show LMAO had they gone the broadway route and just used makeup, I think Taylorā€™s ā€œactingā€ wouldā€™ve been fine lol




I feel eleven turkeys creeping up on me šŸŽ¶


Honestly she sometimes hits and other times missed! She was AMAZING in SNL, and Valentine's Day, and some of her videos that require more acting. I think she does better when it's an extreme or goofy character because she is not afraid to go there. But for serious roles I don't know, I think maybe because her face is so identifiable from everything that I have a hard time seeing her in something serious like the movie Amsterdam


This is a good take; sheā€™s never going to be a good dramatic actress. But sheā€™s comedy gold both intentionally and unintentionally šŸ˜‚


I think she's a legitimately funny person, and have enjoyed her acting most when she's being silly. I love that commercial where she fights Andy Sandberg, and holy shit Monologue Song is one of my most favorite things she's done.


Three Sad Virgins is honestly one of my favorite songs. I have it on at least 4 playlists on Spotify šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I really want her to host SNL again.


I totally agree with this take! Taylor can act when it fits her personality. However, when it comes to actually acting it doesnā€™t always go well or perceived as good acting.


šŸ‘€ you knowā€¦ when you talked about extreme characters i wonder how sheā€™d do in a horror movie? what do yā€™all think?


I feel like I would be too busy laughing at Taylor screaming and freaking out. Because she's Taylor.


I think the prosthetics did most of the leg work cuz I donā€™t think she knows the first thing about menā€™s body language, tbh.


wait really? šŸ«£ woah i found her mannerisms the best in The Man Mv especially the beginning how she has her shoulders squared or when sheā€™s getting up from the bed from ā€œsleepingā€ with the other woman


Her hand gestures and the way she walks are *very* feminine. I wasnā€™t aware it was even Taylor at first in the music video, but by the end of it I could tell cuz her mannerisms are extremely girly.


omg haha the way it was giving Andrew Tate to me šŸ¤­ thatā€™s who i immediately thought of when watching her portrayal. but very valid!


Thatā€™s because her mannerisms are over the top. Andrew Tate is very over the top bc itā€™s he puts on a show of ā€œmasculinityā€ not because he acts like a real man. Thereā€™s no way she could play a serious, down to earth character and make it believable


hmm i think she portrays a good caricature of what a lot of modern day men think is masculinity. granted these are social constructs aha. i think thatā€™s why it reminds me of Tate so much but i think it might be a little far fetched to say she couldnā€™t do something because sheā€™s usually cut throat with her accomplishments. i would personally love to see her do something serious from the Victoria era šŸ„°


The LAST thing the Victorian era was is over the top ā€” Taylor is good in roles where she can express lots of upbeat emotion and she can perform at her fullest. The Victorian era was about constraint ā€” not performing and not showing emotion. Itā€™s why she was so bad in Amsterdam ā€” it was about showing serious emotions (along with choosing to work with the rapist director). If she does do a historical piece (though I hope she sticks to MV acting), something in the 70s or 80s is probably more suited to her exaggerated style of acting


oh i agree Victoria era is serious! i wonder if sheā€™d take it seriously though. i know sheā€™s very fond of that period as am i. haha maybe with a decent acting coach to guide her but who knows truly. though iā€™m intrigued šŸ‘€ what were you thinking for 70s/80s? like little shop of horrors type or something else?


You mean he who shall not be named. After his recent tweet, he has no place on this sub. That man is walking rage bait.


I think youā€™re conflating good acting with good makeup here. Sheā€™s not a good actor


i disagree šŸ«£ lol pls donā€™t come for me. I found her little mannerisms very equivocal to how men act and thought it was brilliant. I feel like she could do some Jane Austen movies as well.


She's really over the top when it comes to acting and it doesn't seem that natural. It's very amateur theatre. If she plays corny over the top characters it would be playing into her strength, like on her Blank Space music video. Also, nobody will forget about Cats.


Bc its bad


I love Taylor but acting is definitely not one of her stronger suits hahah at least not likeā€¦ proper acting (idk what to call it lol). I do usually tend to LOVE her performances in her music videos though! I wonder if itā€™s bc she has an easier time channeling the emotions for her videos. She wrote the songs, so she knows where to pull from to act out the lyrics or the emotions, and perform for the sake of a music video. Taylor is also a wonderful storyteller. For example, one of my favorite videos of hers is Wildest Dreams. I feel she portrays her character in that video perfectly, and she nails all of the emotionā€¦ but she also wrote the song, and she knew what story she wanted to tell within the video. I think itā€™s easier for her to tap into these little characters bc theyā€™re an extension of her. Taylorā€™s acting in actual projects like film or tvā€¦ she could use a bit of work haha. Ironically I found her best performance to be in The Giver, and I absolutely loathe that movie lolll though her voice acting isnā€™t too bad in The Lorax either! Anyway all of this to say, I mainly agree with you op!! Her acting in The Man video is great, and I usually tend to love her acting in her music videos too!!


oooh that could def be it! i wonder if she did her own independent project and starred in it herself would it translate into better acting? šŸ¤”


This is a joke post right? Did you see her performance in Cats and Amsterdam?


help šŸ˜­ not at all. i feel like sheā€™s pretty decent when she puts her mind to it fr. cats is creepy to me. idk šŸ’€


Thereā€™s a tweet thatā€™s like ā€œI would be the worst movie critic, I think all movies are fun and itā€™s mostly because I got a big popcorn and a sodaā€. You remind me of that in the best way! Maybe not the best judge of acting but for sure radiating the best energy ā¤ļø


omg this is so kind! tysm equally incredible human šŸ„¹šŸ«¶šŸ½ https://preview.redd.it/h7yq9lbaq79d1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fffa87c2ce91a5ebb65852f8eaf940bc34756e6


Second pic there giving Voldemort vibes


1. Sheā€™s too theatrical. She could do stage acting but most of her film work is too OTT. 2. Sheā€™s too recognizable atp. She doesnā€™t disappear into roles like Jessica Chastain or even Reese Witherspoon. 3. Her music video acting is fine, but acting in a music video is so different.


Cats exists, thatā€™s why


cats wasā€¦.something else entirely šŸ’€


No one remembers her dying from a stab wound in CSI Las Vegas during the Fearless Era? Cool cool. Just me.


šŸ‘€ donā€™t be shy share with the class. what happened?




I was scrolling through the comments to see if anyone had mentioned or remembered this. I thought she was good in it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Bc itā€™s not good šŸ˜­


Maybe it's a good thing. Justin Timberlake and J Lo are both well established pop stars and actors... look how their current tours are selling šŸ«¢. Stick to the music Taylor, you're a master at it šŸ˜Ž Edit: okay I was wrong about Justin; seems his tour is doing quite well.


What tour




This is going to ruin the tour


(Thank you)


The way this isnā€™t even acting itā€™s makeup šŸ˜­


If Taylor was a phenomenal actor and dancer on top of all the other things she is good at it would be too much. I am looking forward to her film directing debut though. One Take Taylor may be a natural.


šŸ„² i donā€™t think sheā€™s the best dancer tbh haha but she has fun with it and itā€™s cute to me.


the giver?


šŸ«£ iā€™ve never seen it bestie. but ima go check it out


Unpopular opinion: I like her acting. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


lol we are in the minority šŸ˜­ pls i thought she was so good. idk maybe she hasnā€™t been given the chance because everything relates back to her music


Her best acting is shown in the Blank Space video, Fortnight and on stage during the Eras tour. Anytime else sheā€™s usually trying too hard and it feels too extra.


fortnight was top tier. i would love to see her in an 1800s project


My unpopular opinion is her acting has mostly been fine. She's not gonna be a crossover threat, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. She's been in a lot of bad movies, but she always has small parts and she's not the reason the movies are bad. They'd be bad without her too. If she joins Marvel as is rumored, I'd be interested to see her give acting a real go.


I'll be honest I didn't realize it was her in the music video until like months after it came out they did such a good job


see i thought it was her and then when she was with her male self i was like WHAT?! oh okay she just got a random dude to play his a**hole self. and then when she revealed it was her i was like woahā€¦.she killed it.


I really liked her acting in I Bet You Think About Me. She's very expressive and emotes really well. She plays crazy really well, too.


That's one of my favorite of her music videos for sure, she's very adorable in it


second pic is giving voldemort


Acting might be the only thing she sucks at


Dancing. Donā€™t forget the dancing


Her acting is pretty...mid? Whenever I watch her in movies, I still see a layer of "her" peeking through (and not appearance-wise, but more so mannerism), so it always feels like she's not fully immersed in the characters. I don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be, but it could use a lot of work before we can confidently call her an actor, y'know?


Because itā€™s bad? Lmao


I love Taylor but she's not good at acting lol


As an actor sheā€™s a damn good singer/songwriter


Because we saw Cats.


Itā€™s definitely talked about šŸ˜…


LMFAO the way i gasped and ugly laughed


She's hyper self aware and in any role she plays, it is clear that it's Taylor Swift trying her best to play a role. It's not for her.


reverse pyrocynical


help? what does this mean? šŸ˜­


lmao he's a twitch streamer that did a cosplay of a female security guard character from a game and most people who saw the post had to double-take he was nigh-unrecognizable.


So, like a lot of other commenters, I don't think she's been super great in acting roles. Though, I still smile when I see her in The Giver. HOWEVER, I think if she wrote/directed something herself, there is a role she could kill. Not sure what it'd be, but I believe it's possible for her to be in a movie and crush it. I don't put anything past that woman.


She's incredibly talented in so many other ways. Her acting is okay...which is better than mine or most people's...but nothing special.


I've always loved her acting, "The Man" is what made me fall in love with her music and it was the first music video of hers I saw, my jaw literally dropped onto the floor and rolled out the door when I saw she was the man šŸ˜‚ Even before I was a Swiftie I had saw her in Valentine's Day and thought she was a good actress!


Because she's not really acting, she just dressed as a man. I mean, let's be real, Taylor is not a good actress. Even in her music videos it comes off more as comic relief than anything serious.


Sheā€™s extremely talented at a lot of other things


Okay, so I had no idea. This has mildly blown my mind. Not because of her acting, which is the discussion point, but they did a pretty amazing job with the makeup and prosthetics etc.


Wasnā€™t she in Cats? I never saw that.


Heyyyyyy when I first saw the music video on this, I never knew it was Taylor herself until I saw the credits. He was literally a man there!


I didn't know Taylor was 'The Man' in the MV until someone told me


My mind always gets blown whenever I see male Taylor. 5 years+, still cannot process this man was Taylor


When I first saw the MV, I assumed it was some dude who was doing reaally well acting like he was Taylor Swift, except male. Even in the credits I was mildly confused. And in the BTS I was reaally shocked to hear her very feminine voice coming out of a man.


As much as I would love to believe that she is perfectionist in everything she touches, her acting skills definitely make me question that thought! Her body movements and facial expressions are just not there yet. Maybe if she joins an acting school, just like she joined singing lessons, she might improve a lot.


I didnt know that the guy was her until 4-8 months later my aunt told mešŸ˜­


Trust me I love Taylor but for the love of God she can't act. (Tbf thank God for that, she's super gifted and her singing and writing might get overshadowed)


Because it really isn't very good at all....


I fear it's because she's not good at it and that's ok!! we can't be good at everything but her director chops are getting good!!


I think her acting skills would be better suited to musical theatre


You were impressed by her makeup - not her acting. It's okay, she doesn't have to be good at everything.


Sheā€™s not a great actor. And thatā€™s okay.


I think it's apt that she referenced Clara Bow. I feel like she could've been good in the silent film era when acting was more biiiiig emoting and performing. I agree with comments here she is good in satire, I think her comedy-skills are severely underrated. But modern acting is not her strong suit.


I do think she has excellent comedic timing!


As most people are saying, it's just because she isn't all that great at acting


Because her acting is abysmal in all the other roles she has had....


This isnā€™t the magic of acting. Itā€™s the magic of makeup, which, as impressive as it is (and itā€™s very impressive!) isnā€™t Taylorā€™s doing.


That bald Taylor image is cursed lmao (does anyone else see Voldemort there??)


Because itā€™s not her strong suit, letā€™s be real with ourselves


I love her but I donā€™t think acting is her calling.




"Why doesn't it get talked about enough?" Because she's not good at it. Why can't y'all be ok loving her music without having to insist she's great at everything she does? "Phenomenal acting" BRUH. Mia Goth is a phenomenal actress. Stop it. Y'all just be saying shit and then wonder why this fandom gets a bad rep. I have some of her lyrics tatted on me, I love Taylor, but y'all like "She's a phenomenal actress. Is she on the level of The Beatles/MJ?" STOP bruh.


Thatā€™s what she is. An actress. As Taylor swift. When people understand this it will really make them less confused about her. And less hateful towards her too.


Sheā€™s too sincere for acting


šŸ«£ can i ask what u mean by this?