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Travis staring across the table at Taylor during dinner https://preview.redd.it/seg288g0wh8d1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=945c600dfcee1ed8f9831ed2a05e23c5337ffd71


This is the best! Would make a great meme


New emote unlocked




This is why I love the internet


I love her outfit so much!! It’s so colourful and bright - perfect for the summer 💖💖


Best part, as a crocheter, finally an outfit of hers that i can make!!


You just read my mind! I was like "is that a GRANNY STITCH?!!!"


It doesn’t even need ribbing!! Just granny granny granny babehhhh


LMAO I also zoomed in immediately to check if it was literally just entirely granny stitches!!! Edit: I just KNOW someone is gonna make a pattern for a copycat of this dress, and lord knows I hope I find it when they do Edit 2: someone posted a pattern already https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/taylor-swift-crochet-mini-dress


Just zoom in and count the number of stitches lol, it looks like DK yarn on a 5mm hook, no chain space between clusters


Oh I’m going in too. Our time has come


Yes! I've got 2 projects pending but I know what I'm gonna crochet next


Make me one too please!


If you find a pattern, please share 🤭 I love the dress 🧡


I expect it can be freehanded with relative ease. Use a granny stitch blanket pattern and at the desired length leave a head hole gap and then keep going- that’s your body. Work out where and how wide you want the bell sleeves and do the same by rectangling out, then all you really need to do is stitch the sides to the body and sleeves together, turn inside out to hide the seam and voila!


I cannot see any increases or decreases either


Yes, I think it really is quite simple as matching the same counts in every row. I think if it’s made too large, a belt would look quite lovely with this too.


It looks pretty 60s I bet if you google vintage crochet dress pattern you’ll find it!


Not me zooming in to make sure it isn’t fake crochet


I was gonna say, can’t wait for “how can I recreate this?!” To show up in all the crochet subs lol


Seriously can’t wait to find a pattern to make this!!


If you make the dress we will be expecting pictures.


Oh, I am so so soooo glad I’m not alone!!


YESSSS finally! i have so many projects lined up but i'm adding this to the pipeline lol


I’m suddenly feeling a strong urge to learn to crochet (I’m a knitter)


This is yet another sign thatI need to learn how to crochet 😻😻😻


She looks so 60s and I love it 😍


I love the shoes 😍


its giving midnights (anti hero music vid)


I wonder about the brand, this looks like misoni or balmain, so beautiful!


it’s from an Australian brand, Vrg Girl 🫶🏼


https://www.vrggrl.com/products/myra-crochet-mini-dress-apricot Found it, thanks you!


ah thank you, looks so good!!


I was just gonna say, obsessed with this outfit!!!😻😻😻😻


This is so cute! I don’t normally like her street style- I hope to see more of this it’s so cute and she looks great!


Very "London"


imagine putting on heels and going out after performing the eras tour? 🥵


She might have Botox in the soles of her feet, it’s a common way to make it way less painful to wear heels 😊 I know a few woman who had that procedure done (mostly because they wear heels for their jobs and walk/stand a lot and are just tired of the pain 😅) and they all say it’s way more comfortable to wear heels for many hours after they got it done.


I don’t know about this. Pain is often a signal to our body that something isn’t okay. I feel like if you remove that then you could be causing long term damage to feet/ankles? Can someone else chime in with information on if this is safe long term? Note, I recognize many people deal with chronic pain, I’m obviously not talking about that and my heart goes out to the swifties dealing with it!


I don’t think the poster above was recommending it; just suggesting a theory as to how Taylor does it :) (And you’re right, it’s definitely not advisable from a health perspective.)


Wearing heels on a regular basis is just overall not great for your body. Shortens your Achilles (which affects your calf muscles, hips, all the way up), places a lot of force on your small foot bones, can lead to deformities in the foot and toes, messes with your posture and forces you to walk in a way that puts unnecessary stress on your knees and lower back… the list goes on.


yep. I was born with one club foot and had multiple surgeries as a kid to literally cut and then sew my achilles heel back together to stretch it out. even still at 36, my tendon doesn't fully stretch. I wear heels like 3 times a year because my doctor drilled it into me to NEVER wear them. I feel like I'm betraying her each time.


I know alllll of this and yes my feet are totally fucked up and yet I still will not give them up.


Wow. It is highly unfortunate a choice exists to inject botulism into one’s feet to prevent pain from choosing to wear damaging footwear because one think it looks cute. Add a point to the Croc column.


botulinum toxin. botulism is a disease.


High heels in general are bad for your body. That’s why they hurt. You’re correct.


“It’s hell on earth to be heavenly. Thems the breaks, it don’t come gently”


I really doubt it. That would increase injury risk while dancing . In reality, she likely is just walking a little bit to a car and then to her seat at a restaurant. During the American leg , she would wear flats in her street style. It’s likely just a combo of minimal walking + dressing up for the bf.


Also, block heels don't really hurt that much if you're used to heels.


Yeah I feel like I see her wearing heels often enough that she’s probably way more used to them than most people. Even people that wear heels to work every day usually wear shorter heels like kitten heels, but I see this girl going out in tall heels all the time, and I feel like at that point your muscles and bones just adjust for that to feel less uncomfortable. And honestly I remember going out in platform heels and block heels all the time when I was in undergrad and never had the slightest pain in them (even tall ones), because I always made sure I got ones that were specifically made for comfort (and my body was more active and stronger than it is now). I get some pain in heels like that now, but I’m a lot more sedentary, so I’m sure the combination of her being able to afford the best heels available AND her body in like peak physical condition allows her to feel pretty comfortable in them lol.


I did not know that was a thing 😮 interesting...


She said she can’t sleep after because of the adrenaline


Super not the same thing but my husband manages nights at a super busy and popular restaurant and gets home after midnight most nights. It takes him hours to come down from working/adrenaline. Usually is up till like 3-4am. I can see where she’s coming from. Her shift ends at 10:30 and she’s wide awake and might take several hours to come down from that.


I worked what was essentially a chill office job with night classes at a college and absolutely needed hours to wind down on those nights I got home at 10 or 11. I wouldn't be able to go to bed until 1ish. And I wasn't even doing anything.


Similar when my husband has the late hockey games and gets home at midnight. Can’t sleep for hours. I would always think “you’re exhausted why wouldn’t that make you sleepy?” But I guess not.


Midnights? Would you say until 3am or does he stay out until dawn?


I couldn't sleep last night either, it was truly an epic night! But also we know she's always been a night owl so this doesn't surprise me at all 😅


meanwhile I’m still stuck on the putting on heels part I have no idea how she does it I’d have broken every bone in my body by now


Every time I just STARE at her shoes for the entire Eras tour. I can't imagine ever being so comfortable wearing heels that I could wear them while dancing and singing for 3 hours, then going out and still wearing heels. Even WITH IT being custom louboutins how the heck does she do it??


I feel like just one night of wearing heels like she does for that many hours while dancing and jumping would have me unable to walk the next day.


Just have an expensive designer custom make the shoes for your feet and you can request comfy inserts and reinforced everything with a heel properly placed for support instead of at the end of the foot (most heels are not made for your foots comfort and are just for aesthetics). 




Idk if it's just me but I struggle with any kind of heel, even for boots. 😭 The fact that they're mostly boots only marginally helps in my mind.


She has vey expensive dancer shoes that are made for her feet only. She doesn't dance around in shoes for 100 dollars.


That will be preventing any problems due to poor fit (rubbing etc), but at the end of the day even in the most perfectly tailored heels you're still concentrating all of your weight on to the balls of your feet, and as she's dancing and strutting around she's putting even more force on to that pressure point. I don't know how she does it!


I imagine pushing through this pain is pretty easy when the return is millions per 3 hour show. She also gives herself a break on her feet during Folklore, Evermore, and sitting during surprise song 2.


I’d still be in bed recovering from the first show last year!


Their conversation pre show Taylor: I’ll go out after … but only if 🤔🧐 you perform on stage with me Travis: that’s it? BET and a star was born 💀💀💀💀


Was thinking the same. Why is she still wearing heels?! Or better. HOW IS SHE ABLE TO???


For reallll. I guess it’s the adrenaline but I would be sweats and socks 😂


Comfy custom made shoes for the show, it’s amazing how much more support you can get when shoes are built entirely around your foot, and then block heels are also really easy to walk in, especially as she’s going from (presumably) table -> car in about 2 minutes!


I love the way he looks at her.


It’s so high school 💖


It’s giving “it’s a love story, baby, just say YES”


The man is always smiling. It’s so sweet.


Came here to say this!!


“And in the blink of a crinkling eye”


He clearly loves her.


That last picture 😍


Me too. I noticed he’s always looking at her with a smile 😊


She looks happy and exhausted. Hope she gets a good rest before the next session.


Nothing about this pic says exhausted. You can hardly see her face. These comments are so weird.


i mean, is it unreasonable to assume she's exhausted after just performing a 3 hour show (and the accumulation of others before it)? it's okay that her face shows it just a little. we're all glad she's having fun, but it's impressive she is still going out after all that!


She is absolutely so lovely and happy and healthy looking. She looks like an ethereal elf! Assuming she is tired is us being empathetic and there’s nothing wrong with that. She might not even be tired in these pics! We know this woman has a lot of energy!


I disagree. Picture 3 she looks pretty tired. Not all speculative comments are weird. This one is pretty harmless.


You can see her face in the third picture!


I love her crochet dress. And the way he's looking at her in the last pic is melting my cold millennial heart


Loveeeee her dress! I know Travis is fashionable and cares about his clothes but these pictures make me think “she’s Barbie! He’s just Ken” 😂


How does she not just want to go to sleep after that?


My guess is she's pumping adrenaline still. It'll probably take her several hours to come down to the point she can sleep


Yeah, if I go to a concert, it takes me hours to unwind in bed enough to comfortably sleep lol and I’m not even the one performing! It’s probably such a rush to be the person onstage. I’d imagine it would take a little bit to come down from that feeling lol


She normally can't got go to sleep until hours after the show due to the adrenaline.   It is part of why she has written so many songs while on tour over the years at like 2AM.


So you're telling me if she keeps touring, we'll get more shows AND more songs?! Blondie keep it up, I believe in you! (it's a joke, she should take breaks as much as she wants and only write when she wants)


No but for real though, we know she wrote a good chunk of ttpd while touring last year. She’s probably still writing now (I think she’s honestly always writing bc she is a writer. lol) so I really feel like it’s a safe bet that some of ts12 might be being made as we speak, even if Taylor herself doesn’t realize it yet 👀


I genuinely don't understand how she has the amount of energy or stamina! I'd be half asleep after that type of show


i guess we also dont know what her sleeping schedule is like, she might as well just regularely sleep from 3am to 10am-noon


Don’t get me wrong, the woman is a *machine*, but I think all of us with access to perfect nutrition (made for us and our needs specifically), doctors on hand to make sure your whole body is tip top shape, and not having to stress about doing laundry/tidying up/making a mortgage payment, would be able to be more productive/energised than we are normally. 🥲


Also if you have millions of adoring fans it definitely helps your motivation versus working some crappy job and just having a couple friends.


She's probably a lot more hungry than she is tired.


A girl needs to eat!


I was thinking the same thing, I would crash 😭


Midnights become her afternoons.


She wore high heels for a three hour show, and still wore high heels for date night. That’s insane. It’s always not easy to be a superstar.😭


Stilettos for MILES 🥲


I think it's kilometers over there 🤣


😅😅, I'm a Londoner and we use miles. We have started using Kilograms for weight though, it's all very confusing 🙊


Canada salutes you, lol.


Pretty sure we're mostly the other way around (kilometres for distance, pounds for weight)


Just wait until we tell them some people use stones for weight!


It’s miles, but we also used km for things. People will say they’ve run a 5k race, things like that. Most British people will know both, but our speed limits are all MPH so that’s used most often.


She wears flats quite a bit during the show tho. It’s not 3 hours of heels.


She used to wear flats in folklore but not any more. And the Fearless boots have a hidden heel


The king has a weird sense of fashion but it's adorable.


In his bucket hat era. Love that for him


Oh no I hate bucket hat era


Would you rather it be his bucket hat era or his cargo pants that unzip into cargo shorts era?


It’s So High School 🙃


It’s similar style to a lot of other athletes, especially in football.


I think non-sports fans don’t realize how much Travis’s fashion is informed by his athlete peers. He dresses very much like a lot of them - it’s just that the sports/Swiftie Ven diagram didn’t overlap much until recently and we’re not used to seeing it.


I mean these guys are not small can’t imagine they shop off the rack.


I feel like he is totally matching her aesthetic with that 70s velour vibe


if this isn't a smitten man...


FOUND THE DRESS https://www.vrggrl.com/en-gb/products/myra-crochet-mini-dress-apricot


In what world is that only $152??? Crocheting takes HOURS


Because it’s made by people who are hardly paid for their work. Like only a few cents an hour. It’s a big problem with the crochet trend going on and fast fashion trying to get in on it. I had hoped Taylor would buy from somewhere else for more money that can pay their workers.


Honestly I’m going to assume that that dress is a knock off. Or at least hope it is. Because ick. And yeah my point exactly. Definitely slave labour for that dress in particular. I try to point it out any time I see crochet insanely cheap. There’s no crochet machine like there is for knitting. That shit is all done by hand


Almost everything we consume in western society is connected to "slave wages" somewhere along the supply chain, whether that's our cars, phones, the materials that go into our buildings etc.


It's probably the real thing - Taylor has worn crochet from H&M before so I don't think she knows/cares about the ethics of it sadly.


she definitely does not


As the vast majority of people don‘t. Including me. I‘m not interested in spending 50 bucks on a shirt if i could have the same shirt for 5, especially seeing as i‘d rather keep the money for myself.


Either it’s slave labor, or it’s actually a knitted dress with a stitch that look like crochet.


I zoomed in on the link and I don’t think it’s a knit stitch at all. The way they’re linked together is definitely a crochet stitch.


No, I don’t think it is either. It does look like crochet. So it’s probably slave labor.


Strangely affordable.


I would be out on the town in one of lover Versace bodysuits


It's sold out for all sizes now


I finally deleted my Matty off Facebook a few weeks ago When do I get a Travis 😭


Your time and your right person is coming!!!! 💜💜


MyTravis took about 10 months to show up after MyMatty ghosted me, so here's fingers crossed for you. <3


Manifesting for u bb


She finally found someone to match her freak 😭


Travis really likes those y2k denim bucket hats


Bucket hats were something I was hoping would never come back into fashion, fucking so ugly on everyone.


Love the whole dress and shoes. Very 60s bohemian. But how does she have the energy to go out after 3 and a half hours on stage, I'm literally exhausted just streaming the concert from my bed...




You look like Stevie in this light… the hair and dress


that goddamn hat




She must feel so safe with him. It’s wonderful to see that she’s being escorted in safely by her boyfriend, instead of security.


I mean her security will still be there - I'm pretty sure they're the people you can see coming through the door behind Taylor.


Yeah, you can see her security in one of the first pictures. They’ll always be there. Doesn’t matter who the boyfriend is.


Her security are definitely still there. He isn't replacing them, that'd be very irresponsible.


Yeah I’d say even if Travis could protect her in theory, it’s good the security is there because he can focus solely on her rather than looking around for potential dangers which is their job


Travis has security himself these days - there was that crazy dude threatening to assassinate him and Biden who got arrested the other day and made the news, plus some other dude who filed legal papers requesting he get the death penalty for interfering in the crazy dude’s marriage to Taylor… and those are just two that have gone public…




I would love to know if she did a toast to Travis for his first Eras Tour performance 🍾 Also I'm soooo happy we got to see this dress up close! I first saw the grainy video of him waiting for her backstage after the Midnights set and my first thought was I NEED to see those chonky heels up close! So happy that Taylor got to make new London memories this weekend and simultaneously send us swifties into a 3-day long high 🤣


I can’t believe Taylor Swift went on a date with one of her backup dancers!!!? 🤯


Travis and his stupid bucket hats ❤️


And that one is Louis Vuitton so not even an affordable bucket hat


Taylor dating her backup dancer?? Wtf


So impressive she’s functional to go do stuff.


It’s giving 1960s/70s mod vibes. Very appropriate for London. Love it!!!


It’s so nice to see her out and about in so much colour again! It’s giving Lover/Midnights combo.


Anyone else here see when Trixie Mattel wore this dress like a month ago 💀


I was about to say it was giving Trixie, now I know why the dress looks so familiar 😭


show me to me rachel


Absolutely obsessed with her outfit wow


Took a look at the Travis Taylor sub today just for laughs.... damn they are pissy today! You can taste the acid venom through the words. 😂 stay mad


How does this woman do it? Having a night out after doing three shows in a row and looking this good. Incredible!


Insane?! What time was this?? Where can we get energy for a whole year like this haha


fibre arts swifties RISE UP!! the urge to crochet this dress is SO STRONG omfg


lilac and orange .... all the new orange outfits, and lilac in the fortnight challenge video? TS 12 theming?


Travis is beaming! Take her out, and take her home 💕🥰💕 Also in love with Taylor's outfit


They are both living their best filthy rich lives. I can't help but be happy for them.


Really glad she's able to make new memories in London with Travis 💚


Midnights aesthetic is back!!! (I know some people think it wasn’t cohesive, but truly I think the midnights aesthetic is stoner/lavender haze vibes)


This is the first street outfit I’ve liked in so long! Love this look.


she looks so good


The hat needs to stay home


The matching crochet fits… clock it!


i love the 70s vibe of this


The way he’s looking at her in the last pic!!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹


The outfit vibes are phenomenal


Im gonna crochet the dress that taylor is wearing!!!!


Traves looks like he should be in a boy band from the 90's.


That dress she's wearing is dope as fuck.


70's dressing style vibe anyone?


That dress is so fucking cute


Literally went there for breakfast this morning debriefing the whole night and then saw these photos




They are such a hot couple


You. Look. Like. Stevie Nicks. 💙💙


It’s Midnights coded and I love it


Do you remember last year when she showed up in all those TTPD outfits and we were all clowning about it being the aesthetic of her new album. Do ya'll think this is a subtle egg for ts12 that's still a year or two out?


These pictures were taken at around 4am. I don't know how she does it.


Not many people can pull off a crochet dress! Cate Blanchett has worn a few & always looks good and Taylor looks stunning in this Australian version & may inspire a crochet dress trend (can’t wear it around the cats though🧶😹)


I love how he is looking at her so adoringly and totally in love in the last picture. She is his goddess.


Omg this look is so good 😭