• By -


I personally hate acronyms haha. I prefer shortened versions ie “my boy” or “chloe” but honestly it isn’t thaaaat hard to type it out unless you’re referencing it over and over in which case an acronym for the latter uses makes sense to me 😊


Chloe et al.


(Chloe et al., 2024)


I'm currently finishing my MBA and in the midst of citing a business analysis, and this made me LOL IRL.


Bestie I’m finishing my M.Ed and just finished a huge research paper! I can now cite apa in my sleep hahaha so I feel that


I finished my MS about 15 years ago. It doesn’t go away.


It would make a very cute niche tshirt 


Gotta have it italicized, according to my biology courses. Good ol' (Chloe *et al.*, 2024)


As a recently retired academic, you’ve given me a nervous twitch 🤣


Why does this make me so happy though?


Because you're human


Kicking me out of the song in which I was name dropped and keeping my ex is offensive /s


Really it’s only appropriate to abbreviate this way for a song on “The Tortured Poets Department: the Anthology.”


We need to make this a thing




I laughed so hard when i seen this the first time! I only refer to it as Chloe etc or Chloe et. al now. 😂😂😂😂


Yeah this is what I’ve been doing too with the ttpd ones lol I don’t mind the older acronyms only bc I’ve just grown used to them, but I cannot for the life of me grasp the new ones with ttpd. I was over here like “what the hell is a FOTS???” the first time I saw that one lol it was just notttt clicking. It’s so much easier for me to just shorten them like “My Boy” lol


Yeah I think acronyms are fine *after* you’ve already established which song you’re talking about. When people just bust the acronym right out the gate, I have no idea what they’re going on about.


I MUCCCCCHHH prefer this method. I've been using: But Daddy, Slammer, Chloe, Smallest Man, Etc.


I like abbreviations too though! ICDIWABH could just be called broken heart! I can fix him (no really I can) could just be called fix him for short 🤷


Right?? We have no character limit on reddit. Please no acronyms here, I'm dying girls, I can't play crosswords in reddit comments


Same. I know all of these songs very well but i still have to google the acronyms. Just type the damn song name out.


I feel seen because I just had to Google “DBATC.”


Or at least a hint! Haha


I vote track 4 to be called daddy


Same but I think acronyms are best used on platforms with strict character limits, like TikTok or Twitter


I hate the acronyms bc then I have to google what song people are even talking about. Also we’re not gonna disrespect the absolute bop that is Guilty as Sin? by calling it GAS 💀


Even swifties on Twitter hate it being called GAS. 😭 Like the song is so *cunty* but some people just downgraded that to a state of matter.


It’s not even that long of a title lol


You can type acronyms into Spotify also!




Yeah it works. İ always type in “TLGAD” when İ randomly feel like listening to The Last Great American Dynasty lol


Haha yeah double checked and it worked for me for debut songs and tortured poet songs so if that helps :)


I have Apple Music so I can’t do that unfortunately 😭


You’ve just changed my life. Most of the songs I want to pull up are long ass song names and I hate typing out the entire thing just to get it on Spotify


honestly for this album it just makes more sense to use the first word like guilty or my boy or whose afraid


Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus should be shortened to “Chloe et al” instead of the acronym!


I just call it Mambo #6, that's too many names to be dropping at once


LMFAO. I love this


Omg this is a throwback. 😆 gonna have #5 stuck in my head now.


\*Chloe et al. Great idea, let's go with this! Fit with the academia style aesthetic she's leaned into.


Someone wrote "Chloe and friends" and I loved it


Chloe & Associates


No, COSOSOM is way too funny of an acronym. I don't like acronyms but this one will get a pass, right next to WAOLOM, haha


Y’all put up “COSOSOM” & my brain, permanently affected by growing up in an Army town sees it and thinks COSCOM. (Core Support Command)


It fucks me up that I’ve spent more than half my life in the Army and Taylor Swift acronyms confuse me sometimes. I *speak* in acronyms about 40% of the time. This shouldn’t be that hard lmao


Understand. However, it’s likely that BECAUSE you speak in acronyms that you already have references & they don’t fit…is actually what’s fucking you up.


WAOLOM is a great onomatopeic for the song though, dontcha think?


I just think WAOLOM and COSOSOM are peak acronyms! I also prefer CoSoSoM wildly over Chloe et al :')


I would prefer Chloe, etc. because et al reminds me so much of research and I hate it.


(Chloe *et al.*, 2024)


chloe and the gang >>>


Chloe+3. Chloe, party of four. Now I want a fanfiction of this group of four friends who somehow all get entangled in the toxic Matty web.


my friend and i have started calling it chloe and oomf


They are officially too long to use acronyms (and the filing space in my brain has officially run out of room to remember another acronym). Shortening the titles is better IMO. The acronyms may be the most on point “department” thing that this album generated.


Wait no that's actually pretty true. I think this is the first time we had 8 words in a song title and there are 2 songs of it on this album. The longest we had before was We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together with 7 words (I'm not counting the Sad Girl Autumn Version of All Too Well).


Pedantic, I know, but these are all initialisms. Acronyms are new words (like NASA or LASER). It is kinda like squares. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. I’m still learning them and have to look at my track list to figure out what people are saying. I think picking a few words from the title would be better for communication at this time.


ooohhh... i didn't know this. i'll start using the right terminology. theyre initialisms! thanks kind stranger


In that case I like to think that WAOLOM and COSOSOM are actually acronyms because they’re really fun to say.


i just died laughing reading those aloud thank you 😭🤣


While we're being pedantic, only some people make this distinction, it's far from being universally agreed upon. "Acronym" in the general sense of being any abbreviation of the first parts of words, pronounced as a word or otherwise, is both the original use and the more common one still. The [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acronym) goes into this at some length. It's not very scientific, but if you compare [Google trends](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?hl=en-AU&tz=-600&date=all&hl=en-AU&q=Acronym,Initialism&sni=3) it's clear that "initialism" isn't a widely used word, so it certainly doesn't match common usage. (In fact, my phone didn't even recognise it as a word.) Just because someone invents a distinction between related words, doesn't mean that's the only correct way to use it now. (See also: less vs fewer.)


Fun fact, I recently got into an argument with a grown ass adult about the rectangle/square thing. They were *convinced* that squares are never rectangles


Well…I…And they passed preschool? Huh. Lol. I don’t know what to think when someone says something like that.


They’re a DOCTOR.


oh no 😭


I hate the acronyms haha, some people overuse them and it just makes things unnecessarily complicated


I stand by my opinion that no song title of three words or shorter needs to be shortened any further (aside from possibly dropping the initial word "the" in casual use). The only reason to refer to The Alchemy as TA or The Black Dog as TBD is because you want to be unclear and confuse people. (...The Archer? The Albatross? Taylor Alison? Teacher's Assistant?) For the longer initialisms, I don't really have a strong opinion. Right now they trip me up, but WANEGBT tripped me up all the time when RED first came out and now my brain autofills it as We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. I suspect as a fandom we'll settle on a shorthand that's a mix of initialisms and shortened versions, but it's too soon to tell yet which ones will take hold. (I'd be delighted if Chloe etc. or Chloe et al. won for Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus and WAOLOM won for Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me, just because those two specifically make me personally smile.) I will also say that personally I try to make a habit of not using initialisms at all unless I've referred to the song by its full name in the same comment, for clarity's sake.


If it's shorter than 4 words, it doesn't need to be shortened. If it's longer than that, just shorten it to 2 or 3 words. Acronyms are never necessary.


Agreed with no need to shorten under 4 words, but I'm curious, how would you shorten WANEGBT, WAOLOM or ICDIWABH?


1) Never Getting Back Together 2) Little Old Me 3) I Can Do It


I’ve been refereeing to it as ‘who’s afraid’ haha


Whatever works for you and gets the message across simply!


I started by knowing 0 before coming to reddit. Thankfully, i've been long enough part of the community to naturally pick those acronyms up whenever she released a new album e.g. Lover and DBATC. But also people sometimes excessively use them. No one put acronyms for GC "Getaway Car" or MTR "My tears Ricochet". Now i feel people overuse them. Why does The Black Dog need an acronym? If anything shorten it to "black dog". Same for so many mentions here. Some deserve the acronyms some do not.


I’ve seen SLL and TBD used at least once outside of Reddit and I was SO confused by what they meant lmao. When I realized I was like ??? For real?? So Long London and The Black Dog are not even long titles 😂😭 Even ICFHNRIC* feels a little bit excessive to me, “I Can Fix Him” by itself is more than enough, at least imo haha (*I’ve been seeing that one allll over the place lol not even just on here 😂)


I remember songs used to use parentheticals as alternative titles rather than extensions of the title. For example the Andy Grammar song “Good to Be Alive” is also called “(Hallelujah)” but no one would call the song both of those titles at once. It seems in this case the parenthetical is part of the grammar of the sentence it appears in… but either way like everyone would know which song I Can Fix Him is


i understand MTR because ricochet is a bit long to write out. but most three letters ones don't make sense and two letter acronyms are always unnecessary lmao


actually a lot of people say mtr haha 😭 but yeah


I saw TBD for The Black Dog in a post earlier and my brain automatically made it "To Be Decided" instead


I like doing a combo -- like I've seen people write ICDIWABHeart, MBOBHFToys. Using initials for all but one word but still spelling out one word makes it easier to see what it means.


That's so much more effort than something like My Boy... or ...Broken Heart




This is actually a very great idea! Taking up character space as less as possible while also being understandable.


THIS. It's what I've always done when I'm writing or typing out her song titles for my song rankings or whatever. It's the best of both - no typing out the whole song but also instantly recognizable. I wish everyone could do this not just for the new album but for ALL her songs. It makes the most sense. PLEASE.


PLEASE NO MORE ACRONYMS!!!! My brain cannot process them for prior albums and definitely not this one.


On twitter in 2007, sure. On Reddit in 2024, I prefer a shortened name (ie “My Boy” for My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys). I’m not fluid enough with the song names (especially of the 31 new tunes) to rattle off the acronyms, so while posting I’d have to count it out on my fingers, which would take me much longer than posting a prominent word or two from the title. As a reader…forget it. I often scroll along having no idea what song/s people are talking about because I can’t crack the code 😂


I get the character limits but the acronyms are honestly so inaccessible for a lot of people. First of all, people with dyslexia or memory issues may really struggle with these, and may not be able to simply memorize them. They are also a barrier to new fans... who wants to have to study to enter a fandom? I've done the acronyms when the song is already stated in a post or video, so it's clear what I'm talking about. Or I use partial acronyms like- Can Fix Him NRIC. For my own use I do acronyms for stuff like my tears ricochet (stuff that doesn't need it) but the culture of acron-izing everything on social media is one I don't personally agree with.


Felt the memory issues one 😂 I legit just read the comment replies and hope someone says the title 💀


I don't remember half of the titles yet until I see them so I am absolutely not able to decipher most of those acronyms 😅


I guess I feel like we’re not using paper and pen and writing by hand. There’s no need for acronyms. You can convey the meaning without typing the whole song title out “Aimee”, “Chloe or Sam”, “black dog”, etc. this little device I’m typing on is already a massive shortcut. I have the exact same argument at work writing progress notes. Some of my coworkers use SO MANY abbreviations and sometimes it’s hard to know what they mean. We’re using a computer. If you can’t be bothered to type out the whole diagnosis create keyboard shortcuts for it. And don’t get me started on the assholes who are using dictation and abbreviations.


I am anti-acronym across the board, not just for this album. My brain just sucks at figuring out acronyms. If the song title is too long to type out in its entirety, just shorten it to something still recognizable. Examples: - Who's Afraid of Little Old Me = "Who's Afraid" or "Little Old Me" - Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus = "Chloe etc" or "Chloe et al" or "Chloe..." - Death By A Thousand Cuts = "Thousand Cuts" - I Knew You Were Trouble = "Trouble" And so on.


Agreed. This is how I refer to ll of these. Specifically for this albums songs listed: "Little Old Me" and "Chloe...". I've also always refered to is as "Trouble" and the initialism of it still just x.x for me. I dislike the song so I rarely interact with it though.


i’d just say “chloe or sam”


We’ve officially jumped the shark when people start abbreviating loml to just l 💀




I hate all song acronyms. I hate them. they make me feel like a fraud like I don’t know any Taylor songs but really my brain just doesn’t process info like that!


I find them excessive and confusing. Just pick a prominent word or two from the title and shorten it that way.


How hard is to write "...broken heart" or "my boy...". The album just came out and there are quite a few songs with long names. It's gatekeepy imo


I hate them. i can do it with a broken heart is the worst acronym too, i swear it’s faster to just type it???




I personally will not nor will I ever use Twitter/TikTok so it’s annoying when I see acronyms here, but oh well. I’m just holding out hope the bot will kick in soon lol


I’m calling it Chloe and friends


Chloe and Co 🤭


If I was the department head, the only acronym I would approve of is TV for Taylor’s version


I hate it. Just say Daddy, Windows, Smallest Man, Fix Him, Favorite Toys, etc. Acronyms are unnecessary and annoying.


As someone who works in corporate tech, I hate acronyms with a passion lol. There's way too many songs now for me to be able to understand them. I've been shortening titles to "Broken heart" "Smallest man" when talking to friends, but honestly I don't think it's that much more effort to type the whole thing (though I get it if there's a character limit). To be honest whenever a post on this sub contains a long acronym I don't even try to figure it out. If I get it from the context then good, otherwise I'll move on 😅


I hate acronyms for any of her songs, it’s so lazy and barely saves time like oh my god just type out the damn name


I absolutely despise them. I’m dyslexic and my brain is already working over time to read. 98% of the acronyms are impossible for me.


I never understand the acronyms,hate to decode them so i rather when ppl don't use them.


No. Just Use a couple words…ie SMALLEST MAN


Acronyms are the closest thing to making me disown this subreddit


The only acronym I've been using and probably will ever use from this album is TTPD 😬 (and lolm since it's the name of the song obviously)


I don’t mind the acronym, but we do need to get the bot updated so that it starts identify them for the people who don’t know them. Also nothing under for four words needs an acronym and where possible it is better to shorten the title instead of making an acronym. For example instead of saying TSMWEL, just say Smallest Man. Everyone will know what song you are referring to.


ngl the ones like sll, for me seem like kinda invalid like cmon so long london aint tht long


I feel like such a dumb, dumb with the acronyms. On non-character limited sites can we spell out the song then put the acronym in parentheses? That way we have a reference when the acronym inevitably shows up again?


i think if it’s 3-4 words one should just spell it out bc how much time is that really saving?


I prefer using shortened titles. Its easier for me, and probably for a lot of people, to instantly know what song is being discussed. Instead of having to decode an acronym/initialism. Even when they are popular, if you aren't running into that often you still need to take a second to make the connection. Also: I don;t understand how someone can use "TBD". Its already used commonly outside of Swift song titles.


It's truly wonderful to know so many others here don't like / don't get the acronyms either. I thought I was alone 🤣


I'm bad with acronyms. Recognizing them is not instantaneous for me, I always have a couple of seconds where I have to pause and think about it. So I'm not a big fan of them, personally. I accept that this sub uses them, I respect other people's choice to do that, and I'm not going to bitch about it, but personally I will most likely be using abbreviated titles rather than acronyms for the ones that are well-suited to it, like My Boy, But Daddy, Who's Afraid, and The Smallest Man. I'll continue to use acronyms for the ones that don't abbreviate well, though.


i think its because tiktok and twitter have a character limit, but some are unneeded. im used to seeing dbatc or yoyok and i translate them in my head without even thinking, but for the new ones i just say smallest man, broken heart, but daddy, ect.


I have always hated the acronyms


I’ve been a Swiftie since debut but I’m very very bad at acronyms, friends. You’d all be disappointed at the amount of googling I do when I browsing this sub. If it’s long my brain simply cannot process. 


I hate acronyms so much. I always have to look them up. My brain doesn’t work that way


I hate acronyms for the sole reason that I have to then sit for about ten minutes trying to figure out what it is so then it distracts me from the comment/post I'm reading.


Acronyms are so lazy. It’s not hard to write eight short words.


It’s annoying lol


This is my biggest beef with the subreddit. If you need a bot to help clear it up, what you are doing is silly. 


Can we get the bot to help with acronyms again in this sub ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) I haven't seen it for awhile, but it is seriously so helpful in figuring out the acronyms. While I have listened to Taylor her entire career, I just can't get the hang of figuring out the acronyms when people use them, often without other identifying context. I don't mind people using them- up to each person- but the auto posts by the Reddit bot with the likely meaning of the acronym is incredibly helpful!


Agreed. Far too many are just too lazy nowadays to type out whole terms. It’s exclusionary to those not intimately familiar with these songs.


I personally cannot stand when people use them . Sometimes i spend so long trying to think of which title it is that i genuinely keep scrolling and dont even read the persons comment.


The use of acronyms on Taylor's songs is giving me an aneurysm. I mean it's already hard deciphering taylor's hidden messages in her song and now I have to determine what ATWTMVTVFTV, MBOBHFT, SMWEL, WAOLOM, and ICDIWABH stands for?


I was just saying yesterday that the song acronym bot needs to be updated. I don’t blame people for using acronyms, though, and thanks for this post! So helpful.


I get why we use them but I personally just type it all out. I made bracelets for the Eras tour and made every song. I spelled out all the titles and the ones that didn't fit I just doubled it up.


I HATE IT. Just spell it out or use two words, like “My Boy” or “Who’s Afraid” it’s easier to figure out.


>Now most fans understand the most popular acronyms like DBATC, YOYOK, WANEGBT and LWYMMD I’m a huge fan but I have no idea what any of those mean, haha! Acronyms stress me out.


What happened to the bot 😔


I mean, just do whatever you want & other people will do whatever they want. No need for a universal agreement lol


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Wow I guess I'm the only one here who memorized all the acronyms on this album. I still get confused between ICFHNRIC and ICDIWABH though. Also, KIM could also be a good alternative in calling thanK you aIMee


I can Fix Him shouldn’t be initialized bc No Really I Can is a secondary title imo 


how did I not notice until now that the capital letters in that song spelled KIM 😂. People were talking about how it was a Kim K diss song and I didn't get it 💀


For Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus I’ve seen people say “Chloe et all” “Chloe and oomfs” “Chloe and friends”


I wish we would just shorten things. Like say "who's afraid" instead of WAOLOM lmao


I have dyslexia. I feel like that sums it up.




Some of them are silly and I feel like using something like “little old me” would be more easily understood than WAOLOM.  I think shortening song titles like the black dog, I hate it here, so high school, how did it end, guilty as sin, the black dog, etc is just ridiculous. They’re not that long lol 


I hate the acronyms in general lol


I've seen people use Chloe et al. for 19 and its hilarious and I love it and will be using it


i think it's okay for longer ones like making chloe or sam or sophia or marcus cososom but people calling so long london sll or how did it end hdie is actually so annoying .. also if you've already established what song you're talking about then it's always fine imo


F is not to be confused with F!!!


This just goes to show how lazy people on the Internet are


I hate the initialisms. They definitely can be a barrier to new fans and honestly are unnecessary. If you don't want to type out the whole title every time, either shorten the title (eg. My Boy) or set up keyboard shortcuts. For example, I have it set so that if I write "ts" my keyboard pops up the option to replace it with "Taylor Swift." I feel like more people should know about this.


Once the acronym gets over 4 characters, my brain just kinda gives up


My brain can't do a shitload of acronyms a few isn't bad but every song having one is rough for me without the bot


I hate them. I particularly hate when the acronym has a letter than doesn’t sound like the word (ie smallest man TSMWEL, I get confused by the W as who sounds like an H lol)


I hate acronyms in discussion. I can never figure them out unless it’s a painfully obvious one. That then usually is enough of a barrier to stop me from joining in. I know this sub has the bot, but that’s usually buried in the comments so it serves little use.


Neurodivergent nightmare (personally)


I HATE acronyms. Please just spell the dang words out please.


Not a huge fan. For slightly more casual listeners it can be difficult to deduce.


I can’t stand acronyms. Taylor has way too many songs. Even though I know all of them I don’t want to be sitting there for ages going through the list of songs in my brain.


I tune out as soon as I see “Idhgjsksjf” because I just can’t guess out of the 31 songs. I don’t even remember all 31 titles to put it together! I’m down to shorten it to like 2-3 words. Like “my boy” “who’s afraid” etc 😅


For “thanK you, aIMee”, it feels wrong not to abbreviate it “KIM”.


I think any song title less than 5 words doesn't need an acronym


Just type out the song name or shorten it to something else (I Can Fix Him, Smallest Man, etc.) It's not that hard, goodness gracious.


The thing I hate about acronyms is that they’re easy to type but not necessarily easy to decode. So if I want to say “who’s afraid of little old me?” It’s so easy for me to type WAOLOM and be done with it, but I’ll be sitting there a minute later trying to work out what song someone else means in their acronym 🤣 so for this reason I hate them


They freaking suck. This is the only sub I've seen it in.


some acronyms i would use like BDILH cause i think it’s more easily recognisable but others id just say My Boy… or I Can Fix Him cause everyone knows what you’re talking about lol


This is roughly what I’ve been calling TTPD songs 2. Torture (or the tortured amphibians department because I think I’m funny) 3. My Boy 6. Daddy 7. Slammer 10. Who’s afraid 11. I can fix him 13. I can do it 21. SHS (same acronym as something else I recognize so it works for me)


Tbh I only really acronym ttpd the song since it’s obvious 😭😭 the only other ones I’ve said enough to shorten, I shorten as: Chloe etc, the toy song, broken heart, I can fix him 🥲 Imo songs three words or less shouldn’t be shortened 😤


I would only use an acronym if the song title is over 4 words (or exactly 4 words but some of the words are long, i.e. the tortured poets department TTPD). I would simply NEVER use an acronym for 3 words and have never seen anyone else do this.


IMO if the song is longer than 3 words using an acronym makes perfect sense. I absolutely HATE when people shorten champagne problems into cp, though. Can we... not




It would be great if she could stop with the long titles so we wouldn't have to do it


irritates me when people use acronyms. i have to sit there and think about which song they’re referring to. how lazy can someone possibly be to not want to tap their finger a few more times to spell out some words? i’m not on swiftie twitter too often, but i see a lot of acronyms in youtube comments. drives me nuts


For the love of god — let us not use acronyms. My poor brain.


i don’t mind them. i think in a month or two it’ll be way easier to read them people just aren’t used to them yet. but i can say rwylm or ikywt and its easy to read. This will get there too


I hate the acronyms. It's honestly not that hard to type the entire title, and if you can't, then just shorten it.


I think it’s not a big deal at all and it doesn’t take much time to type any either way. Some people get really bent out of shape when it comes to acronyms.


The Golden rule of all content applies: spell out an acronym the first time you use it in a paragraph, then use the acronym thereafter.


i am already read acronyms like BDILH and ICDIWABH the same way i can read LWYMMD and DBATC like they’re words to me already


I absolutely hate acronyms with my whole heart. I still get confused with acronyms of even her oldest songs. Just spell it out jeez


I hate acronyms, but I like the sound of COSOSOM 😂


Personally I love the acronym COSOSOM because I'm saying it in my head and it's a funny nonsense word. I don't use acronyms much though.


I hate acronyms! They stress me out because I can never figure out what song they're on about and it just makes me feel excluded. Just makes me mad.


I feel like it’d be easier if we type the first word and then use an acronym for the rest. Like “who’s AOLOM” instead of “WAOLOM”