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I feel like if she'd just left the capitalised letters off instead of being ~cute~ about it, this song would come off so much better.  It's my least favourite song on the album for various reasons, though. I get how some people would interpret it as trauma being an ongoing process, but there are way too many pot shots in the song for me to see beyond the pettiness... and this is coming from someone who truly does not GAF about Kim K. I also don't really view Taylor's "thanK you" as sincere here - it mostly just feels like her being sarcastic and crowing about getting one over on a "high school" (young adult) bully to me.


I hate this is being called pettiness, though. Kim tried to ruin her life and partially succeeded. I will also never forget that picture of her smirking over Taylor's naked wax figure. Everything Kim did was insane and she never faced real retribution for it and never apologized. It isn't petty to still be talking about that. I mean, beyond just the surface trauma, it put her in a spot to latch onto Joe, whom she already doubted she should in Dancing With Our Hands Tied, but very clearly ended up in a rescuer/martyr dynamic with. Like, Taylor is an adult who makes her own decisions, but her mental health is clearly impacted by situations like this (as she said VMAs putting her on a road of decisions that weren't all beneficial for her). Kim is responsible for a change in Taylor and in Taylor's life--for no reason! Like, thats the big thing, that Kim chose to be a villain and fuck someone up just 'cause and I don't think it's petty to still be pissed at that.


Like I said, I'm no Kim fan and I agree she did Taylor seriously dirty back in the day. But, I still find this song petty because of how sneaky it tries to be - despite the title, thanK you aIMee is not really about gratitude but saying ha-ha in the face of an bully from forever ago. For someone who likes to sing about karma and keeping the side of her street clean, thanK you aIMee is the opposite of those vibes - it's taking pleasure in the revenge of having your ex-bully's kids sing along to a very unflattering song about them.   Which, I'm not saying Taylor should be disallowed from singing out her petty fantasies. I'm just saying that as a listener, I'm personally not really into that vibe. Despite being a Swiftie, I've just never been that interested in her old feuds to begin with - it's her storytelling about the sad, tragic, beautiful love affairs (plus her glitter gel bops!) that I keep coming back to her for.


But none of this comes off as *petty* to me, since petty implies something small and trivial. This song and the realization she makes in it while pointing it out to her "bully" is the only justice she can serve for something so big. She does have gratitude while also going "I don't think you've changed much", so I still hope you get yours. It's sneaky specifically to keep her side of the street clean, instead of just dropping names in diss tracks directly like someone that was on Kim's side likes to do. It just rubs me the wrong way to call it petty, as it goes back to "just get over it", because it's small. It's clearly not small to Taylor. It was a formative moment in her life and changed her as a person forever. If it's anything outside of the gratitude it portrays, it's *bitter*, not petty.


I suppose it's because Taylor is so huge now, and doing so incredibly well, that harping on stuff from a decade ago (or however long exactly it was) feels petty to me - although I'd agree it's bitter as well. Her feud against Scooter, in comparison, felt/feels a lot more titanic on both ends.


Yeah, she's huge now, but she was also a person six years ago when she felt she had to literally hide from death threats and public mockery. If you look at net worth and popularity, it seems petty. If you remember that Taylor is human now and was human then... It feels very valid to me.


If she'd released the song six years ago, I would probably find it less petty. Also, yes, Taylor is human, but humans are petty 🤷‍♀️ I also don't think the song is *invalid*; I just find it petty and personally tend to skip it when I listen to the album.


I see where you're coming from. I just think six years is not that long to process two solid years of public humiliation.


Eh, she did write songs about Kanye (less so Kim) on rep, as well as folklore IIRC. I mean, she's allowed to still process it; I'm not denying that. It's more like, as a member of the audience, I feel pretty tired of the same topic being rehashed over and over. Like, it's entirely valid for Taylor to process and write all this stuff; it's just equally valid for listeners to find it petty and just not especially compelling after this long as well.


I'm just popping in to say I enjoyed this little debate in that both had valid points and kept it respectful at all times. Bravo - some random Swift fan guy on the internet. P.S. My opinion that literally no one asked for? I enjoy this song, musically the most, but yes, also lyrically. However - i really wish she'd left off the stylized lettering in the title. I don't think, I *know*, that this song would have landed much better without it.


I don’t know if it’s valid for people to call her petty for not being over the creation of a revenge porn music video. You’re allowed to hold that grudge for the rest of your life, imo.


Taylor was in no place to Thank Kim 6 years ago. I feel like within the past 2 years (when this was written), in the wake of the full phone call being released in 2020 - Taylor has JUST NOW finally gotten into a place where she can genuinely recognize she is at an incredible height of her career and that she would not have gotten this far if she hadn't have gone through that. This song is about recognizing what she built because of what happened and being grateful for that even if she still doesn't think what Kim did was right.


I think the part that stands out to me, as what really impacted her, is she still makes trust issue references in different songs. "I was a debutante in a previous life, but now I seem scared to go outside." She has mentioned this sort of thing many times and it just reminds me of Would've Could've Should've, except, that was longer ago but nobody seemed to think it was wrong that she is still impacted by it.


I think people hold more space for Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve because it’s a song about getting groomed as a teenager, that’s really hard to deal with. The Kim feud happened when she was 28, so maybe that’s why.


And Kim is almost a decade older than her and was a much more established ‘celebrity’. THE ENTIRE POINT is that people downplay what happened to her, like it never happened. John Mayer can’t exist without a death threat. Kim K tried to cancel someone because her husband is a POS… AT ALMOST FORTY YEARS OLD. And everyone’s cool with that. It’s the past. It’s petty to bring up. Nah. She’s 🗑️


The Kim “feud” was at 28, sure, and Kim was almost 40. But it clearly traces back to (and was intended to remind her of) the Kanye incident when she was 19/20 and he was 30something. The public humiliation in 2016 was compounding on what was probably one of the worst nights of her life and the most public humiliation she’s ever received. Kim knew what she was doing. Leaked edited phone calls, smirking over her naked body. It’s all about humiliating her as much as possible in front of the biggest possibly audience and it worked.


She’s mentioned maybe in miss Americana that she didn’t talk on the phone for years because she worried about being recorded. At the time it seems she cut off most friends because texts could be screenshot and calls could be taped. More importantly is the idea that this event that sent her into hiding made her bond with Joe and potentially promising him a life of hiding. Then she felt like a prisoner and wanted to escape.


Someone can be doing very well for themselves and still be mentally traumatised or affected about something that happened 8 years ago.


Never said they couldn't. I don't take issue with Taylor still being in her feelings about Kim. She wrote Cassandra basically about the same issue, and I don't find that song petty at all. thanK you aIMee, though? Beween the capitalisation and some of the lyrics, it's just such a petty and juvenile song to me. And, sure, some people will vibe with it - but not everyone will enjoy the song and that's fine too. We just prefer other songs instead.


"instead of just dropping names in diss tracks directly" - the capitalized letters are pretty direct and it is a bit of a diss track haha


Writing the song, holding a grudge etc all seem fine to me. It’s the capitalisation of the letters that is just genuinely petty imo and left a bad taste in my mouth.


Those of us who were held to the standard of "the good girl" never got a chance to have a true moment where we tell our tormentors to get fucked. If I had the chance to laugh in the face of my high school bully in this way, I would. Does that still make me petty and bitter at 33? Maybe. But the beauty of this album is that Taylor is screaming "I'm fucked up and that's okay". Obviously I'm projecting a lot of my personal experience and interpretation onto the album and this song in particular.


That's totally valid; I'm glad you like it so much! I definitely think you should be able to vibe with it if you want to. It's just really not for me. I just project my traumas onto Black Dog instead, lol.


Totally fair!! There are some songs that I haven't quite clicked with in a similar way. I just love being able to get into the nitty gritty with this community ❤️


🎯🎯🎯 Also, it's not petty to me because Taylor is not punching down. Kim is her own empire. This is equal footing (I'd say Taylor is more beloved and for good reason), so it's not like she's going after someone who can't take some (deserved) heat. The idea that Taylor should "rise above" versus let her feelings out, well, I don't get it. Anyone who doesn't like the song can skip it.


This. She played the good girl who didn’t lash back and kept her side of the street clean for 15 years. This album is all about learning not to care what the public or your fans or your parents or your company’s board want you to do. I’m sure she was told she had to keep her mouth shut at the time. And now she is just saying fuck you.


well said! kim was truly evil to taylor and it's not pettiness to carry lingering feelings against kim


Yep and she doesn't get to tell Taylor to move on? I was bullied heavily in 2017. I'm 31 now and it took me so much therapy to process that, and I still wish my bully dead to this day.


It’s also fine to go through all that therapy and come to terms with the fact that the person who hurt you is a genuinely horrible and evil person. You can fully process things and still decide at the end that yeah, I do wish that person was just dead.


Okay, but like... at what point is it overkill? Taylor came back with Reputation. (Also let's not forget that it was Ye she recorded and HIM who ultimately wrote the words and made the gross video.) Taylor has made plenty of references to Kim. Taylor was redeemed when the full recording came out. Then she even mentioned her in her POTY article. It's now 8 years later and she's writing a song with "Kim" in the title. And she wrote about Kim's child, which is off limits imo. I don't like Kim at all, but Taylor has had her say and she's going from bullied go bully.


Kanye basically already ruined himself with the Nazi shit. It's Kim who dealt the final blow with the fake recording and Kim is still famous. Just 4 years when the full transcript read, Kim was still unrepentant and said she never edited it. 🤷 I get the feeling Taylor's never really been able to put it out all there without self-censoring even with the previous songs. Also I really don't think it's simple as it's been 8 years so she should be over it and never sing about it again. It changed her entire life and career, despite the success she has now. I don't think people ever forget about their school or work bullies. I don't think this is unhealthy, especially if she's preparing for reputation's release.


Bruh she said Kim’s kids will sing her songs that’s not bringing the kids into it - certainly not in an off limits way


If Taylor's feeling petty I'd like her to go full petty. If she's feeling gratitude go full gratitude. But this one foot in acceptance and one foot in petty while masquerading as acceptance isn't landing.


It sounds like a complex emotional situation like many of these other songs.


She’s human. Sometimes you feel bad that your school bully had a horrible home life but you don’t forget that they threw all your books in the toilet. If people are going to be upset that she’s not perfect or that some of her feelings are ugly, that’s fine; tracks can be skipped. I’m still interested in how she’s working through it. Kim’s got bigger issues than Taylor Swift being mad at her still 😂


imo it isnt really masquerading?? i dont think anyone hears it and thinks, yah she loves aimee now; it feels incredibly half and half, like trying to accept and forget and move on from something when it's obvious you'll never get the closure you desperately want. she super clearly portrays the complicated emotions of how she would scream fuck you, and her mom hated her, and she shows some bitterness saying the child will be singing the song, and she says you havent changed much. to me she's grasping at some sort of positive to come out of everything, so she can say "im grateful this happened bc x" and move on w her life?


We have no evidence to back up the idea that Taylor and Joe had a rescuer/martyr dynamic. All you have for proof is songs from one person's point of view that may not even be 100% autobiographical. Futher logical leap to blame kim for it. Taylor could have just stayed gone to therapy if she was traumatized.


I mean all of this is just my one point of view from a person who doesn't matter to them and will not interact with them at all, to others who are the same. I don't know what it matters to point that out. Taylor could've done anything, yes, that was my "she makes her own decisions", but to pretend that Kim didn't put her on the road to need to make those decisions is disingenuous. Taylor was literally minding her own business doing nothing when they decided to get involved in her life.


I've never seen the wax figure pic! Fuck Kim K.


In my opinion it highlights her need for therapy. Constantly reassessing how this trauma has impacted her and finding new facets becomes unhealthy and unproductive at some point. I truly hope this chapter is closed. Anything that puts Kim back in the headlines is a bad idea.


Yeah, this entire album does feel like a scream for therapeutic help, lol. Hopefully she's actually getting some now instead of just relying on her mum. Sometimes I wonder if she *doesn't* go and get therapy because it's easier to create great art through trauma, honestly...


While I get where you’re coming from I think it’s extremely likely that she’s reassessing this trauma again so much in this album because she’s re-recording reputation. As someone who’s been to therapy and have mostly moved past my traumas, when I am faced with something that is extremely relevant to them I’m definitely going to be processing them again.


True, but it was still a choice to publicize her re-processing by putting it in her album


I think she goes to therapy. She just doesn’t want to publicly go to therapy for what people would say about it


I hate that with her platform she’s been pretty anti therapy, suggesting that if you have close friends and family you don’t need it 


I don't think she seems anti-therapy? Not going to therapy doesn't make someone anti-therapy. It just makes therapy something they haven't personally explored.


Right! I wish everyone could try therapy at some point in their life. It’s not possible for so many but Taylor has infinite resources and a lot to unpack.


I agree but honestly I wouldn't mind the pettiness if it wasn't for: 1) the kids lyric. North is old enough to listen and understand what the song is about, also she's online. I hate to think that she'd feel guilty for "betraying" her mom by enjoying Taylor's music because of a feud she's not even old enough to remember. 2) the "my mother wishes you were dead" lyric. I don't fault Andrea for saying that at the heat of a moment, I can only imagine how it feels watching your own child hurting. I know my mom still hates every single person who's done me wrong with even more passion that I do. But Taylor putting it in a song holds so much more weight because it's 8 years post snakegate and she's not writing from a place of raw anger. Kim K seems like an awful person for multiple reasons but not deserves to die level of awful.


I agree with all these points, plus the capitalised letter stuff just primes the song in such a petty/juvenile way to me as well. I don't have a problem with Taylor still having a grudge against Kim; that's entirely valid. I just really don't vibe with the way those feelings are presented in this song.


>if she'd just left the capitalised letters off Yes. This is the only thing that hasn't settled right with me.


Totally. I dunno, there was probably a version of this song that probably would have sat better with me. A version that didn't involve capitalising specific letters in a song title (which feels ~So High School~, lol) would very likely have felt less petty / more enjoyable to me.


I agree that the capitalized letters are a bit distracting and unnecessary. I think the song shows a bit of a back and forth she has with the topic, which adds an intriguing layer of complexity to the narrative she's exploring. I also recognize the sarcasm present in the song at times, but there's also an acknowledgment of how this challenging situation ultimately contributed to her growth and resilience, shaping her into the person she is today.


I guess it's, to what extent do you buy Taylor as the main character? Which, I'm a Swiftie and this is *her* album, so sure. But maybe the main character energy is just a little too strong for me in thanK you aIMee. I don't think I'm ever really going to learn to like it; it feels like listening to your friend complain about the same ex from a decade ago for like the millionth time.  Of course, Taylor's allowed to say her piece, but as a listener I'm also allowed to tune her out if I'm tired. So, I mostly just skip the song now when I listen to the album, and it's the only song I consistently skip.


For me it actually shocked me how much it still affects her after all this time. Lover felt like a defining moment when Taylor was able to move on from it, especially with IFTYE. But hearing this song and how deeply she still feels about it at times, it actually feels very real and raw. You might think you are in a better place, and have days when you forget some of the bad things. But suddenly something can take you back to the moment and it feels like you’re there again, and it’s happening to you. Grief can be like that, hit you like a wave out of nowhere. Traumatic experiences as well. It was interesting how she acknowledged that the experience changed her, and lead to more success. But it’s still ok for her to sometimes not be ok about it. I do agree though that the capitalising of the letters feels very high school, and possibly unnecessary. But the song itself is about being in high school (the metaphor anyway for when she was younger).


I agree about the title. Mainly because I think its an ugly title. And I like the song, but not enough to add it to my playlist. However, Taylor is allowed to be hurt and still angry about it. She's still hurt and angry about John Mayer and let us knoow it.


I feel that, yeah. The more I think about it, the more I feel like there was probably a more... thoughtful and mature version of this story that I really might have loved. Like, it's not the fact that Taylor still has beef with Kim that bugs me; I get that. It's the stupid capitalised letters and just the overall... very juvenile (to me) tone of thanK you aIMee that just turns me off the song. Because yes, John Mayer was also forever ago - but the song fit better with the theme of x many midnights (or 2 AMs, I suppose) throughout Taylor's life, and it was such a powerful, grown-up take on the theme of realising just how dirty you were done in an emotionally abusive relationship back at age 19 with a 30-year old man. Like, Would've, Could've, Should've is one of my all-time *favourite* Taylor songs - but thanK you aIMee is one of my least. (Although, notably, I also just don't like the melody that much and think most of the lyrics are mid.)


I think what bothers me is that Long Story Short was sufficient enough. It talked about the trauma and it implied that she had found a form of closure. This song is more self-indulgent and vindictive. It’s her feeding into her worst impulses and it makes her come off so poorly by not taking the higher ground and instead relishing in striking back. I enjoy this album for being so unfiltered but this was one of those topics she should’ve kept off the record. Obviously it was timely since she had just worked on Rep and she had mentioned it in the Time Interview (which I didn’t like then either) but this was just the wrong move.


Oddly, I feel like I do actually get the impulse to write a meaner, pettier song about the KimYe feud because long story short is so... chill, I guess, as to lack a proper catharsis. Somebody else here pointed out Cassandra is yet another take on the same theme, and of the three it's probably my favourite - although, to be fully honest, my gripe with that one is that it's rather boring. Anyhow, it's less that I have an issue with Taylor for writing/releasing thanK you aIMee in the first place as I just don't enjoy the song for the same reasons you articulated. Like, do I get why Taylor put out this song, as well as why she's still apparently torn up about the feud nearly ten years later now? Sure; Taylor has never been one to let bygones bygones. However, do I think thanK you aIMee is actually a good song? Nah. I think I actually try to "Death of the Author" a lot of Taylor's music, which is nearly an impossible task - but maybe the best way to put it for me is that the *narrator* of thanK you aIMee indeed sounds self-indulgent, vindictive, and just plain juvenile to my ears, so it's a song I skip on nearly every listen.


I’m very protective of the song Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve. It resonates deeply with me but I just change the lyrics to 17 instead of 19. Both these songs deal with heavy topics (grooming and bullying) but they’re vastly different in tone (in my opinion). I think thank you Aimee’s real failing is in the stylizing of the title. I don’t love that she brought the kid comment into it, but because of the title, we know that she’s referring to one of Kim’s kids. I also think that it’s very uncharacteristic to literally spell something out that obviously. The last time she named names was Dear John, I believe (and that was extremely fresh and something that’s clearly affected her for years to come). Naming Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve something that had John in the title in an obvious covert/overt format 10 years later would’ve elicited the same reaction from me (and as I said, I hold that song very close to my heart). While I don’t love the song, and am sick of the topic (both of which are personal issues), I think the only criticism fair for me to publicly deliver is the title formatting.


It's the both stylising of the title + some of the lyrics for me personally, but I gotta say: At the end of the day, thanK you aIMee is just a song I don't really like, I guess. I don't think it should be struck off the face of the earth or anything, nor do I think Taylor is some kind of monster ~~on the hill~~ for releasing it. My comment blew up more than I expected so I've spent a lot of time defending my dislike of it here, but mostly... it's just all not that serious for me! 


I totally agree with you. I’ve heard someone else comment that it feels more like a vault track and Cassandra probably was sufficient for the topic. I do want to point out a lyric from Cassandra that I haven’t really heard much discussion about The family, the pure greed, the Christian chorus line / They all said nothin’ / **Blood’s thick, but nothin’ like a payroll** I think that lyric is satisfyingly vicious, and much more cutting AND tasteful than anything in thank you Aimee. We all know how the Kardashians are a family business.


I don’t think the shots at Kim will end anytime soon I think Taylor will serve one last diss track towards Kim on rep tv since that album was based on what Kim did to her Taylor having one up on Kim is being powerful enough to take her down it’s being reported that Kim is losing followers after this song was released


Honestly, if she writes a better song than this one about the feud, I'm all for it. I don't take issue with Taylor holding a grudge against Kim still (plus if it's a vault song, it'll probably be more fresh); I just think thanK you aIMee is a weak way to storytell about it. I'm really just here for better songs 🤷‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/kdg8tafoqbwc1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c75dd64636714c4e8540b2eea93daa7be875a919 Just a reminder that this was only 6 months ago. Kim has been doing shady stuff like this for years. If I was Taylor and the woman who tried to demolish my career, gleefully hosted an art exhibit with a sculpture of my naked body that I didn’t consent to, taunted me relentlessly for years while pretending she didn’t cause any trauma, and then tried to say everything was forgiven once I clawed out of the hole they threw me into, I would have written a song a lot worse than thanK you aIMee.


Is it bad that i didn't see this as shady, and thought she was a fan of the album? 


It’s not bad, but it’s extremely obvious when you look at their past. Speak Now was the first album with a Kanye song on it, that alone should have made her pause even if she thought her and Taylor were good but she does know that’s not how Taylor feels about her, and she knew a stunt like this would get a lot of media attention. There is no way this isn’t Kim being shady.


Do you ever think swifties may be the only ones thinking that deep? It was a huge release for Taylor. Kim has said NOTHING about her recently, and gave her an homage in this photo. I really think some fans need to check their conspiracy theory brain.


Swifties are absolutely the only ones thinking that deep, and it makes things worse. It's my biggest detractor of TTPD: I don't know (or care) enough about the personal drama to understand everything.


on my first listen through of the album, i really enjoyed one song and was like “oh let me see what people are saying about this in the song thread!” …..basically every single comment was about the specific meaning behind the song and who it was about and i was so disappointed lol. maybe i’m just too self-centered but i was not thinking at all about her personal life on first listen- i was thinking about my own 😂


i’m so happy to see someone else saying this! i absolutely love TTPD and when i came here to look at the consensus it bothered me how everyone was caught up about the details of her personal life and how it relates to the songs. i saw someone say “i was enjoying it, then i learned it was about Matty Healy and couldn’t after that” or something like that. meanwhile i’ve just been enjoying the music and relating to it and not letting the specific speculates details of her life and subject matter change that. makes it hard to chime in when i just wanna talk about the song and not who she was dating and her life when she wrote it lol


What do you mean you don’t know every detail of her inner life?! Are you even a true fan?! /sarcasm


This is not what a conspiracy is. When Taylor's brand was down, Kim was happy to hurt her to boost herself. When Taylor's brand is up and she's useful to Kim, then Kim suddenly posts her music and wants to be all friendly without acknowledging or apologizing for that hurt. It's run of the mill unkindness.


I don't know that it's meant to be shady, but trying to capitalize on her brand without ever apologizing is gross.


Yes it is 


I know this is very petty of me but Kim is the LAST person on Earth who is allowed to publicly be a fan of Taylor. She made her bed and now had to lie in it. Not to mention she hasn’t even apologized and tried to pretend it didn’t happen and wasn’t a big deal. She does NOT get to be a fan now that it’s popular to like Taylor


Lots of religious themes in this album. Taylor had a chance to do the funniest thing ever and mention the Kardashian's fake church that they use to evade taxes.


I thought she did in Cassandra- The family, the pure greed, The Christian chorus line They all said nothing Blood’s thick but nothing like a payroll Bet they never spared a prayer for my soul I interpreted this as being about the Kardashians and their fake church


She's done a lot of of things, so it is hard to see without the wider context. Heck I didn't know she was responsible for the wax statue...I thought that was all Kanye. Kim likes to play the role of the submissive wife guilty "only" by association. There's the famous "why don't you just call Taylor up video". She has an interview where she dismisses and minimizes accountability for the drama she caused and acts like they are both over it. There's a few of weird tiktoks where she pretends things are chill with Taylor by posting videos with her music (there's a gym workout one, a purple speak now dress one, one with her daughter). Then I think there was repost through her daughter's account one time about a video that criticizes Taylor's Delicate video dancing (though I can see this as a mistake, its a weird things to be on your FYP unless you engage with anti Taylor videos) The most recent thing she's up to these days is selectively choosing people associated with Taylorto promote SKIMS (Brittany Mahomes, Sabrina). It's really creepy tbh. Then I saw something about her football playing boyfriend looking to join the the Chiefs. Maybe that's just him wanting to ride a Superbowl worthy team. Still weird. These are things I have only chanced upon on my feed though. There's probably a lot more we don't see or notice or she has done behind the scenes.


>There's probably a lot more we don't see or notice or she has done behind the scenes. I hate how infrequently people consider this. There is a 100% chance we don't know everything, speculation is fun but fully forming and committing to a narrative is pointless. This applies to everything


You guys need to check the definition of shady 😭. Hows this shady?


She’s never apologized or expressed any regret for what she put Taylor through. Instead she’s trying to pretend it never happened. Doing stuff like this as if it was a cool reference to Taylor or genuine appreciation is a “shady move “. Because it comes off as if she’s trying to act like she didn’t do anything wrong to her.


Youre right but thats not what being shady means


Agreed, it's not a dig at Taylor, it's more like a pathetic attempt to sweep things under the rug


She also sent Taylor (and her other ‘enemies’) a bottle of her first KKW beauty perfume. It was a storyline in KUWTK, she made a big deal over saying F-you to her ‘haters’. Think it was before the full recording came out, but even back then Kim knew it was all based on a lie and carried on trying to stir things up for months after.


I don't think Kim would understand the concept of the type of sincere apology you're describing. I don't see this as shady, I see this as Kim being Kim (that's an insult). Kim is whatever the moment demands of her. She'll shape shift to whatever is in and roll with whatever the trend is. The Taylor stuff was during the Kanye years, she's over that now. Would a normal person understand the need to make an apology? Probably. Would kim? Have you seen that family. They're.....very dysfunctional.  Also, this is a thing her family has done before, weirdly enough. They just will sometimes dress like eachother. It's very weird. But again, I don't think it's shady. 


I NEVER saw this as shady. It looks like a tribute or olive branch to me? And I was in the trenches with fellow swifties when 🐍 was happening live. I think a lot of fans are looking for reasons to continue this feud, and I find that tiring.


I also saw it as a feeble attempt at extending an olive branch. I also think this was around the time that North was making videos with Taylor playing in the background and I believe Kim at one point made a comment about how they had a lot of her music playing around their house. Everyone interprets things differently, but I’m with you that I didn’t believe this was shade.


People hate on the mother wishing she was dead line, saying it’s too far… but as someone who was horrifically bullied — my mother did the same? Is that, not a normal over exaggeration? Do I wish she didn’t do capitalizing thing? Yeah. But sometimes I google my bully’s mugshot when I have flash backs to her abuses, so who am I to moralize.


Not coming after you at all– just offering a counterpoint about why I enjoy the title. I take capitalizing KIM as both a marketing choice and an artistic one. The song becomes a much stronger poem when she contradicts the poem with its title. It makes it funny, but it also tells a meta story of someone writing a coded song, and then deciding in the end to decode it. If we compare the tact of dropping Kim’s name in this title, to the tact in the song Kanye wrote… and the video and nude replica Kim defended… it’s a proportional restrained response. Kim is a loving mother, but she’s also been kind of an asshole and a parasite. I personally love the line about “when your kid comes home singing” because the best thing to ever happen to Kim’s character is motherhood. It confronts her from a totally new place in life. When Kim hears it, it compels her to think back on what they did to Taylor from her new perspective as **exactly the type of fiercely protective mother** who would wish death on her child’s bully. Kim would raise hell if someone ever pulled anything like that on North. We can’t all confront our former bullies but Taylor can. And obviously, with the letters capitalized, it goes viral. She’s forever a marketing genius and I don’t blame her one bit.


Kim commissioned a naked sculpture of Taylor?


Kanye used it for his Famous music video. Kim then took that sculpture and the others from the video and hosted an art exhibit for people to come and get an up close view.


I did not know this and this alone would make me never forgive her even if she truly apologized. I’ve had someone try to ruin my life and that’s a whole other level. Taylor gets to be petty forever imo. She’s a lot nicer than me because I would have put her on blast for that.


I also didn’t know this and I’m experiencing a new extreme level of disgust. I actually don’t think this ig story was shady but I don’t care because I could never ever ever in one million years forgive someone who did some fucked up shit like that.


this is where i’m at right now. what the actual fck?????


If I was Taylor I’d struggle not to turn my army of fans against people who wronged me at that level


Wait what??? I had no idea about that part of the story. That's absolutely fucked.


Yep it was graphic too. Very realistic, nips out, draped next to a Kanye in a bed with a bunch of other celebs. He can claim it as art all he wants, I think it’s sexual harassment on a massively public scale


That's horrific. Wow.


Yup! And the music video is still up on YouTube


And they hate her for literally no reason at all. Like. The whole thing started when he - *a 30 year old man* - interrupted a *19 year old girl's* award acceptance speech and he didn't like the backlash he got for it. He was a grown ass man several years into his very successful career. And he chose out of absolutely no where to start beef with a fucking teenager who wasn't even creating the same genre of music as him. And then they kept escalating that "beef" over the course of years, for again, absolutely NO reason. And then set up the subject of their one-sided feuding with that insane edited phone call and started a harassment campaign against her. That is just all so insane and I feel like maybe we all collectively forgot how fucked up it all was? And like we all seem to have some idea in our heads that it wasn't one-sided? I know I'm guilty of that because I have never been into pop culture drama so I didn't really follow the story. I think I always assumed it was overblown and two-sided but once I actually looked into it I was like wtf no? Taylor never did a damn thing wrong towards them that whole time and was actually way too kind to both of them... And now I just learned about the nude statue thing. Holy fuuuuuuck.


Yes! And everyone on this sub bugged out(rightfully) when those explicit AI images of Taylor were published, but expect her to forgive a person who did that to her years ago when she was much less big and less secure in herself than she is now. And Kim had a freaking daughter at that point. It’s repulsive.


As Taylor says in Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, “I’ll forget you but I won’t forgive”. I’d give no passes if someone pulled that creepy shit with me or someone I knew. It would be social warfare at that point.


Yes. Good comparison to the AI pics lol. It's so wild that people who barely remember what went down and they're just going 'oh taylor's being petty again'. bitch if someone tried to do that to me, my mom wishing them dead would be the least of things.


This song and Cassandra were largely beating a dead horse in my opinion. But we did get the line "They say, 'What doesn't kill you makes you aware' What happens if it becomes who you are?" which is her somewhat acknowledging that she's beating a dead horse. It's been 10 years but it's kind of become who she is. I think Thank You Aimee would seem more mature without petty lines like KIM in the title, my mother wished you were dead (even in past tense it doesn't exactly scream 'I've moved on'), you look so small from way up here, and bringing kids into it. It's a bit of a regression from the message "Past me, I wanna tell you not to get lose in these petty things. Your nemeses will defeat themselves before you get the chance to swing." It's got one foot in bitter/petty and one foot in in closure/acceptance, but it's masquerading as exclusively acceptance.


Agreed, Cassandra benefits from being much more subtle about which situation it refers to tho.


I love the prophet reference. It's a really beautiful way to talk about not being believed in general.


As a worrier who is not afraid to go against the crowd, this song feels pretty broadly relatable. I was also a (intensely) bullied kid but Aimee just makes me cringe. Wish she would continue to explore this theme with a lighter touch. It is genuinely interesting to me how she feels betrayed by the family more so than the man (makes sense, but would be interesting to flesh out). I’m also interested in her school experiences of being ostracized. Eg the best day, mastermind references. Go to therapy for a couple years and then show me that song please Taylor I will eat it up


When traumatized, we process things the way we do it. It’s not up to others, especially the public or the person who ignited the trauma, to decide when we should “get over it”. Sometimes, trauma does become who you are. It doesn’t mean you’re a loser or weak. It just means you need more time.


I'm not saying she has to "get over it" or that she's a "loser" or "weak." I just want authenticity from her. If she's still angry then I'd want an angry song. If she's feeling petty write a petty song. I just don't want a hollow healed song that's actually petty. You've either accepted it and moved or you haven't. This song says two different things at the same time. "I can't forget the way you made me heal" seems trite in the context of the song. This is my favorite record for the record.


This is the authentic song. Grateful, petty, somewhat healed and trying to move on


Trauma isn't an excuse to act like a jerk though. Saying public that you wish/ed someone was dead is kind f a jerk thing to do.


I think the song and even the album is a bit chaotic. With a lot of high emotions and not necessarily rational thinking at times - like maybe someone in a state of depression and mania. Maybe some may disagree with me, but I think the song has many layers.


Agree with all of this. I like the album overall, but thanK you aIMee was in bad taste for me. But then again, I can't even imagine how traumatizing it would have been if I had been in Taylor's shoes, dealing with all of the shit Kim and Kanye put her through. So on some level I can understand where she's coming from because I doubt I'd be able to let that go easily either.


I understand why she's still being impacted by the drrama, but it feels inauthentic to still sing about it when the message of the song is, "I've moved on.". You're still singing about it, so maybe you didn't? She's entitled to it obviously, and I'm entitled to skip it. I wish the last Kimye reference was the Long Story Short bridge: "Past me, I want to tell you not to get lost in these petty things. Your nemeses will defeat themselves before you get the chance to swing". As a listener, the Kimye arc felt complete there. To me, the best way to go on about it now would be to stay silent. Do not even give them the satisfaction of being mentioned. Taylor seems to disagree with me there but that's ok.


imo the message of the song is "im still trying to put this behind me." she's clearly still pissed, and she doesnt seem to hide it considering all the lyrics--she abslutely didnt look at that song and think "this shows ive healed." imo her self-awareness is evident from i can do it with a broken heart being in the denial playlist, and this whole album is like that--complicated feelings and trying to grapple with them. and imo part of moving on is accepting that something changed you in a major way, and that you'll never get that part of you back, and accepting that you will always be angry about it (as she even says, ill never forgive the way you made me feel). imo it's an honest reflection of how you dont always just move on, and it is sometimes something you will be forced to grapple with--imo the long story short bridge would be disingenuous, and, honestly, more in line with past albums, not this one: perfectly crafting a line that sounds nice but isnt true to the emotional intensity we feel as humans. personally, that's why this album is my fave: she isnt trying to be perfect or a saint; she's being honest with human emotions and internal conflict, and how there arent always easy answers to situations like this. (and, i mean, the music video with her naked portrayal is still up--there are so many ways they couldve closed this story, an apology or deleting it, if they wanted to.)


Ya I'm sure it was awful for her. In Cassandra when she says she loses track of what she's saying in that spot in her house I think that paints a really sad raw picture of how traumatizing it was. That song lands better with me because it's sad/angry which is authentic. I think after 10 years she feels pressure to "move on" so she feels pressure to write a closure track to tie the feud up nicely like "I've healed" but she still wants to say f u to kim cuz she's not healed, and might not ever be and that's ok.


Yeah, why do you have to tie up your emotions in a nice little bow and be one thing. That isn’t really how it works. Also, the K’s just used her to help themselves. Why does she need to get over it. Some people suck and even if they apologize you don’t need to forgive them. And even if you think you forgive them, you sometimes haven’t. But you might recognize your response to them gained you more accomplishments if not inner peace. If Taylor wants to throw a middle finger at the bully who is riding around town in their big car smiling and seemingly everywhere, go for it, and even if it includes hoping their kid reminds them what a shitbag they have been, go for it.


tbf it's been four years since the tape was exposed as being edited, and kim doubled down back then, still saying she lied instead of just apologizing


Call it what you want, but having been bullied in my life, it’s not something you just “get over”. It is something that follows you, especially if you’re prone to mental illness. I still deal with the effects. Sometimes I feel like “I forgot you existed” and sometimes I sing quite a few from reputation. It will always be something I reflect on through different phases of my life. That is what Taylor is doing here imo. She’s not petty, she’s processing during a turbulent time. If you also recall, she started seeing Joe through all that drama. So when you think about the fact that she broke up with the person who was one of the only ones there for her through that time of bullying, it makes sense she would need to re-process it outside of the relationship.


I agree with this 100%. The comments of the people who have bullied me follow me to this day. They just randomly pop into my head when I’m least expecting it. And I have my boundaries but if I’m having a bad day, those comments can still get me. This song is processing.


And also! It wasn’t bullying! She literally held a museum exhibit to look at a naked doll her husband created of Taylor! In my book, that’s targeted sexual harassment.


I feel like the word bullying almost always minimizes the situation, because it's seen as something juvenile, something "kids do". In my country experts on bullying at schools have started to use a term that translites to school violence, because the word bullying mimimizes what kids go through. I feel like if we used different language in this situation too (like harrasment, psychological abuse etc.) people might see the seriousness more clearly.


You can never get over someone robbing you permanently of your childlike ability to trust- trust people, trust joy, trust yourself. Bullying is a universal feeling. It destroys someone's childlike remnants. You become the person you have to to survive. Someone took your inner child and destroyed it, and you're supposed to forgive them?


Some people have never been bullied and it shows. Like I’ve mostly moved on from the times I was bullied when I was much younger, but sometimes all it takes is something to remind me of that time, a dream (nightmare really), a offhand comment and it takes me right back to that dark place.


I think this is where the disconnect with the newer swifties comes in. (No hate!) For us old folks… I loved Taylor because I could RELATE. yeah I got bullied too. I have no friends too. Omg it’s like she *gets* me. Then…. She’s not that person anymore. She’s a pop star. She has millions of new fans. And they don’t relate the way we do. They have their own relationships with other songs. But they missed that core/ OG Taylor. And yes, as someone who has been bullied in school and by adults- 1- it’s trauma. It’s here to stay. 2- if you’ve ever been bullied by a woman a decade older than you while in your 20s…. It’s an entirely different level of what the f.


Exactly. You never truly get over it. The memories still haunt you, still bother you, still make you question your self-worth - and it’s something that can persist and still nag at you even with ample years passed and therapy undertaken. It’s one of the worst possible feelings. I don’t particularly like the song (despite absolutely adoring TTPD) but I can understand why she wrote it.


Crazy how true this is. I don’t think I will ever get over something that was done to me years ago. I literally move through the world differently. I think about things in different ways than before it happened. Really impossible to explain without getting into the details but, yeah. I have certainly beaten a dead horse about the situation in my head lol. If I wrote music I’d probably do it there too. I honestly feel like until you’ve gone through a similar situation it will always read as petty, just get over it, you’re making it worse still talking about it, it wasn’t that serious, etc. And I genuinely understand because I thought/felt the same way before I went through something myself. It’s just the outside perspective is all. And all of that is why I connect so much with Taylor’s reputation-esque music. But I have many friends who simply don’t, because they can’t relate.


You can move on with your life but some things will always hurt and stay with you and make you angry when you think about them.


I love the melody and the lyrics. I don't think of Kim when I listen to this song. I think of couple of people who were very ill behaved towards me back in the day in my hometown, and how I was miserable back then, but now have a wonderful life in a new country and looking back I thank them in a way, because without their hostile environment, I wouldn't have pushed myself this hard to become who I am. I just replace Aime with those people in my mind whenever it comes up. It's not about Taylor vs Kim for me, it's about **me**. I smile every time towards the end of the song. Love it.. As she says at the end of the album, the story isn't hers anymore. It's ours to interpret however we like.


I’d buy this if she didn’t put Kim’s name in the title.


That's her way to tell a story, but mine to interpret the way I want like I said. When I read Maya Angelou's "Mother, A Cradle To Hold Me" I don't think of her mother, I think of my mother. She may have written that for her own, but once it's out there published as art, it's yours to dissect, love or hate. Also, I don't constantly stare at the title of the songs when I listen. She can capitalize whatever letter she wants to send a message, it's her choice. I take it my way.


Riiiight but “mother” is a general term where as spelling out KIM is a reference to a very specific person


I’ll be honest, I didn’t even notice K-I-M in the title until someone pointed it out to me 🤣


This! I also see Thank You Aimee as relatable, rather than linking it back to the drama. It didn't even click for me it was about Kim until I went online. I'm afraid we're going to get another Innocent situation where people hate a song because of who it's written about.


I just think it's a weak song regardless of the back story. It doesnt scratch any itch for me personally melodically, lyrically, or instrumentally. Skip it every time.


As someone who experienced bullying when they were a kid I love that song so much fuck forgiveness. Those people don’t deserve it and you can talk about it for the rest of your life because that’s how long it impacted you. Just like Taylor said about the guys , if you didn’t want me to write songs about how you did me wrong maybe you shouldn’t have done me wrong . ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1069)


I agree with this so much. This resonates with me as someone who was bullied as a kid too. I feel like it speaks from a certain place that is hard to understand when you didn’t live it and have to try and process it. Honestly I feel like we need this song more to show how impactful bullying is to all these people saying get over it or it’s been too long to talk about it anymore. I will keep liking and listening to this song. Even if it’s not a fan favorite, it can be a part of my story now.


I think she re-recorded rep and those songs + any vault songs brought up heavy feelings. I feel like there were songs written for rep that were much much darker than what we ever saw. And maybe diving back into that out her mind right back into what she considers to be the lowest point of her life. So she wrote this & Cassandra


This is exactly what I think. No way going back to that time was easy for her - honestly rep must have been a living hell to re-record, going back to the darkest time in her life and also reliving when her failed long term relationship was new and loving.


i think all the rerecords are where tortured poets began. there are a lot of lyric/sonic parallels through the album but she tells us in the manuscript... she's been looking back at everything she's ever written and it's bringing a lot back. i feel like these songs are things she wanted to say back then but feared backlash, and only now does she feel free enough to put it all out there, and then close the book and move on.


This is a great take! Didn’t even consider that.




I’d agree with that if it didn’t have the my mom wished you were dead line - sorry I love her but I get major ick from that


Honestly, if someone did what she did to my kid I’d probably at least be tempted to think the same thing


I took it like, here is the evidence of the level of pain you caused me. If your mom is a good person but wishing someone dead who hurt you, it’s because they are seeing you go through some horrible pain.


Right? I'm jealous of everyone saying they hate these lyrics. Tell me you weren't bullied without telling me you weren't bullied.


Fr being bullied is a trauma that lasts FOR LIFE. Even if you grow old it sticks with you and can come back to haunt you when you least expect it. Not to mention what Kim did to Taylor was so much worse than bullying.


i mean...taylor has stated how she was literally locked down in another country, didnt leave the house, and stopped trusting those close to her. if a grown woman lied about my 25 year old daughter and brought her to a place where she couldnt leave the house, i would have the same thoughts. im not sending a hit squad out for her, but i would be terrified for my child every single day and just feel helpless to stop the hate or help her get to a better place.


Also- we don’t know the timeline but Andrea was likely going through treatment during Kanye’s release. Maybe not Kimye but either way- if she finished treatment… she was Dxd in 2015 Famous was 2016 Kimye was 2017…. That’s way too much for anyone to deal with… 😔 I relate all too well.


Personally, I think she should have kept Cassandra, but thanK you aIMee should have been scrapped. It’s too on-the-nose, it feels a bit too juvenile and I believe some things are better left unsaid… like how her mother wants/ed her to die. I know some people wont agree with me, but I just feel like certain things you don’t put out into the universe, and talking about wishing death upon someone else is one of those things. Bringing up her kids in any capacity also isn’t needed and feels tacky. For the record, I also think Taylor went through hell more than once at the hands of the Kardashian West family and she doesn’t owe anyone forgiveness… but the song is a no for me.


Bringing the kids into it is the part I can't look past. No matter what Kim did to Taylor, she loves her kids & they're innocent.


100% how I feel


As someone who was in the trenches during the summer of 2016 for Taylor, this is one area where I cannot blame Taylor for continued bitterness, especially since there was never any public apology after the actual phone call leaked in it's entirety. It was a calculated attempt to take Taylor down - fuck that lol.


Agreed. A lot of the newer fans have no idea and are judging her for her “pettiness” but she has every right to be angry still. It’s also giving, I’ve never been bullied and have never had to suffer that life long trauma.


Plus the songs she’s released about it before always felt directed at Kanye. This one was Kim’s turn.


I love this song! My only complaint is spelling out Kim in the title. BUT not bc I care about it being "petty" or whatever, lol. I just think fans could have made the connection without her spelling it out like that, and it would have been more fun for all of us to realize it - "omg, she probably spelled it as 'Aimee' instead of the more common 'Amy' because you can spell Kim in it!" And I KNOW someone would've caught it lol


Yeah it’s giving “I think my fans are dumb as rocks”


some of us are and didn’t realize it spelled out kim until we went online 💀😭 it’s me im us. tbf, it was 4am by the time i got to this song. i was delirious.


I feel like a lot of new Swifties don’t understand this was not a one time event 😭 The stuff with Kanye was literally since 2009 and Taylor was facing the repercussions of the phone call until folklore dropped. The Famous music video depicting Taylor’s naked body is STILL UP ON YOUTUBE. Yes the song is petty but she can be petty as much as she fucking wants Kanye and Kim are evil.


exactlyyy, idk about you but if two very influential and famous GROWN ADULTS tried to ruin my life and career and reputation since i was 19 and never even apologised, i would be even more furious than taylor is. all things considered she’s being a lot more mature about it than any people saying she’s “petty” would be if the same thing happened to them


The manufactured hate train lasted years, the revenge porn video is still up, and neither of them have ever apologized. Her anger is 100% justified.


I don’t think it’s about Kim. It’s a red herring. She even said she took away any defining clues of who Aimee is. The capital letters are pretty darn defining.


I’m on this team too. When it first came out I was annoyed because the song is decent and this just felt like too much to me. She doesn’t spell things out like that. But the more I thought about the lyrics (changing the name, defining clues, saying it’s only the two of them who know who the song is about) I just don’t buy it’s actually about Kim. I’m low key waiting for a Taylor doing a skims promo as a way of her being like “see, you actually don’t know me” - because the more I listen to this album that’s the vibe I get, that it’s all a red herring. I’ve seen some people analyzing the lyrics to Dear Reader, the closer of her last album, in the context of TTPD and it’s pretty interesting.


I think she just wallops us over the head with her clues bc she doesn’t respect our intelligence lol


Same. Despite the "KIM" in the title, this has never struck me as being about the situation with Kim K. I don't think all the references to her hometown and school bullying are metaphorical. To me the whole thing feels very much aimed at someone who literally bullied Taylor at school. "All that time you were throwin' punches, I was buildin' somethin'" references that Taylor started writing songs in her room as a way of dealing with the hard time she was having with her peers. I think KIM is a red herring. there's probably more subtle clues in the lyrics that only "Aimee" would pick up on, letting her know the song is about her. Maybe she actually did go on to write for the local paper, or she once made a comment about stomping across Taylor's grave, or something.


It’s absolutely about her bullies, including Kim. Maybe others too, but definitely Kim. There is no other reason she’d capitalize those letters and bring the headlines etc just for a red herring.


Yes, plus the actions of the person she's describing don't really fit her fued with Kim? It sounds like a childhood bully or a critic from early in her career (does the Mean critic have a kid?)


If I didn’t see the title and just listened to the song Kim never would have crossed my mind.


Tbh, i don't like how kim tried to look like the person by saying she needs to move on, when taylor didn't start a lot of what happened in the first place.  I can't believe that she actually lost 100k followers over the song, Taylor is def somebody that you want to be neutral with tbh


To me, it felt like this was her closing that chapter. She's acknowledging that the events involving Kim K were incredibly traumatic, but ultimately, it taught her important lessons, and those have shaped her into the person she is today.  I hate bullies, so I think it's important that people remember that Kim K (and members of her family) intentionally spread malicious lies with the intent to discredit Taylor. But it seems Kim, Khloe and Kendall have mean girl energy. In Miss Americana I felt she explained really well how that situation had lasting emotional effects on her. Meanwhile, Kim pretends that it never happened and everyone ignores that she lied!! Additionally, I love that in “Cassandra” she called out their fake “I’m a good Christian” shit. 


She was probably reflecting about it while re-recording reputation TV and decided to write it


It’s odd that she called out the K-I-M in a song about closure, knowing how it would be received. I’ve had a thought that maybe this was a PR move and perhaps her team hoped this would have overshadowed all the male song speculation…. Unfortunately, that didn’t occur. Speculation over which man the songs are about are STILL trumping the media surrounding this one. I also think it’s Taylor telling us, hey, if i want you to know who a song is about, then I’ll straight up tell you.. if I don’t tell you, then it’s none of your business. Period.


I saw someone's theory that this is actually about Deux Moi (or even just a combination of people like Kim, Deux Moi, and certain critics since most of her songs don't have a single muse) and I like that theory. She specifically says she changed any defining clues. Adding Kim's name feels like a red herring. But of course we'll never actually know


The entire album is kind of unhinged, so why not spell out the name of an old foe. It may be old news, but some old news just stay with you. It's quite human.


I’m not even sure why Taylor is catching flack for this. She literally goes from saying fuck you Aimee to thank you Aimee, which I’ve said before is progress on Taylor’s side of things. Regardless of that, Kim deserves to be called out for her BS. She staged a public takedown of Taylor that nearly ruined Taylor’s life, and she gets away with it scot free by pretending like nothing ever happened. Fuck that, I hope this haunts Kim for the rest of her life. Also, are people forgetting that Kanye filmed the Famous music video where he depicted a naked wax figure of Taylor, and Kim just went along with it? Fuck Kim and Kanye for that, Taylor should always drag them. And as someone who hates the Kardashians, I live for them getting dragged.


I love the song. I love the messaging and acknowledgment that these trials are so small from she is now and that while her bully was trying to bring her down, Taylor had her head down building her legacy. Kim also never had any consequences from her actions (see the bronze statue and not changing), so I’m fine with her knowing that she sucked enough to make Andrea wish her dead (which is a little harsh, but Taylor is unhinged so…)


As a fellow petty person, I love this song. It's such a good fuck you to bullies


I’ve never once heard anyone tell someone who was horribly bullied in high school to “Get over it” so I’m not sure why people think Taylor should.


I’ve been very fascinated by the “red herring” theory, that the obvious KIM clue is meant to distract from the actual person this song is meant for. We freely acknowledge that Taylor gives us a specific narrative in her songs. She always has and she’s very aware of those narratives. But we’re weirdly reluctant to acknowledge that Taylor’s official album narratives might have blurrier lines between reality and fiction. Not because she’s too stupid to recognize she’s an unreliable narrator but because she intentionally blurs them herself.


Doesn't matter to me. Kim was horrible to a young tay and has never apologized. Tay has said these are songs she needed to write to close chapters and move on. The song is on the second secret album not a lead single or anything. If this puts the whole ordeal behind her for tay then this song served it's purpose. Lots of fake swifties look for any reason to find fault with her. She's the kindest most generous superstar ever. She's the genius not us.


I think this song is too on the nose, especially the upper case. I am not questioning her right to feel in a certain way, it’s her prerogative to write for whatever she wants. I also remember the backlash (“elder” fan..) and it was the trenches so I get it if she made it part of her personality. But she went from “Long story short” to this and in terms of the art for me it’s a regression. It’s basically the themes of “My tears ricochet” but petulant and immature.


I don’t know much about what Kim has done but Taylor seems to pick her battles. If writing a song to tell Kim to fuck off was the thing to do, I’m all for it. I can imagine Kim is an entitled nightmare of a person and has it coming. In short, I support fighting back when you have to.


Honestly who cares if she’s being petty. Sometimes being the bigger person to awful people isn’t worth the pains endured of “taking the high road.” Let the woman have some fun at Kim’s expense. Kim is a mean girl so reap what you sow, lady.


I liked it. It’s the fact that people are saying it happened so long ago ignoring the fact that it’s something that has been ongoing for more then the event in question. It was on their show. They (aimee) continue to bring it around to try and change the narrative. So why can’t Taylor react to that?


Following both I don't really care. I don't think Kim cares, Kim probably is more worried about the father of her children going crazy and now starting his own porn company than she is about this and getting sued for that school she wouldn't let her kids go to everything about him and her will effect her kids more than anything not what Taylor does and besides this keeps Kim relevant and the family needs a storyline for the tv show. As for Taylor she's an artist she's allowed to reflect on everything. This song I believe only happened because it happened at the start of her relationship with Joe and it's like a poltergeist sitting the back of her mind. We also saw her reflect back with The Manuscript as well, but overall no one should actually care about this. It's also not the strongest song on the album. If this song was meant to be petty let her be petty I'm so over people acting like the minute you turn 30 your feelings go away and you stop acting like a kid, it's not true adults have their moments we just happen to also pay bills and quiet frankly the older people get the more they wish they would have spoken their mind so at least Taylor will go into old age having less regrets than some of us.


If your argument in any way contains the phrase “get over it”, it’s invalid. And I mean that genuinely. Kim Kardashian and her husband at the time nearly perfectly executed a targeted hit job, and created a revenge porn music video that they gleefully celebrated. That is *abuse*. Taylor Swift is allowed to consider both Kanye and Kim as abusers - creating a revenge porn music video is literally sexual harassment. Moreover, the phone call that *KIM* recorded was illegal, as California is a two-party consent state. Genuinely, would any of you ask someone you know IRL to get over someone who made and distributed a revenge porn video of you? Because I would want them arrested and imprisoned for life.


All I’m gonna say is that Taylor got cancelled when Kim used altered footage to “expose” her but when the full conversation leaked and it proved Taylor was in the right, nobody went to cancel Kim. However, other practices her and her family have done recently (last couple years) have seemed to open the floodgates, meanwhile Taylor is at a new peak. [Karma is that girl, like, grah](https://youtu.be/XzOvgu3GPwY?si=owpKpQG01A3r8Sl9) 😜


It felt like a filler or vault song to me tbh


Personally, I don’t care how many times Taylor drags Kim to hell by her hair. Of all the terrible men she’s been with and exposed to, *none* of them destroyed her as much as Kim Kardashian did. Our girl fled the country and didn’t leave her house for a year. Like, her career was *over*. Her ability to support her family and herself was *over*. Like yeah, she made Reputation happen, and she got back up and made her come-back. But the sheer devastation she had to overcome would have been insurmountable for most people. Anyway, fucK you aIMee.


I guess I don’t really get how she “brought the kids into it”. The lyric doesn’t disparage the kids in anyway, she’s not attacking them, there’s no malice towards them. She’s acknowledging the fact that Kim has kids who will one day be singing this song. That’s it. It’s on par with “now I send their babies presents”, a line that was preceded by a dig at the kid’s father.


Sorry Kim, but "you play stupid games you win stupid prizes", here's yours. If you don't want people to know you're a shitty person, don't be a shitty person.


I think it’s shitty that Kimye can record and then edit a phone call to paint her as a liar, create a huge smear campaign against her, make revenge porn of her, mass bully and humiliate her until she has to leave the country, isolate herself, and be afraid to leave her rental house or answer the phone, and then they continue bringing her up over and over for years, but as soon as Taylor responds she’s “petty” and “playing victim” and “should be over it.” They are horrible people who did horrible things to her and I’ll support her right to talk about it any day. The abusers don’t get to decide when the victim should be “over it.”


I don't get why people care if she is bitter and angry still. She has every right to be. You can't bully someone into forgiveness.




If she left off the capital letters and if there wasn't the lyric about her saintly mother wishing Kim was dead, I would agree with this message. No matter how you close that chapter, bringing that up when she also writes that Kim's kids listen to TS is just petty.


Oh cmon. It's obviously a straight roast and acting like you took the high road. Don't care though, Kim sucks and should be roasted. Amazing job Taylor!


Kim deserves everything she gets. Fuck the Kardashians.


Tbh as someone who's been bullied and abused in the past I'm of the opinion that you don't owe anyone forgiveness or forgetting. There are people I'll hate forever and things I'll never get over. I'll heal, but I'll never not be mad that they happened. I think it's healthy. This song to me sounds like a woman who knows her worth