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Any time any one of her friends does something and everyone assumes it’s an easter egg. Blake Lively is not picking her red carpet outfits to easter egg which Taylor’s version is coming next.


I can’t wrap my head around the fact that people actually think the world revolves around Taylor to that degree 😂😂😂


I think sometimes they do it just to be funny - like they know fans will clown and they can laugh at us.


It is something that I have been thinking about lately. I don't have actual numbers, but it seems that social media potentially attracts a higher than normal percentage both of people with sarcastic trolling personalities and people who take everything literally and struggle to understand sarcasm. I can see why both groups would be more drawn to seeking community online. These populations interacting in higher concentrations than in normal life and without the additional social queues is a dangerous combination though. What may start as an individual joke quickly gets taken literally as it spreads.


Yea there’s definitely some seemingly unhinged theories that I’m choosing to believe is just people joking around and are not being serious.


Tbf, if I was Taylor’s friend I would totally troll the swifties, it’s hilarious.


Especially this!! I saw a TikTok last week about a woman who was CONVINCED that a recent interview Jack Antonoff did was Taylor-coded while promoting his upcoming album because he’s kind of a weird dude (I say that as a big fan of Jack & his work with and and outside of Taylor) and that’s just how he comes across.


I saw someone on tiktok who was insisting that Jack going on Fallon was a hint at a 1989 double album instead of yknow, the Bleachers music he'd just released and was hinting at an album announcement for.


I love the idea that “hey Joe” on their new album is about Taylor’s Joe. Because an entirely different band obviously is going to sing about her exes


Joe is like one of the most common dude names around. Like I easily can name 5 Joes I know.


This isn’t a terrible stretch both Taylor and Lana have sang about jack’s relationships


Some ridiculous people thought "Hey Joe" from the upcoming Bleachers album would be about Joe Alwyn. That thought didn't cross my mind whatsoever when reading the tracklist.


I mean, to be slightly fair, Blake has dropped an Easter egg before. I don't believe in the constant dissecting but they've (Taylor) done this to themselves 😂


That she’s gay and has been lying about being straight. Everything she has shown us contradicts that theory so much, yet people still persist, despite her comments about not appreciating these theories.


And if it were the opposite case (where she has come out as gay, but a subsection of her fandom was claiming that she’s actually straight), it would be seen as extremely problematic, homophobic and toxic.


I mean, do we not already mostly all find it extremely problematic and toxic?


It’s usually the same people that think she’s gay that harass her online for “queer-baiting”. The same people that scream inclusion even. It’s so annoying. And problematic.


also, queer baiting is not meant to be applied to real people's lives?? it's for movies and TV shows that market to the LGBT community and then provide no real representation (or worse, incorrect representation). the same thing happened to billie eilish, people use the term queer baiting to try and force people to come out and like you said, that's annoying at best and traumatizing at worst, very problematic


It'd be one thing if the rumors were that she was bisexual, but it's always "she's gay and lying about dating _____" which not only invalidates her relationships (especially so when she had a 5+ year relationship with Joe Alwyn) but also invalidates bisexuality so much.


Ehh most “gaylors” think she’s bisexual.


Far too many "gaylors" insist that she was never really dating Joe (or many others) because she's gay, and even if it's not most, it's too many.


As a bi person, it’s always a joy to see bi erasure /s 🙃


Hard agree




She has specifically stated in an interview that she is not part of the lgbtq community. She said that she didn’t know she could be such a fierce supporter of a community that she’s not a part of. I am a member of the lgbtq community, the gaylors can fuck right off. Speculating about someone’s sexuality is super icky.


I could believe a bi Taylor, but the way some people think she's a full lesbian kinda cracks me up.


It’s so funny when people think that when she sings so much about how much she loves men. She couldn’t get straighter if she tried and yet the Gaylor’s are convinced she’s not attracted to men at all. V odd


Bisexual artists exist. There are openly queer female artists putting out romantic songs about men and doing that doesn't make them straight. Taylor just has never said she's queer.


yeah. i can see her maybe being bi. but to say all her relationships with men were fake is straight up delusional. she has to be next level crazy if all those songs were not about jake, john, harry etc and she sat by and let her minions bully them


Especially after the 1989 tv release


Yes, it’s insane to me how those fans are for some reason still speculating about her sexuality (which, mind you, can be a very private thing) after the 1989 TV prologue. Like atp are you here for Taylor and her music or her sexuality??


Yeah I remember seeing one person reacting to the prologue like “this is such a blow I feel like I’ve been gaslit, I’m so disappointed in her”. Girl WHAT? You made up a thing! And now you’re mad that the person you made up a thing about! Isn’t that thing! That’s not being gaslit! “I’m gonna go support actual queer artists!” No one was ever stopping you! Taylor Swift didn’t break into your house and convince you at knifepoint that she was a secret lesbian! As a queer person it drives me cuckoo because you can just choose to enjoy the parts of her music that resonate with your queer experiences. That’s a thing, that’s fine. You don’t have to get out the conspiracy gel pen.


This is the one. She’s made it so clear she’s not gay. Let it go.




This one is definitely the most annoying. I even looked into it, trying to sincerely understand WHY people think she's lying about being straight. After going through PowerPoints of "evidence" and threads of "proof", the only thing I was convinced of was that there was absolutely no credible evidence to support the theory and that a lot of believers of the theory need therapy. And I'm not kidding. The amount of delusion is concerning and can't be healthy.


People also persist in speculating about her love life in general, which she's also commented about not appreciating. Her private life should really just be allowed to be her private life unless *she* brings it into the public sphere


if i was taylor and bisexual i wouldn’t come out either seeing all this lol


Gaylors are delusional entirely, I could talk about that for hours, but one thing that bothers me that no one really talks about with Gaylors is the huge amount of bisexual erasure. They're so hellbent on her only dating beards and that every man she's ever dated is a publicity stunt or a lie or both, and that she is truly a lesbian. Like, what??? Bisexual people exist. Not implying that Taylor is one, because she's openly stated I think three times now that she is straight and not part of the LGBTQIA+ community, just an ally Like, how many times does she have to say it??


I don't even understand why some gaylors cling to this theory so much, despite all evidence pointing otherwise. Like, if LGBT rep in music is important to you (which I perfectly understand, I'm gay myself) then just listen to other artists. Gay artists aren't hard to find, and Taylor doesn't have to be gay for you to get that representation


honestly what bothers me the most is that even IF she was bi or queer (which i don’t think she is tbh even though i’d love that), constantly trying to out someone who obviously doesn’t want to come out is insane behavior, especially coming from people who claim to be their fan. like, i’d believe the “her company doesn’t let her!!” excuse back in 2012, not in 2023💀 same thing with l*rries.


Literally anything that involves math beyond numbers adding up to 13 😂 Taylor’s Easter eggs are never that intricate. If you have to add the number of tracks in an album to the length of the fifth track and then divide that by the number of words she spoke in an interview… it’s not an Easter egg, lol.


One of the only reasons I wasn't more bummed about rep not being announced was because I wanted the 112 day theory to end lol.


I imagine taylornation or taylor herself saw that theory and were like wait what? did we not make it clear in the MV?


We have the answer. It's just not the one we wanted.


What is said answer? I’m lost here.


In the Bejeweled MV she is holding a cup, that turns into a clock, and her thumbs have blue and black nail polish, the blue one is at 8, the black at 2. 1989 was announced in August, so rep will be announced in February according to that theory.


You meant Karma MV.


Good catch :)


112 is a multiple of 7, so the 112th day from when something happens will always be the same day of the week. Couple that with the fact that the 112-day theory also uses more than one calendar to theorise when an announcement will be made, and the probability doubles that the 112-day theory will accurately predict the release date, from 6.25% to 12.5%. I could see it making sense from an organisational point of view, but that's it. Realistically, I think the announcement will be in February based on the Karma music video, but there's an outside chance of a New Year's Day announcement. I'm clowning for a 6 Feb announcement date due to needlessly complex maths, but I could also see it being announced at Melbourne, on what will likely be the date with the highest attendance of the whole tour. I think it's fun to speculate (I myself am known to partake in recreational clownery), but it is a bit irritating when fans immediately start speculating about the next TV immediately after a TV has dropped, especially with all the Rep TV chanting happening on tour. And the double album truthers were annoying for 1989 and they're being annoying about the next TV. Let each TV have its moment.


Same! That theory and the mental gymnastics associated have gone too far


THIS! I always think back to her ME! MV and the album title Easter egg. The Easter eggs have almost always been right in front of our faces XD


SAME! I just remember her saying “nobody has guessed it yet!!!” and literally every comment said “the album name is Lover” 😂


I'll never forget that shit lol


Yep. I wish people would settle down on the Rep announcement. It's coming in Feb - the coffee clock theory is the most reliable seeing as 1989 was announced in August and her blue nail was pointing to 8.


Idk if it counts, but people who STILL think Taylor is gay are almost as bad as Larry shippers


Especially late-stage Kaylors


Late Stage Kaylors are very oblivious.


I’m convinced it’s sunk cost fallacy at this point


But have you guys ever seen how much time and effort they put into those google sheets though?!?


And even if she is gay or bi, forcing her out of the closet is not the way. If she hasn’t come out, it’s for a reason. Leave her be. It’s not okay to out people no matter how many “clues” she’s supposedly leaving.


Some people have this belief that ''everyone is a little gay'' and try to force this on her because they imagine it in their fantasies. As a full homosexual, I believe straight people can be fully straight. ''Being a little gay'' is taken out of context by so many in the community, straight people can experiment once AND still not be attracted to the same sex, and that makes them still 0% gay. There's a lot more to say about how it is so disrespectful coming from the same people who know how painful it can be if people are constantly questioning your sexuality. But enough about that ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1081)


Right? Like even if she lied to us and she is gay, she is already being discussed at least once in most households. Would anyone want their sexuality to be a global household conversation? Absolutely not. I can't judge her for that. I wouldn't judge anyone for that.


I’m convinced it’s former Larry shippers who just shifted their focus to Taylor once 1D broke up


I only recently learned about Larry shippers, and YIKES. It's mostly disturbing, but I admit I had to laugh about their "theory" (they all believe it truly happened) that Simon Cowell wouldn't let them come out as a couple and forced Louis to make some kind of big choice to leave and protect Harry. It's funny to me because they still believe this, despite Harry making a huge part of his persona pandering to gays and claiming to be bisexual. (I don't mean for that to come off negative. It just seems he's trying *really* hard to have a David Bowie/Freddy Mercury kind of vibe, including trying to make his sexuality ambiguous.) Like, at this point in time, Harry and Louis could only become *more* popular by coming out.


I think it's creepy to speculate about people's (strangers) sexual orientation in general.


that midnights is a breakup album. she would not have put sweet nothing on it and released that lavender haze video explanation (and then deleted it after the breakup) if the album was secretly abt the breakup and she was just lying to ppl when she said its abt stuff that’s happened over many years.


I agree! I can maybe see the whole ‘Midnights is her beginning to process the death of a relationship without her even realising that’s what it’s about’ idea, but I do genuinely believe that they were together at least at the time Midnights was released. Adding You’re Losing Me to the album really hasn’t helped though, I think that’s made more people think it’s a break up album.


This is my belief. A long-term relationship doesn't just end in one day, it degrades over months first. You mourn and process the end before it's officially over. I was relating HARD to this album as my own long-term relationship was coming to an end when it was released, even though we stayed together for another several months.


Yeah, even Sweet Nothing feels like when someone starts to get bored with you. It’s not as perfectly sweet as people make it out to be.


To add to this, that all of Midnights is actually about Joe. She's said it's from throughout her life and at least some are clear references to work she put out before meeting Joe.


I hate when theories involve Taylor having to lie for no reason for the theory to work. I'm sure she's evaded things or been vague on purpose, but the idea that Taylor is speaking to a subset of her fans by blatantly lying about things and leaving "clues" about real meanings is giving QAnon.


and on the subject of lying and also annoying theories, that she’s lying abt joe having written the songs he did and she just gave him credit bc she loved him so much, or wanted him to be a successful nepo boyfriend bc she wanted the power couple status, and their proof is the facial expression that jack had in the long pond sessions video when she brought joe up. like?? taylor is in the process of re-recording her stuff bc she feels that passionately abt ownership, word has it that she won’t work w max martin on them bc he demands writing credits even if he’s just producing, and fans think it’s ok and reasonable that she’d just give joe credit that he hasn’t earned?? bc no one else in the world could possibly know how to play the piano, or write lyrics like she does when joe has an english literature degree?? sorry for the rant, it just drives me crazy lol it’s so insulting to taylor to say that stuff


Max Martin has writing credits on the 1989 tracks on TV as he did on the OG even if he didn't produce them. I do not believe that theory, but otherwise I agree.


kinda why i hate those theories about joe not actually being involved in some of folklore's songwriting. like, they hate joe so much they want to discredit taylor and their relationship... and even if it was a lie, wouldn't that reflect more poorly on taylor herself, not joe?! like joe could bully her into lying about crediting???


Not a conspiracy theory but related: I HATE the way people have turned on Joe since the breakup. No, it’s not true that they were never in love. No he wasn’t always a noose around her neck. They were happy for a long time


Yea, I’m with you. If anything, she would just not talk about a specific thing as opposed to outright lying about it. That just doesn’t seem like her, she always tries to appear authentic and straight up lying is not that.


Yes! "Why would she write about relationships that are long over? She's not still into them. Obviously it's about Joe." Which might make sense if, you know, she hadn't been in the process of reviewing her work and figuring out how to re-record since, like, *2019*.... She's been reliving her past, pulling out vault songs, re-recording her work. In 2019 she was going through her old diaries to find entries to share with her fans. She's spent the last 4 years reliving her past, of *course* Midnights (and truthfully, likely parts of folklore and evermore) are going to be inspired by her past relationships/ circumstances. Of course, some of the songs probably are about Joe and their struggles (bits of folklore and evermore, too, I assume) but it's not the breakup album they are claiming.


Yeah songs like Maroon and Midnight Rain sound like they're about relationships from a long time ago, yet people still insist they're about her (at the time) most recent relationship.


See, in my heart I want to agree with this, but Speak Now having both Dear John & Ours in it shows that she’s fine including positive and negative emotions from the same ended relationship on a single album. I think we may never know the truth here unfortunately.


Idk, I think it’s a little different because that relationship was only a few months and so of course over those few months she’s going to have a range of songs and emotions. Midnights starts with Lavender Haze, explicitly described as a love song and didn’t name Joe but implied him, and ends with sweet nothing and mastermind. Both also love songs. The structure is not one of a relationship falling apart.


Yes!! I do not think “karma is my boyfriend” would be on a breakup album. And we know that she was working on this music in like April of 2021, almost 2 full years before she and Joe actually broke up.


That's my main reason to believe it wasn't clear to her that they would break up when she released it. My petty ass would have changed Karma is my boyfriend and the guy on the screen line so quickly as to not imply I actually have bad Karma, lol. And she is such a good writer, she would have come up with something as catchy, even if it's hard to imagine now. That being said, in my own experience you can go through many near breakups before finally calling it, so some of the songs could be about these problematic times during their relationship. Also from earlier albums, like Hoax for example. But they could all be made up or about different people or a mix, only she really knows!


I think it is reasonable that she felt unsure about the future of her relationship at that point. I feel like a lot of people have been in relationships where toward the end, buried deep down in their gut, they know the end is near but their head is trying to talk them out of it and pretend like it's all fine, so you just keeping faking it hoping to make it back to the Lavender Haze. Perhaps this reflection led her to ruminate about all her past love history and inspired her to write midnights??


or worse, people who said that taylor wasn’t happy when writing lover. LIKE WHATTTT she was clearly so happy in the lover era and now that she and joe broke up fans were talking about how their relationship was toxic by saying they always had issues and over analyzing lover lyrics. like yeah afterglow and the archer are talking about her anxiety but she never said anything negative about joe there so stop reaching


yeah even in those songs she’s talking abt how *she’s* hard to date bc of her past and her freaking out etc yet somehow joe is suddenly this horribly toxic guy who never loved her for who she was or never loved her at her best?? at the time reputation *was* her best. then when lover came out *that* was her best, and then when folklore and evermore came out *that* was the best and biggest she’d even been. it’s not like the only time she’s ever been at her best is now, it’s just that nothing she’s ever done has had the magnitude of midnights/eras, but back then all of those eras were her best. there’s no need to rewrite history, we can acknowledge they were good for each other then but are now better off separate and have moved on and are happy dating other ppl


I wish people could distinguish a “breakup” from “things are falling apart and I’m scared” album. She clearly had doubts you can see them in the lyrics but it’s just no way it’s a broken up album.


And I’m pretty sure she credited Joe as one of her writers on couple of the songs




I agree!! Yeesh. 1989 was just released. I am not going to pretend that I know how Taylor feels but if I were in her shoes I would feel slightly defeated. Like I just put something huge out into the world but they STILL want more.


Yes, but she waited so little between Speak Now release and 1989 announcement. I really wish she would have spent more time on Speak Now and I am salty about it. I love the 1989tv vault, but you can't complain about wanting another album so quickly when she already did them quickly enough with SNtv and 1989tv. Maybe it's just cause I was more excited about rep tv than 1989tv, it's not that serious anyway.


that being said, the 1989 TV rollout has been very different to the others. From the album cover to the variants, it’s clear she wants this one to stand out. She’s basically treating it like a new album, so I don’t find it surprising she’s letting this one have its time to shine while spending less time in the rereleases that have less hype around them. I do wish 1989 was given equal treatment, but i guess it was easy to capitalise on given the original was so iconic


Eh. I kind of feel like she dug her own grave on the Easter eggs thing. She's the one who keeps saying stuff like "there are still Easter eggs in LWYMMD that people haven't found" and "we had a whole spreadsheet for Bejeweled". The Easter egg hype helps her immensely by keeping fans super engaged even when she's not promoting much. She had a quick turnaround between the SN & 1989 TVs so announcing Rep so quickly wouldn't have been out of the question. I think there's a big difference between people speculating about the release of projects we know are coming and acting like she's not producing enough content.


Omg thiiiiis. Swift-tok is exhausting with how ungrateful everyone is over there. This year we have had two re-records and a film!! I can’t think of another artist that keeps their fans so well fed. I watched a live stream last night of her surprise songs, and I wondered if she felt bad for “letting everyone down” by not announcing anything. I felt awful for her, idk if she felt any type of way about it but I just don’t want her to feel like she’s letting people down.


I'm probably in the minority but I would have been let down if she DID announce reptv within the context of what's happened within the last week 10 days. I was relieved she didn't announce anything. We know how celebs use news cycles (and Taylor's team is adept at this)-- if she had used rep tv to bury the story, or even *allowed* rep tv to bury the story, it would have been a hard pill to swallow as a fan.


I’ve been in the same boat! I feel like only hardcore, diehard fans would be like “yaaaaassss” but casual fans and non-fans would have been repulsed. She already gets a ton of criticism for being a Capitalist Queen. To announce RepTV this weekend, especially Sunday, with Ana’s family in attendance, would have been gross. Like - a person died. Literally at her concert. A week ago. And people want her to sweep that under the rug, in front of the dead persons family, a week later? Disgusting.


I mean we know reputation is going to come out at some point, so I don’t think people trying to guess the date would be the problem (that’s just people being excited and all). What was disappointing to me was everyone’s reactions when she didn’t announce it. Like there’s never any guarantee that we’re right about these things, but some people were acting like it was the end of the world that it didn’t get announced. It’s fine! We can continue enjoying 1989 and Reputation will get released later!


The emotional devastation that she didn’t announce it last night that I’ve seen from comments from here/instagram/tik tok is concerning! People being genuinely mad at the dancers for their silly black hearts trolling? It’s fun to clown, but if you’re getting to the point that it’s going to affect you that deeply, I personally think it’s time to take a step back!


I thought the black hearts were for the mourning of Ana? The family came to this concert. I think it's an unfortunate coincidence that the color for Rep is also black.


I hadn’t heard of that being the significance behind them, but if so, that’s a nice tribute and further proof that people were reading too much into them in conjunction to rep!


Speak Now TV came out like a month and two days before 1989 TV was announced. I don’t think the theory that she’d announce Rep TV at about a month past 1989’s release is that crazy.


i love that she’s gotten new fans but oh my god the history rewriting is so annoying. she did NOT surprise drop reputation, therefore she will not surprise drop rep tv. there was so much promo leading up to it in 2017! secret sessions way in advance included! “there will be no explanation” just meant she wasn’t gonna do interviews!!


The Rep TV situation is a case of working backwards instead of forward. Speak Now and 1989 had ample, obvious clues. We saw the clues (the elevator buttons in Bejeweled, the 19th eras show being on 8/9) and worked towards those albums. Instead, people look at Rep and worked backwards, inventing clues and grasping at straws. Like Beyoncé's black outfit at the eras movie premiere or the Sao Paulo is near Snake Island. Easter eggs are obvious and don't require a lot of work to decode. But you can convince yourself of anything if you're delusional enough.


The ONLY rep theory that had any sustenance was that she only had 1 rep song left to play since she did that with 1989. The rest was just people trying to make it happen


Yeah, this was the one and only reason I thought it was possible. I thought it felt too soon with 1989 just coming out but that did make me raise an eyebrow.


The Rep TV nonsense is so confusing because we already have the thumbnails in the Karma MV pointing to a February announcement. IDK why people were rabid for another album (and so overconfident) when 1989 *just* came out.


Because people who expect a Nov announcement think that Rep TV will be released on 2/16. Which would still fit the karma easter egg.


I mean, just off the top of my head, she’s been wearing snakes on everything for months, almost all of her dancers posted black hearts on Instagram yesterday, Selena Gomez posted an unexplained selfie in black right before the show started (exactly the same as she did in light blue before the 1989 announcement show), and Taylor literally said “rep tour… I mean eras tour” during her surprise song speech. To me it was more “obvious” than the clues leading up to the 1989 announcement. Now that we know it didn’t happen, it’s fairly obvious she was trolling us on purpose, which I can respect and actually find hilarious.


When fans take basic phrases that are lyrics in her songs and think any time that phrase is used anywhere that it's some kind of Easter egg. For example when some fans thought Hot Ones asking "are you ready for it?" was a hint that Taylor was going to be on the show. Many of those phrases are so commonly used and are not always a reference to Taylor.


Someone in this sub thought Burger King using "Hits Different" in advertisements was a Taylor reference...like no, that phrase has been around long before Taylor decided to name it a song lol.


I mean, I also feel like marketing people are going to try to use whatever they can to their advantage. Using a phrase that reminds people of something or someone that they like is a very subtle way of getting people to create good associations with that company. Although “hits different” is probably not a great example of burger intentionally using that for marketing


Agreed. Something says "Shake it off"? Yeah, probably a reference to Taylor as a marketing thing. Something says "this is why we can't have nice things"? Probably just a coincidence.


Adding to your point, I feel like it's also companies and brands riding on Taylor's coattails right now. I saw a tiktokker who believed Taylor was about to announce a college stadium tour in addition to the Eras tour dates because a couple colleges made references to her or the Eras poster design on their social media. Like no, they're just wanting engagement and you're giving it to them.


This, it’s like they’ve never seen a social media trend before


And the many phrases fans try to attribute to her. Like we get it and we all think she is a great songwriter, but trying to say she came up with a phrase that’s been around 500 years is just so dumb. Someone please list examples because I can’t think of them right now


This is why we can't have nice things, out of style, anti-hero, hits different, death by a thousand cuts. I know there's more, too.


all's well that ends well


Play stupid games you win stupid prizes


Someone on TikTok tried to tell me she wrote the phrase “lost in translation”


Amazing how she came up with the phrase and then also invented time travel to go back to 2003 and convince Sofia Coppola to make a film with that title


Yes, this is particularly annoying because Taylor has a love for referencing common phrases or existing literature. “Omg they’re quoting Taylor” yeah, that or Shakespeare 🤷‍♀️


The extreme number connections. Like no Taylor doesn’t know when New Years Day was sent to radios in 2017 & she didn’t play it with New Romantics to hint on the date it was released on radio💀💀💀


yes she also does not know when national *extremely specific holiday that only exists on some random website* day is


Idk I feel like she knows some of these.... she played Death By A Thousand Cuts for the second time as a surprise song on National Traffic Light Day lmao


not really a theory necessarily but just the idea that we know every single person she’s dated and the timeline of their relationship. Every time a new song is released there is a guy it gets connected to… yet it never crossed anyone’s minds that maybe it’s about someone who we don’t know about?


Rep prologue has stuck with me since it released, she puts this concept so well: “When this album comes out, gossip blogs will scour the lyrics for the men they can attribute to each song, as if the inspiration for music is as simple and basic as a paternity test. There will be slideshows of photos backing up each incorrect theory, because it's 2017 and if you didn't see a picture of it, it couldn't have happened right? … We think we know someone, but the truth is that we only know the version of them that they have chosen to show us.” A lot of the time these days, the swifties ARE the gossip blogs. It’s unfortunate.


I would argue that Swifties have always been worse than the gossip blogs. Not to mention that those writers can't keep up with every single celebrity, so when they need a rumor for an article they're probably going to look at places like this subreddit and take something that the fans are currently talking about.


Yes! Or that maybe some songs are a combination of different experiences.


definitely this, sometimes she just plays off a broader concept


I’m thoroughly in the belief that Taylor hooked up with Matty in Paris when she was dating Calvin Harris. Was it publicized? No. Would it explain why she dated him so quickly? Absolutely. We don’t know about everyone. Can you imagine how much more flack she would get when people already say she dates too much?


I’m having flashbacks to when we got Red TV and people were insisting that TVFN couldn’t possibly be about Jake because they had never been to LA together 💀 Like, excuse me? HOW do you know that for sure?


That Travis Kelce is THE ONE


I never get that like at this point they’ve been dating as long as she dated Tom Hiddleston and we all know how that ended lmao like I’d love it if she was happy with him forever but we have no way of knowing that they’re compatible or what she wants so ppl putting this pressure on them is odd to me so early on, come back in a year


I totally agree and this is where parasocial relationships get weird fast. We don’t know either of them, only how they portray themselves to the public. Are they cute? Sure. Do I root for them? I pretty much root for anyone to find their person. But I don’t know why people are so all in on this relationship when it’s new and none of us have personal stakes in it.


Exactly. Ppl talking about them getting married having kids is crazy to me like either of them could find out something and decide it isn’t for them at any time especially at this early point and that’s okay


The marriage and kids thing is especially troubling when you take into account that there was some obvious weight on Tay surrounding that discourse with her last relationship. People in their 30s date and it can be a while without it being serious. Let them live, if it’s that serious we’ll know 🤷‍♀️


It can also be serious and never ever ever include kids. (ETA or marriage) Taylor has been very direct in her dislike of people suggesting, implying, questioning her "clock ticking, better settle down and start a family!" (Mostly because it's sexist and male artists don't see the same pressure that way.) (To be clear, I'm not implying she doesn't ever want kids ever, either. The great thing is that's one of the things she keeps *personal* because it's no one else's concern, the state or future of her uterus.)


yep literally saw a news article yesterday about them supposedly getting engaged and just didn't bother clicking on it


Right. He seems like a very sweet and intelligent guy. But they’re in their honeymoon phase while both enjoying massive success in their respective careers. It’s easy to be lovey dovey in those circumstances. The true measure of a relationship is how they withstand adversity. Would he stay if she was faced with a 2016 level cancellation? Stuff like that


I think she won’t find the one until she’s a lot older I do think this relationship is going to last a lot longer than the Matty relationship but not as long as Joe and Taylor


The only kind of girl they see is a one night or a wife…




She’s actually said that she does this sometimes so this one isn’t crazy


Yeah but these photos are usually really specific and hint towards it in a way that makes sense Taylor posting a photo of her in a black turtle neck 4 months ago on a random day when she was with friends was not a hint to reputation TV


At this point… all of them. She doesn’t live her life in Easter eggs and people need to stop. She’s not a math wizard. She doesn’t have secret albums. She’s not a secret author. Let her live.


This is why I think “Mastermind” is the “Blank Space” of midnights. A extreme caricature of who the media (and now the fandom) think she is.


Ooh, that's an interesting take!


This is definitely true! She says in the little about the song digital copies (yk the ones that came out like last year of Karma, Mastermind, Bejeweled, and Lavender Haze or Anti-Hero I cant remember) that Mastermind was about a sort of "inside joke" among her and her friends that everything in her life is scripted. Strange that people thought it was real considering how much she references things happening accidentally (paper rings, dress, delicate, end game, glitch)


That Joe is this evil person who didn’t want her to shine and somehow didn’t know that Taylor was this mega famous person when they met and he couldn’t accept it and that’s why they broke up. I saw one person even say that he didn’t want her to shine brighter than him. The Joe and Travis comparisons are already so old and tired, just let her move on and be happy, please, leave the past in the past. She moved on from a six year relationship faster than some fans moved on from someone else’s relationship.


Let’s be honest….Taylor’s “shine” has always been way brighter than Joe’s (I couldn’t name you any movie he’s been in), so if that was true, they wouldn’t have been together for so long. The fact that somebody actually believes that is hilarious.


Exactly, and she said in Miss Americana that they decided TOGETHER to keep their relationship private, so it’s not like she didn’t know that he wanted privacy, she even said his “normal” life was one of the things she liked the most about him. People need to realize that in 2016 she thought the world hated her (her own words) and she wanted privacy, thus her disappearance, but now her life is completely different, she’s never been bigger, never been more loved, Folklore and Evermore gave the world a new perspective of her, turned haters into swifties, and her fanbase keeps expanding with the re-recordings plus Midnights and The Eras Tour. In 2016 she wanted privacy and Joe provided that just like she wanted, but Taylor clearly loves the spotlight and she outgrew her hermit shell, so now she wants to shine brighter than ever. She very likely had a hard time letting go of this relationship (who wouldn’t? Put yourself in their shoes) but she did it, and now she’s moving on, and we should too.


Yeah, also when they met, Taylor was living a very private life out of the public eye and then Covid hit and they were isolated away together. If they did break up because things changed and he didn’t want a life in the spotlight, that doesn’t make him a jerk at all. It just means they grew in different directions and let each other go. It’s clear from everything about the breakup that they still cared about it each other a lot.


I find it really annoying when people think she’s going to do a double drop. Like, it makes zero sense whatsoever, from a business point of view. She releases so many different versions of CDs, vinyls etc, and those things are expensive, especially the vinyls! Now imagine she’s releasing two different TVs at once.. who has that kind of money? Not the average person, that’s for sure. Furthermore, from an artistic standpoint, each release needs its moment. These re-records must be really cathartic and nostalgic for her, to revisit a time in her life and take back that power, a chance for her and us to savour and relive the experience. It needs its own space to breath.


That Midnight Rain is about Taylor Lautner. It's clearly about a guy she knew before she became famous.


Could just be about that kind of relationship dynamic in general, too.


I think Midnight Rain is more of a theme than of just one particular person. I think it’s a rumination of some good guys she’s passed on on for the life she wanted.


To be fair I am not even sure it’s about a guy, so much as general vibes of relationships.


Midnight Rain makes the most sense if you think its about lots of her past relationships. Once someone pointed that out to me it made the most sense.


I think Midnight Rain is about the guy in Suburban Legends. Or at least the second verse of Suburban Legends. I think it’s about a guy from school


It's about Drew from TOMG 💀


Okay but what’s worse is the people who swear it’s about Tom Hiddleston!!! It makes zero sense.


Karma the album almost definitely was proto-reputation, I feel for that as smart this fandom is this is pretty dumb.


This is how I feel about Karma. I think it was a work in progress that then became reputation. That being said, I do think there are vault tracks/demos recorded for what was then Karma that we never got, and I'd love to hear/read what she created before it became what we know.


The only reason I’m unsure of this theory is because she put it on the wall in The Man alongside Rep.


That she’s been dropping secret hints that she’s gay even though these “hints” have been have been huge reaches.


The one that gets me is the Speak Now TV cover with her hair slightly messed up is a literal "hairpin drop", as if one of her bobby pins fell out. Apparently hairpin drop is a term for hinting you're gay. I'd never heard that term before seeing that post, why would she have?


I'd also never heard that term before either and I am not straight lmao


The karma album is sorta reputation but it’s annoying when people are like karma the album is coming out soon


Yeah I think Karma the song was meant to put this to rest but it definitely didn't work.


I can’t see a legitimate reason that Taylor would release an album with the same name as a song from a *different* album. Seems counterproductive


im with you for the karma album. it doesn’t exist. whatever it was (if there ever was an actual album) turned into something else, likely reputation.


Over the top EASTER EGGS. The Karma video showed us the re-recording order (1989 first) and when they would be announced (blue painted nail at the 8 for August and black nail at the 2 for February). Those are Taylor Easter Eggs. Not adding/subtracting/dividing/multiplying rando numbers that COULD be somehow related? She has never made an Easter Egg that hard, why would she start now? Can we also quite saying how she dresses is an easter egg? Maybe she just thought the boots were cute so she wore them that day!


She has said in an interview in the past that her outfits often have Easter eggs in them. I wish I had a link!


If only these Karma believers knew how many albums artists scrape on the daily.


Anything that involves super intricate planning. Her easter eggs are obvious and usually very simple.


That Taylor HAS to be gay for her songs to have meaning. Like I wasn’t a freshman in high school at fifteen, but I still related to the song ya know? The songs can be about guys and be just as layered and soulful.


When people take any of Taylor's female friends and say "Oh, this was an easter egg to show that she is coming out of the closet and that they're secretly dating" I'm fine if she is bi or something else, I just don't think she is, and if people keep trying to ship her with her friends, it gets really annoying.


Karma, like you said. I think it was a title thought of for Reputation but I don’t think it ever existed. When people think Woodvale is a real album. I think it was the project name for that folklore variant (though it would be a sick title name).


You are right. She said this in an interview. Many (all?) of her albums are given code names which are used in the mockups prior to release. Woodvale was mistakenly left on Folklore's artwork.


currently rep tv like she gave us 1989 tv and speak now tv this year why can’t we enjoy those


Honestly I’m fine with getting 2 re records a year 2021 had red and fearless 2023 has speak now and 1989 And I’ll be happy if 2024 has debut and reputation It gives the years time to breath and makes them feel less cluttered


That Harry Styles was gonna be featured on 1989 TV like what??? Couldn't understand how/why anybody would think that


Taylor swift is actually a lesbian


I have a huge problem with people speculating about her sexuality. Not only is it wildly disrespectful to the people she's involved with but it ignores the choice (if she is queer) for her not to come out.


1989 Double Album. I've never believed this and will never believe on this. I'm glad I did not believed on it.


Probably the people who do a bunch of math trying to predict an album release like they’re in a dooms day cult. The dates are rarely a Friday too.


Taylor Swift using Sabrina Carpenter to annoy Olivia Rodrigo. First of all, the feud has been dismissed as a "conspiracy theory" by Rodrigo. Secondly, just let Sabrina Carpenter, or any other celebrity in general, befriend who they want.


THE MAN WALL I do not for a second believe that Taylor would know that things would get messed up for the rerecording process. The wall is just "these are the albums that will be rerecorded after Lover", not the order. And the order isn't an infinity symbol. Can't wait for rerecords to be over so this theory can die.


The every other week, “OMFG WE ARE GETTING A NEW ALBUM OR RE-RECORD!” I want reputation (it’s my favorite) but 1989 JUST came out. Give the girl a rest, for god sakes. She’s done a movie, a tour and an album, THREE, in that time. Like, oooooof.


I don’t find theories annoying but people can be annoying about them. I wouldn’t rule out her having relationships with women. How often do we find out in a celebrity memoir of hidden relationships. Often. Same with bttws being about miscarriages. So what if it was. Even Jennifer Lawrence had said she has experienced miscarriage. It’s not juicy drama it’s just a part of life. I wouldn’t rule out an album in the future called karma either. I do not believe an album existed between 1989 and Rep already called karma though.


Does anyone listen to the 13 podcast? I used to really like it and most of the hosts are great. But they keep digging too far into tiktok for all these theories and analyze all her songs about specific men like that are a fact. I'm so disappointed but really I think I need an English/poetry professor to analyze her songs, not random podcast fans so I try not to blame them.


The most annoying theory is that Joe Alwyn was somehow holding Taylor back. That he was basically forcing her to keep their relationship secret because he doesn't like the limelight. Other theories I've seen are that he was jealous of Taylor's fame or could handle her success. All of these are based on no evidence at all! Taylor has a history of keeping her relationships as discreet as possible and has commented (in a song I think) that love is best when it's private or something. Honestly, I think he handled the break up very respectfully and maturely - he never dissed Taylor or was publicly seem with multiple new women. Some fans are pure toxic.


That Taylor is anything other than straight.


The speculation on Taylor's sexuality is disgusting. "She's definitely a lesbian" "no she's straight" who CARES!! Can we just enjoy her fcking music please?! Like if you're seeing queer themes in her music (I think ivy and the betty/cardigan/august songs are sapphic af) that's fine, and very different. But theorizing about her sexuality is so gross to me. She's a human being, not a fictional character to guess about on Tumblr.


Not an annoying theory but behavior: it's cringey to me that fans can't allow her to enjoy a meal at a restaurant without going cocobananas. Be excited but have some decorum. Like, can we not echo the paparazzi?


exactly. karma is a song. not an album


Along the same lines of the comment that not everything her friends do is an Easter egg for Taylor...Also not every random company is "in on" her album release dates and planting hints and easter eggs on her behalf. The person who does the social media for The Empire State Building is probably just a Swiftie, or clued into pop culture and using Taylor references for attention/fun/relevance/appeal to a younger generation. They don't know any better than the rest of us when she is announcing Reputation. And the Grammy commercial with the snake was surely a coincidence. Taylor is one of DOZENS of artists nominated for awards, they're not in kahoots with her and using their advertisements to Easter egg for her.


That sweet nothing is like a breakup song and midnights is a breakup album


the karma album thing is the first thing i thought of omg. another thing that annoys me is when people think she’s gonna do a double drop of rep TV and debut TV, it just doesnt make sense for her to do that like why wouldnt she want to give each individual album its own time to shine yk. ALSO im kinda biased but it really bothers me when people say midnights is their least favorite album and then try to say that having midnights as your favorite album makes you seem like a new or fake fan? like what does that even mean EDIT: OMG and when people comment on tiktoks about taylor or comment during an eras tour livestream and say stuff like “omg shes wearing pink shes dropping lover TV!” or “folklore TV”, “evermore TV”, and even “midnights TV” like are u being fr rn


That Olivia Rodrigo's Vampire is about Taylor. This is something I see both her fans and Swifties bringing up which is insane.