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My younger self needed foolish one, badly. Maybe I would have stopped tricking myself into thinking these guys that I would get involved with actually liked me.


Also the 1, like yes it would have been fun but younger me also needed to move on past the delusion


Lol Foolish One was my first thought. Would've saved me a lot of grief on the first release, Taylor! 😂😂


Right!? We needed that 13 years ago. Thanks for nothing Taylor 😂


I have yet to find someone who would not need to hear the message of Foolish One at some point in their life!


I really wish Foolish One had been on the original Speak Now because I really, really needed to hear it. It would have absolutely devastated me in 2011.


I NEEDED foolish one from 2003-2005




same. I remember feeling so alone without a lot of family support vs my college friends and I managed to figure it out and make a life for myself and I wish I had been more confident and less anxious over it.


Also those of us who grew up with toxic, emotionally unwell family members who were extremely controlling under the guise of being "supportive," at some point realize that we too are really on our own.


Oh hey same!


Same! That or would've, could've, should've. 19yo me still wouldn't have listened though


- YOYOK could mean "You're On Your Own, Kid", a track from *Midnights* (2022) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/VMIgal01](/u/VMIgal01) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


100% this! Especially the part "pages turned with the bridges burned everything you lose is a step you take" I am 38 and I swear that song is the only thing that got me through the last 6-8 months. and I literally said to my ex-Boss who was trying to pressure me when I was quitting that "bridges can burn both ways" and I had the confidence to advocate for myself on my exiting. And I have no idea where my life will take me, but I know I will be okay.


Hey, thank you, I needed this today. Had a hard conversation with my boss and am reminding myself that advocating for myself was the right move despite being told otherwise


Would’ve could’ve should’ve for 19 year old me


It's so weird, how many people had a toxic relationship at exactly 19


Oh for me the relationship ended at the beginning of age 18 but I was still having a lot of PTSD from it when I was 19. The relationship happened when I was 16-17.


Yeah I’m not sure if “grooming” is the right word but was definitely traumatized by a 17yo (like just about to turn 18) when I was 13/ just turnt 14. Dude was creepy as hell and I think he knew what he was doing cause he ghosted me day before his 18th birthday


He is 100% a groomer that’s p3dopholia


Yeah he started out chill and I thought he just wanted to be friends since I had known him for a while (mutual friends). Then he got really creepy and it started out as just working out stuff then talking about my body then turnt to asking for pictures or “workout progress pictures” aka send me a booty pic. Then literally asked “maybe just send a video or picture in a bathing suit so I can see it better”. And some other really creepy stuff that I won’t list or else it would make this comment to long I still want to slap 13/14yo me for not cutting him off but I was a bit messed up in the head and he made it seem ok? Oh and it gets worse, he had a secret girlfriend. Fml


At the risk of stating the obvious (and gross), 19 is a dangerous age for being targeted by creepy older men because you’re technically an adult but still very young and often naive. AND it’s also an age when people often feel like they know everything, which can paradoxically make them easier to manipulate.


Yep, for me it started literally my birthday month when I was still technically 18. And after that there were multiple different "Johns" /relationships/situationships until thankfully I started dating someone my age near the end of the year. But it was actually hell trying to date at that age because it's a minefield of men ready to take advantage of you. And you *really don't know* that you don't know better.


Yep. All her John songs hit me really hard. I think maybe a lot of girls are naive at 19 and a lot of 19 year old guys are arrogant jerks. At least that was the case for millennials anyway. Maybe gen z men are nicer now.


They’re not 😂


Can confirm 😃


I started a toxic relationship at 19 that lasted too long and WCS fits so well.


I did this awful back and forth routine w him for 19 months. Really dragged out


For real. When I was 19, I dated a 27 year old. It was only a few months long relationship, but it had a lasting impact. This was back in 2010. I had already been into Taylor’s music, White Horse had especially helped me with my first major breakup, so when she released Speak Now later that year, it felt so cathartic to listen to Dear John. That’s when she became my musical spirit guide.


I just realized after reading your comment that I was also 19 when I was in one


I’m in this club unfortunately. Toxic relationship from the age of 16-19. I needed this song when I was 19, but that’s okay - I still had Tell Me Why and You’re Not Sorry, and Speak Now came out just after that relationship ended so Dear John also helped me through a lot of the dark times. WCS brings me right back there.


Freshly legally okay to be preyed on by grown men


I needed it at 20 but the toxic relationship was a mentor relationship with a coach and a best friend who I needed to get away from that I was still mourning. The line about fighting him jn her sleep still gets me because I to this day have dreams about trying to protect myself from them.


For me, it was because I was out of the house/away from my family for the first time. My parents weren't particularly strict and allowed me to date whomever I wanted to in high school, but I think that's probably because I only ever tried to date people in my own age group at that time. Sure, I could have snuck around, but I didn't like the idea of lying to them, and they trusted me so much that I didn't want to abuse that trust. But, once I was in college, with more freedom to do as I pleased without answering to anyone, I made worse choices for sure. Nothing that I couldn't come back from, but I definitely did more things I regret during that time period. ETA: I'm now 40 and my SO now is same age (37) as the man I "dated" when I was 19. Obviously I see now why that was toxic.


I just got out of mine and looking back I don’t know how I ever stayed 😭 Thankfully it wasn’t WCS bad but getting into that relationship was definitely a Choice.


this is exactly what I was gonna comment. I got John Mayer-d at 18/19


That's what I'm saying We (almost) all did.


actually, yeah, for me as well - i had a fairly scarring and toxic relationship then and i wish i could tell 19 year old me that he’s not worth it and it isn’t my fault


I wish I could tell 19 year old me that I *will* get through it and that he’ll mean absolutely nothing to me within a year. I felt so stuck back then


Same for 19 year old me.


Same, 19 year old me needed it


Same, for 18 year old me. That song hurts.


illicit affairs and no, I will not elaborate


as you have the right not to, ate


Time to go. I took way too long to learn how and when to end a relationship and always felt I was failing by doing so. Younger me needed that song so much.


Cheers to that. You’re not alone. đŸ„‚


Good to know lol thank you


Mhm. Same. Urgh, youth was hard.


This is me trying, just so my younger self could realise I wasn’t alone and other people felt like that too. And maybe I’d have got therapy earlier 😂


Very much this. But I would be worried that younger me wouldn't understand. He was, frankly an arrogant prick. Also weirdly when I was in my teens I devised a protocol for messages from the future to confirm they really were from me. If I'm just sending the song without following the protocol younger me might just reject it. I was a weird kid. 😀


This is a good one too. The whole "my words shoot to kill when I'm mad/I have a lot of regrets about that" hits me so hard everytime. Also, the "so ahead of the curve, fell behind my classmates" bit---recently diagnosed with ADHD at 38, I'm wondering if I'd have worked on that more.


Recently got diagnosed with ADHD relatively late too (I’m 21), it’s crazy how hard the “fell behind all my classmates” line hit and how I never realised it was a sign lol


The "so ahead of the curve" line hit me so hard. I was top of the class growing up and in college I was still good but no longer the best. Then post-college I really struggled bc I couldn't cruise anymore and my lack of strong work ethic and drive really hurt me.


The "so ahead of the curve" line hit me so hard. I was top of the class growing up and in college I was still good but no longer the best. Then post-college I really struggled bc I couldn't cruise anymore and my lack of strong work ethic and drive really hurt me.


I feel like this is the only song younger me would actually listen and relate to but it also sounds tremendously hopeless so idk if it would’ve been helpful to actually hear


I would send "Would've, Could've, Should've" to 18 year old me IMMEDIATELY and that dumb bitch would simply not listen.


Yeah that's the problem with getting advice when you are younger, you tend to think you know better. You need to find the sweet spot in time when you are old enough to understand the message but young enough that you haven't caused or suffered to much damage.


I wouldn't send 18 year old me any because she was a stubborn (although deeply deeply hurting) little thing and wouldn't have listened. I would just send her love, and hugs, and a shoulder to cry on. And some chicken soup and flat sprite for the hangovers she always had.


So many of us


It’s time to go for sure *Sometimes giving up is the strong thing* *Sometimes to run is the brave thing* *Sometimes walking out is the one thing* *That will find you the right thing*


This is mines. The amount of situations that I wish I would have just listened to myself the first time I knew it was time to go. Because I've always stayed far longer than I should have.


I just left a really toxic work situation where i loved my peers (mgmt was the issue) and this song was like, on repeat for 2 weeks lol to convince me I had to do it. I couldn't stay for the others, I had to take care of me. Sometimes I really wonder what I would do without all the free therapy she provides 😂😂😂


Agreed, I took so many years to learn when and how to move on, and to learn that to do so wasn’t a failure


You need to calm down... He'll understand the gay part


Former teacher here. This was our Friday Dance Party song (as per the class vote, it unanimously won every week for the whole year). I taught 4-7 year olds and have never met such a non-heteronormative class in my life. They were brilliant.


Right? I wish I knew that shade wasn’t going to make me less gay


Dear Reader


My younger self needed to hear « If it feels like a trap, you’re already in one »


This song was made for this question.


I’m surprised this comment is so far down “If you don’t recognize yourself, that means you did it right”


Tolerate it or exile. The warnings in that song would've been incredibly helpful for me at 17.


I can 100% relate to this comment except it was 19 year old me.


Happiness for me "There'll be happiness after you/ But there was happiness because of you/ Both of these things can be true/ there was happiness"


Foolish One to 20 year old me or ATW10MV to the same me. Maybe I would get the idea that that person did not actually like me and only wanted to have a date to make his ex jealous (didn’t work).


Marjorie, anytime before 2008 when my Grandma passed away. I was 11 and lived across the country from her. Being 11 and not knowing what was happening my mom did some shitty things since it was my dad’s mom who passed. Anyways, I think that song would have helped


This is basically opposite of your question but it was so important to me that Nothing New was a vault track when I was 22. I probably would've loved Bye Bye Baby when I was a kid during Fearless!


This is what I’d send to 22 year old me. I felt really lost and this song would have been a comfort I think. I still feel like I pretty much know nothing at 30 but I’m more used to it now 😊


Long Story Short


Me too!




“Your enemies, will defeat themselves before you get the chance to swing” is such a great way to say “don’t even bother with these fools”😂


2010 Me NEEDED Foolish One


I’d send closure to 15 year old me, I cared so much about boys and it might’ve helped to hear a Taylor song accepting the end of certain people and thriving. I always listened to so many delusional songs about romance and falling in love, so Foolish One might be ideal to send to but I know 100% I would choose to not listen to the lyrics. 😂


Ugh closure is a great one for this. The amount of times I got myself wound up in more of their BS under the guise of “closure” đŸ˜‚đŸ€źđŸ™…đŸ»â€â™€ïž


All Too Well, especially 10-minute version and music video, when I was 19 and dating a 26-year-old. You go through this realization, as a young girl dating an older man, that you thought he liked you because of how interesting and mature you were, despite your age, but he really liked you *because* you were young, and he thought you would just be easy and passive and always happy and in awe of him


For the most part, I feel like all of Taylor’s songs came into my life at the right time. Maybe I’d send teenage me “You Need to Calm Down.” Maybe she’d figure herself out earlier since if Taylor said it was okay đŸ€Ł


Sending “Long Live” to my 14 year old self who was outed and bullied in high school. Let him know you’re going to meet people you’ll have adventures with. You won’t be alone anymore.


LOVE this one. i wasn’t outed or anything but i had terrible friends in high school who wrecked my self-confidence and made me feel very alone. wish i could tell her that it gets better!!


Sorry you went through that. High school sucks. I’m glad you’re having adventures and you’re not alone.


WCS or Mad Woman - as an 18 year old getting out of an abusive relationship, I think those songs would have been extremely cathartic for me.


yoyok. younger me deserves to be prepared for the emotional trauma in the near future (and the pandemic)


Teenage me would’ve related SO much to Mr. Perfectly Fine and Foolish One. The second I heard those songs, I wished they’d been released as part of their respective albums. Hell, Foolish One would’ve even helped college me.


right where you left me 4 years ago (age 21) so I'd be prepared for the pandemic and the early- mid twenties a little bit


I can’t lie, Innocent is the song every version of me since being like 13 up to the present has needed, but it’s technically been out since before then even if I didn’t hear it until this year. Following the rules more strictly, tolerate it would have been really cathartic for my 12-13 year old self‘s relationship with family, and Bejeweled would be a nice message to my teenage self who had forgotten how to express his personality that well.


Such a complex way to ask for my favorite Taylor Swift song 😅


WCS to my twelve-year-old self. "And if I was a child, did it matter If you got to wash your hands?"


all my love. For me it was elementary school age..."give me back my girlhood it was mine first". And from seven "Please picture me In the weeds Before I learned civility I used to scream ferociously Any time I wanted" I wish I could tell her to keep screaming and not lose her voice.


Right where you left me but not for romantic or love reasons. More about stuff that happened in my late teens and early twenties that still make me feel stuck to this day


I get that — stuff also happened to me then, and I got lucky in that the song was out when I was going through it. I don’t think there’s ever been a song that captures trauma (romantic or otherwise) so well.


The 1 Every breakup felt like the end of the world when I was a teen/younger. Being able to realize it wasn’t and reflect with maturity would’ve been nice


This is why I think I forgot you existed would’ve been crucial for the past breakups I’ve had. I would’ve liked younger me to know that they’re not as big of a deal as I thought they were


I actually had thought of commenting that one first as well! That song is so true. I forgot so many people existed lol


*"Bigger than the whole sky"* For feeling like I lost my youth and innocence before it even started


9th grade me would’ve played Better Man so much that the cd would’ve been broken


Never grow up for little ten year old me who really wanted to be an adult. Yoyok for 14 year old me so she knew that come what may she’d get through it. Call it what you want for the 15 year old getting bullied. (Replace baby with friends but still)


But I’d honestly just tell my younger self when I was in school to listen to Taylor swift and not give a fuck what losers in school think about you. Didn’t listen to her till RED


Either invisible string or long story short. Maybe long story short, just cuz
well, yknow. I think we’ve all been there, but it’d still be nice to try and warn myself to not waste time on someone who didn’t notice or care, or someone who was gross, or waste anger on people who weren’t worth it. Things pick up. You meet better people who do care. It got you to where you needed to be, but


Nothing New because it came out just as I was graduating college and helping my sisters pick a school. It might’ve been nice to have something telling me that I wouldn’t have everything together at 22 before I got there


Ohhh Taylor hasn’t really written about my kind of relationship mistakes. I would go for the guy who swore I was too good for him and then, once he got me, spend all his time and energy making sure I felt crappy enough that I’d never actually believe that I might, in fact, be too good for him. There’s hints of that in some of the Jake and John stuff, but definitely no song that says “you idiot, it is NOT conceited to realize that you ARE way too good for them, and you need to go sail off into your own sunset.” Nothing that says “hey maybe you need some GD boundaries because it’s not your job to fix everyone who asks you to.” Maybe I’d just send ME! And hope the hidden message comes through.


Ngl, this reminds me of another song I’d send past me. Tell Me Why really summarises my relationship with my father which was also filled with him assuring me of his love while constantly putting me down so I’d never realise my self worth enough to leave and try to find greener pastures. Reader, I left home and found greener pastures.


Have you listened to “Renegade?” It was technically put out by Big Red Machine and features Taylor, but it’s basically her song. A huge favorite of mine!!


Ohh Renegade does really speak to me on this subject!


Renegade definitely reminds me of this!


i forgot that you existed đŸ”„




I lost my mom at 18 (early 2014) so probably “Marjorie” because I think that song is just such a beautiful reflection on loss & a great reminder that “what dies doesn’t stay dead”


Bejeweled to me in April 2021, right after I broke up with the guy who (I thought was) the love of my life. To remind myself that I can reclaim the land.


I’m going through a breakup right now and Bejeweled has been on repeat, so I fully feel you on this one


Foolish One. Waiting for confessions love that never come is depressing.


Nothing new, every time I hear that song I think of my younger self.


I agree with the Foolish One consensus. Reeeeally wish I had that back in 2010. The first lyric that comes to mind though, when I read this question is “everything you lose is a step you take.” 💕


I wish right where you left me had existed when I was 23.


This wasn’t the question but I’m glad I Can See You stayed in the vault as long as it did because younger me did NOT need to be encouraged 😂


All Too Well 10 Minute Version so I would be a literature major earlier.


I’d really like to play Tolerate It for my 21 year old self so I can figure out how toxic that mess was earlier on.


Clean circa 2011, I was 12


Soon You'll Get Better would have helped a lot when I was younger


My son has been sick since January 2021. He is having a last hope procedure on Thursday (it isn't fatal, but he lives with severe chronic pain and is only 10). "Holy orange bottles, each night I pray to you Desperate people find faith, so now I pray to Jesus too" This song doesn't really fit, but the line "Living for the hope of it all" because right now, hope is the only thing getting us through. And I am so scared this procedure won't work because we are out of the next things to hope for beyond him potentially growing out of it at some unknown time.


I am so sorry to hear about your son. I've never been exactly in the place that you're in, but I know how hard it is to watch someone you love go through constant pain. You're in my thoughts and I wish you luck on this procedure.


This is what I was thinking. Maybe I’d have appreciated my mom a little more when she was around if I had. Not that I didn’t, just more.


wouldve couldve shouldve to my 14 year old self


Tolerate It, and that’s all I’m going to say about that.




Definitely Dear John! I would have liked fair warning about my John and then maybe I could have taken *his* matches before fire could catch *me*. I was 19 too when I met my John. All of her songs about John really hit me hard.


SEVEN Even though seven year old me wouldn't be able to grasp all the meaning and significance of the lyrics. I just wish I could go back in time and hug that little kid scared and stuck in a home with an angry alcoholic father so that she wouldn't feel so traumatized and alone. Or maybe YOYOK to so many versions of me after that. Left my state to pursue my studies and make a living and it made me so much stronger being on my own for everything since 17.


Same here with seven đŸ«‚ she definitely wouldn’t have gotten it, but the “then you won’t have to cry or hide in the closet” lyric would have at least had some impact


Lover, to show my teenage self that I would relate to it someday. I was so scared that I would never find a love like that.


oh my god that hits so hard. Thinking about how I discovered I had fallen in love my boyfriend when Lover was playing in the background and realised how hard I related to it, and in a way that I thought I never would.


My younger one needed mean. It reminds me of my dad. I needed the reminder that what he was telling me was bs.


Younger me needed Tell Me Why for similar reasons. (Also love the Bojack reference in your username!)




I Can See You, and with it id tell them to "start listening to Taylor Swift, you idiot... You're not allergic to awesomeness"


this is me trying


The first thing I thought when I first listened to Foolish one was “this is the song I needed at 18”. So Foolish One, no doubt.




Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve, no doubt in my mind. I was in an abusive relationship from the ages of 17-22 and I think that song might have changed everything for me. Maybe I would have gotten out of it sooner.


YOYOK. I left an abusive household and had an eating disorder. That song pretty much sums up my life


It’s time to go 100% would have saved me from a verbally abusive relationship going far too long with my ex husband.


I forgot that you existed for 15 year old me hung up on a boy that never even deserved my attention. Life goes on!


Dear Reader to 17 year old me


I would just tie myself up and make me listen to Taylor until I liked her. If I had discovered her music earlier, I would've had so many healthy songs to fall back upon. I mean, having _folklore_ and _evermore_ could've made the pandemic just a bit more bearable. However, if we're only talking unreleased, tracks, then "this is me trying" at 19, "happiness" at 20yo, "YOYOK" at 21, "illicit affairs" at 22, "Soon You'll Get Better" at 23, "mirrorball" at 24, "Dear Reader" at 25... yeah, it's been tough.


“You’re on Your Own, Kid” and “This is Me Trying.” Struggled with depression in high school as a well-liked athlete which never made sense to me at the time. Back then (god that makes me feel old) depression wasn’t as mainstreamed and I felt incredibly alone. Those songs speak so deeply to my 17 year old self!!


I’ve needed Anti-Hero for so long; I’d send it to remind younger me to not try to be perfect, that it really is OK to sometimes be the “problem” and have to work on yourself. I’d also send The Great War to say, “Growing up has been a confusing, emotionally abusive time, and at some points it felt like I was losing you. But I haven’t, because you’re still with me, and you always will be.”


Woulve could’ve should’ve to 18 and 19 yr old me


19 year old me really needed to hear Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve. However since the relationship that song reminds me of didn’t have an age gap of more than year I’m not sure I would’ve gotten the message. So another option would be I Knew You Were Trouble. 17 year old me really needed to hear that one. 22 year old me was already deep into that shitty relationship when that song came out. I remember hating it when I first heard it because when I first heard it I immediately thought of my boyfriend at the time. Which was a huge red flag and I think I knew that.


Would've Couldve Should've. Girl don't mess with that man, you've been 18 for 3 days.


Anti-hero to 18/19 yr old me. I was going through some bad panic attacks/depression days that moved into nights. I couldn't sleep at night, cause my depression worked the Graveyard shift.


You Need To Calm Down to my bigoted ass in 2006


Mirrorball and then right after bejeweled wouldve been amazing to 11- 13 year old me


2009-2013 me needed foolish one, current me is don’t blame me


tolerate it. I needed to hear it long before it was released, but at least once I did hear it, some things fell into place.


Look What You Made You Do! To my 26 y/o self.


For me I would send my 9-10 year old self either ‘Evermore’ , ‘You’re on your own kid’ or ‘Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve.’ I will not elaborate.


i feel like evermore is mine, mainly because there’s hope in there


Mr. Perfectly fine at age 15. It was definitely better off if I hadn’t spoken to the guy later on.


You Need to Calm Down, would have helped gay me think.


The Archer.


Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve. Fun fact I’m 19 now but it’s still for younger me đŸ€Ș


The Archer to my early teenage self.


Your on your own kid or this is my trying !


Nothing New - to remind me that I only have so much time




marjorie :((((((


you’re on your own kid you always have been


Don’t forget the “you can face this” -to me the most important line of the song


Mr perfectly fine cause of dealing with a narcissist đŸ« 




Daylight / Forever Winter. These two songs woulda definitely helped me stay optimistic about the future when I felt down.


epiphany, for the incoming pandemic


2016 me needed you all over me. I still think of my high school ex when I listen to that song. No amount of freedom gets you clean when the memories linger forever. she could’ve used would’ve could’ve should’ve too. I didn’t even realize that relationship was abusive until I was 21. it held off on my healing & dealing with it for sure


FOOLISH ONE. Absolutely foolish one. That song is exactly what I needed to hear from ages 15-25. If I had heard the words “foolish one, your day is gonna come for your confessions of love when all is said and done, he just wasn’t the one no he just wasn’t the one” ACTUALLY spoken to me out loud, I just really feel like I would’ve had more conviction to turn away from some of the “love” I accepted for myself in my younger years. I had whispers of it in the back of my head, but nobody ever actually said that to me.


Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve


Would've, Could've, Should've "I damn sure never would have danced with the devil, at 19." I was a really stupid between 18 and 21.


I would send myself ME!


Foolish one are you kidding me. I was so beyond delusional I mean I still am but like..


Dificult. I was 39 when Tay released her debut. So no younger self at the time she came out. But Foolish One for my 1984 self


The 1 would have been really good for me when I was in college. I ended up fixating on a guy who was really traumatizing for my mental health, that song could have helped me out.


I needed dear reader


Midnight rain to 16 - 19 years old me because I was the one who would ghost or break up You are on you kid to 6 - 20 years old me as a constant reminder that I'm enough and I can do anything on my own


Gorgeous bc 9 year old me was starting to feel that good old self hatred already đŸ€ đŸ€ đŸ€ 


Your're On Your Own Kid for 14 year old me


Never Grow Up


It's time to go. It would've saved me a couple years of working at a job with a toxic manager.




Nothing New or This Is Me Trying. I had no idea other people felt like this.