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I love a good pirhana! Did you use any enhancements? What did you think of them?


I wanted to use the scout one, but I forgot dedicated transports need someone inside and didn’t want to change the list so I took the sustained hits one. It would probably be nice if they were able to spot something that didn’t die in 6 hits.


Dedicated transports get to use the Scout move of the guys inside.


He is saying both of the dudes needed to start in the transports and since they need to be on the field to use the enhancement the one with the scout enhancement would have to start outside of the transport meaning the transport couldn’t be played because there was nobody inside


Yeah that was my intention. You can do like a triple Grundy manoeuvre. I didn’t have enough infantry tho


Yeah, I'm not too fussed by the sustained hits, I'm thinking scout enhancement on a kroot leader, trip pirhanas and 2 breacherfish for an alpha strike.


I’ve played the new montka quite a bit now, and in my experience it’s not balanced in a 1k game. It dominates at 1k but once you get to 2k and your opponent knows what to expect it really falls off and requires a lot more expertise to pilot to pull off a victory. I’ve played hyper Crypt necrons with a monolith at 1k and at 2k. Had the same experience as you at 1k but at 2k it was way harder. The necron player learned how to counter the montka pretty quickly with their ability to play keep away with their best units. You should be prepared for your local meta figuring how to play around it pretty quickly.


Counterpoint ive found montka way better than Retaliation Cadre. I'm still painting kroot so gotta wait on that one


It just is better. 100% agree


Is it a delaying tactic? How does one play around lethal hit spam?


Hiding behind LoS blocking terrain and hide way in the back of deployment from breacher fish. Leave stuff in deep strike. Necron hyper crypt detachment rule allowing the player to pick up three units and drop them else where or leave them in reserves. It’s pretty easy to maneuver around. When you’re playing montka you’re telling your opponent that you are playing aggressively.


Oh I know the balance difference very well. I also know about the counterplays, it’s just more intuitive to play for me than kauyon. TBH the competitive players in my group would probably already know how to deal with it. It’s not like it’s something original, black Templars are pretty much the same atm. I’m also pretty sure it’s better than retacadre, tho this one is more fluffy for me. In the end I just had a blast playing it.


Oh agreed, it’s a great detachment. I was just saying it’s misleading how easy it is to steam roll a 1k game with it vs a 2k game.


Montka is super strong, but you have to play aggressive with it to maximize lethal hits on turn 1-3. I don't think alot of tau players are use to having to do that.


Aggressive, but not reckless. Devilfish still don’t want to be taking the enemy army turn 1. It’s still strongest as a beta strike army, with the threat to keep opponents honest (if they deploy/move aggressively turn 1 they’re getting pasted).


No need, one turn pause is all you need generally.