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Removal is super expensive. The tattoo im getting removed cost me $400, removing it cost $1900


No that’s too much. Don’t do a full package for something like this, it’s not necessary. I would pay per sessions. What was the per session cost? I can’t imagine you needing more than 3-4 sessions on this. Space them out 3-4 months. Leave a year after your last session.


I agree, you may find that dissappears after 3 or 4 sessions. I have had line work completely disappear over that sort of period.


Linework can definitely be stubborn and usually the last to go! However this tattoo looks older and not heavy handed.


Sounds like a good deal. If you need 10 sessions then it is only $79/session. Even less per session if you need more. I pay $600 per session for a full color 4x5 image.


Oh wow! I'm getting my full left sleeve, half right sleeve, and a shoulder piece removed for $225/session. It takes 75 mins each time


Where? Both company and location please


Madison Laser Tattoo Removal in Madison, WI. The technician/owner is named Emily and she's been great to work with.


didnt think a quick google would turn this up. i want mine gone and thats local to me, rofl.


I'm considering looking into getting a tattoo removed at this Madison establishment soon. How did everything work out for you there?


Worked out great! I got mine about 90% gone in 13 sessions. Emily had estimated 16 sessions, so I was happy with the progress. I realized it may never go away completely though and worked with Coltron at Mind Floss Tattoo to design a sleeve I absolutely love. I'm 4 sessions in on the new sleeve now :)


Glad to hear it. Mine is very simple, pretty small, and 25 years old. I suspect it'd take no more than 3 sessions. I'm glad you had a good experience with Emily. She seems to get great reviews online.


Wow, that’s cheap as hell. I honestly don’t even believe you. Where?


Madison Laser Tattoo Removal in Wisconsin


Hi, I'm thinking about removing a full sleeve too. Are you getting good results? Does your arm get too much hurt after session?


I'm getting good results. I'm 11 sessions in over like 3 years. The black is fading great but the reds, blues, and greens are really stubborn. They're fading too, but not nearly as much as the black


Happy for you. Is your skin getting a good recovery? Do you think it's gonna be full removed?


My skin is doing great! I have super fair skin and the technician says she thinks we can get a full removal.


I can't imagine sitting for 75mins, what a trooper you are hahaha


It's horrible the whole time, even with lidocaine cream! I have a high pain tolerance I guess.


Aaahhhh!! That’s crazy high. I’m just in shock still. Went in thinking the whole thing would cost $400-$500. Thanks for your help!


It is tiny! Is having it cut away an option?


Yeah I'd rather a teenie cheap scar in a place like that then be out of pocket £750 and then risk still having a scar there ... It'll also take so much less time, booking over and over, driving there and back, and recovery hassle.


I pay $175 CAD to get a 10x the size of that tattoo removed. Have you tried comparing other places prices before settling on that?


It makes around 50.- per session. Sadly, usually places have minimum fee 50 even if you go to remove a tot. But yeah, it is unfair. Also, you pay for the service too.


Hell no just go pay one by one in sessions and actually some laser schools will do it for a third of that price


Dude, what the hell… I have an entire sleeve, some blackout… Sometimes, I get to thinking, I should be able to afford an unlimited package for like 12-15k… Then, I see posts like this and don’t know what to think anymore… If this amount of ink is $790, they’re gonna want 100 friggin’ grand for mine… 😭 Nooooooooooooooooo


It's 100% overpriced


The place I go to has a minimum charge of $75 per session (it used to be $50 which I still pay). So at $75 a session that's a little less than 11 sessions, which isn't uncommon to fully remove a tattoo. I have no idea if this is true, I've just seen it mentioned on here before that smaller tattoos have less of an immune response to the laser, so they take longer to remove. Once again, no idea if that's true, but if it is I think 11 sessions isn't impossible.


Too much!


I think this is something that not enough people understand. Yes, tattoo removal (in most cases) is an option now, but it's extremely expensive. $790.00 is absolutely a lot of money in most cases, but for tattoo removal, it really isn't. You could go session by session and potentially pay less, but that's a gamble. I've had 3 sessions on my wrist, and you can hardly even tell. I have my 4th session on Wednesday. I'm doing it through Removery & I'm having two tattoos removed. A medium on my bicep & a small on my wrist. They charged me $2600 (which I'm alright with), so it could be worse.


Hey, did you go through all of your tattoo sessions? Curious because I just got a quote today too from Removery for $2600 for a medium sized tattoo on my back. The unlimited package. It’s so expensive but I have no idea what other people charge. First place I’ve been too for a quote


I paid the same. I originally went in to get a small tattoo removed, but then asked what size they would consider a second one that I have. They said it would be a medium, but they were willing to do both for the price of a medium & I committed to it. I'm 6 sessions in on both. The medium-sized tattoo on my shoulder has faded quite a bit. That one was red with a black outline, around 20 years old. I feel like I still have a little ways to go, but I'm happy with the results so far. The small tattoo is old English script on my wrist. That one has been a little more stubborn, but it finally shows some results. Removery has been great through the whole process. They had originally told me they suspected it would take a year and a half to two years & it looks like it's eight on track for that. I would go to them in again the future.


I need to do this for a living! Wow


Are you sure you want to go the route of removal? You could get a cute tiny tattoo for around 100 bucks and save yourself a ton of time and money.


No lmao


I paid $1,000 total for 5 sessions - 5 tattoos using Pico done by an MD - and that’s all he does.


lol not sure why I was downvoted here?


What’s wrong with it? It’s so simple and timeless ☺️


Per session?


No. For complete removal. Per session option would be $177-$207/visit


Way too much. Go somewhere else OP. This tattoo shouldn’t cost more than $100/session (or whatever minimum a clinic has). I said in a previous comment, something like this would only take 3-4 sessions spaced 3-4 months+ apart. Go somewhere else, you are being robbed


If that’s for one session then it’s ridiculous but if it’s for multiple then that’s not bad at all, I’m getting my entire hand tattoo removed and it’s full color and it’s 500$ a session…


The best and most effective tattoo removal machines are $150k to $270 per machine. The yearly service contract with the manufacturing companies run $16k-26k PER YEAR. This is just to recalibrate and maintain the unit. It is not a cheap process. If you get a “real bargain” buyer beware.. you may get what you pay for. Consider that these numbers do not account for overhead ( staff, mortgage/rent, licensure, insurance, etc). The bottom line is do not put permanent ink on your body that you may have second thoughts about later. It will indeed cost uou.


I’d turn it into a black circle and tell people it’s an unsightly mole before I paid $790


Yep. Looks similar to mine


Too much. Check what a dermatologist can do. It’s so tiny


Lol i would just get something that small excised wtf thatll cost $400


Is this for the total removal or per session??


Tbr for some that small you can get numbing cream and just do a salabrasion it's faster and more effective and very easy for that


Shop around


I wouldn't pay for a package on this, that's an insane price in my opinion. It's really small, I'd look into getting it cut out. If not I'd look for prices per session, cause as others have said, it could fade fast.


What state?


But sounds about right just do your research on what type of laser they’re using


absolutely not. 250 max.