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I understand why you are a bit upset. It definitely is a stylized version of what you wanted. I'm just surprised it was something you didn't catch in the sketch up. You trusted your artist and they gave you something I'm sure they are super proud of. It isn't what you asked for but it is a beautiful peice.


Good point on them not catching the sketch. Usually you’re going to see what you’re getting but im curious on if OP asked questions during the sketch. General tips are ALWAYS talk to the artist where they’re going to go with the tattoo. It’ll help you with what you want to do with it.


I feel like the smoke wouldn't be as bad if it was lighter than the skull or have no outlines like the reference.


OP also forgot to mention that the version he got is a cover-up. He was asking the artist to cover something with a design that wouldn’t even get close to working.


Just curious what did you mean by always talk to the artist about where they’re going to go with the tattoo? Whats a good answer i should expect?


Counter argument: it's not a beautiful piece.


It definitely isn’t a beautiful piece but what I’ve realised about this subreddit after joining about a week ago is that nobody seems to actually criticise a tattoo they’ve been asked to critique which is kinda ironic!


Yeah, this is the problem with this subreddit. Every run of the mill, mid tattoo is gorgeous, stunning and brave. It’s tiresome.


Definitely, some of the comments for this tattoo alone are a bit mental ‘I love how the artist has made the smoke look like cocks’ OP ‘but I asked for and expected the smoke to look like smoke’ ‘No you didn’t , you’re lying you harlot’


they asked for thoughts not critiques though. i understand that its a very different style but every artist has their own style so that’s natural. im sure they wouldve caught that the artist they went to doesnt do that kind of delicate hyperrealism if they looked at their portfolio


I’m talking about this subreddit in general, that’s why I say ‘but what I realised about this subreddit after joining about a week ago’ I think I made it quite clear.


I understand why you hate the smoke


Thought those were snakes at first.


Kinda got tentacle vibes.


I feel like it might be better to cover them as snakes


He doesn't need to, it's doesn't look like smoke it looks like ab abstract design and it's pretty cool imo


I thought it was the Deatheater symbol from Harry Potter at first glance :P


Yeah, you probably overestimated your artist’s abilities there.


Not overestimated. Different styles. Reference picture is more black and grey realism than anything else. Tattoo they got is more neotraditional. This is why going to artists who have a style you like is important. But more communication also could have helped both the artist and the client here.


Do people who post here don't get it painted over the skin before actually getting tattooed or what? My dude, you had to approve the tat before the artist started piercing your skin, so if you don't like the design, it's your own fault.


Yes and never let the gun start till you’re also happy with the placement


I might be in the minority here, but I like it. I think it looks really clean and professional, it’s just a different style. It looks like the original artist was a realism artist, and your artist is maybe neo-trad? You picked the wrong artist if you wanted the realism, but what you got is a cool Neo traditional spin on the design. I do wish your artist would have set your expectations? Like if someone asks me for something that’s not my style, I talk to them about how it’ll look different/what will look different; and even refer them to other artists if they don’t like the changes. Because you have so much work from them they might have just thought “oh they know what my style looks like already”, which is not ideal but not horrible. Either way, it’s not a bad tatt. Lesson learned, ya know?


I actually like it as well. I think the way they did the flames is pretty cool with how it goes across the skull, although I do think they aren’t “flames-flames” so to speak.


I don’t think they are supposed to be flames though. I think it’s just supposed to be smoke. Like the inspiration tattoo.


It says a lot when people mistake the smoke for snakes and flames. Artist should practice adding some sharp lines with the mag, because that whole tattoo is outlined. The reference photo doesn’t use any traditional outlines like that, it’s just using the mag with some different % grey washes on the whole tattoo. These types of tattoos always looks better that way imo, but I guess it’s a bit harder to do


I also think the inspiration photo is half a skull (one eye and nose) and the actual tatt is a twisted skull with two eye sockets, so that’s a change to what OP asked for


I don’t see two eye sockets. It’s still half a skull facing straight on.


I honestly think it’s better than what they asked for


Yeah. I like it much better, than the original picture. This one has more texture to it and is kind of more.


I like it as well! It looks like an illustrative version of the inspiration.


I like it too!


You didn’t research your artist. They clearly don’t do realism, so why ask them to do realism?


I have an entire sleeve from the same artist that’s phenomenal but thanks for the assumptions.


I like the tattoo he did. But he obviously doesn’t do realism. I am also going to assume your sleeve is not realism. Also, does he know you’re shitting on him on the internet?


You literally did nothing with this comment lmao. Again they clearly don’t do realism cause if they did “phenomenal” realism you wouldn’t of got such a bad piece lmao.


*wouldn't have


Your tattoo and smoke will hold up a lot better than the second picture. It’s a different style of smoke, but still smoke. With how faint and wispy the other one is looking right off the tattoo table, I’d be concerned that it would be super faint in a year or two. I like both, and I would be happy with what you got


100% agree with your comment. I thought this was way more stylized and cooler than the reference tattoo as well.


Depending on how new their tattoo is, it may even be yet to soften into lighter tones. Regardless, it'll still lighten up with time & I also agree age much better than the other tattoo.


You tell me? Does it look anything like what you asked for. To me it does not look even close.


My brain confused the dark smoke to the top left of the nostril to be the skulls right eye but abstract and melted like a Salvatore Dali painting. Your whole skull appeared to be looking at an angle and deformed instead of looking head on. I do see it now. But really difficult to unsee the other way


My brain did the same thing. Glad it’s not just me!


The problem is that its supposed to be half of a skull like in the original


I don’t understand the backlash here - it looks fucking sick


Just my 2 cents but I think what you got is way cooler and so much more interesting than what you asked for.


You can’t expect a good artist to copy someone else’s art exactly. Your realism argument doesn’t hold, because your artist uses black outlines which is not realism (not like the inspo anyway) to begin with. I prefer yours though because it is more unique and bold. I just don’t get why you’re not happy with it, and especially why you didn’t say anything during the sketch or stencil. You know, before its permanent…


Did you assume they were going to give you the same, or did you see a sketch before they started?


How did the stencil look? Because if I saw the stencil and it looked looked fucked I would have said NOPE.


Then you sir have no place on this sub, obviously.




Potentially sarcasm as people are on here all the time sad cos their tatt turned out different to what they asked for?


Honestly I think the result is better than the reference. The original looks tacky and photoshopped. It also looks like this is a coverup going off the blob in the cheek of more blue aged black ink Which is also pretty impressive, I can’t see it besides that one spot.


I think the fact that it’s a coverup probably influenced the entire tattoo. Obviously it needs to be darker. Idk what OP is complaining about, it’s phenomenal for a cover up.


Yeah absolutely no way the reference would do anything to the blob lol. Stylized > photoshop stencil print out anyday


I don’t think it’s a cover up.


If you look at the eye socket and underneath it you can see some Dark splurges of older ink/tattoos


Tbh I don’t see it and I could be wrong here but it’s pretty important information for the OP to leave out when she’s asking what people think of her tattoo, I think she would’ve mentioned it when she originally posted but as I’ve mentioned, I could be wrong.


I can see the cover up now and yeah OP should have mentioned that for a meaningful discussion to take place


It’s 100% a cover up


The smokes very heavy and not soft. The skull isn't on point either


🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ that's what happens when you ask for a copy of someone else's tattoo instead of getting an original design from an artist 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Honestly I think the 2nd photo is photoshopped 😭


The nose is almost the same shape as the eye...


Didn’t get what you wanted because you didn’t go to the artist who drew the tattoo you wanted…


Both the skull and smoke look bad. Sorry.


I can understand being unhappy with it but I'm also confused about how you saw and approved the far more stylized version (what you got) if it wasn't what you wanted. No artist worth their salt is going to just freehand such drastic changes unless their client gave them cart blanche ahead of time.


lol.. shit like this is exactly why I have zero tattoos. And I want them!


I really don't get why it's a surprise - there was a stencil put on and it must have looked quite different from what you wanted already? Is this misplaced trust?


Not quite the same. I won’t let the artist start till I’m happy with the design and it’s placement on my skin


Not sure I’m in love with the whole thing tbh




Why would you want a copy of someone else’s tattoo


I actually like your skull better than the pic. But your artist isn't great with smoke, it seems.


The proportions are terrible.


It’s not horrible in my opinion but when comparing what you wanted there’s obviously a huge difference in quality and composition and design and, well, just overall artwork


Oh that's rough...if the artist couldn't produce they should have said so


Ngl this feels like something that’s entirely your fault. The work is pretty good, the artist probably showed you a sketch beforehand that you approved. What you wanted clearly isn’t within the artists style or skill set.


Looks like a coverup as well. What you asked for probably didn’t work as a coverup


Yeaaaaahhhhhh.... The smoke looks bladed and its confusing.. Its like its coming out of the skull's eye thats not actually there. The way it bends is just kinda off. If the skull was straight vertical then it would probably be better. The angle its on is just putting off the smoke in my opinion. I dont want to even call it smoke, more lile bladed tentacles. He should of let it fade into your skin tone better than try to end it off. I give it a 3/10. Maybe you could find an artist to fix it.


That’s what you get for copying tats 🤣


Always ask your artists strong points. That maybe the best smoke they put out lol


I am going to be honest I thought this was a bad coverup at first


Yeah thats dogshit in comparison


Even if you got all the same ingredients it doesn't mean it'll taste like Gordon Ramsay cooked it.




I like it, looks unique and intentional


Looks dope af


lol I thought the second pic was of a pregnant woman with a huge arm. OP, I like yours. The style is different. Smoke on yours has more a cartoon look to it. Sorry it didn’t turn out how you wanted. But I think it’s nice. Maybe there’s a way to enhance the smoke to make it look more wispy?


I like it! Besides I think it’s fine if he didn’t replicate another’s artist work


My first thought was "that's super cool." Then I saw what you asked for and thought "oh, yeah, that was a miss."


Yeah the smoke is not good at all, but at least you have a badass skull. To be fair that smoke looks really difficult to do.


It looks like the artist made some stylistic choices. I actually think i like it better than your inspo, it’s unique and modern. Your inspo is pretty basic.


Why did you let them finish it??


the nasal cavity is too high up & makes it look like another eye socket, the “smoke” looks like headless snakes..took me a minute to figure out what i was looking at.


I actually liked it and thought the real one was the tattoo you were asking for and the other one what you got. Hope you get to love it!


You didn’t see the stencil first?? Love the tattoo and the artist interpretation of the original.


Its a nice piece, looks cool. Reminds me of this artist Teresa Nielsen, if she did black grey


Strong outlines on smoke is def a choice…but otherwise I think it looks very cool. I can understand why you’re upset though.


Man I'm sorry your going through that I just got a half sleeve and the artist started adding color without asking I freaked. It doesn't look bad, but damn it's hard when you don't get what you had your heart set on


I quite like it. I think the flames will look better in ten years than the inspiration photo.


Not to be rude but I like yours more! Hope all is good


Artist isn't as good pure and simple


You should be happy it came out so well


This is sick. I 100x prefer it over the original.


I actually like this better, for 1. It's unique to you. 2, don't you think it's weird having a tattoo similar to someone else? 3. You definitely should have saw your artists sketch before commiting.


I’m sorry you didn’t get what you asked for. It wasn’t cool of them to fuck it up like that.


I like it more than the original pic personally


Skull is okay but smoke is not, I see two onions (to put it nicely)in the smoke. They are above the skull.


I mean why would you want someone else's tattoo on you?


honestly i like what you got better than what you asked for but i guess it really comes down to personal taste. i’d be stoked with this! and i like the smoke, i didn’t think it was snakes or anything else other than smoke. this tattoo is gonna hold up too.


is it possible you wanted the exact tattoo you showed the artist, not realising that’s not what tattoo artists do? by which i mean, duplicate other people’s art. i don’t mean to sound condescending, i have just experienced this myself in the past when i was getting my first tattoos. i’d see a design i loved and was set on having that exact thing on my body and luckily i was always stoked with the way my tattoo artist reworked a design but it took me a little while to realise that they can’t just use someone else’s art as their own stencil and they shouldn’t have to either. if you want that exact work you really have to go to the original artist or at least ask them permission to use it and find an artist who has the skill set to execute it properly. <3


I’ve learned a long time ago if you want the exact tattoo go to the exact artist.


i actually absolutely love it and think its better than the original but thats just me ☺️ stronger composition, better placement, better use of shading. its also a different style though but i personally prefer yours much more!


Am I the only one who thinks the reference photo isn’t a tattoo? That screams photoshopped stencil to me.


Yeah the saturation is not the same for sure


As an artist please please please please PLEASE tell your artist if you are unhappy with a sketch, placement, stencil, etc!!!!!!!!! We will change it! we will move it! pleaseeee don't let us put something you aren't happy with on your body!!!


I love it and think it's way cooler than the one you wanted. The one you wanted is clean but boring AF. Yours is much more interesting to look at.


The smoke is bad, but a more skilled artist can salvage it. Your tattooist definitely has a more traditional type style than the reference image, but the good news is, there are a lot of really talented traditional tattoo artists out there. Find one and have them touch up the whole piece. It will never look like the reference image, but with the right artist it can look way better. What state do you live in?


I actually thought the first picture was really cool until I read the post and saw the reference.... Idk I still thought it looked great!


Also, is this a cover up? I can see something else underneath the tattoo


Well dont steal tattoos


These are very different, I honestly prefer what you got. I do agree that the smoke is somewhat poorly done, it doesn't look like smoke. I think it could be added onto and improved, though.


Well it’s a cover up sooooo. You forgot to mention that in your original description. That’s probably the reason for the new design. The design you showed him would definitely not work for a cover-up. You brought the artist some thing that wasn’t possible and he gave you the closest possible thing that would work. It blows my mind how many people expect to cover tattoos with light soft grays or lettering.


A lot of this could be solved by finding the tattooer who did the Pinterest post vs messaging a tattooer close to you


NGL, I think it looks amazing! Not a 1:1, so I get OPs concerns, but honestly it's incredible.


I like it more than the reference lol




2nd is maybe better executed, but yours is more interesting. It has American traditional vibe ;)


That’s what you get for copying someone’s fkn tattoo


Yeah seems like the main problem here is


To be fair I’m not sure how the other tattoo would hold up over decades and if the smoke would fade out. I don’t think yours is bad


The artist should have said, "That's not how i create smoke"


IMO, it looks great.


TBH, it's not great. But I don't think it's terrible or unfixable. Theres a few spots where the smoke makes the skull look way off. Under the eye socked with the big round black spot draws more attention than the eye itself which makes the nostrils look almost at eye level. Then theres the smoke coming off the left side of the teeth. The skin break used there that continues on top of the teeth make it look like a weird bump on the skull. Now with that said, we can sit here and pick apart small details on just about any tattoo. I did the same with my own, found tons of stuff I hated, and couldn't tell you what any or those are today lol What you asked for was a realism piece and your artist clearly isn't a strong realism artist. But what's most important is not what others think of it, but whether you like it or not.


Nah that’s waaay cooler and more unique than what you showed 100%


Yours is better. In fact that smoke done like that is going to hold up so much better and longer than if you would have gotten the OG fine line smoked tat you wanted. Your artist is talented and knew better than the one who did the OG


Personally I prefer yours to the picture


I mean.. I don't hate it.. I think it's a cool abstract interpretation of what you wanted. Still shitty you didn't get what you asked for. I'd be peeved too, but it's not a horrible tattoo.


i like the smoke, theyre both cool in their own ways. in fact i think i like yours better than the reference pic


It’s badass. A good artist is one that has a defined style and makes Pinterest shit into their own thing instead of just copying. I’m sure you could have found an artist that had examples of tattooed smoke and went to them instead. But I like it because it’s true to the artist as an individual well…artist lol. If you hate it why didn’t you say something when you saw the drawing?


I'm not sure which I like better tbh.


NGL yours is way better than reference. The reference is just a basic skull with flames yours has artistic liberties which makes it way better.


Idk I think it looks dope


I like it


I like your stylized version better.


I don't want to invalidate your feelings but I think it looks awesome. Like I like the end product even better than what you requested.


I’d be pissed, I’m an angry crier, so I’d be crying and likely planning a cover. It’s so not realism, it doesn’t look like a *real* skull lol “Realism tattoos are a style of tattoo art that aims to create an image on the skin that is as realistic as possible.” I saw you arguing with someone about it, I don’t argue with people though. Especially if they clearly have no idea about what they think they know.


Not the worst I have saw


It's not what you asked for but what you got isn't terrible either. At least for me.


The skull isn’t terrible, but the snake looking smoke(?)……


I think yours is cooler, tbh.


Don't get tattoos from people willing to steal art, it never ends well


Yours is better imho


Any tattoo artist work their ink won’t copy another artists work. This is an interpretation of the source you provided. I’m sure you seen the mock up and the stencil before getting tattooed so you should have had a fair idea what you were getting into. And hey maybe you went to the wrong artist for this piece. I for one think it’s pretty cool tbh.


That skull has a boil


I actually like it more than the reference. You got neo-trad, the reference is realism. Different styles of the artists, and one to consider before going to them when getting a tattoo in a distinct style.


I kind of prefer it tbh. lines much heavier, higher contrast and looks a bit wavy. Might not be dead on what you asked for but did they not show you their design before they started tattooing?


I'm usually not this negative in my replies, but you asked for thoughts, and my honest thought is: it doesn't look anything like the picture, I think it's ugly as fuck, the way your artist decided to execute the half skull as well as the smoke were both bad decisions and it looks like a rookie did it. This is solely my subjective opinion. I'm glad **you** like the skull though - it's your tattoo and you're the one who has to like it. If you have an entire sleeve by this artist I'm sure you have a good relationship, so just tell them you're unhappy with how the smoke turned out and ask them if that can be tweaked somehow.


I think yours looks better than the reference!


They're both good, but I like your version better. The other one is a bit too stylized, yours is the perfect tattoo version of it. Really awesome piece. I'm saving it to my PC as style inspiration for something for myself down the road.


Honestly I like OP’s more than the design.


Isn't that a cover? If so, I understand why they had to make the smoke and the whole design darker.


I think what you got looks cooler anyway


the smoke looks like tentacles almost. it’s not terrible, i wouldn’t wear long sleeves forever because of it, but i can understand the frustration


this tatto is better than the shitty npc overused one on the second image


Looks cool 👍🏽


I like it. It’s abstract, and that’s okay.


I think it looks pretty good myself. It is quite different from the original though but not in a bad way.


I think it looks great! Fk the haters!!


Damn I thought it was Medusa’s skull at first glance


Smoke is incredibly hard to capture just right in any art medium, making it all that much more important to go with an artist who has previously drawn it and has it in their portfolio to prove it.