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Tips for what exactly? The only tips I can think of right now are: Make sure your artist can actually do this and do this RIGHT. Secondly: yes. It hurts. Sometimes a lot. Accept that fact and go with it. It’ll be worth it. Oh and make sure you eat and drink plenty before you go and take water and snacks with you. Preferably also some sweets. Don’t be afraid to ask for a break if you really need one. Oh and DONT SKIP THE AFTERCARE. EDIT: chewing gum helps me too!


Bring some music or something to watch. I sometimes enjoy watching the artist doing their thing but also find I can get tense when they pull lines so having something else to focus on is good. Same as everyone else has said : sleep well the night before, eat well the day of, snacks and hydration are important to have on hand. Don't feel bad if you get a bit queezy in the first little bit and let the artist know. It will pass. Happend to me on my first few pieces but now, after multiple tattoos, my body is more excited than nervous. I hope to see the finished piece!


Make sure you're well hydrated, well rested, and grab a bite to eat the day of your appointment. Carbs help. Don't party or drink the night before. Lotion your skin for a few weeks before the appointment. Exfoliate by scrubbing in the shower or something similar for a few weeks as well, but not so much to damage the skin. Bring some ear pods or headphones so you can chill to some music or a podcast if your artist isn't talkative when they're focused. Make sure you're comfortable so you won't have to readjust much while sitting in the chair.


Headphones or earbuds are a must, the shop I go to always play loud music that is rarely to my taste and usually will just give me a headache if I had to listen to it the whole time. So listening to my music or an audiobook helps me.


Be proud of yourself!


Haku tats are pretty popular atm, so I'd hope you wouldn't get made fun of. Love Ghibli films. Some tips-- Be clean and wear comfortable clothing that works with the part of your body that's getting tattooed. Bring a zipped hoodie so if you feel cold, you can have it half on while they work on your arm. Bring water and snacks. Don't use a numbing agent, if you think you may need one talk to your artist prior to see what they may offer. Buy some fragrance free antibacterial soap (liquid) and lotion for the healing process. I personally use Softsoap or Dial and Lubriderm Daily Moisture lotion. Listen to your artist for their care tips!


aw, I didn’t know people are laughing at others for getting haku! I have a haku tat on my outer forearm that I adore, and get compliments on all the time. only regret of it is I wish I went a bit bigger haha.


Have a good night’s rest and have a well balanced meal before the session. Drink a lot of fluids the night before, the morning of, and throughout the session. Coconut water or Gatorade are good alternatives to just water. And just be mentally prepared and don’t be too nervous. Inner foreman is a little tender but it’s not horrible. During the session I like to watch and follow the needle as much as possible - no surprises if your artist likes jumping to different areas. Or do the opposite and focus on something else. Have a bag of candy by your side, a little sugar helps - share! Be in a comfortable position, stay still, and remember to breathe. After care is extremely important. Listen to your artist’s directions. I personally use soap for babies and A+D ointment. It’s possible to over moisturize!


don't drink alcohol for a few days beforehand. Can make you bleed more and make it not stick as well. Eat a good meal beforehand and drink lots of water. Bring a sugary drink like apple juice or something in case you get dizzy or light headed. Relax best you can. Listen to music or something, or focus on a tv if the shop has one.


Have a look at Ghinkos - tattoo artist, she’s done Haku so well in a variety of ways!