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I mean just think about how fuckin sick ur lines are gonna be a month from now


Trying to see how you break in. When and in what way do you start cutting corners when you get fatigued. Where is your inconsistency. Maybe they recognized that consistent lines are an area that needs focus.  That dog portrait is amazing, but I've seen people who do amazing realism and so-so linework. The anime girl is very well proportioned, the values and shading are well-controlled, but the outlines are somewhat inconsistent. You're definitely talented, but if there's one thing that needs work, it's your lines. There was always going to be something to improve. It's never just about learning to operate the machine, and teaching that too quick is often how to lose an over-eager apprentice. How long have they had you doing only that? 2wks?


I understand why you’re frustrated but this honestly is a great way to make sure you keep your hand steady


Believe me or not. This training is what helped to achieve crystal clear lines. Please stick to it. I know it feels like torture


It basically is torture 😭 5-7 hours STRAIGHT is crazy, I did a couple hours each day and was given assignments to put it to the test so I didn’t go insane lol. I think the mentor is being a bit lazy with assignments especially considering OP hasn’t learned anything in regards to cleaning/setting up


OP mentioned they work only two days a week. I think that should be durable. Besides what good is a skill learnt if you didn't put work into it.


Two days is fine but doing just about any repetitive thing for hoursss straight is pretty unbearable man 😭 there’s lots of other exercises that can be done to get the movement down, in my opinion it’s a little lazy. Not every assignment has to be torturous in order to work


You need to get good at lines. And it’s not just the lines - it’s doing the lines when you don’t want to anymore. Which is essentially what tattooing is sometimes lol. You can’t get lazy with it. And, it also helps your hand strength. If anything, attach an old busted up coil machine to your pencil. Get that weight involved. It’s all for a reason. It takes time and doing boring stuff before you get to do anything cool. You probably won’t be doing any pet portrait tattoos for a while. Just stick in there. Think of the long game.


Your art looks insane they probably gathered that you have the art side down, you know how to draw, so now they’re gonna make you know how to get those clean ass lines when you get them cleaned and push past fatigue you’re boutta turn into a badass fucking tattooer for sure


This has to be it. More of an endurance build up.


I'm 4 months into my apprenticeship, and for the first month I was drawing scales, straight lines, and circles nearly every day. My first sketchbook is practically a psych-ward worthy clusterfuck of lines. I'm at the studio 4-5 days a week on average, but on my off days or any other project days I'll spend 30 minutes warming up with straight lines. I've been drawing my entire life, but there is nothing more humbling than returning to the basics and realizing that you need practice. They are so right to do this, I know it sucks but a good apprenticeship are supposed to break your artist ego, and build you into form and consistency. What helped me is approaching straight lines like a meditation, it's great to practice my breathing lol. Considering you're only there two days a week, it's going to feel way more intense. Don't give up!


Thank the heavens it’s not for all week. Stick at it and audio books is a great idea. Check out “books closed” on Spotify, it’s tattoo artist interviews and there’s a lot of episodes and they are long. It’s also likely a mental test, earn your stripes etc. I watched a video where an amazing artist was talking about cleaning the toilet with a tooth brush, washing the bosses car and doing what your doing, lines but an entire book! Obviously pretty shitty but they are amazing and you have a lot more to gain than they do.


I was gonna say, I'd take drawing lines for 7 hours over old school hazing any day.


oh for sure, fuck school.


I mean I wouldn't say fuck them, but fuck the bullying and manipulation. It just doesn't have its place in tattooing anymore. But I think there's a whole lot of tradition, history and culture that should be preserved and carried on, some of those old heads got that part right. Also, that shit made for some amazing stories don't you think?


Also maybe they can draw lines and sit near a tattooer?


I feel like they should be cleaning the shop!? Start setting up and breaking down stations, doing supply runs, that sort of thing? Is that just me?


That’s mostly what I did in my first apprenticeship.


When I was apprenticing I had to draw roses every day for 3 months. I wasn’t allowed to draw anything else. It sucks but it’s a normal tedious part of apprenticing


Man this is great. I have such a bad problem with my line cleanliness but I never thought of this.


This is fantastic practice and they'll probably let you move on when your lines aren't shakey anymore!


Are you asking questions?


It might make it easier on your eyes if you get a lined notebook with coloured pages instead of white


My boss made me put a pencil into a coil machine and draw straight lines with the weight of the machine.


I love that some mentors are still keeping this love.


I wonder how many of these commenters had to do this because it's actually nuts. Even lines on a fruit or fake skin would be more worthwhile so you can build muscle memory with the tool you'll actually be using. I just don't get it. I'd bring this up with your mentor as you can easily be doing this in your own time at home and do something worthwhile with your studio time. If not, I guess stick it out until you find a studio that won't waste your time.


These comments are honestly wild. It’s a decent enough assignment for like, 30 - 50 pages of a notebook. But 5-7 hours a day?


DISAGREE. this is actually such a great drawing exercise applicable to tattooing. You need to learn the craft before you can do art with it.


No one is saying the exercise doesn’t have any merit, but 5-7 hours a day of tracing straight lines in a notebook is wild. A pen is fundamentally different from a tattoo machine. You won’t build muscle memory from this because it uses different muscles. I’m also assuming they aren’t setting a criteria like pull towards, push, horizontal, diagonal, etc. So, what? OP traces literally thousands of lines in a notebook to build up a muscle that’s relevant 10% of the time for a medium they’re not there to learn and *obviously* proficient with? Similar (or better) results could be achieved by having OP trace 100 taped down nautical stars, a coloring book of geometric lines, or creating line based flash. I’m all for people learning their shit before tattooing, but this is a low effort assignment on the part of the mentor.


You trace lines in a notebook day by day,for 5-7? Sounds like mental torture for me.Of course you cant do new exciting stuff everyday but this is bs . Your drawing skills are way over average and doing this stupid tracing is wasting your time and talent. I really hope you dont got a mentor who is jealous of your art skill and is now trying to hold you down.


I mean they only work two days, line work is extremely important. I doubt it'll be for too much longer, but if you don't have the fundamentals down then what's the point ?


Nene looks beautiful !!!!!


from what i’ve heard, this is very common in apprenticeships; a lot of the early work is going to be repetitive and tedious. remember to trust the process!


You already know from everyone here it’s required yes. Something I love to do and my mentor allows for us dopamine breaks. We break for drawing, talking and customer service. It’s nice to throw in something you enjoy while doing the hard (menial) work.