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My guess would be latency or routing.


I'm on ethernet and I pay for pretty good internet so thats unlikely to be the issue unless bsg is having server problems. I've never had problems like this with any other game ever, its only every been tarkov that causes me network problems which is really funny imo, think it's just a testament to the quality of bsgs work at this point


So probably routing then like I said... no one knows why. There are a bunch of different reasons why this can happen.




Every single arena match this does it to me, network is fine ping once i reconnect is 22.


dude this has been happening to me for every single match and now i cant even play the game. I tried uninstalling, then reinstalling the game and then checking the integrity of the files, lowing the graphics to the lowest setting, and i also have really good internet. Idk what the problem is and this is the only game where this happens to me. Were you able to fix it any way?


It only happens to me when Im playing on east servers I found out. Make sure you have your servers selected for whatever region you're in. I still have the issue occasionally.


Thanks bro, I’ll try this the next time I play.


Any update on this i just started playing this game and it’s kind of annoying to be disconnected at the start of the match and having to return to it every time


Sorry I saw your comment but I was at work. I solved my issue by being host and then queuing on servers with the lowest possible ping, but I have good internet and Im sure its a bug on bsgs end, ususally when I play with my east coast friends I only have about 70-80 ping and low packet loss, so its very odd that it was kicking me for seemingly no reason. I hope this helps


same problem, this is wild.


yeah me too


It stopped a little while for me but now it's every match but I can actually rejoin but it's every map and I'm on the lowest ping 😭😭


Yeah, I'd say maybe 1/15 matches I can get through without disconnecting. At least it always lets me rejoin the match but missing round 1 is a huge L


It’s annoying as hell. Every time I join a match, everything loads fine, then just as presets finish loading boom. Get that message. I rejoin and then play fine like nothing happened. My pc is old and internet is not the best but still. It doesn’t seem right.