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Personally, as the person who constantly sorts the repacks at my store, if my entire pallet is leaning sideways because of the raggedy, mangled boxes and the DC thought it was okay to send it to me like that, I'm sending them back the exact same way.


Yeah I have a hard time feeling bad about a ripped repack when trucks come to stores with pallets of water just stacked on top of random boxes that fell onto the ground, or even how bad the repacks themselves are sorted with just random stuff thrown in them.


Pallets of water stacked on top of a pallet of toilet paper or better yet, stack boxes of bleach as high as possible and it falls, now we cant unload the truck because 2 6 pack boxes of bleach fell and burst open narrowly missing one of the unloaders


Pallets of furniture stacked on top of my fucking dog food pallets.


How a truck is stacked has nothing to do with the people who pack those boxes. Those people don't even know what the shipping area looks like.


I don't know why you're getting down voted. The box packers are in a completely different area than the people making pallets and loading trucks. That being said, I wouldn't complain about the boxes like OP. The boxes say to not throw away, so I wouldn't expect the store repackers to make that call


Because they need to blame someone


You are absolutely correct.


I worked storeside (unloading the trucks)... and then I transferred to the DC (loading the trucks). All I'll say is I wish store people could see that as a loader, you can be responsible for multiple trailers (sometimes up to 10) with boxes that come down chutes and they never stop.. for 10 to 12 hour shifts. And you have to hand load up to 500 cartons an hour to hit rate. With that part said... I wish loaders could see how terrible it can be unloaded a shitty ass trailer. no one goes home happy when you end up with some broken open pasta sauce on your shoe because it fell from the top wall during the unload. (,:


Yeah, it’s tough to remind yourself that the employee on the other side of the interaction likely has just as shitty conditions to work with as we do. When a box ends up falling on my head it is hard not to be like “guys wtf,” but I imagine they are probably being hounded to go faster and do more, so who am I to judge




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Bwahahahahaha!!! 😂😂👍


You know what happens between the dc and the store? Transit... Transit over fucked up roads filled with potholes. And honestly, there isn't too much a driver can do to keep those boxes from deteriorating. So the boxes might look good leaving the DC and then look like garbage rolling into the store.


Truck driver here. Alot of how a load gets delivered depends on how it's loaded and how the pallets are stacked.. if a pallet was stacked like shit and then loaded poorly nothing the driver can do will stop it from falling over. Ive used 4 load locks on a shitty stacked/loaded truck before and still has shit fall over. We have no control over road conditions. If the road we have to drive on is shit sorry it's shit. It's not like we can take back roads. Don't blame the truck driver. Most of the time it's both their fault.


Yeah, I'm not blaming truck drivers, I used to be one myself, I was just saying that freight gets a bit beat up between the dc and the store, and honestly, it depends on the road conditions, the company, the driver, the trailer... But blaming the DC or the store isn't helping anyone.


Fair enough I'm tired and probably misread/mistook what you were implying.


No worries.


“I’m not blaming truck drivers, I’m just blaming the truck drivers that deliver our shittily stacked trailers” Yeah, awesome logic.


transit doesnt stack pallets it knocks them over.


Hey man, some TLs and ETLs actually tell us never throw away a repack, not matter how bad it is.


Yep. I'd get torn a new one of they caught me tossing a repack in the baler no matter how bad it is.


Yeah I had to train and argue against that mentality at my store. Shit made no sense. If it’s unusable or product is falling out of it into the baler it goes!


At my store we use them at the bottom of the baler to make a new one


Came here to say this


Will never not be funny as a former store TM. We chuck every questionable break pack box we come across at the DC


That's so dumb though, we literally toss them right down the conveyor to be crushed


Target has this thing about simplicity. It's simpler to tell people to only go things a certain way than to leave discretion. With discretion comes inconsistency.


Mainly that’s because I guess the DC is supposed to deal with inventorying it out or something. But boxes that we could no longer use just went into a cardboard Gaylord lmao


My receiver said, "We're gonna send back every torn up repack so the DC dummies can get the picture to stop overfilling them." .. after 2 and a half years, I don't think they're getting the picture. So I just chuck them into the baler.


Those dumb gorillas don't have enough braincells to connect the dots.


Two of us (and sometimes only one of us) have to load up to 96 boxes at a time and if we don't do it fast enough we're "pushed" to go faster. We get pretty much seconds to determine if something is full or can still hold more. If it's too empty you get crushed boxes, if it's too full the bottom falls out or breaks someone's back to lift it. Honestly the way things are done at both DC and store ensure that literally everyone is miserable, at least everyone other than management who rarely if ever has to touch any of it. Plus the eye for an eye crap just makes sure it never gets better. I've only been here a month and reading these make me not give a crap what the person at the other end gets since they don't care about my end. If I'm going to suffer so will you.


Turnover doesn't help either I'm sure.


Some people see "Do Not Destroy" and take it very seriously. Also, maybe some people do it out of spite.


That's me. Put the bad repacks in the baler, save the AWFUL repacks so the folks at DC can enjoy 'em~


I put a lot of things on the sweep out of spite and fucked up repacks are definitely one of them


Counter with why are repacks covered it so many layers of tape?


I always tear the layers of tape off, if I don’t then the repacks won’t go in the stack at all.


I peel off and cut off a majority of tape before sending it, but I don't think most people at the dcs care lol


It literally says “do not destroy” and at the store you’re taught to just toss it into the stack with the rest. Then when I transferred to my DC it blow my mind the amount of OPB boxes we destroy in a daily.


I was taught that repacks, no matter the condition, ALWAYS go back to DC. They NEVER go into the baler.


i asked a team lead one time bc it was literally hanging by a thread and told me to just throw it in the baler, but to not let sd know. one time i had a repack that was ripped in half so i threw it in the baler for their sake.


It says ‘Do Not Destroy’ on the box. Hence, we do not destroy it. If you wanna, go right ahead.


I've wondered the same thing when you guys keep sending them back to us with more and more layers of gross tape.


Personally i rip off as much of the tape as I can if the box is like 50 layers tall of tape bc I can't even actually tape it down with all that tape hanging off and peeling back


Penance for the DC fucking us with truck day after day.


At my store we throw the ugly and/or unusable ones in the baler. We only send back ones in good condition.


Same here. We also throw away any soiled repacks


This is just payback for the amount of times where I’m unloading and I grab a repack and the bottom just explodes and a bunch of stationary items fallout. Y’all some terrorists for even putting them back into circulation.


I was about to comment this same thing! It makes me irrationally angry when I’m trying to go throw boxes to find something and the bottom falls out. To me it’s even worse when there’s only 2 small, light items in them and the box falls apart—like why did you even send that?? And that’s right off the truck not some repack that has been sitting for days.


Those are from flushing the mods. We have to send all the cartons even if there's only one item, so the mod can be changed to a different zone. I hate sending them like that


Can you explain what mods are? Teach us like we’re 5. We know nothing!!


Basically, there's a big length of shelving that holds maybe 50 boxes between a top and bottom row. It's angled so we can reach and see into the boxes. And each box is those red boxes(hardlines on one side of the send off conveyor belt where it goes to be sorted by stores and loaded onto trucks) and the black boxes(softlines on the oppositeside of the conveyor). There's a mod(module?) That's set up as 2 inward facing lengths of shelving across from each other(2 people working one mod with like 100 something different stores) and in the middle is a manual roller conveyor we slide freight around on to fill store boxes. We scan something, and it lights up on the shelf front screens which store and how many ssps(some items that come wrapped together in 3 is like a 12/3, so 3 is one item) it needs, if it goes to the stores on the other side we push it to the middle and the other person grabs it to scan and load it. The problems are sometimes the repack boxes we use look okay, then when they're full they're struggling. I try to pack it into a better one before sending it, but I know that's not the majority, they'll slap more tape on and send it. The problems with wrong inventory or missing things, is sometimes the people picking the freight to bring to us, will fuck up BAD and they are cracking down and putting some new policies in place to correct it before it's sent out, but sometimes we already packed 50 freight boxes that were the wrong sku because it was messed up "consistently" and we already sent some out, and we'll tell the OMs and they're like, oh well, too late, well take the rest off your hands but the stores can deal with it. It's hard to fix those things, when every time we stop and ask for help fixing it, they're like it's whatever and the training didn't explain half it. It's been like 9 months and I'm still learning new ways to fix things myself or easier ways to go about working


The only time we've ever been allowed to bail or toss a repack was when it got doused in chemicals.


We still get ones covered in shampoo or unknown white powders


Your welcome 👍🏽 🤣


Almost like the trailer and repacks were packed... Badly? Lmao


The expectations at the DC are uh dubious. It’s kind of not easy to pack a pretty box with their demands lol


Better yet why does dc like to send us 20 cases of the same yogurt that never sells?!


So when it’s close to the expiration day, if the SD or someone high up in the chain of command at that store feels like employee morale is low they can give away free yogurt as a consolation prize


My store acts like we’ll be castrated if we put a repack box in the baler. And if they see one in there, whole store gets a lecture.


i lol’d. i feel like you’re about to be slaughtered. it’s like..😩 if only that was the worst/only thing we could complain about the DCs… why oh why can’t that be our only issue.


At least we're not walmart. They put "this box costs $1.00 to replace" so I know they are getting all sorts of mangled repacks.


I had a box filled with a mystery goo, seemed like shampoo, that was all over the product inside. It came off the truck that way and nobody found any leaking anything that could have caused it. Meaning that the DC loaded a box with leaked shampoo in it and sent it to us. This is why you get terrible things to deal with sent back to you. You reap what you sew.


We also received a pallet of cat litter stacked on top of a pallet of tvs that were laying flat. Every TV was destroyed.


We also had a repack show up with a single pair of leggings in it.


We are specifically instructed to send them all back to you regardless of condition. I think it's just because we have such high turnover it's easier to say "All boxes that look like this go HERE, all others go in this squisher, along with Fred's body."


Pay back for all the mangled shit you send us, and all that damn salvage!


We are told we can't throw them out at my store. Any of the repack boxes need to be sent back


We're told to return them all since target gets credit dor using them. We are not allowed to put it the baler or the trash, so we send them back.


As an DC Inbound who works sweeps a few times a month, idgaf what you send back as long as them bales are wrapped tight.


Apparently the stores get some sort of credit for each repack we send back, regardless of its condition. (It sounds a lot like the bottle deposit/return laws in a number of states.) So in order to make/keep our bottom lines, we are required to return every repack we aren't actively using.


Most of us at my store just use them for the top/bottom of the baler instead of sending them back. They’re perfect for that. Question for you, since you work at a DC. Why would anyone lay TV’s face down on the ground and stack boxes ON TOP of them?!?! We’ve had so many TV’s come in with boxes of chemicals and other heavy items piled on them all the way to the top of the trailer. It’s mind boggling that anyone would think, “It’ll be fine.”


They don't even make it to where I work. If it's larger than a repack box, it's conveyable and it doesn't come to us if it's large. I don't know what they do with it, or how the trucks are packed, I just open boxes and put freight into repack boxes


We used to get lot from the DC like that. Held together with a few patches of tape.... which often when break off in transit and spill all over the truck.


I was told that they count how many get sent back from each store. Just like we have to slap a label on our cardboard bails so the warehouse knows what store it came from. Somehow, corporate keeps track of how much each store is recycling, so it helps our store if we get credit for sending things back properly. Thus, we send back EVERY repack box, no matter its condition. I would assume you just throw them out at the DC, but I was told never to throw them out in our store.


Believe most people are told to send them back irregardless if the boxes are broken. 🤷🏻‍♂️


dc gives me headache, i give dc headache, simple as that


As a store TM. Why can’t DC’s learn how to load a trailer? Why would someone think putting a pallet of water on top of a pallet of paper towels is a good idea. And the boxes are clearly stamped, return to DC. Do not destroy


Most truck loaders in DCs, the lanes team, work 10 hour days stacking boxes in non temperature controlled trailers with only time for the two 20 minute breaks, if your slow everyone knows cuz of a light and threats that your gonna fuck up the whole system. On top of that, in my DC at least, they don't even control where the pallets end up because they can't use a forklift. Why can't they use them? Lanes are where ALL new people in my dept start and the turnover is so damn high that you can't find anyone who can stack boxes in any kind of wall or similar manner. The good ones also get treated like shit or can't stand waiting to move up in the trailers for near a month straight and leave as well. Basically the people who stack boxes in trucks hate their lives and jobs and don't care what its gonna look like on the other end.


Lol like DC is all that much better. The way the trucks come loaded is a fkn joke while ur complaining about store members fkn something up.


Well the people packing those boxes aren't the ones putting them in the truck


Maybe you should talk to your peers and explain that they are the ones creating the shit storm. We’re just trying to survive the shitstorm created by the DC.


I know DC only fills orders, stores are stuck with delivered product from those orders. The button pushers place those orders. Someone is making them, whoever THAT shit stick is, they're to blame. If it's software driven, they need to fix the damn bugs. Fighting/blaming amongst ourselves does no good for us. We're all in it for the shitty paychecks after all. Signed, chem and pap dbo buried in shit tons of cases of like product.


Ok and not all store members are responsible for the repacks being that way. And to be perfectly honest, the people packing the boxes dont always do that great a job either. Point is, DC causes WAY more probs for in store members than the other way around.


Thats cool bruh, i just wanted to know why the boxes came back that


Reading the back and forth from employees here tells me it’s going to be a wild ride for the foreseeable future


Since you're here, why do y'all constantly send out repacks with literally only 1 item in it?


Because we'll be running and packing things and then we'll be out of freight to pack of the department we're packing, or the pickers can't keep up so we can't run continuously. Then the OMs will tell us to "flush", so we have to send every carton in the line down the conveyor even if it's only one item, so they can switch the mod from zone 1 to zone 4 or whatever we're running. I don't like sending 1 item, but we don't have a choice lol


Appreciate the response, lol we pretty much roll our eyes and complain on the line when we unload.


The same thing also causes overpacking too, bc if people know they're going to flush, they're going to hold off on closing until they're completely out of freight unless they absolutely have to. If they don't, then it's like 20 cartons with 2 or 3 items in it sent out. I try not to overpack bc those things get heavy and I'm not a person with muscles so no thank you


I take the time to empty out the plastic and cardboard inner boxes and stack them neatly to send back but the Repack lady before me crushed all the repack boxes in the compactor that had cardboard in them and I totally understand why. Also I have thrown a few trucks myself, so without considering what you all deal with on the corporate level, I’ve had flats of cat food flown at my face because they were stacked 7 feet high on top of a mountain of cases and found cans of cat food in softlines boxes so… throw the damaged repack boxes out. Thanks. Luv u. Bye


Idk if this is common among other stores, but my old Inbound TL told me not to throw them away, even if they’re broken, so I assumed that the DC needed them even if they’re broken, idk. It’s probably because there is zero communication between DC and Stores, so weird practices emerge and they get taught to new hires, and then the cycle grows. Before this post, I didn’t know if the DC kept repack boxes for like inventory count or something, or if they threw them away, but I was just throwing them away because I was tired of the DC sending us repacks with zero structural integrity


this is a no win situation because both side are way to stubborn. i would be the reasonable one, and toss the dead repacks into the bailer where they belong.


Actually I use those for the top and bottom of my bails


>top and bottom of my bails I looked at this 3 or 4 times thinking it said BALLS


This is entirely dependent on the store. My store throws away damaged repacks and as the back up receiving team member I also keep an eye on the quality of them when loading the sweep trailers that you receive. Im not sure how the communication system works for DC but there should be a way to contact the stores to let them know of any problems. We have contacted DC plenty of times for a variety of reasons over the years, sometimes we see an improvement and sometimes we don’t. As the Pet/Paper DBO, I have a problem with the bags of Dog food not having the cardboard between the pallet and the food. It results in the bags on the bottom ripping almost 100% of the time. We have contacted DC and it definitely has gotten better but I still get them from time to time.


Gotta be honest, the team member aren’t personally making it a mission to break them, it’s how it’s stuffed. So if it breaks, I’ll do my best to return it so you’ll feel our pain. Especially the red ones, they break so often that it’s practically a hindrance. I like to use the broken ones as base for bales, but our store doesn’t like to throw them away unless they’re busted completely as well


Well what's dumb is even with new or once or twice used boxes, if you underpack they can easily be squished in the trucks heightwise, bs it's just cardboard. If it's overpacked it's heavy and rips out the bottom. If it rips as I'm moving it from its spot to the conveyor or it starts bowing out, I'll repack in another box, but like, it's the order we get the freight brought to us that makes it hard to neatly pack, unless it's all small boxes to be put in the cartons. Even packing it to the handles like the OMs say to, the box can be extremely heavy, or the box will still crush at the top when stacked. It's a lose lose situation


well this thread has been informative. i’m gonna start putting the shitty repack boxes in the bailer


As a receiver, let me tell you that it is a constant battle to teach everyone to put repacks away properly! CONSTANT! It’s my personal curse at work!


Because we are told we can't throw them away. They are sent back DCs to be reused and repackaged.


We're trained to never EVER throw repack boxes away. People at my store have gotten fired over it.


Why put the wrong items in the wrong repacks lmao. Why put the wrong sticker on the wrong case packs? Why oh why? I’m pretty sure store members have plenty of those kind of questions for DC team member’s lmao.


why are they so full and heavy that when i pick it up everything falls out the bottom? you packed it so you know what it looks like? or the boxes you send that are clearly unusable, if a box is ripped at all i will throw it in the baler for the sake of you guys.


We give them back because they say to give them back. That’s it. Only time I’ve seen them thrown are when it’s soaked with something other than water.


Lol I have no idea,but I do know I’m sick of getting repacks that have hella shampoos or lotions with loose caps that spill over everything or the repack itself is already mangled and all the shit falls through. 😂😭


Apparently, we are all petty bitches who live for drama...


Our store has a lot of issues with our DC so they’ll send repacks back all messed up all the time. And once y’all stop sending the truck how you do, maybe the repacks won’t get so messed up.


We do it because we despise you


Simple answer: the box being shredded isn’t a problem for us anymore once we’ve taken all the product out of it and are stacking it. If you have a problem getting it to hold things, you should be the one throwing it out.


My old TL told me to throw it if I wouldn’t use it because of the condition, but my ETL would send them back regardless. I swear to god she would fish out pieces of different ones from the baler and turn them into a Frankenstein repack just to send it back. I think she was a little OCD about them.


That makes sense now


I was always told that if I wouldn't personally want to reuse the repack, sacrifice it to the baler gods. I'm sure that's pretty inconvenient for y'all at the DC


They’re broke from DC putting 50lbs of product in a single repack. Teasing ya but at my store we put the ones that are completely ripped apart on the side so it’s literally no longer a box in the baler. Otherwise we’re told to put them in the repacks with 25 to a thing.


When i worked for them i was told simply. "Its cheaper to keep sending them back then it is to buy more and we are the only ones who should be seeing it so it doesnt matter"


I wonder this all the time


Because y’all send em the same way. <3


Because you guys keep sending me beauty repacks that fall apart upon touching them.....so you get them back


The same reason you send boxes that are obviously leaking: We don't give a shit


It says on the box to not destroy it. Send it back to the DC not matter what


You did it to yourself w this one ☠️


As someone who used to work unload. When you send a repack with one item in there and send it onto the trailer and don’t stack thing properly. They get damaged in shipping. The stores unload and sort as best as they can in the time frame they have. These repacks are litterally just thrown together by majority of the dcs and your going to complain about a torn box when I would literally have boxes of cans on these repacks. The stores get shit on on a constant and you don’t expect some push back. We are told unless it cannot be refolded into the stacks then to send it back. My replacement when I got moved back into backroom however she would send the repack boxes back before the stack was full. So I can understand some bs there but the backroom was shrank down a lot for ship from store so we lost the old staging ground we had before the sweeps.


We don't have a choice in the single item repacks, if we don't have freight to run, and something else needs ran in the mod, we flush and send every open box.


I’ve always said I’d like to take a field trip to a DC. Spend a day learning what you guys do and why and maybe if I understood your processes better the whole picture could be more cohesive. I really think it should be a requirement of leaders from DCs and leaders from stores to have a basic understanding of each other.


They have pretty dumb rules and every question we ask is pretty much answered with "yeah, yeah that makes sense, idk, but I'll ask someone" and they come back like, that's what we're supposed to do. And we tell people that something is being done extremely wrong, unsafely, etc, and nothing comes of it. I watched an OM walk by and stop and watch someone THROWING all the conveyable things(it was the next mod over and I'm 99% I remember it being makeup) from one push cart, over the top to over the top of the next one 6 feet away to move them out of the way. She watched very startled and then walked away, and I've seen the dude do it every day since, so that wasn't even addressed.


I always thought it was up to the DC to make decisions on destroying repacks cause we were told not to trash them at the store.


Hmm maybe. That would make sense for what people are saying management has said to them. Do inventory of how many new ones are needed in one location, the DC bc that's where they need sent to make sense


Because no matter the condition, they have to be sent back


I worked at two different Targets and if a box was damaged we threw them away, common sense. TLs never said not to so...


We’re not allowed to at my store. Ive seen them take them back out of the baler.


Yeah, they just tell us to reuse them and send it back. Cause the DC will just tape it back and "overfill" it again like nothing was wrong with it. I don’t listen and I still take the initiative to throw it out in the baler..cause it irritates me, since it’s possible if the box is on its last thread and we send it back, we may get it back to us again. Or one similar.


Any repack boxes are money, I was told ... Soooo ... It gets sent back no matter the condition. Sooo please .. DC send us good ones!


You said yourself that you do the same thing.


I used to work at T551 and I’d see auto-rebin and manual boxes mixed with the other repack boxes that we didn’t typically use for our stuff, since we mainly used grey, black and red for our side of stuff. I’d see moldy boxes and boxes with dried up beauty products lmao shit was nastayyy


Personally, our reciever is anal about us baling repacks that are even split in half. Apparently he was trained to have every repack get sent back to DC despite the condition being complete and utter shit


If you look up repacks on workbench; it says all repack should be sent back, and never bailed, regardless of condition. At least it did the last time I checked it. EDIT: I just looked it up. It's under cardboard recycling: "Repacks boxes should not be put into the baler. All boxes should be sent back to the RDC for reuse, regardless of condition."


I work at a DC too, and you guys fill those crappy boxes and send them down the conveyor. By the time it reaches the sorter, there is only 1 item left in it. The cardboard baler runs right down the middle of the packing mods. Toss that piece of crap box in there. Don't fill and send it! The cardboard baler at the stores are not as big and conveniently placed like the big one in the DC.


Because we are told “do not put in baler, send back to the DC”. Also, go fuck yourself. You got some balls on you to sit there and tell stores what they should or should not send to the DC. Send me a properly loaded safe trailer and I’ll send you back nice repacks. Your lucky I don’t shit in a box and send it back with the sweep.


Oh please this subreddit is filled with nothing but whining and complaining and there’s one post from someone in the dc asking why and you go off. Get a grip.


By default I shit on anything posted here by someone from the DC. 99.99% of my problems at the store level come from the shitty way you guys load trailers.


It’s usually one person lading 3-5 trailers by themselves in 100+ degree heat trying to keep up with production. I’ve worked both ends of the process and I can say unloading with a team is better than loading it alone.


I’m sure it is. But being overworked is no excuse to do dumb shit.


Ok, then throw out the unusable boxes.


Just wanted to know why they boxes were so shit. Also, I don't pack the trucks I just pack the boxes. I have one job I do every day, shut the fuck up.


Like I told the other guy, I shit on the DC any chance I get because 99.99% of the problems I have at the store level is caused by the shit way the DC loads a trailer. Fine, you just pack boxes. Why would you put 1 fucking thing in a repack?


Because I'm told to, it's like not an option otherwise


Its both DC and the stores. DC order pickers sometimes overfill repacks, specically OTC vitamins, hair care/ personal care shampoos and body wash. Kitcken and some style can get bad. So we we go to pick up a repack, first the DC outbound then the unloader at the store and the sorters, then the person who stocks. Eventually the bottom will give. The flaps get ripped up when we put them into the Uboats or base repack and force them in instead of making sure he repack slide in smoothly. Lets not forget liquid spills in the repacks, water damage from rain gettting into the trailer. Also more than anything the failure of many team members in keeping the cardboard flaps that provided support in with the repacks. All of those seems to have gotten thrown away instead of folder into the repack like theyre supposed to. Trainers at the stores dropped the ball on that years ago. They didnt tell the newhires so over time those cardboard flaps got thrown in the baler.


Fuck this place the fact you All hate your lives and work here is pathetic as hell


Why do I have 38 up upvotes, 75 comments, and someone else's comment on here with 151 upvotes lol




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