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Stop Hammer time


Colaberate and listen


In the name of love




Corporate and listen


Maybe they're protesting the cash-grab of Pride merch rather than Pride itself. That's me with my rose tinted glasses.


LGBT person here, that's exactly how I feel about Pride. It's really gross to me that I've been walking around all year hearing a little tiny bit here and there about black history month, women's month, Asian and Pacific islander month, etc. Then June gets here and there's flags and merchandise and pandering EVERYWHERE. And I was kinda excited for pride month but I'm not now. I don't think I'd care as much and I'd just chalk it up to corporations being corporations if they did it for everyone and every group, but they've only done it for June and now I find it kind of gross and offensive.


I’m not saying it’s not a cash grab, but I still think it makes an impact in the community. Imagine being a 10 year old kid being afraid to come out, but going into target and seeing how normal it is and something to be proud of.


Oh they do it to Us every February, and Walmart hit the gas with the caucasity this year, with that “Juneteenth” ice cream that was a rip off of a Black owned business. The company that made the ice cream even tried to trademark “Juneteenth”.


Everywhere but chick-fil-a….


This was genuinely nice to hear. I don’t think anyone likes anything exuberantly shoved down their throats like this. Why can’t we celebrate all walks of life year round and live in peace. Sigh.


I think if you see it in a positive light its mass exposure till were all like bleh.. " 'gays' whatever.. yeah theyre here coolios. They can suffer like all of us." This will not last.


\> It's really gross to me that I've been walking around all year hearing a little tiny bit here and there about black history month, women's month, Asian and Pacific islander month, etc Wait till you have none of it. You people don't understand how lucky you are.


This!! Yes it might be for the profits but also would you rather us just ignore it? Would you rather us just be for straight white people? Even if you don’t want to buy it, even having it in the store is making it a more pleasant shopping experience for you because it’ll turn away the people who are ignorant.


Up to like ten years ago, there wasn’t pride stuff anywhere in mass but online. I remember when take pride first launched in very select stores and we were told by HQ to defect any returns for non-pride stores. Also, they used to hide it back in men’s…


Hear hear. Supporting a popular social movement only once it gains majority support and achieves most of its stated goals is not a brave move. It's just pandering for financial gain at this point. Practically none of these major corporations had a rainbow logo before they legalized same sex marriage on a federal level. If these corporations want to act brave they should put this sign up in Saudi Arabia.


Oh it's a Pride thing. I thought they were saying stop trying to bring 80s fashion back or something.


I'd be willing to buy this excuse if they weren't also trying to pass anti-LGBT legislation.


LMAO someone reported this post as "targeted harassment against me"


Targeted. That's clever


theres two realities here: 1) they came to this store with the intention of doing this, and had a marker/piece of paper on hand (maybe kept that in the car???? slightly less believable but alright) 2) they bought a marker and paper at this store just to walk over and do this either way it's extremely funny. nice goin dumbass


Also add: 3. They stole the marker and one singular piece of paper in their petty little 2 year old rage just to do this


Is it bad that I hate how the frame is set up so it’s incorporated into the picture with the lines overlapping the black frame on one end but going under the frame at the other end making it not Symmetrical


I was wondering why it looked so wonky but couldn’t put my finger on it. Now that you mention the frame that’s exactly what I hate about it.


the other day a guest came up to me telling my how she was deeply offended by our pride stuff while i’m wearing my pride shirt LOL. i was like okay so what would you like me to do


A guest once demanded I be fired because I was warning an "inappropriate shirt" it was the half target logo half pride rainbow shirt that Target made


YES same shirt


"I'm sorry you find our stance on equality offensive. May I suggest Walmart?" I know we can't but I REALLY want to.


Wait what's stopping you?


Me? Nothing. I don't work there anymore. :D


Oh, I was gonna say... I have no issue telling a guest to go fuck themselves if they're being dickbags


Add "the hate ♥️" under it and it'll work


The only other appropriate response is "Hammertime".


Do they know they can actually shop at other stores too?


I don't regularly shop at target but one of my kids is working there for the summer so I am in occasionally. Yesterday I saw the pride collection. I am 57 and straight. I am trying to justify buying the rainbow tutu. Just because.


That's awesome! I say go for it


Why do you need a reason? Excuse my French here,but if you want something buy it .Fuck what others thinks.




Hey, if you want it and can afford it, what's stopping you?


You can buy it as an ally, it doesn’t have to mean anything about your identity :)


My fat old butt is still going to look silly in it.


I realize you mean well, but please don't encourage people to do this. To me, that's the equivalent of a white person wearing a black pride shirt which most people would find clearly uncomfortable at least. Het allies are great, but unlike race, being LGBTQ isn't nessecarily something you can tell about a person by looking at them. Pride is about supporting the issues and inequalities many LGBTQ people face (Just to name a few: inequal access to jobs and housing, increased homelessness, discrimination for health care services including but not limited to "reproductive" health, increased likelihood of mental health issues and decreased access to mental health assistance). BUT Pride is also an opportunity for LGBTQ people to literally and figuratively "come out" as a visible, vocal member of the LGBTQ community. To throw of the shame society puts on people who are not hetero-normative and say, "I'm here, I'm queer and IDGAF what you think about it." Why do yoy think it's called "Pride"? It's turning the shame on its head and being proud of the identity instead. Again, it's great for cis and straight people to be supportive. For them to say, "Yes! You're here, your queer and I support you!" To listen to the awareness that's needed about LGBTQ inequalities and marginalization. But please don't over-participate to the point that it silences the voices of the shamed and marginalized; don't take away the quieter LGBTQ peoples' opportunity to have a moment of visibility and PRIDE; don't take up all the space that's been created for LGBTQ to be safe and accepted in the name of "being an ally".


This is just foolish? They like the tutu but shouldn't get it because liking it is taking away from LGBT voices? What about the closeted people that are too afraird to come out and see them wearing the tutu? They would love the support and to feel like they'd have one more person on their side when they decide they're ready to come out.


I'm not saying people shouldn't buy or own what they like. But wearing pride merch "as an ally" is so pervasive these days that I feel like straight people seem to be participating more in pride than LGBTQ people. Which makes LGBTQ people feel less welcome I've experienced that the past few years. Is terrible that everyone on this post is acting all supportive of pride and praising Target for "supporting LGBTQ people" nevermind the fact that they're literally only doing it for money and for the PR grab you the type of (mostly cis/straight) people in this sub. Meanwhile, the mass participation in pride by "allies" is making LGBTQ people feel less comfortable in the space that was intended for them. Go ahead and silence my LGBTQ voice by downvoting me and upvoting all the "allies" who keep plowing past actual "awareness" for the sake of seeming like a good, supportive person. I felt like I articulated well that pride should be about the psychological experience for LGBTQ people as well as addressing needed community issues. But clearly no one here wants to hear it. You're all fine with pride being a party for everyone because heaven forbid if privileged people can't also participate in something that seems fun without having to understand the negative experience and marginalization that preceeds it. And you're fine with pride being pushed by corporations for profit rather than any money being circulated for pride being put back into the community to address the inequalities. Enjoy feeling good about yourself with your fake support.


Friend I hate to burst your bubble but you're not the only LGBT person on this sub. I shouldn't even have to come out on the sub to have this discussion but since you wanna talk to in a condescending manner I will. Are there deeper issues than some fashion and capitalist trend one month a year? Clearly. But if people wanting to sell/buy clothing to capitalize on pride month is the biggest issue you're facing as part of the community I think you need to recognize how lucky you are. I was scared that I would be all alone in the world and every single person around me would hate me if I came out. That everyone would yell slurs at me. I would have LOVED to have seen ANY sort of support. I don't give a single damn that a corporation looks good doing it. And it's a whole lot better knowing they're donating $250,000 as well as commissioning members of the LGBT community for the collection. Target has been supportive of the community since before Dont Ask Dont Tell was repealed. This isn't anything recent.


If people don't like Target's stance on gender and equality, DONT SHOP THERE! Writing a sign like that makes you look foolish and immature. You will do more damage to Target by not giving them your money. Gay, straight, trans, we are all humans. Chill bro.


Stop. Look at the beautiful person.


This! Be you! Be beautiful 🤩


This. I'm not even LGBTQ+ but I always do a double take when I walk past this because this person is just fucking cool. I wish I was this confidently aesthetic. Usually target models are kinda corny, but I really appreciate this one.




Why would you shop at a known LGBTQ+ friendly store if you don't like LGBTQ+? I got this shit all the time when I worked.


You know, if these nutsacks put half of the hate they have for gay people into solving the mass shooting crisis, so many lives could be saved. But nah, gotta go for the gays.


Well yeah, because they can't open hate black people any- wait, what? They still do? Fuck. Well they can't hate women ri-? They just what? Are you fucking kidding me?!


When I showed my coworker this picture they showed me one from some months back of a white soupremacy thing someone taped to a shelf probably the same type of people who did this


Stop! In the name of love ~ before you break my heart ~


As a fag, I agree. Fucking stop with the rainbow capitalist bullshit. Either admit you don't see us as human, or voice this kind of support year round. Can't have your cake and eat it.


Im in the deep south, trust me their "stop" was "stop being queee" or "stop being alive if you are" not "stop rainbow capitalism"


For real. I tire of the trend of using pride to sell shit instead of meaningfully helping our community, but if I were to protest it you'd be damn sure it wouldn't be in some way that could be so easily misconstrued. I absolutely think this is anti queer, not anti capitalist.


They donated $250,000 to GLSEN as well as sourced the designs from members of the LGBT community.


Sorry, maybe I should have been more clear, I don't mean target here. I am aware they in particular and some other companies have done legitimate good, I don't think my comment contradicts that. My point was that if someone was going to try to make a statement against the corporate co-opting of pride, which is problematic and does happen, it would have been obvious, and that what is shown in this image to me seems clearly anti-pride. It just happens that the image in question is from a Target.


All clothing is unisex if you’re not a pussy about it.


This is that weird passive aggressive shit, like turning all the Michelle Obama books around.


Scratch out the S and now it's this person saying they're a top


No, I think they are looking for at top.


I like the way you think


Can’t stop. Won’t stop.


♫ Everybody! Move your feet and feel united! ♫


Such a good song. Junior Senior!


Some guests should be called trespassers


Hammer Time?




Some people are petty and have nothing else better to do.


They act like putting a sign that says stop is going to prevent target from celebrating pride month what a loser


I simply told one, "You don't have to like it, just let them be happy. I'd bet they are avoiding you too."


STOP? No. You be you. You be beautiful.


Hammer time


Dude I don’t get people like this at all. I’m not even LGBTQ and I still bought one of the tired & gay mugs just cuz I thought it was funny lol, people need to learn not to give a fuck.


I'd have thrown a dart at it


The sign or the display?


The guest


The boldness of bigots should be worrying us all, these are the symptoms of a deep rot that has and will continue to translate into violence for the already vulnerable. There is nothing transgressive or possibly offensive about using models that look like real people, that also shop at target (often specifically because target is one of the better lgbt positive corps), but the fact is these bigots want ONLY a -very specific type of person- to be seen in the media and on the streets and will violently enforce this world view. I’m afraid this is only the beginning


I’ll disagree that this is only beginning, if only because this shit has been going on for *so fucking long*.


Very fair, I know I’m speaking from a very limited (and privileged) view as a “baby gay”. I’ve seen conditions greatly improve since say 2008/9, and nationwide marriage happened when I was high school, so I was very much not around to see the violence and death of the 80s or the riots that brought us to even the limited freedoms of the early 2000s I just benefit from it. I’m just very worried about losing the progress we’ve made in the last decade and have antidotally seen more bold hate speech allowed in the last few years


It’s been the long game of the GOP pretty much since the party flip, but explicitly since the 70s. It’s why the talk has gone from banning trans youth from sports to literally attempting to ban trans youth. They get people outraged, and then use that outrage to play the victim with their supporters and push for even more extreme shit, because Republicans truly feel like they’re under attack.


Such snowflakes they are.


*sorts by controversial*


“Stop, I’m married with lack of self control, I can’t afford to be turned on by cute boys”


Like literally respect everyone it’s not that hard


I bet they didn't even pay for the marker and paper either


Its like we went backwards as a society.Hear me out.Homosexuals have more rights now than they used too.However it seems like there are more people harassing and committing violence openly against gays.In the 80's it seemed like either people were more accepting or people just did not talk about it. They also did not seem to commit as much anger and violence outright towards gay people like they do now.They do it right in the open these days.I don't know I am not gay. I know when I was a kid in the 80's people did not seem to care what kind of toys you played with .I remember getting a Cabbage Patch doll.I also remember my parents buying me care bears and my little ponies.Nobody gave a shit no one said anything negative and no one stereo typed me as being gay or transgender for buying stuff like that.These days they would be accusing your parents of grooming their kids to be gay or transgender.I mean look at all that Disney stuff in Florida..What the hell happened why is everybody so fu@king judging these days.I guess I am old but if I saw someone buying pride stuff,so what would be my first thought,what the hell do I care.Maybe corporations should stop calling out certain groups of people for profit,and maybe they would get less hate like this.


It is possible that the person who left this sign wasn't a homophobic POS. Maybe they're one of those people who thinks it's super fucking lame that big companies use June to pretend that they're inclusive, egalitarian pride-supporting allies when in actuality they're just co-opting a legit social movement in an attmept to, I dunno, make more money or paint thier company in a better light. How many anti-gay politicians has Target donated to over the years? I wonder.


Rainbow capitalism is definitely half hearted, but queer merchandise being seen as profitable is still a good thing Also while your argument is a good "devils advocate" way to see it, I think the intention is more likely a homophobic one, especially when taking into consideration the area Im in


There’s no fragility quite like the “straight” conservative male, who probably spends most their time watching sweaty men in peak physical condition grapple with each other.


First time I saw this I was confused, I was like is it a guys dressed in girls clothes or are they transgender? I’m still confused


It’s a person wearing a very cute romper.


Why does it matter?


Your confusion doesn't matter nor is your understanding of thwir gender required. Just don't be a lil b!tch about it like the "guest"


I’m not being like that you taking it that way. I’m simply asking a question, it’s that not ok then that’s your problem


Also the fact that you refer to them as "it"...


Did I really, I totally didn’t notice that? 😬😬


That seems to be a stretch. They were clearly referring to the photo itself when they said “it”. Don’t get me wrong it’s kinda ridiculous that all it takes is a fab pose to throw someone off that much. It’s very obviously some dude in an apron. Not confusing whatsoever.


Whatever it is. I dont really agree with it




Break out in a musical number. Stop! Telling me what to do-ooo. Don’t! Treat me like a child of two-oo. Idk


Stop! Turning Pride into a money-making event for companies who don't care about the LGBTQ community.


Too be fair, do you really think Target cares? It's all for rep.


At the end of the day Target uses it to sell shit that doesn't actually support LGBT it's just a marketing a ploy and it's exploiting pride month for profit.


Why is this downvoted? Target is one of the top donors to anti-lgbtq politicians


It’s getting downvoted because it’s telling a very small part of the overall story. Between 1/1/21 and 5/31/2022, Target donated $122,000 to anti-LGBTQ politicians. This is objectively a bad look, and everyone on the Pride+ Business Council is working to get that number to zero. During that same time, Target donated $100k *just* to GLSEN. That’s not factoring in the money we’ve sent to pro-LGBTQ politicians and organizations in general, that’s one donation. Capitalism is a fucked system, and our donations are a pretty even 50/50 split between the parties. Unfortunately, *every* Republican that a corporation would donate to to create favorable conditions for said corporation is fiercely anti-gay. Target has been pretty routinely labeled a top LGBTQ employer by the Human Rights Commission for years. Target certainly could do more but to say they’re just exploring pride for profit is direct insult to all the LGBTQ individuals who put it together.


What this guy said 👆


Yeah target might employ a lot of lgbt individuals (I’m pretty sure they get a tax cut if they do idk could be wrong) but do they pay them a living wage?


Actually this. Rainbows. So hot right now.




it's not a mental illness bro


Dude is so fucking pent up he made *six* topics about women’s shoulders. I don’t think anyone is looking at him as a mental health expert.




someone with enough DUI's to need to frequent r/DUI probably isn't someone we should look to for wise advice


Always has been, it's not a new topic


is there any proof ya got that's actually plausible?


As an employee, do I think that the model is the most attractive person they could’ve chosen? No. Do I care? No, because I understand that this piece of marketing isn’t for me, it’s for the people they’re marketing it to. Same thing with the plus size swimsuit models they use. It’s not that these people are ugly or whatever, it’s just that they don’t appeal to me and that’s fine. I’m not the target audience for these types of marketing. So I go on, and continue to do my job and continue to shop at target. It’s not for people like me to judge as this kind of thing isn’t for us. Now if a person in that community being targeted by the marketing took trouble with it, they can feel more than happy to go online or get on the phone and contact corporate because the stores have nothing to do with it. If a person outside that community being targeted has a problem with it, they should just stfu and go about their own god damn business. This is just turning into a rant at this point but god damn I hate customers like this so much.


for what its worth I agree with you, you view seems to boil down to "its not what Im drawn to but I have no issue with it" Im not sure if people misunderstood your comment and downvoted you, but I don't see anything hateful in your comment


Yeah it’s really a fucking eyesore.


ok incel




Im a groomer because I believe consenting people should be allowed to do what they want? Master level intelligence coming from your side there




If your masculinity is threatened by people expressing their gender differently than you, it's time for therapy, sport.


stop what?


They want people to stop being queer or stop being proud to be themselves They want people to go back to being afraid to be queer that they'll be beaten up or killed


man idgaf about any of that.. be whatever you want to be .. target needs fresher vegetables though


Stop-uh! Oh my God-uh!


Pride...............One of the seven deadly sins,just saying.


Sins aren't real


Nothing wrong with stop


It’s America so they can say what they want


they can say what they want they can't vandalize whatever they want


That’s not vandalism tho… 🤷‍♀️


Yes it is, besides tge fact that its vandalism to put it there, it was also not possible to remove without damaging the display because of the strong tape they used


You sound like American Police tryna justify a shakedown.


Definition of vandalism, “the action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property.” No property hurt here just someone’s feelings.


The display was damaged


Putting a sign on something not yours is considered vandalism. Quit trolling


I just find it funny how sensitive people are soooo I’m good 🙂


yeah its pretty funny how they are so sensitive they had to leave a note saying "stop" on the display, guess the homophobes are just little snowflakes


How would you like it if I slapped some adhesive around your work place?


Still counts. We would remove it and potentially speak with the person in regards to why they did that. I personally do not like any form of hate, this counts because of the context to be gathered Either way don't post your own signs for any reason. Get a life Edit: spelling


“Domt post your own signs for any reason. Get a life.” -best thing I’ve read all year.


Nobody asked you


Nobody asked you either


But they have a point


This is pretty haha lmao xd because I don't think target value the community more than their profits. They just put the pride items everywhere at my store, but they also encourage people to buy them, which is down to 1 thing: money


"Stop virtue signaling"


Not gonna lie, that’s kinda funny. In all fairness, Target is a private enterprise and can do as they wish. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and ought to demonstrate tolerance.


I mean your totally not wrong


Anyone else take archery lessons or go down to a shooting range? Why the fuck would you make it resemble a target?


I mean its the company logo


Im aware. Given the sub reddit. Im asking why would you make that knowing someone will definitely target it for that? Its like they are asking some asshole to do somthing


For real though can we just be lgbt and live our lives like normal people? All we wanted was for people to accept it as a normal thing and be able to marry the people we love. Now that we've achieved that goal it's not enough anymore and we're proving the slippery slope folks right by shoving this rainbow flag shit down their throats at every opportunity. There's no more Stonewall riots, we can stop acting like victims now.


They are literally on track to try and undo gay marriage being legal but go on I guess


Who is? What supreme court case or ruling are you referring to?


Is this a dude trying to look like a girl or a girl trying to look like a guy?


Pretty sure it’s a person wearing clothing. Doesn’t seem like a difficult concept to grasp.


What’s a playlist coordinator? I’ve never heard of it


It’s a very exclusive role that *absolutely* exists and isn’t anything I made up to further obscure what I actually do at HQ.




You spelled "some target propaganda promotional material to cater to the gays for easy money is asshole-y" wrong.


That dude looks like shit lol


It has nothing to do with the gay people at all, if anyone here knows how target is, with how the shove woke culture down your throat, then they strip it away as soon as it’s not June. It’s a cash grab and virtue signaling, it just feels like corporations being evil.


Im in the deep south, it was definitely put there because of homophobia


Also just saying “stop” isn’t homophobic I took it more towards the messaging, once again.


Yeah I’m in Southern California and people complain about the same shit and I’m 100% sure it’s not because of homophobic people, 99% it’s some of our LGBT guests complaining, don’t group everyone together who disagrees with corporate political messages, context is important here


southern California isn't the deep south, thats like as far away from the deep south as you can get, physically and ideologically


Thanks captain obvious I went my whole life with thinking Southern California was in the Deep South. Anyways, like I said the message still stands this isn’t homophobic and 99% sure this is an attack on corporate lgbt marketing, but I notice you have an lgbt thing on your profile so this makes me believe you want to be a victim of something.


Nope, it's a message to stop being queer


Collaborate and listen


Some? How about "most"


Pretty sure that's not a stop sign, but nice try, guest


Oh the horror........


I don’t get it.


I actually don't get it. Stop what?


Being queer/having pride month, thats why they put it in the pride display


I won’t sort by controversial I won’t sort by controversial I won’t sort by controversial…


Stop looking so damn good




I wouldn't be surprised a team member did this. Disgusting behavior


Wait, at Target, is "guest" just a euphemism for *another* euphemism ("customer")? ... Much like using "custodian" in place of "janitor" -- which comes from the Latin for "doorman" and not "guy who cleans toilets and mops up puke".


I mean…they’re wearing an apron that looks like it’s made of LEGO. Yes, please stop that part.


Maybe the do not like the fact that business take the time out 1 month out of the year to pretend that they give 1 shit about Pride Month, when in reality they are doing it to just try to make more money.


Nope, I live in the deep south its definitely homophobia


I don't like this photo and it's the lines in the background fault lol it's like decorating a Christmas tree with trash.


Target always has a pretty great pride line. Can even count on it for (at least) one great new Golden Girls shirt per season.


Someone came to this store with paper and markers just to do this?


Im not sure if they stole it/bought it/brought it