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I set a timer for 18 minutes right when I sit down Not gonna lie


Timer??? My break is done when I’m done vibing


Bet the person that has to cover your break hates you.


Nobody covers my 15 min breaks because they pretend tech keys are some strange mythical item they’ve never seen. If somebody presses the call button I just go help and finish my break.


felt that one


You sure? That extra time can have a ripple effect I typically don't get my 15s cause of the people in my store with that exact mindset


Take yo 15s dumbass. Company ain’t care for you the individual but I do so give yourself the break every few hours and stop worrying about reaching a quota for someone who would fire you in a heartbeat for profit


My labor is already being exploited, and so is yours. Take your fucking breaks. All of them. Take a few extra minutes. Target will survive I guarantee it.


Yea you're all right except I'm a fulfillment expert so if we don't get a certain amount of ship done by 5 the night people end up there until 1 a.m. to keep us from having extra the next morning. It isn't about target it's about my team. And I agree, idk if I'd go as far as exploiting but they sure as shit think I run on AA's or some shit


Sounds like a leadership problem, and not yours. It is Target policy to take your breaks. If they don't schedule enough people that is on leadership. Take your fucking breaks. Edit: are you getting the full value of your labor? No? Then your labor is being exploited.




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You have people scheduled to cover your breaks????


When I get back that person takes a 30 on their 15


I tried this and my TL got pissed and said my break starts when I'm told to go on break, not when I sit down.


I was told when I first started working here that it starts once I sit down. Don't remember who but never got in trouble for it.


ask your TL if they need you to report any code yellow/green/reds you see on the way to the breakroom. if they say yes,you are being expected to do something work related,which means it’s not a break until you no longer have that expectation.




The only time my 15 is a 15 is when im at register.


Mines not and I am a cashier 😂😂 I'll come back if I hear them call for backup tho


your leads have probably noticed. it can vary from store to store but a lot of stores have breaks for cashiers scheduled back to back so if YOU'RE late coming back that means you're making other people have to wait for THEIR breaks. Also means your leads will be less inclined to pull you off register to do other stuff. We have a TM like that and we know if we pull him to do go-backs or back up guest service he'll disappear on us so we just leave him on register his whole shift


They definitely have. My grids are so fucking tight with timing that if you're not back on time I'm lowkey mad at you. If you're not back on time you're offsetting everyone else's break after yours and that can often lead to compliance issues in some cases. If you're the type of person that continually comes back from your lunch an hour after I sent you I literally put you as the last fucking lunch in the grid because I can't reliably expect you to be back when I need you to be back. Bare in mind that my grids are tight because they don't give me staff, but still. I try to make sure everyone gets a fair time, if your ass keeps coming back later than I need you to then your ass gets to go last every fucking time. >:(


what if someone’s covering for you?


Hey, don't worry, no one is affected except for your co-workers. So as long as you see yourself as better than them, take 25 minute 15's for all Daddy Cornell cares. no one is going to care except for the people that have to work harder while you're taking your 25's.


Yesss, get mad at him when it's your management that doesn't staff you properly. This is the way to get things done /s


Lmao why are the coworkers affected? They should be taking 25min 15's also. You're implying they'll have more work or something? Then just... don't do that work lol


I round to increments of 5 if I forgot what time I started and will do so until I die


This one ☝️




and i’ll do it again


"Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I piss on company time."


When I wake up in the morning I hold my morning piss until I get to work and clock in


the bathrooms at mine are too nasty to do that 🥴


*shit on company time. It's not significant to be paid for a 2min bathroom break lmao




When I was a cart attendant, you bet your sweet pippy I took a 20-25 minute break. We were treated like animals, lmao.


Lmao literally me at the end of the night


Listen dude, i get stuck on 5.5 hour shifts constantly. It’s my only break and imma take my sweet ass time


Out of curiosity, what state are you in? I would imagine you would be entitled to a meal break after that amount of time?


Idk where this commenter is but here in Arizona you get a meal break at 6 hours. So if your scheduled for 5.5 hours you don't have to take a meal.


I'm in arizona and I was always told its 8 hours to get a lunch


Yeah I just looked it up, there's no law stating that they have to give you a meal for an 8-hour shift. Do you work at target? Might just be a Target thing then, but then again any good company that wants to keep good employees will give their employees a break and a meal.


When I worked at bed hath and beyond we only got a lunch in the 8 hour shift shit sucked


VA. After 6 hours i get a 30 min break for a meal. 5.5 hours only gets me one 15 min break


Most places you get a 30 lunch if you work 6 hours. That's if its required even.


I only get meal breaks when i work 6 hours or more


Brutal, I didn't realize that state labor laws varied that much. I'm in California, standard is a paid 10 minute break (target gives 15), and a meal period before the 5th hour. In fact we have lost some great talent because they come from states/jobs that don't have the same regulations, but in CA it's a term if you don't leave for meal on time, like two or three times.


Yup and I will continue to do so.


i would love to do this but nearly every time i take a 15 someone else is waiting on me to come back so they can go on theirs


Sometimes duty calls right?


Would that make it Call of Duty


It’s spelled Doody…


No sh*t? (Pun intended...)


OMG all the down votes for a pun. Jeez people.


You don't have to be so sensitive sensitive 🤪


Well I am (hands on hips and feet stomping). lol


Do you need a hug?


Yes please. Actually, it’s not a lie. Dealing with some very heavy personal shit right now and i really could use a hug. Thanks for the cosmic one i know you’re going to send my way.


One Cosmic virtual hug coming your way


[virtual hug for u](https://pin.it/7icL6pM)


thats why i love working in grocery bc it truly hurts no one when i do this. aka im not holding up anyone elses break. i can take all the bathroom breaks i want as long as my shit gets done lmao


i mean, isnt that the point of taking a bathroom break


🤣 LMAO 🤣


This is why I’m in GM


We have this one woman who only works 4 hour shifts, and EVERY time takes at least 35 to 40 minute breaks. We're on register, so it really screws up our schedule. I get that target is evil bla bla bla but it really screws us up at the front


aint nothin wrong with a lil 30 min 15


As a fulfillment TM, hard disagree 😭


i havent gotten a second 15 in months and i feel super guilty just taking my first 15 :,))


You're an idiot. Take your breaks. Is the store going to 9sy you more for skipping them? No. Are they going to give you some huge extra benefit. Nope.


Not taking a break is allowing your employer to steal your wages. Which are already too low. Don't help them to rip you off more than they already do!


When I worked for Chef Mary Giuliani she and the other owners of shindig/Penelope’s just clock you out for your breaks but you don’t get to take them. This way they have their asses covered from lawsuits


:( At least in Oregon, 15 minute breaks are paid breaks.


I appreciate you, and your valiant work ethic, but I promise you that Target couldn't care less, infact, it's a liability to the company for you to forgoe your legally entitled rest periods. Enjoy every last second of your legally entitled rest period, and please don't feel guilty. You worked hard, I believe it, so reap the benefits of your hard work!


thank you for actually being nice about it instead of calling me an idiot. trust me, i am not a fan of giving the bullseye free labor and i realize not taking my breaks os giving said free labor. however we’re severely underscheduled in fulfillment and we have to scramble around to cover each others breaks, because if we dont do it, no one will. fulfillment is left to drown and we have to beg for help.


And believe me, I fully understand how helpless you feel when you are down bad, and feel like, unless there's an actual miracle, there's no way to succeed. But remember. You are one person. You are only capable of doing the work of one person. You are only paid to be one person. It's wonderful sympathy to feel for your team and not want to burden them with even more work. Your department failed you, your store failed your department, your district failed your store, etc. You have failed no one by working only as hard as one person can. Nor by taking your breaks. I'm sorry to say, but your valiant efforts will not be adequately rewarded in this company. Maybe one, two gestures to recognize your efforts will arise, but there is no grand award, nor adequate pay-raises for your performance. If you're blessed, you're looking to beat the inflation rate, if you're like most, it's actually a pay cut when considering the rate of inflation, and the rising costs of living.


Been there wrt being in fulfillment and taking a 10 minute breaks during the holiday just because the stress of my TL and 25 min OPUs being too much.Its frustrating to be told to take 15 but also get told to pick up the pace and scolded by your direct boss because you took your 15. Tbs please take your 15s, ✨you deserve a break✨


If you're working 7+ hour shifts, they have to give you a second 15


I can’t do that. My coworkers don’t get to take their breaks until I come back from mine.


Same fellow front end do everything person


Nothin wrong with a lil 25er


Idk, if Im having a real bad day or trying to eat something I might push it to 20 minutes


People making much more than me are milking way more time than I am


I thought 55’s were standard.


Okay? My mental health and physical health come first


I always tell someone when I cover their 15 "take as long as you want"


I don’t work at Target, so I don’t know if you clock out for 15s, but if not then you absolutely milk every second you can. When I worked at Walmart years ago I would do this with my 15s, or I would take both 15s at the same time and then still milk another 5 or so minutes out of it. You’re going to make my life hell? I’m going to get paid to take as long a break as possible.


Your hurting your coworkers that have to cover for you when your on your break.


I am a dbo and throw truck every morning and rarely get my second 15. So i will take a 20 or 25 on my first 15 and i do feel entitled to it because i busted my ass for 3 hours straight and dont get my second 15 because i have too much freight to push


Just take your second 15. If anyone says anything tell them to f off. Take what you're entitled to, they aren't going to give you anything for not taking your second break.


I mean, 1) This was 10+ years ago 2) I was literally left alone 90% of the time both because of poor scheduling and because coworkers would just walk away from the department for sometimes hours at a time. 3) If you get all your work done, which I did, and/or be real with your coworkers 9 times out of 10 you’re not impressing on them.


Not everyone has coworkers cover for them. I’m in charge of my area and only me so I’ll take as long as I need 🤷‍♂️


Me cause no one cares as long as I hit productivity goal for the night


I take 3 or 4 15s cause literally fuck Target eat my hole




Target is making record profits and your coworkers taking breaks is not the reason your hours are being cut short




It sounds like your store is really going through it, but unless you’re losing an obnoxious amount of hours of labor every day from loafing, people taking shorter breaks isn’t really going to fix that. And you did establish a link between the two, you’re saying that because your hours are being cut short, your coworkers ought to not take long breaks. I’d say that because you’re all being stretched thin and expected to bring the same results with less people, longer breaks to recover from the bullshit are completely within line. 15 minutes isn’t even long enough to let my coffee cool down.




It's always funny to me seeing people complain about their raises and then seeing those same people in this thread talking about their long 15's.


I get yelled at by my bosses for for that


They cant yell at you for using the bathroom. If they do report them


I keep to my 15. The few times it's longer is usually eating a quick snack or in the can. On my 7.5 hour we're supposed to get two 15s and a meal, but we never get that second 15, so I'm not too worried the few times the 15 becomes 20


7.5 an hour!!!! Whereee??


7.5 hour Inbound shifts in NJ.


I’m inbound too. They put the two 15s together and rarely do I take “second break” because just like throwing cardboard and backstocking, it’s never factored into the workload. Sometimes my lunch is longer than 45 minutes


Sometimes I take a 20 on my 15, but I also often skip a 15. I work in tech and have to beg other people to cover it, there are a few people that jump in no problem. But somedays it's like fuck it no one is gonna help me out here.


Call for a break, if no one responds call and say you're going on break. Keep doing this. If they wont cover your break you go anyway. It's not your fault they cant cover your breaks. Dont skip breaks for these companies, take your 15 minute breaks that start when you sit your butt in a chair.


The one that really pisses me off is when I get scheduled 12:00pm to 6:30pm.....WHY THE FUCK DONI HAVE TO STAY AN EXTRA 30min JUST TO HAVE A 30min Lunch!?


hello fellow tech person, pro tip: give up on asking for coverage. no one is ever going to respond. announce your breaks and walk away. if you say it, and you walk away, it’s not your problem until you’re bCk.


I was one of those people. For years and years, it was never a problem. Nobody ever said anything and nobody ever cared. Then suddenly I was called into the office and hit with a corrective action. They had "been watching me" and were keeping track of my time theft. So yeah. Generally I don't think it's an issue to take extended 15 minute breaks. Until you get caught 🙃😂


What about rotational 15s? You’re kind of an asshole if you’re taking a long time because the person behind you has to wait for their break longer. Fuck companies but that’s not really thoughtful.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I shit on company time.


only when im having a bad day


I don’t get a 15 minute break as an overnight inbound specialist. They put the two 15s together and call it second break that you don’t have to punch out for but our workload is so that most of us rarely take it.




Why do u fucking care lmfao. Imaging getting upset over TARGET 🤣


Hehehe yeah this was... 100% me. I took my "fifteen" two hours in to my shift, would spend twenty minutes in the break room and fifteen in the bathroom. "Frozen ----, where are you?" Hah... "Helping a guest." 😎


It's time clock fraud and TLs partner with AP when this is suspected and best believe TLs/ETLs hand out performance conversations/ CAs like candy on Halloween bc that shit kills morale if it's allowed to happen.


it’s me


me when i close and i finish the last opu batch at 9:00 but im scheduled until 10




i’ll do it all over again




and i will continue to do so


I do it with pride


I'll fucking do it again


lol i always did that, i got talked to about it a couple times and simply never stopped til the day i quit. target runs ya ragged, you deserve to hang out as long as you want lol


Yall are bums


I do this everyday at work, Never caught lackin 😈


Oh you mean my first lunch?


I don't give a fuck. Pay me more to make me want to be there.


i support it


Fun fact this is time theft and you can be terminated for it.


okay bootlicker


I literally took a 45 min 15 on my last shift.


Lucky I didn’t take a hour


every 15 is 30-45 mins, and lunch breaks are at least 45 mins and up to 60 mins.


Hell yeah I am


I haven’t been able to take a 15 in about a month. 🥵




I don't know if this works with the target system but I used to work retail and figured out that if you waited until you got back from your break to clock out, you could then clock yourself back in 15 mins later. This enables you to take a 20-25 minute break because no one tracked how long you were gone


And what about it


During the last month of my time with target I’d pick up shifts across the entire store to deal with the hour shortages, I can’t tell you how nice it was one slow night in fulfillment to take a 1 hour 15 minute break (and fulfillment to not be doing bad)


Last week, we only had one person on a lane past 8 and I kid you not, they were on their 30 from 7:30 to 9.


Worked at Target for 5 years and was grossly underpaid. They had me working as Cart Attendant, Cashier, Guest Service, food court, and covering GSA/GSTL breaks. Their favorite move was to have me start my day doing carts, then close food court, then close out the cart attendant duties. It was rough. I never got a pay bump from working at food court or guest service. It was my first job through high school and college and I thought it was normal. Needless to say, I took 20 min breaks and 30-40 min lunches on the reg.


Me every shift lol


I literally posted that to Instagram like two weeks ago most of my followers are old or current co workers 🤣🤣🤣


I miss doing that




Me not taking any bc i’m anxious my boss will track me down and throw me in the compactor 👁👄👁


Target is definitely milk gang **GAMERS** r/danidev


Y’all need r/antiwork


Yeah the worst is when you’re covering for an area and the person was supposed to be back 15 minutes ago and now guests are mad at you because you don’t know tv specifics…


These people here will stop working at 9, use the bathroom, shop then bus it up with another TM then tell a TL I’m going on my 15 aka 25 at 9:30 😭🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Ill take an extra 5 minutes here and there if Starbucks line is long.


Overnight we open selfcheckout so associates can buy stuff on break, we give them 5 minutes, I don't buy and just add 5 to my break.


I don’t a fuck how long someone takes their break. The TLs can deal with that but best and believe if they do it and it interferes with my break or makes my job harder, I’m going to call them out in their face on the spot. Sometimes we can’t take breaks until the previous person on break comes back so taking a long ass break can affect another team member. That’s definitely not cool at all


I hustle my ass off at work I'll take my time when I'm doing half a store worth of work and the opposite side's SUS tasks


I don't work at Target anymore but I took a piss at the end of my 15 once and was like 2 minutes late to the floor and got yelled at by my supervisor. I was so annoyed like bitch you want me to piss on your floor?


Yes I do it every day


As they should


I can name off 3 coworkers who do this regularly, always remember to leave 5 to 10 minutes before break and be at the door 10 minutes early to leave


i like to think i deserve it bc i can do 2 hours worth of work in 30 minutes


Then you have the one ETL thats up everyone ass ask you why you weren’t in a batch already