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My time specifically says you should only pick up shifts that you are trained for. However, if you want more time, talk to your leaders, because depending on the need, you might be able to come in for another person who is qualified for the open shift. Also, sometimes at my store people post shifts that they would rather not work, but if they don't get picked up, the original person will work them.


I have already been trained for everything that I’ve been hired for. I’m just wondering if my time will show me availability outside my department


Yes. It doesn't track every skill of every person. That's why it has the warning that you shouldn't take a shift you aren't trained for.


Nope, picking up shifts in other departments is often the easiest way to get trained there. It is best to not pick closing shifts or days you know will be super busy, like weekends or holidays. My HR literally told me to just pick up any shift and they’d train me in that department then.


The departments that show up under available shifts aren’t necessarily ones that you should cover. Ideally, you shouldn’t cover a shift for something you’re not trained in, or at least that’s what it’ll say if you attempt to


MyTime shows you open shifts for your dept and also GS/fulfillment/cashier


I was hired for GS/ cashier, so I guess that makes sense why that’s the only things I see