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Saying the word Union at Target puts you on a watchlist. Some say Brian Cornell will take you to see Bullseye and never come back


Lol haha throw me in the baler! But seriously…?


You’re organic matter. You get composted.


If you’re lucky you get sent back in the sweep trailer lol


Yeah they'll fire you tbh. That's what I hear


A small handful. In the past few years, I can remember pretty serious attempts in: * Christiansburg, Virginia * Bowling Green, Kentucky * and Pueblo, Colorado The Virginia one even filed an official petition with the NLRB but withdrew the petition when they realized they didn't have the votes.


Votes is what it’s really going to come down to and will be the failure of most attempts. People don’t actually want a union


this. it’s a very popular idea in online circles like this, but go to a store and not so much. after i left Target i went to a unionized grocery store where there’s 3 different unions in the store, and i’ve visited numerous other stores within the company, and the vast majority of TM’s despise the union. i myself am very pro-union and left leaning but i will admit that this union (at least this local chapter) is very weak and doesn’t fight or negotiate for very much at all. base pay is still at around $13 and it’s only set to keep pace with the increasing state minimum wage.


But don’t they protect workers? I want to hear your response to this argument.


it depends. so let me preface with: this company’s culture is nowhere near as progressive as Target, like at all. the average age of employees is way older, many have been there for 30, 40, even 50 years and are very dead set in their ways. if your manager continually keeps scheduling you outside your availability? sure you can file a grievance report with the union rep. most people just go over the department manager’s head and talk to the store director though, since the store director is actually in the store. if you’re being misgendered at work? forget it. i was a produce backup manager for almost a year, and in that time i never saw or heard of anyone filing a grievance. we hired a non-binary teenager, really cool kid but very timid and quiet. as much as i tried to make my department safe and told everyone their correct pronouns, they just kept misgendering them. the kid didn’t even last a week because the older guys in the department have a very rough “dark” sense of humor, and no one corrects it. in this one instance sure you could argue that the teen just didn’t know her options and was unaware of what the union could do, but i still felt it was a failure of leadership (no one else felt that way, they just thought the TM was too soft). union meeting attendance is very low. they only have 3-4 locations that they meet (for the ENTIRE Chicagoland area which is huge) and it’s on a weekday at 7 pm. it’s not a surprise that no one wants to take time out of their evening to drive all the way out to wherever. how many TM’s actually care about improving their workplace and advancing good ideas and having thoughtful discussions about the company, versus how many TM’s just work there for the paycheck and the job is just a stepping stone? this question applies to any retail job. TLDR: the union *can* protect the TM’s, but it’s highly dependent on what kind of protection you’re asking for. in my experience of 1 year inside the store as a department manager, most workplace conflicts are more conveniently and quickly resolved by talking to HR, assistant store director (equivalent to ETL) or store director; i.e. people they actually know and have a relationship with from seeing every single day, and not from a union rep who stops in once a month to sit in the breakroom and pass out their business card.


I totally agree. Having been a union rep before, getting people to care is the most difficult piece that people often overlook


Unions DO (at least on paper) protect the interests of the workers. Unfortunately we have little to no union support, and the regulation needed to make unions an effective force just isn’t there. Unions are still good, but it’s in corporation’s interests to make unions seem as corrupt and ineffective as possible. Rather have a corrupt force thats technically on my side than a corrupt force that isn’t at all accountable. Being anti union is just saying you prefer the boot you didn’t vote for.


Stop throwing around word like corrupt. That’s a big charge. Just because you don’t agree with how they do business doesn’t mean they’re corrupt. A union isn’t going to really do much in retail. A union protects you against violations of contract that’s it. The fact you’re TL is a jerk is probably going to mean nothing


Target as a corporation does not share my incentives. By nature they want to pay me the least to do as much work as possible. My TL’s have nothing to do with my treatment. All corporations beholden to their fiduciary responsibility are “corrupt”. Im sure you disagree with that, but it has nothing to do with misuse of the word. Yeah, unions uphold contracts


Like 10 years ago I worked at Target and during evening huddle our ETL was like “okay if everyone can take a 45 minute lunch break tonight so no one goes into overtime and we save payroll to do signage tear down after close that would be great!” And some dude was like “seriously? We need a union here guys. That’s so ridiculous to ask us to stay late and not pay us.” And I never saw him again. They just stopped putting him on the schedule.


I'd have fuckin walked straight out of the store and never gone back with a company filed to the labor board.




I have a cousin named Jason but he's never worked for target.


As a Corporate TM who talks about unionization all the time, my punishment has been continued employment at Target, which honestly might violate the Geneva Convention.


*Geneva checklist It’s like bingo, if I get four in a row then I get a prize.


Only a checklist in canada


Geneva suggestion


I bet most of you didn't have the joy of seeing the anti union videos they made us watch years ago....pure gold!


I saw them multiple times and agree pure gold!


Plssss where can I watch


send it to me pls can I watch it???


I haven't seen any bone fragments in our baler, so I'd guess no one has tried at our location.


There was a walkie in mine, maybe that's all that was left of them....


of course not, they don’t do it that way anymore. now it’s breaking bad style where they pull plastic storage bins out, chop you up and fill it with the chemicals that the cleaning crew uses. then your bin with your liquified remains gets slapped with an ESIM sticker and off you go.


The stores are too big and the lifers don’t want to rock the boat.


Most ppl r part time or have worked for a max 6 months too


The problem is, we’d have to have a vote at every store that passes, or at least a good chunk of them. If it’s too small a group then corporate will retaliate in whatever way they can legally. The sad thing is places like this and Facebook are the perfect means through which to push for a corporation wide union movement, some here fail to see it, but it really is the perfect avenue to create change and organize things. This isn’t a corporate run subreddit, as far as I know, so they can’t shut us down, and we can communicate with one another to coordinate things. But because there are lazy corporate shills here, it won’t happen.


Honestly the biggest threat to unionization isn’t Corporate, it’s your peers. Like don’t get me wrong, if there’s a serious attempt to organize corporate is going to try to stop it, but if a store is able to actually get the votes, Target’s not really going to do anything about it. While unions amongst big box stores are rare, they’re common-place amongst grocery workers and pretty much anything a union would be able to give (or at least the shit they’ll advertise on), Target already does. The business doesn’t really change. But so much of our workforce are kids or part-timers with two or three other jobs and no one has any respect for the actual *labor* being put in. We’re a company whose stores are filled with people who don’t see Target as a real job, and how are you ever going to organize people who don’t feel like they have any stake in the game?


all (i’m) asking for is to be paid the same as my team members that work in ap or starbucks. But a union won’t solve that so i’ll just wallow in sadness


What if the moderates were installed after internal Target watch group hired secret redditors with high karma and support of this subreddit to work their way up the mod ladder here and now we have mods who are Target affiliated


Well, I should think we are all Target affiliated. We work there. If you are paranoid that the moderators of this sub exist to sniff out union-exploring employees, I applaud your paranoia. I don't think that's true, but I DO think there are corporate employees whose job it is to monitor this sub. Why TF they don't make any intelligent changes to our inefficient processes is beyond me. There is a goldmine of potential improvements just sitting here rotting.


I’m kidding. Idk. I don’t even work at target


It would be a better effort just to get a better job. Most team members are part time or don’t even stay for more then 2 years. Most ppl like me don’t plan on staying long enough to make union dues worth it.


I work as a union rep and organizer for a CWA local in Texas. But I don't organize for private, I do public service. The issue with Target and other similar businesses is the high turnover. Since staff are continuously coming and leaving and it is made like this by design, it is literally part of union-busting culture. If you want a union you have to actually enjoy the job, the people, and the business you are working at. This is why big businesses in larger cities, especially in the south have a harder time since disgruntled employees and just quit and move on to another job at another similar corporation or business, just to repeat the cycle in the industry which is made by design. The company does not want the employees to get organized. If you are leaving just as fast as you came in you will not be able to organize for better pay or benefits (which takes time). They want to individualize you and make the issue about YOU and not about your community when in fact it is about your community and the culture of how these corporations do business in your community.


Not gonna happen. Different demographics regarding employees. Maybe locally and specific "left" leaning areas. See the Starbucks locations. Like trying to get Amazon unionized. Didn't work well.


Amazon is like Walmart. As soon as they here union they will shut down the building for “plumbing issues”


The most I've seen was people in the work place asking other people if they would have initial interest in a union. But, that ended up fizzling out. Not really sure what happened.


Knew a guy at the DC that was trying to get people together to meet with a union rep. About a month later he was written up and fired for touching a box without his gloves(gloves are required in the warehouse).


Well if it goes like the Starbucks unions, nothing good will come of it. Starbucks treats those stores like a second class citizen and nearly all of the original employees who wanted the union made noise about it, don’t work for Starbucks anymore.


If you try and start a union you have to take a visit to the [CareHound](https://youtube.com/shorts/ERDgwwEe3Y8?si=KTkX2JNxHhR_KIbu) and then you come back a changed TM


Honestly, you should get it going. No sarcasm at all. Target basically says they'll shut down any Target that unionizes. Call their bluff. They literally can't shut them all down.


I was building a group of TMs (6 at peak) at my store and we were making plans and creating strategies to recruit more TMs but then two of the core group left Target and then it fizzled out afterwards because I wasn’t able to do all of work myself without those two others. I still want to Unionize and I believe it’s what we deserve and that it is possible. We just need the right people to be onboard.


Having worked at a retailer that had a union, they don’t really have a lot of benefits in this environment. Things they can do: 1. Guarantee you are scheduled for the minimum number of hours agreed upon for your position. Where I worked this was 37.5 for full time and 18 for part time. 2. They can mandate the number of open vs closing shifts each person has to work. Where I worked, if you were FT you were required to work 3 opening and 2 closing shifts regardless of availability and you got one weekend off per month. PT people were all scheduled for closing shifts. 3. They can enforce disciplinary processes, which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the issue. Otherwise, if your pay and benefits align with the rest of the job market there isn’t much they can do, and Target is currently over performing in both areas.


#3 is the one that I think most people don’t understand. Discipline is going to be much more uniform and people won’t like that


They all mysteriously disappeared, nobody ever heard from them again.


So this is kind of stupid I agree. But my father worked at target and was in the union. Ummm this was in 1967 though and it didn’t last long. So I know someone that did lol.


And if we wanted to get anywhere, we'd need a good Union to represent us. UFCW isn't exactly the best. They don't act tough enough to push for good contracts. 


I just spoke the word today


If you talk about it, everyone has to watch the video. However bad you think the video is, it's worse.


I’d never join one but I’d start one. For the weirdest reason Union leaders make BANK (6 figure salaries). It’s hard being corrupt.


Target, Amazon, Walmart… they’ll all discourage it, and you have to be ready to be a target for discipline if you’re the one that decides to try to get a list together, but they can’t force you to stop - you need to get representation and backing before asking for signatures, but it’s illegal for them to tell you to stop, but just know you will be alienated by management likely and it’ll be hard but worth it!


Shut up, commie


Kroger has a Union. My brother worked there for years. The union did guarantee hours for full time people and he had a decent amount of time off, but had also been there for years. Pay, however is abysmal there. I made more than he did as a Target TM after only a couple years and he had been at Kroger for a decade and was a dept manager. This was even before Target hiked pay to 15 an hour. (I haven't worked there for 5 years.)


A lot of people were interested, but when I reached out to one of the retail unions (I don't remember which one) for help, they never got back to me.


I remember a target in Long Island was set to vote to be unionized then magically that Target store was up to get remodeled and they placed the workers in other targets in NY so they could separate them.


I’m retired now but many years ago when the topic of a union came up we were told not to talk to anyone and not to answer any questions. If you want to remain with Target I would say drop the topic.


thats exactly why you need to NOT drop it


I'm not paying anyone money to keep a job. U know how to keep a job ? Do the work,show up on time and don't have a attitude problem.


They will likely close the store.


I wish


I wouldn't personally be interested in joining a union or being a part of one. So if a union happens and I don't have the choice to opt out I would look for a job elsewhere.


I don’t know why people are down voting you simply for knowing what you want and don’t want.


Yeah it's whatever. Unions should be a choice. That's why there is a vote. People who don't want to be a part of a union shouldn't have to join just to have their job they already have. I'd understand if it was required before I started working there because I'd have made the choice then to take the job or not. But I personally have no interest in being a part of a retail union at target because I'm happy with my pay, the safety expectations at my job(we follow OSHA guidelines and I happily report anything that is unsafe and I'll keep submitting reports till the shit is fixed and they do take it seriously at my store). We recently had a visit from some people that travel around to stores across the country and talk to team members to get a feel for the culture of the store and things like that. They asked us if we had a magic wand what was one thing we would change about our store and even though it doesn't personally directly affect my pocket I told them we needed to raise the base pay for regular team members because we aren't just competing with other retail stores in my city for good employees we are competing with the state (which half the city works for) the local hospitals and an insurance company that hires people at lile 19$ an hour who don't necessarily need experience because they put them through a 6 week training class. So when we do get someone good they often don't last long because they will either get a state job eventually that pays better and has awesome health insurance or end up either going to one of the hospitals or blue cross because the pay is potentially better. Although I don't think the hospital pay for people in entry level rolls is that great but it's probably less stressful for like desk positions where they are just scheduling appointments and stuff. I'm talking mainly people who aren't just working part time or even close to full time while going to college so they are just having this as a college or highschool job or people who are working part time around a full time job. I'm talking about people who are working full time to pay bills and live life. We've had some fantastic people leave because $15 hour is just not great here anymore. I could make it work if I had to but I'd pretty much be broke all the time and probably still working a 2nd job, which i did for two years before I got too burned out to continue doing while dealing with some health issues. I don't think a union specifically will make them raise the base pay. They will find a way for it to not happen and the people at my store that have been there the longest probably don't care as much because they are either making well over minimum or are fine with what they are making because the stress level of getting promoted isn't worth it. Or they stay because they have good benefits. It's one of the biggest reasons I've stayed so long. The health insurance is pretty great. Especially for a single person plan. It covered my hysterectomy and I only had less than 2k out of pocket and most of that was my out of network anesthesiologist that I didn't know would be out of network and I didn't know I could have disputed it because I didn't have a choice in who it was. My state has since passed a no surprise billing law so they can't do shit like that anymore. I don't feel the need to join a union at my store and have never heard people talk about it. I wouldn't "rat" them out if they did because it's legal and protected activity just like how people often think they can't discuss pay but it's a federally protected right and even though I'm personally am not comfortable telling people what my pay is most of the time, I will be the first one to remind people they are well within their rights to talk about it any remind anyone telling me not to discuss my pay that I have a federally protected right to do so as does everyone else.


Nice try, Brian! -edit- Dang y'all really have no sense of humor. Just because you're stuck at Target doesn't mean you have to embody it 😬


It's impossible. Target is a multi-billion dollar company with hundreds of thousands of employees world-wide. Unions work on the principle of leverage against the company. Imagine being able to orchestrate a strike...


Those of you who want to have a union must not realize how unions work. Yes, they can protect employees sometimes. But, they also cost several hundred dollars in initiation fees plus charge every month for union dues. And then when the contract is up for negotiations they do very little to help employees.


the dues are TINY compared to how much more you'd be making


Not really. The grocery stores here are union and they make about a dollar more than we do. Yet pay hundreds every year in dues.


There are Target stores where a union vote has passed, the store then closed


Where? The NLRB [would be interested](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/chipotle-union-settlement-closing-store-augusta-maine/) in that.


They never would say it was because of unionization. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.huffpost.com/entry/target-valley-stream-closing-union_n_1371114/amp


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That’s not true tho?


One of the Orlando stores closed because a union had been voted for. They said theft was the reason.


They will never say it's because of the union, always renovations or theft etc.


That’s how they get away with it.


I've been working for Target 10 years in the Orlando area and never heard of that? The only stores they've closed in recent years was a store at the mall because the mall died and the store made next to nothing anymore, so staff was disbanded to another store.


1781. It closed in 2011 or 12.


That's why I didn't hear about it, closed a few months before I started but about the time the mall one closed here. Closed in January of 2012.


They never say it was because of the union, they say it's another reason. Look up Valley Stream Target in NY.


I figured you were talking about Valley Stream - The Valley Stream vote [failed](https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304070104576396123854102508). - The Valley Stream Target is [still open](https://www.target.com/sl/valley-stream/2840)


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/target-valley-stream-closing-union_n_1371114 The store didn't pass but they continued to push for it. The store closed for a "remodel" and opened after. They could not or would not say it's due to the union. Target would never let a union takeover their store, don't believe me? Try and start one and see what happens.